788 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs DAA); Gout (f; DAA; HHB; MAD; PH2); Hematuria (f; MAD); Hepatosis (f; MAD); Inflammation (f; DAA); Jaundice (f; DAA; HHB; MAD); Nephrosis (f; MAD; PH2); Ophthalmia (f; MAD); Pain (f; DAA); Pemphigus (f; DAA); Pertussis (f; DAA); Pharyngosis (f; DAA); Proctosis (f; JLH); Rheumatism (f; DAA; HHB; PH2); Sore (f; DAA; JLH); Sore Throat (f; DAA); Stone (f; MAD); Tonsilosis (f; DAA); Tracheosis (f; DAA); Water Retention (f; DAA; PH2); Worm (f; SKJ; WOI); Wound (f; MAD) Dosages (Winter Cherry) — 15–60 g edible fruit in decoction (HHB); 30 g fruit juice (HHB; MAD); 10–20 berries/day (MAD); 15–30 g shoot in decoction (MAD) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Winter Cherry) — Not covered (AHP) Green fruits can cause poisoning (PH2) WINTERGREEN (Gaultheria procumbens L.) ++ Activities (Wintergreen) — Allergenic (1; PH2); Analgesic (1; CRC; FAD); Antiaggregant (1; FNF); Antiinflammatory (1; FAD); Antirheumatic (1; CRC; PNC); Antiseptic (1; CRC; FAD; PH2); Antitumor (1; FAD); Astringent (1; APA; CEB); Cardioprotective (f; MIC); Carminative (1; APA; CRC; FAD; MAD); Collyrium (f; CRC); Counterirritant (1; APA; CRC); Depurative (f; CEB; DEM); Diuretic (1; APA; CRC; PNC); Emetic (f; CRC); Emmenagogue (f; CEB; CRC); Lactagogue (f; CEB; CRC); Lectinic (1; LEL); Mitogenic (1; CRC; LEL); Nervine (f; CRC); Rubefacient (1; CRC; PHR; PH2); Stimulant (1; APA; CEB; CRC); Tonic (f; DEM); Urinary Antiseptic (1; FNF) W Indications (Wintergreen) — Amenorrhea (f; CEB); Arthrosis (1; DEM; PHR; PH2); Asthma (f; CEB; PHR; PH2); Cancer (1; CEB; FAD; LEL); Cardiopathy (f; MIC); Caries (f; CEB; CRC); Catarrh (f; CRC); Cold (1; DEM; FAD); Colic (1; APA; MAD); Congestion (f; MAD); Conjunctivosis (f; CRC); Cystosis (1; FNF); Debility (f; CEB); Dermatosis (f; CRC); Diabetes (f; CRC); Diaphragmosis (1; MAD; PHR); Diarrhea (f; CEB; CRC); Dropsy (f; CRC); Dysentery (f; DEM); Dysmenorrhea (1; CRC; MAD; PHR); Dyspepsia (1; APA; DEM); Dyspnea (f; CEB; CRC); Edema (1; APA); Epididymosis (1; CRC; MAD; PHR); Fever (1; APA; CRC; FAD; MAD); Flu (f; DEM); Gas (1; APA; CRC; FAD; MAD); Gastrosis (f; CRC; MAD); Gingivosis (f; DEM); Gonorrhea (f; CRC); Gout (1; CRC; MAD); Headache (1; APA; DEM; FAD); Heart (f; MIC); Infection (1; FNF; MAD); Inflammation (1; APA; FAD); Ischiosis (f; MAD); Leukorrhea (f; CRC); Lumbago (1; CRC; DEM; FAD); Myosis (1; APA; FAD); Nephrosis (f; DEM; FAD); Neuralgia (1; FAD; PH2); Ophthalmia (f; CEB); Orchosis (1; CRC; MAD; PHR); Ovariosis (1; Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 789 PHR); Pain (1; APA; CRC; FAD; MAD); Pertussis (f; MAD); Pleurisy (1; PHR); Pleurosis (f; MAD); Pleurodynia (1; CRC; PHR); Rheumatism (1; APA; CRC; FAD; PNC); Sciatica (1; CRC; FAD; PH2); Scrofula (f; CRC); Sniffle (f; MAD); Sore Throat (1; APA; CRC); Sprain (1; FAD); Stomachache (1; DEM; FAD); Stomatosis (f; CRC); Stroke (f; MIC); Tapeworm (f; DEM); Toothache (1; CRC); Tumor (1; FAD); Typhus (f; MAD); VD (f; CRC; DEM); Uterosis (f; MAD); Water Retention (1; APA; CEB; CRC; PNC); Worm (f; DEM) Dosages (Wintergreen) — Never take wintergreen oil internally (APA); tsp leaf/cup water, steeped 5–20 minutes, up to cup/day, one mouthful at a time (APA); 10–20 drops wintergreen oil in capsules or milk (MAD) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Wintergreen) — Class Salicylates and tannins (AHP) AHP gives wintergreen its