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Báo cáo Y học: Induction of chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor I (COUP-TFI ) gene expression is mediated by ETS factor binding sites doc

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Induction of chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor I ( COUP-TFI ) gene expression is mediated by ETS factor binding sites Ramiro Salas*, Fabrice G. Petit, Carlos Pipaon, Ming-Jer Tsai and Sophia Y. Tsai Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factor I (COUP-TFI, or NR2F1) is an orphan nuclear receptor that plays a major role in th e development of the nervous system. We show here that three ETS response elements in the COUP-TFI promoter mediate its transcription. A reporter gene containing these ETS binding sites i s activated by Ets-1, while the same reporter with point mutations on all three ETS response elements is not. We also s how that Ets-1 binds to these response elements and that other ETS factors also transactivate t he COUP-TFI promoter . In a ddition, COUP- TFI is coexpressed w ith some ETS factors in the mouse embryo. These results indicate that members o f the ETS family can activate COUP-TFI gene expression. Keywords: COUP-TFI; ETS; gene expression; transcription; orphan r eceptors. Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factors (COUP-TFs) are among the best characterized orphan members of the nuclear receptor superfamily [1]. COUP-TFs have been shown to be negative regulators of the transcription of many genes [1,2], but can also act as activators of gene t ranscription [ 1,3]. I n mammals, two COUP-TF genes have been identi®ed, COUP-TFI and COUP-TFII. Although t hey have different physiological functions [4,5], sequence a nalysis a nd molecular studies indicate that they share similar properties. The expression patterns of COUP-TFI and COUP-TFII have been exten- sively studied in a number of species [6]. In the mouse, COUP-TFI is ®rst detected at the embryonic d ay 7.5 (e7.5), its expression reaches a peak at e12.5, declines before birth [6] and remains low dur ing adulthood. COUP-TFI null mice die perinatally and exhibit neuronal defects i n axonal guidance and arborization [4] and thalamocortical connections [7]. The ETS family of transcription f actors is composed of a large number of proteins that share a similar DNA-binding domain (DBD), called the ETS domain [8]. These proteins bind as monomers to a core sequence GGAA/T a nd activate transcription of promoters having this ETS response element [9,10]. Besides the GGAA/T core sequence, at least three bases, 5¢ and 3¢, of this core a re important for high af®nity and speci®c DNA binding [9]. Although ETS proteins contain activation domains [11], Ets-1, Ets-2 and other ETS proteins need to interact with other transcription factors t o transactivate their target genes [12]. These factors include Fos [13], SRF [14], NF-EM5 [15], AP1 [12] and NFAT [16]. The necessity for the accessory factors is likely due to poor DNA-binding af®nity of full-length Ets-1 rather than to poor potential of its activation domain. This is supported by the existence (at least in Ets-1 and Ets-2) of an auto- inhibitory domain w hich, in t he absence of a ccessory factors, prevents Ets-1 binding to DNA [ 10,17]. W hen this d omain i s removed, Ets-1 binds DNA with higher af®nity even in the absence of a ccessory factors. The auto-inhibitory domain is located within exon VII and a n alternative ly spliced form of Ets-1 t hat lacks this exon is constitutively ac tive [18]. Little is known ab out the upstream signals that regulate COUP-TFI gene expression. Here we show that Ets-1 and other ETS factors a re able to trans activate COUP-TFI expression through a cluster of ETS response elements in t he promoter. In a ddition, several ETS factors colocalize with COUP-TFI in different tissues of the developing mouse embryo. MATERIALS AND METHODS Genomic screening To isolate the mCOUP-TFI promoter, a genomic library (129SVJ Mouse Genomic Library in the Lambda FIX II vector, S tratagene) was screened using p art of the 5¢ UT R o f the mCOUP-TFI gene. T he