Harry L Field John B Solie
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK,
USA 111 Agricultural Hall Usa 111 Agricultural Hall
Stillwater 74078 Stillwater 74078
haery@okstate-edu jsolie@okstate.edu
Library of Congres Control Number: 2006930107
ISBN-10:0.387-36913.9 eISBN-10:0-387-36915-5
ISBN-13:978.0.387-36913.6 CISBN-13:978.0-387-36915.0
Printed on aire paper
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“The use ia tis publication of trade names, wademarks, service marks, and sila less, even i they are not denied as such, i ott be taken as an expression of opinion 361 wheter oF not they are
Trang 3Contents 10 Ta 12 13 4 15 16 Problem Solving
Common Units of Measure imple Machines
Internal Combustion Engines
Power Tr
‘Tractors and Power Units Machinery Cali
Equipment Efficiency and Capacity Economies of Agricultural Machinery Sound and Noise
Measuring Distanee
Angles and Areas
Land Description
Differential and Profile Leveling
Significant Figures and Standard Form
Trang 4Contents
17 Water Runoff
18, Erosion and Erosion Control 19, Irrigation
20, Handling, Moisture Management, and Storage of Biological Products
21, Animal Waste Management 22, Insulation and Heat Flow
23, Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Condi
24, Selection of Structural Members 25 Principles of Electrici
Trang 5Index
S45, 175,176 Method, 179
oe mle, 84, 134 Acceleration, 33, 4
Aesuney, 17,18, 172 ‘Acceptable level, 97,171
Checking, 211,216 Level of 159, 210
OF ealitation, 94
OF grain ail, 103 OF leveling, 210
OF odometer whee, 162 OF sprayer, 113
Or pes, 163
Or ping, 169 Rational method, 236
USLE, 217
Aerobie treatment, 284 ‘Airconditioning, 31
‘rmasses, 222 Polar continental, 223
Polar marie, 223 Superior, 223,
‘Tropical continental, 223, ‘Tropical marie, 223
Aiesedes, 107 “Mobile clibeation, 108
Atemating eurent, 337 Motor, 349
Curent, 349 Disadvantages, 349 Phase, 380
Ammetes, 335,386,337 Parallel circuits, 338
Series circuits, 337
Amperage, 37,328 Anmeter 380, 35T
Clamp-on, 337 Determining, 335 Bguation, 338
‘Motor demand, 355 Overcurrent protection, 345
Parallel eireuits, 332 Series circuits, 382, 387 Anacrbie weatment, 381 Anges, 175 345,176 Method, 177 Chow, 175, Tape sine, 178,179
Applied fore, 36 {Cassone lever, 38
Class he lever, 30 {Class two lever, 38,39 Combined machine, 47 Soule, 35
Wheel and axte, 42
Approximate number, 18 Sigifican figures, 19
Area, 23,24 ‘Acre, 20
Calibration, 94-122 Dat, 132
Engine displacement, 35 Fractions of a section, 200,
Trang 6372 Index
Area (cont) Mixed watersheds, 240,
Rectangular sytem 197 aot, 234
SIunje, 33
‘Standard shapes, 182 Circe, 185,
Irregular shapes, 188 Parallelogram, 185,
Rectangle 185 Sector 185
Square, 185 Trapezoid, 188, 190
‘Triangle, 183 Surveying ketch, 211
Weather, 21 High pressure, 222
Low pressure, 222 Work, 157
Areas, 182 Circe, 186
Tregula shaped Nel, 188 ‘Trapezoid, 190
Sector, 186,187
Tape sine, 182 “Trapezoid, 187, 188,
Triangle, 183 mì Base an height, 183 ¬ ‘The sides, 183 Augers, 267 Capacity, 124 Belt, 267 Sere, 267
Backsight, 205 ‘Adding to benchmark, 206,
“Angle, 175,
On tuming poin, 204 Beak even use, 147
Equation, 148 Beam, 319 Calelatons 33 Cantilever, 319 EDM, 171 Equations, 322 Loading, 320, Simple 319 Tunis, 324 Sizing, 23
Beach mark, 204 Closing, 218,
Difference between, 212, Beatin, 205
ldeniticaion, 205 Local 205
“Tuming point, 200 USGS, 205,
‘Biological products, 266, Adiing vat, 275
Dry weight equation, 275 ‘Wet weight equation, 276,
Handling 266 Augers, 267
Pneumatic conveyors, 269 Moisture management, 272
Dry weigh 273 Wet weight, 273,
Removing water, 275, Dry weight equation, 275
Wet weight equation, 276, Storage, 277
Block and Its, 196, 197 Block and tackle, 43
Brake, 83 Horsepower, 28, 30,31