top score for efficacy (APA) “Not allowed as a nonmedicinal ingredient in oral products in Canada” (Michols, 1995) As little as ml wintergreen oil can be lethal to an infant In the U.S., liquid preparations containing more than ml methyl salicylate must be in child-resistant packaging Mothers are advised that salicylates enter breast milk Some people, especially asthmatics, may be supersensitive to salicylates Caution is always indicated when ingesting any new substance, natural or synthetic (AEH) Wintergreen oil, classified as “very toxic,” contains methyl salicylate as the chief constituent Poisoning from wintergreen oil can cause acid-base imbalance, altered glucose metabolism, and central nervous system toxicity Between ml and 30 ml of wintergreen oil is considered the lethal dose for a 70 kg human CNS symptoms of mild chronic salicylate toxicity include headache, dizziness, tinnitus, difficulty in hearing, dimness of vision, mental confusion, lassitude, and drowsiness More severe symptoms include seizures and coma Fever is usually prominent Severe acute salicylism includes disorientation, irritability, hallucinations, lethargy, stupor, coma, and seizures GI irritation may produce nausea and vomiting, hyperventilation, increased GI losses leading to mild dehydration, which is enhanced by decreased intake of fluid Hypokalemia may result from increased GI and renal losses and systemic alkalosis (AEH1) The prodrug, salicin, which does not irritate the stomach, is metabolized to saligenin in the GI tract and salicylic acid after absorption “Products containing willow should preferably be standardized on their salicin content ” (CAN) Methyl salicylate, the chemical behind the aroma, with antiinflammatory and pain-killing activities, has recently been shown to enable plants to communicate with each other WINTER’S-BARK (Drimys winteri J.R & G Forst.) + Synonyms: D chilensis DC., D winteri var chilensis (DC.) A Gray Activities (Winter’s-Bark) — Analgesic (1; FNF); Antibacterial (1; MPG); Antiseptic (1; MPG); Antiinflammatory (1; MPG); Antileukemic (1; MPG); Antiscorbutic (f; EFS); Astringent (f; EFS); Bitter (1; PH2); Carminative (1; EFS; PH2); Diaphoretic (f; MPG); Stimulant (f; EFS); Stomachic (1; EFS; HHB; PH2); Tonic (1; MPG; PH2) Indications (Winter’s-Bark) — Adenopathy (1; MPG); Anemia (f; MPG); Bacteria (1; MPG); Cancer (1; JFM; JLH; MPG); Candida (1; MPG); Circulosis (f; MPG); Colic (f; PH2); Constipation (f; JFM); Debility (f; MPG); Dermatosis (f; PH2); Diarrhea (f; MPG); Dysentery (f; MPG); Dyspepsia (f; PH2); Enterosis (f; MPG); Fever (f; MPG); Gas (1; EFS; PH2); Gastrosis (f; JFM; MPG); Infection (1; MPG); Inflammation (1; MPG); Leukemia (1; FNF; JFM; MPG); Pain (1; FNF); Respirosis (f; MPG); Rheumatism (f; MPG); Scurvy (1; JFM); Staphylococcus (1; MPG); Toothache (1; FNF; PH2); Yeast (1; MPG) Dosages (Winter’s-Bark) — Steep leaf in a cup boiling water minutes, sweeten to taste (MPG) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Winter’s-Bark) — Not covered (AHP; KOM) None reported (PH2) W 790 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs WITCH HAZEL (Hamamelis virginiana L.) ++ Activities (Witch Hazel) — Alterative (f; CRC); Analgesic (1; DEM; MAB); Antiaging (1; MAB); Antiaggregant (1; MAB); Antiedemic (1; MAB); Antierythemic (1; MAB; SHT); Antihemorrhagic (3; CAN; KOM); Antiherpetic (1; MAB); Antiinflammatory (2; CAN; KOM; PH2); Antileukotriene (1; MAB); Antimutagenic (1; MAB); Antioxidant (1; MAB); Antiphlebitic (1; BGB); Antipyretic (1; APA; CRC); Antiseptic (f; CRC); Anti-UV (1; MAB); Antiviral (1; MAB); Antiwrinkle (1; MAB); Aperitif (f; DEM); Aphrodisiac (f; MIC); Astringent (1; APA; CRC; FAD; PH2; SHT); Carcinogen (1; CRC); Collyrium (f; CRC); Depurative (f; DEM); Hemostat (2; FAD; KOM; PH2; SHT); Panacea (f; DEM); Sedative (f; CRC); Sunscreen (1; MAB); Tonic (1; CRC; MAB); Vasoconstrictor (1; APA; MAB; SHT) W Indications (Witch Hazel) — Abortion, impending (f; MAD); Abrasion (1; MAB); Anorexia (f; DEM); Arthrosis (1; DEM; MAB); Asthma (1; DEM; FAD; MAB); Backache (f; CRC); Bite (f; CRC; DEM); Bleeding (3; BGB; CAN; CRC; FAD; KOM; PH2; SHT); Boil (f; MAD); Bruise (1; BGB; FAD; MAD); Bug Bite (1; APA); Burn (2; CRC; PHR; PH2; WAF); Cancer (1; CRC; MAB); Cancer, eye (f; JLH); Chest Cold (f; DEM); Childbirth (f; DEM); Cholera (1; DEM; FAD); Cold (1; CRC; DEM; FAD); Colitis (f; CAN; PH2); Congestion (f; CRC); Conjunctivosis (f; CRC); Cough (f; DEM; FAD); Crohn’s Disease (1; MAB); CVI (2; PHR; PH2); Cystosis (f; MAD); Dermatosis (2; KOM; PIP; PHR; PH2); Diarrhea (1; APA; CRC; HHB; PH2; SHT); Dysentery (f; CRC; HHB); Dysmenorrhea (1; APA; CRC; PH2); Eczema (1; BGB; MAB; SKY); Edema (1; MAB); Enterosis (1; APA; PH2); Enterorrhagia (1; APA); Epistaxis (1; MAD); Erythema (1; BGB; SHT); Fever (1; APA; CRC); Gingivosis (1; APA; BGB; FNF); Gleet (f; CRC); Goiter (f; MAD); Gonorrhea (f; MAD); Headache (f; MAD; MIC); Hematemesis (1; CAN; PH2); Hemoptysis (1; CAN; PHR; PH2); Hemorrhoid (2; CRC; FAD; KOM; PH2; PIP); Herpes (1; MAB); Inflammation (2; BGB; CAN; KOM; MAB; PH2); Insomnia (f; CRC); Itch (1; FAD; MAD); Lameness (f; FAD); Leukorrhea (f; MAD); Lumbago (f; MAD); Menorrhagia (1; HHB); Metrorrhagia (1; FAD); Mucososis (2; APA; KOM; PH2; PIP); Myosis (f; APA; CRC; FAD); Nervousness (f; CRC); Neuralgia (f; MAD); Neurodermatosis (1; BGB; MAB); Ophthalmia (f; APA; CRC; FAD; WAF); Orchosis (f; MAD); Pain (1; DEM; MAB); Pharyngosis (2; KOM; PHR; PH2); Phlebitis (f; BGB; CRC; HHB); Phthisis (f; CRC); Poison Ivy (f; WAF); Pulmonosis (f; DEM; FAD); Rash (f; MIC); Rheumatism (f; CRC); Sore (1; HHB; SKY); Sore Throat (1; APA; CRC; FAD); Sprain (f; BGB; CRC); Stomatosis (2; APA; BGB; KOM; PHR; PH2); Sunburn (f; BGB; WAF); Swelling (1; CAN; CRC; MAB; MAD); Tuberculosis (f; CRC; Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 791 DEM); Tumor (f; BGB; CRC); Ulcer (f; CRC; HHB); Varicocele (f; MAD); Varicosis (2; KOM; PNC; PHR; PH2; SHT); VD (f; DEM; MAD); Virus (1; MAB); Wound (2; KOM; PHR; PH2; SKY); Wrinkle (1; MAB) Dosages (Witch Hazel) — g dry leaf, or in tea, ×/day (CAN); g leaf or bark ×/day (MAB); 7–14 ml/day fluid leaf extract (1:2) (MAB); 2–4 tsp (1–2 g) leaf decoction 1–3 ×/day (APA); tsp (2–3 g) bark decoction 1–3 ×/day (APA); 2–4 ml liquid bark extract (1:1 in 45% ethanol) ×/day (CAN); 10–15 drops liquid bark extract ×/day (MAD); 2–4 ml bark tincture (APA; PNC) Few sources seem to stress topical use only Even the Herbal PDR (PH2) says that witch hazel bark is available as a comminuted drug or as an extract for internal and external uses (PH2) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Witch Hazel) — Class Tannins (AHP) None known (KOM) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) “It is not recommended that these extracts be taken internally because the toxicity of the tannins has