fragment w as labeled with 32 P-dCTP by random priming (Prime-a-gene kit, Promega). The g enomic library was used t o infect XL-1 blue bacteria and standard protocols were used t o perfo rm the screening [19]. A fter tertiary screening, the phage DNA was isolated using the k Wizard kit (Promega), cut with NotIand subcloned into t he pBluescript K SII vector ( Stratagene). The Genbank accession number for this sequence is AY055471. Correspondence to S. Y. Tsai, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Fax: + 713 798 8227 , Tel.: + 713 798 6251, E-mail: stsai@bcm.tmc.edu Abbreviations: COUP-TFI, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter- transcription factor I; DBD, DNA-binding domain; EMSA, electro- mobility shift assay; DMEM, Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium. *Present address: D ivision of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medi- cine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Present address: D epartamento de Biologia Molecular, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cantabria, c/Cardenal Herrera Oria s/n 39011 Santander, Spain. (Received 28 June 2001, revised 21 September 2001, accepted 5 November 2001) Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 317±325 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 Plasmids COUP-TFI sequences used as probes for screening were obtained previously in our lab [20]. The sequences of the COUP-TFI promoter originally cloned i nto pBluescript, were subcloned into pGL3-basic (Promega) or a modi®ed version of pGL3-basic that contains a consensus TATA box (pGL3-TATA). Vectors containing the coding sequences for ETV1, ERM and PEA3 were a generous gift from Y. de Launoit and L. Coutte (Institut Curie, Paris, France). Spi-1 was a gift from F. Moreau-Gachelin (I nstitut de B iologie, Lille, France). Ets-1 and Ets-2 were cloned by RT-PCR from rUGM cells. Cell culture and transfection HeLa cells were grown in 10% fetal bovine serum/ Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium (DMEM) (Gibco). The day before transfection, cells were passed onto six-well plates at approximately 5 ´ 10 5 cells per well. For transfec- tion, both lipofectin (Gibco) and Fugene 6 (Boehringer) used at a 3 : 1 ratio to DNA gave similar results and both methods were used according to the manufacturer's instructions. Cells were collected 48 h later. Luciferase activity was measured in a luminometer (Monolight 2010, Analytical Luminescence Laboratory) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Protein c ontent was measured using the Bradford reagent (Bio-Rad). Electromobility shift assay For EMSA (electromobility shift assay) studies, proteins were prepared (with or without [ 35 S]Met) from different DNA constructs using the TNT Coupled reticulocyte lysate system (Promega), according to the manufacturer's i nstruc- tions. Probes for EMSA were end-labeled using a 32 P-dCTP (ICN) and Sequenase enzyme (Amersham USB). EMSAs were carried out as follows: 2 lL of reticulocyte lysate were incubated for 10 min at room temperature with 1 lLof labeled probe (2±3 ´ 10 4 c.p.m.) and 10 pmol of dIdC in buffer H (20 m M Hepes, 1 m M MgCl 2 ,100m M KCl, 0.1 m M EDTA, 0.1% NP40, 1 m M spermidine, 5% g lycer- ol). For competition experime nts, 10- or 100-fo ld molar excess of unlabelled oligonucleotide were added to the incubation re action. For supershift e xperiments, 1 25 ng of polyclonal anti-(Ets-1) Ig (Transduction Laboratories, San Diego, CA, USA) w ere a dded after the 10-min incubation and a ll tubes were then incubated on ice for an additional 15 min. Samples were subsequently loaded on a 5% acrylamide native gel and run at 30±50 mA. The gel was dried and exposed to Biomax ®lm (Kodak). The probe used (GTACCTCGA GCAGGAAGTTC GA) contained an Ets-1 consen sus binding site (underlined ). Site-directed mutagenesis To mutate speci®c base pairs within the CO UP-TFI promoter, primers were designed within the sequence to be mutated. Each of these primers contained a restriction site for convenient subcloning. As three Ets binding sites (site A, at )490, site B, at )460 and site C at )420) were important, t