678 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs HHB; JFM; KAP); Pectoral (f; DEM); Piscicide (1; UPW); Tonic (f; KAB); Vermifuge (1; DAA; JFM; UPW) Indications (Smooth Loofah) — Anorexia (f; KAP); Apoplexy (f; UPW); Asthma (f; JLH); Biliousness (f; KAB); Bleeding (1; DAA; JFM); Boil (f; DAA); Bronchosis (f; KAB; PH2); Cancer (1; HHB; JLH; KAP); Cancer, nose (f; JLH); Carbuncle (f; DAA); Caries (f; DAA); Catarrh (f; PH2); Cold (f; PH2); Constipation (f; DEP; HHB; JFM; KAP); Cough (f; PH2); Dermatosis (f; DAA; KAP); Dysentery (f; DAA); Dysmenorrhea (f; DAA); Dysuria (f; PH2); Enterosis (f; DAA); Fever (f; DAA; KAB); Filaria (f; UPW); Gas (f; DAA); Gonorrhea (f; JFM); Headache (f; JFM); Hematuria (f; KAB); Hemorrhoid (f; DAA; KAB); Hernia (f; DAA); Infection (1; DAA; PH2); Jaundice (f; DAA); Leprosy (f; KAB; PH2); Leukemia (1; KAP); Melanoma (1; ABS); Menorrhagia (f; DAA); Orchosis (f; DAA); Ozena (f; DAA); Paralysis (f; PH2); Parasite (f; DAA); Respirosis (f; UPW); Rhinosis (f; PH2); Scarlet Fever (f; DAA); Sinusosis (f; PH2); Smallpox (f; DAA); Sore (f; UPW); Splenosis (f; PH2); Swelling (f; DAA; UPW); Syphilis (f; JFM; KAB; PH2); VD (f; JFM; KAB; PH2); Water Retention (f; HHB; KAP); Worm (1; DAA; JFM; UPW); Wound (f; UPW) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Smooth Loofah) — Not covered (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD) Extracts are antimelanomic, and inactivate ribosomes (IJP35:212) Aqueous seed extract is active against leukemia at 4–8 mg/kg (KAP) SMOOTH SUMAC (Rhus glabra L.) ++ Synonyms: R cismontana Greene, R glabra var cismontana (Greene) Cockerell Activities (Smooth Sumac) — Antibacterial (1; ABS); Antidiabetic (f; PNC); Antipyretic (f; PNC); Antiseptic (1; ABS; FAD); Astringent (1; FAD; PNC); Diuretic (f; PNC); Emetic (f; FAD); Hemostat (f; FAD); Tonic (f; FAD; PNC) Indications (Smooth Sumac) — Asthma (f; FAD); Bacteria (1; ABS; JE42:95); Bleeding (f; FAD); Debility (f; FAD); Diarrhea (f; FAD); Diabetes (f; PNC); Dysentery (f; FAD); Enuresis (f; FAD); Fever (f; FAD; PNC); Gangrene (f; ABS); Gonorrhea (f; JE42:95); Incontinence (PNC); Laryngosis (f; FAD); Leukorrhea (f; FAD); Prolapse (f; FAD); Scrofula (f; FAD); Sore Throat (f; FAD); Stomatosis (f; FAD); Syphilis (f; JE42:95); Toothache (f; FAD); Urethrosis (f; FAD); Water Retention (f; PNC) S Dosages (Smooth Sumac) — tsp fruit in tea 1–2 ×/day (AHP); 0.6–2 g powdered fruit (PNC); 4–8 ml liquid fruit extract (PNC); 4–8 ml liquid root bark extract (PNC) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Smooth Sumac) — Class (AHP) May cause dermatosis (FAD) Too much bark is a laxative (AHP) Tannins (24.3–35% in bark) may explain many activities Extracts (Smooth Sumac) — The most active of 100 medicinal species screened for antibiotic activity, and active against Escherichia, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus, due largely to gallic acid, 4-methoxygallic acid, and methyl gallate Methanolic extracts of Rhus glabra exhibited both the widest zone of inhibition in a disc assay, and the broadest spectrum of activity (against all 11 bacteria tested) (JE42:95) SNAKE PLANT (Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf.) + Synonyms: Convolvulus corymbosum L., Ipomoea burmannii Choisy, Rivea corymbosa (L.) Hallier f Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 