not been well defined Doses of g of witch hazel will cause nausea, vomiting, or constipation” (LRNP, Sep, 1990) In susceptible patients, irritation of the stomach may occur occasionally In rare cases, witch hazel tannins may cause liver damage (BIS) In view of the tannin content, excessive use, especially during lactation and pregnancy, should be avoided “There are no known problems with the use of witch hazel during pregnancy ” (CAN) No contraindications, drug-drug interactions, or side effects are known (SHT) “May cause minor skin irritation in some people when applied topically” (SKY) Witch hazel water is not intended for internal use Teas can be brewed from leaves and twigs, but their safety is not defined (LRNP, September 1990) APA lists the carcinogen safrole, but in minimal quantities (APA) Tannins, many of the same ones promoted for tea today, explain nearly half of the indications WOLFBERRY (Lycium chinense Mill.) ++ Chinese Wolfberry (Note: according to Foster and Yue, the Chinese use L barbarum L and L chinensis interchangeably, so where they were not specific, I have entered indications, etc., in both accounts) A union of both entries might be in order HH2 maintains them as distinct Activities (Wolfberry) — ACE Inhibitor (1; PH2); Analgesic (1; FAY); Antiaging (1; JAF49:3106); Antibacterial (1; FAY); Antipyretic (1; FAY; HH2); Bitter (f; LMP); Depurative (f; LMP); Hemostat (f; FAY); Hepatoprotective (1; X10960900); Hepatotonic (f; FAY; PH2); Hypoglycemic (1; FAY); Hypotensive (1; FAY; PH2); Immunosuppressive (1; PH2); Mydriatic (f; FAY); Nephrotonic (f; LMP; PH2); Radioprotective (1; X10197745); Tonic (f; PH2) Indications (Wolfberry) — Asthma (f; FAY); Atherosclerosis (1; JAF49:3106); Backache (f; FAY); Bacteria (1; FAY); Bleeding (f; FAY; HH2); Cachexia (f; DAA); Cancer (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (1; PH2); Circulosis (f; LMP); Cough (f; HH2; LMP; PH2); Diabetes (f; FAY; PH2); Dizziness (f; FAY); Eczema (f; HH2; PH2); Epistaxis (f; FAY; HH2; PH2); Fever (1; FAY; HH2; LMP; PH2); Hepatosis (1; LMP; PH2; X10960900); High Blood Pressure (1; FAY; PH2; JAF49:3106); Hyperglycemia (1; FAY); Hyperhydrosis (f; PH2); Infection (1; FAY); Inflammation (f; PH2); Malaria (1; FAY; PH2); Nephrosis (f; PH2); Neurosis (f; LMP); Night Sweats (f; LMP); Nyctalopia (1; JAF49:3101); Odontosis (f; HH2; LMP); Ophthalmia (f; LMP); Osteosis (f; LMP); Pain (1; FAY; HH2; PH2); Pertussis (f; PH2); Pneumonia (f; LMP); Pulmonosis (f; LMP); Pulposis (f; HH2; PH2); Rheumatism (f; HH2; LMP; PH2); Spermatorrhea (f; DAA); Stroke (1; JAF49:3106); Thirst (f; LMP; PH2); Tinnitus (f; FAY); Toothache (1; FAY; LMP; PH2); Tuberculosis (f; LMP); Vertigo (f; FAY); Vomiting (f; PH2) Dosages (Wolfberry) — 9–15 g fruit/day in tea (FAY); sip tea through the day for pertussis (PH2) W 792 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Wolfberry) — Class 2b (AHP) “Health hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) Avoid in cold, diarrhea, and pregnancy (PH2) WOOD ANEMONE (Anemone nemorosa L.) + Activities (Wood Anemone) — Antiseptic (1; HHB); Neurotonic (f; EFS); Vesicant (1; PH2); Toxic (f; EFS) Indications (Wood Anemone) — Amenorrhea (f; HHB); Arthrosis (f; HHB); Asthma (f; PH2); Bronchosis (f; HHB); Cancer (f; JLH); Cancer, foot (f; JLH); Corn (f; JLH); Cough (f; PH2); Dermatosis (f; JLH); Dysmenorrhea (f; PH2); Induration (f; JLH); Pain (f; PH2); Pertussis (f; PH2); Pleurosis (f; HHB); Stomachache (f; PH2) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Wood Anemone) — Not covered (AHP; KOM) Internally may cause colic and diarrhea, irritating GI tract and urethra; externally a vesicant, irritating skin and mucus membrane (PH2) Ingestion of 30 freshly harvested plants is considered the lethal dose for humans (PH2) WOOD BETONY (Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis.) ++ Synonyms: Betonica officinalis L., Stachys betonica Benth Activities (Wood Betony) — Antidepressant (f; CRC; PED); Antidiarrheic (1; APA; PED); Antiinflammatory (1; APA); Antiseptic (1; PHR; PH2); Astringent (1; APA; CRC; PNC); Bitter (1; APA; PNC); Carminative (f; PHR; PH2); Cerebrotonic (f; CRC); Cholagogue (1; APA); Depurative (f; GMH); Digestive (1; APA); Expectorant (1; PHR); Hepatotonic (1; APA); Hypotensive (1; APA; CRC; PED); Nervine (f; GMH); Sedative (f; APA; PNC); Tonic (1; APA; GMH); Tranquilizer (f; PHR) W Indications (Wood Betony) — Ague (f; CRC); Anxiety (1; APA; PNC); Arthrosis (f; MAD); Asthma (f; CRC; PHR); Bladder Stone (f; CRC; PHR); Bleeding (f; GMH); Bronchosis (f; PHR); Bruise (f; GMH); Cancer (f; CRC); Cancer, genital (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, liver (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; CRC; JLH); Catarrh (f; CRC; PHR); Cholecystosis (1; APA; PHR); Cold (f; CRC; GMH); Convulsion (f; CRC); Cough (f; CRC; GMH; PHR); Cramp (f; MAD); Cystosis (f; CRC; PH2); Debility (f; CRC; PH2); Depression (f; CRC; PED); Dermatosis (1; APA); Diarrhea (1; APA; PED; PH2); Dropsy (f; CRC); Dyspepsia (1; APA; CRC; GMH); Dyspnea (f; GMH); Edema (f; PHR); Enterosis (1; APA); Epilepsy (f; CRC; GMH); Epistaxis (f; CRC); Fracture (f; MAD); Gas (f; PHR; PH2); Gingivosis (1; APA); Gout (f; CRC; GMH; PHR); Headache (1; APA; CRC; GMH; PNC); Heartburn (f; PHR); Hemoptysis (f; GMH); Hepatosis (f; JLH); Hernia (f; GMH); High Blood Pressure (1; APA; CRC; PED); Hysteria (f; GMH); Inflammation (1; APA); Insomnia (f; APA; PNC); Jaundice (f; GMH); Kidney Stone (f; CRC; PHR); Mucososis (1; APA); Nephrosis (f; CRC); Nervousness (f; APA; PHR; PNC); Neuralgia (1; CRC; GMH; PHR; PNC); Neurosis (1; APA; CRC; GMH); Palpitation (f; CRC; GMH); Palsy (f; CRC; GMH); Paresis (f; MAD); Phthisis (f; MAD); PMS (1; APA); Pulmonosis (f; PHR); Rheumatism (f; GMH); Rhinosis (f; JLH); Sclerosis (f; JLH); Sore Throat (1; APA; PED); Scrofula (f; GMH); Splenosis (f; JLH); Stomatosis (1; APA; PED); Stress (f; APA); Swelling (f; PH2); Tension (f; APA); Throat (f; CRC); Toothache (f; MAD); Vertigo (f; MAD); Wen (f; CRC); Wound (f; PHR) Dosages (Wood Betony) — oz herb/pint boiling water (GMH); 1–2 g herb/day in doses (PHR); 1–2 tsp fresh herb (PED); 0.5–1 g dry herb (PED); 0.75 g dry herb:4 ml alcohol/4 ml water (PED); 2–4 ml liquid herb extract (APA; PNC) .. .Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 789 PHR); Pain (1; APA; CRC; FAD; MAD); Pertussis (f; MAD); Pleurisy (1; PHR);... and Side Effects (Winter’s-Bark) — Not covered (AHP; KOM) None reported (PH2) W 790 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs WITCH HAZEL (Hamamelis virginiana L.) ++ Activities (Witch Hazel) — Alterative... PH2); Sunburn (f; BGB; WAF); Swelling (1; CAN; CRC; MAB; MAD); Tuberculosis (f; CRC; Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 791 DEM); Tumor (f; BGB; CRC); Ulcer (f; CRC; HHB); Varicocele (f; MAD); Varicosis