Power, 83,89 Engine, 8
Prony, 30 ‘Am, 31
Calibration, 93, 94 ‘le seder, 107
Mobile, 108 Airseeler, IU? Chư 93
Ferilizer applicators, 94 Mobile, 98
Stationary, 96| Ferilizer spreader, 4
Gein di, 100 Mobile, 101
Stunts, 116 Stationary 101 Machines 93
Mobile, 98 Air seeders, 107
Fenilzer spreader, 100, Gain ait, 108 Row erp planter, 106 Principles, 94|
Row crop planter, 104 ‘Mobile, 106,
Trang 7Sprayer 109 Equation, 111 Sprayers, 109
Stationary 94 Ferilizer spreader 97
Row crop planters, 105 Sprayers 112 Capacitor motor, 352 Capacity 118,124, 131 ‘Augers 267, Day com, 268 Day soybeans, 268 Curent carying 42-345 Bective, 125,145,149 Efetive ved, 125 Equation, 125 Field, 124 Hopper 98
Inigation system, 288,259, STunits, 264|
Units, 260
Units method, 268 Variables, 260
Los, 124,130,131 Machin, 18 Nozze, 112
Peumatie system, 270, ‘luni, 278
Shuts, 127
Storage animal wastes, 283, ‘Theoretical, 124 Equation, 24 Tunis, 127 ‘Theoretical eld, 124 “Taroughpu, 124, 126 fective, 126 ‘Theoretical, 126 Ventilation fans, 305 Wiser holding, 246 cals Equation, 13 Fuel, 49 Loại, 83 Reference, 10 Seed pate, 104
hain, 162 ‘And sprocket, 64
Rotation, 66,67 Breaking 168 OF command, 15 Save nose, 155 Surveyors, 162 ‘Add, 163 Index 373 at, 163 Graduations, 163, Chaining 159 Pins, 162, 168 Procedure, 168 “Chăn là Caliðnion,93 Flow, 18 Profile, 13 Payehrometric, 293,294 Aireondiioning, 312
‘Changing conditions, 300 Dew point 296
Dry bb emperatre, 295 Evaporative cooling, 312 Moisture, 296|
Relative humidity, 296 Specie volume, 296
‘Types 295 Ventilation ate, 308,
Rainfall intensity duration recurrence interval, 227
Sound, 154 Spreadsheet, 11
‘Chord method, 175,176 Ciree, 186,
Chon method, 175 Equation, ®
iret, S37 Electrical power, 338
‘Onn’ ly, 328
Surveying, 212 Closing, 216,218,
(Cold font, 224
'Columas, Field book, 214
Payelometrie chan, 304 ‘Section modulus, 322, Sum, 11
Compression 1 Equation, 56
Conductor, 327,328 Cieuit poteeion, 345
Dual voltage, 351 Electrical power 328
Electromagnetic fed, 47 Angle, 348
Grounding, 339 Resistance, 41
Series and parallel esc, 331,339,
Sizing 340, 483, 45 Calculating, 341
Selecting fom able, 344
Trang 8374 Index
Conductor (cont) Voltage drop 340 Feel, 12 Labor 13,258
Conversion factors Appendix 1-14 oil, 142
Conversion value 45 Developing new 29,30 ‘Waste handling, 279 Repair and maintenance, M41
Using 27 Curent, 326,327
Correction factor 173 5% slopes, 166 ‘Altemating 327,349 Ammeter, 387
Calibration procedure, 172 Amperage, 327
Equation, 172 Demand, 385
SIunie, 73 Direct, 327,328,349
Slopes 167 Using 17 Grounding, 389 Electrical power 328
on, 130 lect, 330 ‘Ohm's ts, 328 Phase, 380
Fixed, 137,140, 141 Capital recovery factor, 137 Potenial, 328 Preston, 48,353,
Depreciation, 137 Series parallel crits, 334
Insrance, 139 ‘Skin esintance, 155,
Interest on investment, 137 Starting, 351 ‘Total, 338
‘Taxes 138 Voltage drop, 340
uel injection, $4 Inlguion, 254 Daa entry, 8
Praeton, 268 Daa processing, 9
Pumping, 253, Devel, 153
Water, 263 ‘Common sound
Least, 130 Machinery, 136 Decision making, 1 Meter, 155
‘Actual, 136 Annus, 136,139 Flow chats, 15, Symbols 16
Estimating, 136 Tnitive reasoning, 7
Lost ine, 130 Spreadsheet,
‘Operating, 130,131, 14 coll.8
‘Ovineship, 130, 13, 137, 140 Rept, 130 Chast, 13 Columns, &
“Tilage equipment, 131 Total 130 Data Entry, # Data Processing 9
“Two groups, 136 Fixed reference, 11
Motors, 48 Function, 9
Operating, 49 Grips 11
Production, 118,131 Grid, |
Reduce, 146 Break even use, 147, 149 Logie functions, 10 Relational ference, Lt
Increasing annual use, 147 Rows, 8
IMeressng service life, 7 Units cancelation, 2,5,6
Maintenance schedule, 150 Conversion factors, 6
Matching tactors and machines, 146 Denoeninato, 5,6