he GGAA sequence o f e ach one was mutated to AGAA. PCR reactions were performed b y standard methods usin g Taq polymerase (Promega). Deletions were carried out with mixed strategies using both P CR fragm ents with arti®cial restriction sites at t he ends and DNA fragments obtained by restriction digestion. The oligos used for p oint mutations in the t hree ETS response elements a re listed below (th e ETS core binding sequences are in bold). A forward: CGGGTACCCTCCGT TTCCCACTTCTCG; A for Mut: CGGGTACCCTCCGT TTCTCACTTCTCG; B forward: CGGGGTACCTCCCTC TTCCCCGTCTTCT CGTTCGTTCG; B for Mut CGGGGTACCTCCCTCT TCTCCGTC TTCTCGTTCGTTCG; B reverse GAA GATCTCGAACGAACGAGAAGACGG GGAAGAG GGA; B rev Mut GAAGATCTCGAACGAACG AG AAGACGGAGAAGAGGGA; C rev GAAGATCTC AAGTCAGTCACA GGAAAAGAGC; C rev Mut GAAGATCTCAAGTCAGTCACA AGAAAAGAGC. In situ hybridization The ÔBÕ domains of th e ets-1 and ets-2 genes were used to prepare p robes a s d escribed previously [21]. The N-terminus of ERM, ETV1 and PEA3 genes were used to prepare probes a s described previously [22]. T he full length cDNA of the mCOU P-TFI genewasusedtopreparetheCOUP-TFI probe. The templates for probes were subcloned into pBluescript and RNA probes were p repared f rom linearized plasmid using T3 RNA polymerase (Promega) and 100 lCi [a- 35 S]UTP (1000 Ciámmol )1 ,ICN).In situ hybridization was p erformed on 14.5-day-old mouse embryos as described previously [6,23]. RESULTS Ets-1 activates the mCOUP-TFI promoter through a cluster of ETS response elements To identif y possible signals that activate the COUP-TFI gene tran scription, we isolated approximately 6 kb of 5¢ ¯anking sequences of the COUP-TFI gene (Fig. 1A). Reporter constructs containing different lengths of 5¢ ¯anking sequences linked to a Luciferase gene were used on transient transfection studies. HeLa cells were chosen for these experim ents because they express high levels of COUP-TFI [24]. The activity of the promoter w as the same whether constructs containing 6, 4 or 0.73 kb o f 5¢ ¯anking sequences were used in the study. However, deletion of sequences between )734 and )387 resulted in a small but reproducible loss of promoter strength. Further deletion from )398 to )96, did not alter the activity. When the empty vector was studied, it h ad no signi®cant activity (Fig. 1B). These results suggest that these two regions ()734 to )387 and )96 to +446 which i ncludes promoter and 5¢ UTR) are important for the COUP-TFI promoter activity (Fig. 1B). Within t he distal region, a putative Ets-1 response element (site C, Fig. 2A) was identi®ed by computer search for transcription factor binding sites [25]. Surrounding this element, we identi®ed additional sequences that resembled ETS binding sites (Fig. 2). To assess whether Ets-1 regulates COUP-TFI promoter activity on this region, we cotransfected a reporter contain- ing the )490/)259 fragment linked to a TATA-Luc reporter expression v ector, in the presence or absence of an Ets-1 expression vector. Ets-1 was able to signi®cantly 318 R. Salas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 activate the reporter g ene containing this COUP-TFI promoter fragment. Then we subdivided that segment into two s ubfragments ()397/)259 and )490/)408), each carrying three putative binding sites. The subfragment )397/)259 is not responsive to Ets-1, w hile the )490/)408 subfragment is stimulated by Ets-1 to a similar extent as the )490/)259 fragment (Fig. 2A) in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, the best putative Ets-1 binding site sequence is located within this fragment. The three putative Ets-1 response elements within )490 and )408 (ETS-RE) were then named A, B and C, in the order of 5¢ to 3 ¢. Point mutations (TTCC to TTCT) were introduced on each or combinations of the three putative sites. Mutations in one or two sites diminished Ets-1- dependent reporter activity (Fig. 2C), while mutations in all three sites abolished the response. These results indicate that these t hree Ets-1 response elements work in c oncert to achieve maximum Ets-1-dependent activation. Ets-1 binds the ETS response elements in the mCOUP-TFI promoter We