679 Activities (Snake Plant) — Analgesic (f; CRC); Antiseptic (1; CRC); Aphrodisiac (f; CRC); Carminative (f; CRC); CNS Stimulant (1; CRC); Contraceptive (f; CRC); Diuretic (f; CRC); Hallucinogen (1; CRC); Narcotic (f; CRC); Poison (1; CRC); Psychomimetic (f; CRC) Indications (Snake Plant) — Calculus (f; CRC); Childbirth (f; CRC; JFM); Chill (f; CRC); Cramp (f; JFM); Dislocation (f; CRC); Dysuria (f; CRC); Fracture (f; CRC); Gas (f; CRC); Gout (f; CRC); Ophthalmia (f; CRC); Pain (f; CRC); Paralysis (f; CRC); Rheumatism (f; CRC; JFM); Sore (f; CRC); Swelling (f; CRC); Syphilis (f; CRC); Tumor (f; CRC); Water Retention (f; CRC) Dosages (Snake Plant) — 5, 13, 26, 33, or 50 seeds in infusion (JFM); g seed in 190 cc water for cramp (JFM) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Snake Plant) — Not covered (AHP; KOM; PHR) Excessive indulgence causes loss of one’s faculties (JFM) SNAKEROOT (Aristolochia serpentaria L.) X Activities (Snakeroot) — Alterative (f; CRC); Anaphrodisiac (f; EFS); Analgesic (f; DEM); Anticonvulsant (f; DEM); Antiseptic (f; DEM); Aperitif (f; CRC; FAD); Cardiotonic (f; CRC); Diaphoretic (f; CRC; FAD); Digestive (f; CRC); Diuretic (f; CRC; DEM); Emmenagogue (f; CRC); Expectorant (f; CRC; FAD); Gastrotonic (f; CRC); Stimulant (f; CRC); Stomachic (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC; DEM); Vermifuge (f; CRC) Indications (Snakeroot) — Ague (f; DEM); Amenorrhea (f; CRC; FAD); Anorexia (f; CRC; FAD); Biliousness (f; CRC); Bite (f; DEM); Breast Ache (f; DEM); Cancer (f; CRC); Cancer, skin (f; JLH); Chill (f; DEM); Cold (f; DEM); Convulsion (f; DEM); Cough (f; DEM); Dermatosis (f; JLH); Dizziness (f; DEM); Dyspepsia (f; CRC; DEM; FAD); Enterosis (f; DEM); Erysipelas (f; CRC); Fever (f; CRC; FAD); Fit (f; DEM); Gastrosis (f; CRC); Headache (f; DEM); Leukemia (f; CRC; JLH); Malaria (f; CRC); Pain (f; CRC; DEM); Pneumonia (f; CRC); Rheumatism (f; DEM); Rhinosis (f; DEM); Smallpox (f; CRC); Snakebite (f; CRC; DEM; FAD); Sore Throat (f; CRC; FAD); Stomachache (f; CRC; FAD); Toothache (f; DEM); Tumor (f; JLH); Typhoid (f; CRC); Typhus (f; CRC); Water Retention (f; CRC; DEM); Worm (f; CRC) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Snakeroot) — 2b, (AHP) Aristolochine can cause coma and death (CRC) FDA in 2000 banned import of plants containing the carcinogen, aristolochic acid (ca 460 ppm in root (AHP)) Potentially carcinogenic, hepatotoxic, and nephrotoxic “Related species are potentially lethal to animals” (AHP) Alcohol extract of fruit may cause nausea, gastric discomfort, or mild diarrhea Aristolochic acid (AA) in high doses can cause kidney damage and has shown carcinogenic and mutagenic effects in some animal studies (AEH) SNEEZEWORT (Achillea ptarmica L.) ++ Synonym: A speciosa Henckel Activities (Sneezewort) — Analgesic (f; EFS); Aperitif (f; PH2); Astringent (1; EFS); Hemostat (f; EFS); Sialagogue (f; CEB; EFS); Sternutator (f; CEB; EFS) Indications (Sneezewort) — Anorexia (f; PH2); Bleeding (f; EFS); Diarrhea (f; PH2); Dysuria (f; PH2); Fatigue (f; PH2); Gas (f; PH2); Nausea (f; PH2); Pain (f; EFS; PH2); Rheumatism (f; PH2); Toothache (f; PH2); UTI (f; PH2); Vomiting (f; PH2) S 680 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Sneezewort) — Not covered (AHP; KOM) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PHR; PH2) SNOWDROP (Galanthus nivalis L.) X Activities (Snowdrop) — Analeptic (1; PH2); Anticholinesterase (1; HH2; PH2); Anticurare (1; PH2); Antiglaucomic (1; HH2); Antiherpetic (1; HH2); Antileukemic (1; HH2); Antitumor (1; PH2); Antiviral (1; HH2; PH2); Bradycardic (1; BRU); Cardiotonic (f; EFS); Cholinergic (1; BRU); Digestive (f; EFS); Emetic (1; BRU; HHB); Emmenagogue (f; EFS); Insecticide (1; X1249943); Memorigenic (1; BRU); Negative Chronotropic (1; HH2; PH2); Positive Inotropic (1; HH2; PH2); Sialagogue (1; BRU); Toxic (1; HH2; PH2) Indications (Snowdrop) — Alzheimer’s (1; HH2; PH2); Atonia (1; HH2; PH2); Cancer (1; PH2); Chlamydia (1; X8534430); Cystosis (1; HH2; PH2); Embolism (f; HH2; PH2); Enterosis (1; PH2); Gastrosis (1; PH2); Glaucoma (1; HH2; PH2); Herpes (1; HH2); HIV (1; X1645507); Infection (1; X8534430); Leukemia (1; HH2); Myasthenia (1; HH2; PH2); Myelosis (f; PH2); Myosis (f; HH2; PH2); Neurosis (f; PH2); Polyneuropathy (f; HH2; PH2); Polio (1; HH2); Salmonella (1; X10792532); Spine (f; PH2); Thrombosis (f; HH2; PH2); Tumor (1; PH2); Virus (1; HH2; PH2; X1645507) Dosages (Snowdrop) — Do not take it! (JAD) Galanthamine hydrobromide 150–350 µg/kg body weight (PH2) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Snowdrop) — Not covered (AHP) Oral intoxication may lead to colic, diarrhea, and vomiting Fatal poisonings have not been recorded (PH2) Austria approves galanthamine hydrobromide for modest Alzheimer’s disease; Italy approves it as an antidote for anticholinergia (BRU) SOAPTREE (Quillaja saponaria Molina) + Activities (Soaptree) — Antiexudative (f; PH2); Antiinflammatory (f; PHR); Cardiodepressant (1; CRC); Depurative (f; PHR); Detergent (1; CRC); Expectorant (1; CRC; HH3; PH2); Hemolytic (f; CRC); Hepatotoxic (1; AHP); Hypocholesterolemic (1; ABS); Immunostimulant (1; PH2); Laxative (1; PH2); Lipolytic (f; PH2); Respiradepressant (1; CRC); Shampoo (1; CRC); Spermicide (1; HH3); Sternutator (f; CRC) S Indications (Soaptree) — Alopecia (f; HH3); Athlete’s Foot (f; CRC); Bleeding (f; CRC); Bronchosis (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Constipation (1; PH2); Cough (f; CRC; PHR; PH2); Dandruff (f; CRC; HH3; PH2); Dermatosis (f; CRC); Heart (f; CRC); High Cholesterol (1; ABS); Immunodepression (1; PH2); Inflammation (f; CRC; PHR); Respirosis (f; PHR; PH2); Seborrhea (f; HH3); Sore (f; CRC); Vaginosis (f; CRC) Dosages (Soaptree) — 200 mg bark as tea (AHP; HH3); 1.5–5 g bark decoction in 150 g water 2–3 ×/day (MAD) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Soaptree) — Class 2d Irritant; powder irritates mucosa (AHP) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD) Overdose may trigger diarrhea, enterosis, gastrosis with stomachache, and vertigo (PHR; PH2) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 681 SOAPWORT (Saponaria officinalis L.) + Synonym: S officinalis var glaberrima Ser Activities (Soapwort) — Alterative (f; PNC); Analgesic (1; APA; DEM); Antiinflammatory (1; APA; PH2); Antiseptic (1; PH2); Aphrodisiac (f; MAD); Cholagogue (f; MAD); Cytotoxic (2; KOM; PH2); Depurative (f; HHB); Detergent (f; PNC); Diaphoretic (f; KOM; MAD); Diuretic (f; FAD); Emetic (1; PH2; WOI); Emmenagogue (f; FEL; PH2); Expectorant (2; APA; FAD; HHB; KOM); Hypocholesterolemic (1; PH2); Irritant (1; PH2); Laxative (f; FAD; KOM; WOI); Mucolytic (1; APA); Spermicide (1; PH2) Indications (Soapwort) — Acne (f; APA; FAD); Angina (f; MAD); Arthrosis (f; APA; PH2); Asthma (f; FAD; MAD); Bacteria (1; WOI); Boil (f; APA; DEM; FAD); Bronchosis (2; HHB; PHR; PH2); Cancer, cervix (f; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Catarrh (2; KOM; MAD); Cervicosis (f; JLH); Cholecystosis (f; HHB; MAD; PH2); Cold (2; APA; MAD); Congestion (f; APA); Constipation (f; APA; FAD; KOM; PH2; WOI); Cough (2; PHR; PH2); Depression (f; HHB); Dermatosis (f; APA; HHB; MAD; PNC); Diarrhea (f; MAD); Dropsy (f; MAD); Dysmenorrhea (f; MAD); Eczema (f; APA; FAD; MAD; PH2); Enterosis (f; PH2); Escherichia (1; WOI); Exanthema (f; MAD); Fever (f; KOM; MAD); Gastrosis (f; PH2); Glossosis (f; PH2); Gout (f; MAD; PH2); Hepatosis (f; PH2); High Cholesterol (1; PH2); Hypochondria (f; MAD); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (1; PH2; WOI); Inflammation (1; APA; PH2); Jaundice (f; FAD; FEL); Laryngosis (f; HHB); Lichen (f; KOM; MAD); Mucososis (1; PH2); Mycosis (f; PH2); Nephrosis (f; PH2); Neurasthenia (f; PH2); Oxyuriasis (f; PH2); Pain (1; APA; DEM; FAD; PH2); Pertussis (f; MAD); Pharyngosis (f; HHB); Poison Ivy (f; FAD); Psoriasis (f; APA; FAD; KOM); Pulmonosis (f; FAD); Rash (f; KOM); Respirosis (2; APA; KOM; PH2); Rheumatism (f; APA; PHR; PH2); Rhinosis (f; MAD); Scabies (f; MAD); Scrofula (f; HHB; MAD); Sore (f; MAD); Splenosis (f; DEM; FAD; MAD); Staphylococcus (1; WOI); Syphilis (f; HHB); Tonsilosis (f; PH2); VD (f; HHB); Water Retention (f; FAD); Wound (f; MAD) Dosages (Soapwort) — 1.5 g root/day (KOM); tsp root in cold tea (MAD); 0.4–1.5 g (1/8 to 1/3 tsp) bark/day (APA); 0.4 g/cup bark tea (PHR); 2–4 fl oz bark extract (FEL); 1–2 g bark extract (MAD) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Soapwort) — Not covered (AHP) Rare stomach irritation (KOM) Large doses may be poisonous (FAD) Saponins are hemolytic (FAD; FNF) May irritate mucus membranes and skin (PHR) May induce emesis and diarrhea (APA) S 682 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Patients with GI problems and ulcers should possibly avoid (APA) A ribosome-activating protein (RIP), called saporin 6, inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells in vitro (Wagner et al., 1995) Quillaiac acid contributes to diuretic activity (FNF) SODOM’S MILKWEED (Calotropis procera (Aiton) W T Aiton) X Synonym: Asclepias procera Aiton C gigantea (L.) W T Aiton with similar activities and indications (WO2) Both are called giant milkweed by USDA, but that name is preferred for the namesake C gigantea Here I yield to the Herbal PDR (PH2), which treats them separately I have aggregated their chemicals in FNF, but reluctantly maintain them separately in HDR as does PH2 Activities (Sodom’s Milkweed) — Abortifacient (1; CRC; WO2); Alterative (f; EFS); Antiaggregant (1; MPI; WO2); Antibacterial (1; WO2); Anticancer (1; MPI); Antifeedant (1; WO2); Antifertility (1; WO2); Antiimplantation (1; WO2); Antiinflammatory (f; EFS; WO2); Antiodontalgic (f; CRC); Antisialagogue (f; KAB); Antispasmodic (f; EFS); Antisyphilitic (f; CRC); Antitumor (1; CRC; PH2); Aperitif (f; KAB); Aphrodisiac (f; CRC); Candidicide (1; WO2); Cardiodepressant (1; MPI); Cardiotonic (1; MPI; WO2); Carminative (f; CRC); Contraceptive (1; WO2); Dentifrice (f; WO2); Depilatory (f; WO2); Dermatitigenic (f; CRC); Diaphoretic (f; CRC; EFS; JFM); Digestive (f; WO2); Diuretic (1; MPI; PHR; PH2); Emetic (f; CRC; HHB; JFM); Expectorant (1; CRC; KAB; PHR; PH2; WO2); Fibrinolytic (1; MPI); Fungicide (1; WO2); Hypertensive (1; MPI; WO2); Inebriant (f; WBB); Infanticide (f; DEP; WO2); Insecticide (1; WO2); Lactagogue (f; CRC); Larvicide (1; WO2); Laxative (f; CRC); Ovicide (1; WO2); Pediculicide (1; WO2); Piscicide (1; WO2); Poison (f; CRC; EFS); Proteolytic (1; KAP; MPI; WO2); Respirastimulant (1; MPI); Rubefacient (f; CRC); Stimulant (1; WO2); Stomachic (f; CRC; KAB); Tonic (f; EFS); Vermifuge (1; CRC; MPI; WO2) S Indications (Sodom’s Milkweed) — Anorexia (f; KAB); Asthma (f; CRC; KAP; WO2); Bacteria (1; WO2); Bite (f; PH2; WO2); Boil (f; PHR; PH2); Cancer (1; CRC; MPI; PHR; PH2); Cancer, abdomen (f; JLH); Cancer, colon (f; JLH); Cancer, epidermis (1; PH2); Cancer, nose (1; PH2); Cancer, pharynx (1; PHR; PH2); Candida (1; WO2); Caries (f; CRC); Catarrh (f; CRC; KAB; WBB; WO2); Childbirth (f; CRC); Cholera (f; DEP); Cold (f; CRC; JFM; KAP; WO2); Conjunctivosis (f; CRC); Constipation (f; CRC); Convulsion (f; WO2); Cough (f; CRC; KAP); Cramp (f; EFS; PHR; PH2); Dermatosis (f; MPI; WO2); Diarrhea (f; PH2); Dysentery (f; CRC; KAP; PHR); Dyspepsia (f; KAB; PHR; PH2); Earache (f; WO2); Elephantiasis (f; CRC; KAP; PHR; PH2; WO2); Enterosis (f; JLH; KAB); Epilepsy (f; PHR; PH2); Fever (f; CRC; EFS; JFM; PH2; WO2); Fit (f; WO2); Fungus (1; WO2); Gas (f; CRC); Gonorrhea (f; CRC); Gout (f; PHR; PH2); Guinea Worm (1; KAB; WO2); Headache (f; CRC; JFM; KAB); Hemorrhoid (f; KAB); Hysteria (f; PHR; PH2); Impotence (f; CRC; WBB); Indigestion (f; CRC); Infection (1; WO2); Inflammation (f; EFS; WO2); Leprosy (f; CRC; JFM; PH2; WBB); Lice (1; WO2); Low Blood Pressure (1; MPI; WO2); Lupus (f; WO2); Malaria (1; KAP; WO2); Migraine (f; WO2); Mycosis (1; WO2); Ophthalmia (f; CRC; KAB); Pain (f; JFM; KAB); Pharyngosis (1; MPI); Rheumatism (f; CRC; JFM; PH2); Rhinosis (1; MPI); Salmonella (1; WO2); Shigella (1; WO2); Snakebite (f; PHR); Sore (1; PH2; WO2); Sprain (f; KAB); Stomachache (f; KAB); Swelling (f; CRC; JFM; KAB; PH2); Syphilis (f; CRC; JFM; PH2); Thrombosis (1; WO2); Toothache (f; CRC; DEP; PH2; WO2); Tumor (1; CRC; PH2); Ulcerous Tumor (f; CRC); VD (1; WBB); Wart (f; CRC; JLH; PH2); Water Retention (1; MPI; PHR; PH2); Worm (1; CRC; MPI; PHR; WO2); Wound (f; CRC; KAB; WO2); Yaw (f; CRC); Yeast (1; WO2) Dosages (Sodom’s Milkweed) — 200–600 mg bark as a diaphoretic and expectorant, 2–4 g as emetic (HHB; PHR) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Sodom’s Milkweed) — Not covered (AHP; KOM) “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) Dangerous ... enterosis, gastrosis with stomachache, and vertigo (PHR; PH2) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 681 SOAPWORT (Saponaria officinalis L.) + Synonym: S officinalis var glaberrima Ser Activities (Soapwort) —... (APA) S 682 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Patients with GI problems and ulcers should possibly avoid (APA) A ribosome-activating protein (RIP), called saporin 6, inhibits the growth of breast cancer.. .Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 679 Activities (Snake Plant) — Analgesic (f; CRC); Antiseptic (1; CRC); Aphrodisiac