examined whether Ets-1 was able to directly bind the response e lements. On electromobility s hift assays (EMSA) Ets-1 is able to bind to its DNA response element only if the auto-inhibitory domain is deleted [10]. Therefore, two truncations of the Ets-1 protein that lack part (Ets-1DCE, truncated from amino acids 280±331) or most (Ets-1DAE, truncated from amino acids 244±331) of the auto-inhibitory domain w ere made ( Fig. 3A). These truncated proteins were shown to r eadily bind to ETS response elements [10]. To verify that our truncated proteins were active, we transfected HeLa cells with the )490/)408 luciferase reporter with increasing c oncentra- tions of Ets-1, Ets-1DCE or Ets-1DAE. T hese truncated forms of Ets-1 activate the COUP-TFI promoter (Fig. 3A). We n ext used in vitro translated proteins for DNA binding assays. The proteins were transcribed/ translated using [ 35 S]Met and separated by PAGE. Figure 3B shows that Ets-1, Ets-1DCE and Ets-1DAE are all expressed to a similar level. On an EMSA using a consensus Ets-1 response element as a probe (Fig. 3C), no Ets-1 s peci®c binding was observed when reticulocyte lysates were prepared with empty vector (lane 1) or with wild-type Ets-1 (lane 2). However, after addition of speci®c anti-(Ets-1) Ig to the wild-type Ets-1 lysate, a supershifted band was observed (lane 3). This was probably due to a stabilizing e ffect of the antibody on the Ets-1/DNA complex f ormation or to t he possibility that the antibody may elicit a conformational change that -6 Kb -4 Kb -734 -387 -197 -96 Empty vector +1 0 10 20 +446 RLU ETS A -734 GTACGCGGGACCGTCCTCCTGCCTACCCCTCCTTTTGCGACCAATCACCTTCGGGAATGGGGTCTCAGTCACACACACC CCAACACACACACACACACACACACACACACACACACACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCAC CACCACCACCACCACCACACAGCGAGTGAGAGACTCAGTCTCTTCCTCCTCCTCCTCCTCCTCCTCCTCTCCCCCTCCCC CTCCCCTCCGTTTCCCACTTCTCGTCCCCTCCCCTCCTCCCCTCTCCCTCTTCCCCGTCTTCTCGTTCGTTCGTTTGCTCTT ETS TTCCTGT GACTGACTTGTCCGCACTAACAGCCGCCCCACAACAATATGAGGAGTTACAAATGCTTTATTAATAATCATT Nkx2. Nxk2. GAAGCATTGTTTGGAGTTTGAGCATCCTGGGAATAAAAATGATGAAAAAGGAAAAAGAGGATTGATTGGAAAGTTTAT TTTAAGATCATCTTTGGGATGAATAGGAATCATCGATTCGGATCGAATTTGTGGCAGTAGCTGCAGTTTCATGTGTGTG C/EBP C/EBP CTTTGTCGTAATTA CGCCTCCGAAACTATGATATACTTCAGATTTTTAAATGAGGAGGCTTTTCATAATTATATAAAATGA GCGGGATACAGACTAAGATTATATTGTATGAGAACTAAGATTCTAAACCAAGTAGAAAAAACAAATCATTAAAATGAT GGAGTTTTTTTCCTGCATTAATTT +1 B Fig. 1. General organization of the mCOUP- TFI promoter. (A) S equenc e of the mCOUP- TFI promoter from )734 to +5. A p utative Ets-1 binding site is underlined. Putative Nkx2. and c/EBP binding sites are s hown underlined. The transcription initiation site is marked by an arrow. (B) L uciferase activity of 5¢ deletions of the mCOUP-TFI promoter in transfected HeLa cells (0.25 lgDNAper well). A representative experiment performed in triplicate is shown. The putative Ets-1 binding s ite is marked as a lane. Ó FEBS 2002 ETS factors and COUP-TFI promoter (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 319 at least p artially relieves auto-inhibition. When lysate containing Ets-1 DCE was a dded, a faint band corre- sponding to Ets-1DCE was detected (lane 4), and was completely supershifted by anti-(Ets-1) Ig (lane 5). When most of the auto-inhibitory domain was deleted (Ets- 1DAE), a stronger band corresponding to Ets-1DAE was detected (lane 6 ), and i t was c ompletely su pershift ed by the antibodies (lane 7). We next examined wheth er the ETS response elements in the COUP-TFI promoter were able to bind Ets-1 p rotein in a b and-shift competition assay. The Ets-1 consensus b inding site was used a s a probe. E ts-1DAE was able to bind speci®cally (Fig. 3D, lane 3) and could be supershifted by an Ets-1 speci®c antibody (lane 2), but not by an u nrelated antibody (lane 13). Increasing amounts (10 and 100-fold molar excess) of unlabeled site C o ligos were able to compete for the binding of Ets-1DAE to the Ets-1 consensus binding site (lanes 4 and 5). In c ontrast, a mutation (TTCC to TACT) of site C was unable to do so ( lane 6). S imilar competition experiments were carried out with site s B (lanes 7, 8 and 9) and A (lanes 10, 11 and 12). Very weak competition could b e detected with s ite A and B oligos, w hile oligos containing mutations of these sites did not compete at all ( Fig. 3D). Taken together, these experiments suggest that Ets-1 is able t o bind t he COUP-TFI promo ter preferentially at site C. This is not surprising because site C is the most closely related to the consensus Ets-1 binding site. ETS factors colocalize with COUP-TFI on the developing mouse embryo We performed in situ hybridization studies on mouse embryos w ith C OUP-TFI and different ETS factors. Mouse embryos 14.5-days-old-were chosen for these experiments because t he expression levels of COUP-TFI are high a t this stage o f d evelopment [ 1]. T he expression patterns of COUP- TFI, Ets-1, Ets-2, ETV1 a nd PEA3 were studied (Table 1). There were s everal areas o f coexpression of COUP-TFI and Ets-1: the mesenchyme of t he bladder ( Fig. 4A±D), the mesenchyme of the nasal septum (Fig. 4E±H), the cerebral cortex (Fig. 4I±L), the mesenchyme of vibrissae (Fig. 4M±P), spleen, and submandibular glands (Table 1). Ets-2 was found to colocalize with C OUP-TFI on the mesenchyme of vibrissae (Figs 4M±N,Q±R) and subman- dibular glands (Table 1). PEA3 w as found to colocalize w ith COUP-TFI in the cochlea, cerebral cortex and trigeminal ganglion (Table 1). ETV1 was found coexpressed with COUP-TFI on cells of the dorsal root ganglia and some Fig. 2. Ets-1 induced the activity of the COUP- TFI promoter in HeLa cells. (A) Cells trans- fected with dierent portions of the promoter linked to a TATA box and a luciferase reporter gene (0.2 lgofDNA)withorwith- out cotransfecte d Ets-1 expre ssio n vector (0.5 lg of DN A). (B) Dose±response of th e Ets-1-dependent COUP-TFI prom oter trans- activation. The )49 0 to )408 reporter c on- struct was cotransfected with increasing amounts of Ets-1 exp ression vector (0, 0.01, 0.04, 0.06, 0.1 and 0.2 lg). (C) Eect of single base pair mutations on t he Ets-1 response of the )490/)408 fragment o f the COUP-TFI promoter. The TTCC sequence was mutated to TTCT and the activation of these mutations was assessed by c otransfection with Ets-1 expression vector (0.2 lgofreporter,0.5 lgof expression vector). Representative experi- ments performed in triplicate are shown. 320 R. Salas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 regions of the cerebral cortex (Table 1). In these tissues, ETS factors and COUP-TFI seemed to be localized in the same cell types. Figure 5 shows h igh magni®cation p ictures o f th e signal for COUP-TFI and Ets-1 mRNAs in the nasal epithelium and COUP-TFI, Ets-1, and Ets-2 in the mesenchimal cells surrounding the vibrissae. These results indicate that COUP-TFI and ETS factors a re colocalized in many regions of the developing mouse embryo. Ets-1 binding Supershift Antibody Competitor Ets-1∆A-E C Cmut B Bmut A Amut U + - - - - - - - - - 10 100 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 - - - - NS D - V AC E 244 280 331 1 441 DBD DBD Ets-1 Ets-1 ∆CE Ets-1 ∆AE 10 20 0 0 A 39 52 64 87 126 B C Ets-1 binding Supershift Antibody NS +++ V Ets-1 Ets-1∆ CE Ets-1 ∆AE Ets-1 Ets1∆CE Ets-1∆AE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ets-1∆CE Ets-1 Ets-1 ∆AE kDa DBD Fig. 3. Auto-inhibitory domain deleted Ets-1 is abletobindtheCOUP-TFI promote r. (A) Left panel, schematic v iew o f t he Ets-1 protein and the two deletions used in transfection and electromobility shift assay ( EMSA) experi- ments. Right panel, H eLa cells were trans- fected with)490/)408 TATA re porter gene (0.2 lg) and increasing a moun ts of Ets-1, Ets- 1DCE and E ts-1DAE (0.1, 0.2 and 0 .3 lg). ( B) Analysis of in vitro translated Ets-1, Ets-1DCE and Ets-1DAE constructs. In vi tro translation was performed in the presence of 35 S-labeled methionine using a reticulocyte lysate system. The translated products were se parated on a 10% SDS/PAGE and autoradiographed. For the deleted Ets-1, two vectors were used. (C) Electromobility shift assay (EMSA) of Ets-1, Ets-1DCE and Ets-1DAE on an Ets-1 con- sensus binding s ite. Lane 1 (V), v ector control. Lanes 2 and 3, wild-type Ets-1 w ithout or with anti-(Ets-1) Ig, respectively. L anes 4 and 5, Ets-1DCE without and w ith antibodies, respectively. Lanes 6 and 7, Ets-1DA-E with- out and with antibodies. NS, n onsp eci®c binding. (D) EMSA of Ets-1DAE on a con- sensus Ets-1 binding site and competition experiments (lane 1, vector control, lanes 2±13 contain Ets-1DAE).Lane2,eectofanti- (Ets-1) Ig. For competition experiments, 10x and 100x molar excess (site C, la nes 4 and 5 ; site B, lanes 7 a nd 8; site A , lanes 10 and 11) or 100x molar excess (mutated site C, lane 6; mutated site B, lane 9 ; mutated si te A, la ne 12) of unlabeled oligonucleotide were used. Lane 13, addition of unre lated antibodies have no eect on E ts-1DAE binding. Table 1. Expression of COUP-TFI, Ets-1, Ets-2, ETV1 and PEA3 mRNA in 14.5 day old m ouse embryos. Tissue COUP-TFI Ets-1 Ets-2 ETV1 PEA3 Cortex +++ + +/± + + Cochlea +++ + + +/± + Trigeminal ganglion + ±±±+ Dorsal root ganglia ++ +/± ± +++ ± Mesenchima of mesonephric duct + + ± ± ± Kidney ++ + ± ± + Stomach muscle +++ + +/± + ± Bladder ++ + ± + ± Spleen ++ ++ +/± ± ± Mesenchima surrounding genital tubercle ++ ± + + + Mesenchima of the trachea + + +/± +/± ± Spinal chord, mantle layer ++ ±±±+/± Spinal chord, marginal layer + ± + ± +/± Submandibular gland ++ + + ± + Mesenchima surrounding vibrissae ++ + + ± ± Ó FEBS 2002 ETS factors and COUP-TFI promoter (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 321 Other ETS factors are able to transactivate the COUP-TFI gene promoter All ETS factors bind the same consensus c ore sequence GGAA/T, w ith surrounding bases conferring additional speci®city [9]. The refore, we cotransfected HeLa cells w ith the )490/)408 reporter gene and increasing amounts o f expression vectors for ETS factors. Ets-2, Spi-1 and ETV1 were also a ble to activate the promoter (Fig. 6), consiste nt with the fact that the response elements for these proteins are very s imilar. Other ETS factors, namely ERM and PEA3,werealsoabletoactivatetheCOUP-TFI promoter but to a lesser extent (Fig. 6). DISCUSSION The last few years have seen a growing interest toward the ETS family and, as a result, the biological activities of some of these proteins h ave been studied. ETS factors are involved in processes such as development [26,27], tumor progression [8,28], speci®cation of synaptic connectivity [29] and synapse-speci®c transcription [30]. A lthough there is a considerable body of research on ETS factors, only a few target genes have been identi®ed. In this paper, we have presented data indicating the coexpression of ETS proteins and COUP-TFI in the same tissues. Among these ETS factors, Ets-1, Ets-2, ETV1 a nd PEA3 are coexpressed with COUP-TFI in many different tissues of the d eveloping mouse embryo suggesting t hat COUP-TFI may be a target gene of these factors. This would render a very complex pattern of activation of COUP-TFI as we showed that m ost ETS factors a re able to activate the COUP-TFI p romoter. Furthermore, the com- plexity of this system is also illustrated b y the fact that ETS factors work t ogether w ith a ccessory proteins [8]. Therefore, the ®nal eff ect of a particular ETS factor on the promoter DARK FIELD BRIGHT FIELD BRIGHT FIELDDARK FIELD COUP-TFI Ets-1 Ets-2 COUP-TFI Ets-1 A B C E D F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Fig. 4. Coexpression of COUP-TFI and ETS mRNAs. E mbryos (14.5-day-old) we re hybridized wit h probes for C OUP-TFI (panels A, E, I a nd M), Ets-1 ( panels C, G, K a nd O) and Ets-2 (panel Q). H ematoxilin counterstain is shown for each hybridization (panels B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P a nd R). (A±D), bladder; (E±H), nasal septum; (I±L), cerebral cortex; (M±R), vibrissae. 322 R. Salas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 Fig. 5. Colocalization of COUP-TFI and ETS factors on e14.5 mouse embryos. Panels A±F, COUP-TFI and Ets-1 in nasal mesenchima. (A) C OUP-TFI stained section, hematoxylin st ained, at 100´ magni®cation; (B) same region, seen o n dark ®eld; (C) 20´ magni®cation of the s am e section. (D) Ets-1 stained section, hematoxylin stained, at 100´ magni®cation;(E)sameregion,seenondark®eld;(F)20´ magni®cation of the same section. Panels G±O, COUP-TFI, Ets-1, and Ets-2 in mesenchima surrounding the v ibrissae. (G) COUP-TFI stained section, hematoxylin stained, at 100´ magni®cation; ( H) same re gion, seen on dark ®eld; (I) 20 ´ magni®cation o f the same s ection; (J) E t s-1 stained section, h ematoxylin stained, at 100´ magni®c ation; (K) s ame re gion, seen o n dark ®e ld; ( L) 20 ´ magni®cation of the same section. (M) E ts- 2 stained section , hematoxylin stained, at 100´ magni®cation; ( N) same region, seen on dark ®eld; (O) 20´ magni®cationofthesamesection.BlacksquaresonpanelsC,F,I,L, and O denote the r egions seen at 100´.Scalebarsare20lmfor100´ pictures and 200 lmfor20´ pictures. Ó FEBS 2002 ETS factors and COUP-TFI promoter (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 323 would also depend on the availability of these acc essory factors. When transfected in HeLa cells, the activity of the COUP-TFI promoter was a bout the same r egardless of the size of the s equence used until the )387 c onstruct was studied. The fragment between )734 and )387 seems to be responsible for half of the activity in these cells. W e believe that this is the effect of endogenous Ets-1 or other ETS factors in HeLa cells. The activity drop is small probably because the reporter amount used in transfection experi- ments is in large excess and there might not be enough endogenous protein t o reach full activation. In addition, we demonstrated that all three ETS sites must be occupied and this would be even more d if®cult when the ETS factors a re present in a limiting amount. F inally, it is also possible that sequences closer to the initiation o f transcription are responsible for a high basal activity. In transfection experiments, all the ETS factors studied activated the COUP-TFI promoter, with Ets-1 showing the strongest effect. It is interesting to note that Ets-1 is also the factor that showed more regions of coexpression with COUP-TFI. T herefore, there may be a correlation between the level of coexpression and the extent of activation in transfected cells. T he fact that all the ETS factors e xamined activated the COUP-TFI promoter is not really surprising. As stated earlier, all ETS factors recognize the same core motif. As the n eighboring sequences also affect binding, the consensus binding site is not the same for all these proteins. Therefore, it is likely that the COUP-TFI promoter might have evolved to b e more highly r esponsive to some members of the family, in this case Ets-1, as c ompared to o thers. The putative correlation between transactivation potential and mRNA coexpression supports this hypothesis. In addition, although we studied several ETS factors, there are many more, and it is possible that some other ETS factors also colocalize with COUP-TFI. Furthermore, the temporal expression of COUP-TFI and ETS factors change during development, which can alter the effect of ETS factors on COUP-TFI transcription [6,22]. In conclusion, we have identi®ed the COUP-TFI tran- scription factor a s a new putative target o f ETS proteins. To answer whether Ets-1 or other ETS factors a re true physiological regulators of COUP-TFI would requiere additional studies. This would be c omplicated because the ETSfamilyhassomanymembers,andwehavedemon- strated that different members are able to transactivate the COUP-TFI promoter. Therefore, the usual approach o f studying the levels of COUP-TFI in ETS knock-out mice might not render the expected results, because compensa- tion is very likely to occur. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We want to thank D r F red Pereira for critical read ing of the manuscript. We would also t hank Dr Francoise Moreau-Gachelin for providing the Spi-1 cDNA and Drs Yvan de Launoit a nd Laure nt Coutte for providing the ERM, ETV1 a nd PEA3 cDNAs. This work was supported by g rants from NIH to S. Y. T. and M J. T. REFERENCES 1. Tsai, S.Y. & Tsai, M.J. ( 1997) Chick ovalbumin u pstream pro- moter-transcription factors (COUP-TFs): coming o f age. Endocr Rev. 18, 229±240. Fig. 6. Eect of other ETS family members on the COUP-TFI pro- moter. 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