Reducing orginal investment, 146 Fractions, 5
‘Time ulizatios, 146 Numerator, 5.6
‘Width uitizations, 145 ‘Weather, 220
Trang 9Fractional area, 202 Moisture management, 273, Ratio, 57
Reducing factions, 333, Speed rato, |
Dew point 294,206 ‘Airconditioning, 312
Slots, 314
Diagram, 2, 49,212,289
Diese, 54,38 Compression rai, 6
Derating, 86 Eifcieney, H9
Fuel eonsimption, 142 Oiluee, H3
Ditferential leveling, 212 Error control, 214
Dinet current, 327, 328
Displacement, 55 ‘Compression ati, 56
Engine size, 89 Sluis, 39
Berween rows, 11 Block and tackle, 43
Calibration, 172 Correction faton, 172
Chord method, 176 (Cass thre lever, 39 Class wo lever, 38
CComoction factors customary units, 167, 172 CConeetion factor SI nits, 173,
Customary units, 23, Ana, 24
Displacement, 160 Povwer,25-27 Torgue, 28 Velocity, 25 olume, 24 Daawbar power, 8
Electrone distance measuring, 159,165,171 Equivalent, 272 Fld efficiency, 124 Horizontal, 164 Inclined plane, 44 Measuring, 159 “Mechanical advantage, 38
Odometer whee, 161 ‘Accuracy, 162
Optical range finde, 171 Pacing, 160, Piston movement, 74,79 Index 373 Profile leveling,
Rectangular system 199 Seeds inthe rx, 106
Sluis, 31 Acceleration, 34 Area, 32 Power, 34 “Torque 35 Velocity, 34 Significant igure, 19 Slope, 166 Stadia, 169 Equation 170 Hand evel, 208 Rod eating, 170 “Tape sine, 178 Taping, 162 ‘Chain, 162 Han evel, 168 Pins, 163 Plumb bob, 168 Procedure, 165| Range poles, 164 Tapes, 163 Thread, 6
Three point hitch, 48 Univers soil loss equation, Vertical, 208,208)
Dra, 83 Converting ratings, $4
Mele, BÉ Horsepower, 28 Power 89 SIunie, 5L
Siving a actor, 139, 138
Sizing ullage machines, 135 Tractor testing 89,90
Day bu, 294,255,296 ‘Air conditioning, 312
Heating, 303, Slunis 314
Day weigh 275, ‘Adding water,275,276,
Trang 10306 Index
Duration (cont) Rainfall intensity 227,236 Engin, 49,83 Sof rte, 84
Recurrence interval, 227 Curve 85
Sound rterence level, 156, 157 Bore and stroke, 55
Time, 25 CCarburete, 51 Compression ratio, $5, 60
Effective capacity, 125 Tunis, 127 Dentin 86 ‘Accesories, 87
Aide, 88
Pally equiped, 87 89
‘Mechanical, 119 Service, 88
Performance, 120 Volumetic, St Diesel 54 “Temperature, 87
Eleeviety, 3A6 nergy 328 Displacement, Effciene I9 $5, 60, 186
Grounding, 339 ight requirements, 50
Panlld ciruit 332 Ammeten, 398 Four eyele, $1, 52,53 Four stroke eyele, 51
Voltmeter, 337 Pel consumption, 142
Power 328 Fuel injection, 54
Series cite, 331 Ammeters, 337 Horsepower, 28 Heat, 49
Amperage, 335 Teteral combustion,
Voltmeter, 336 Kilowatt, 59
Series-pralel circuit, 384 Lugsing ability, 85
‘Tunis, 330 Mean effective pressure, 37
Tems, 327 ‘Altmating curent, 337 Power, 83 Pony brake, 30, 83
Amperage, 327 Sound, 153, 154
Creu, 327 ‘Steam, 28
Conductor 327 ‘Theoretical power, 57,59
Curent, 327 Direct current, 327 Twoeyele S7 Four eel, 57
Insulator, 327 ‘Torque, 71
‘Ohm's a, 328 Resistance, 327 “Two stoke, 50, 52,53, ‘Two stoke cycle, $3
Voltage, 328 ‘Types, 54
Wats, 328 ‘Compression ignition, $8
Volimeters, 336 Fuel injection, St
Etectrone distance measuring, 165, 71 Volumetic efficiency, 51 Spask ignition, 4
Energy 329 “Auger eequiements, 267 Equations, 24,8 ‘Area, 175
Coaverson, 51,52, 56 Beam, 320
Efcieney 118,119 Con H0
Fleetdeal 396, 39, 330 Dựanhạc 83
Heat, 286, 294 Of aie, 294 Engine, 56 Moisture, 273|
Los, 62,336 Noise, 155
Motors, 37 Resistance, 329
Raindrop, 245 Soll os, 246
San 49 ‘peo aos, 65
Trang 11“Trpcroid,100 Triangle 183
Units cancellation, 5,106
Erosion, 244 Causes, 245
Conta 251
Soil development, 244 ‘Types 245
Water, 235 Wind, 246
Err Detemmining acceptable, 1, 94,99, 112 Math 7.306
(Odometer whee, 162 Optica range tinder 171 Pacing 160,
Random, 172
Signilce gure, 18
Sources, 210| Spreadsheets, 10-11
Surveying, 210 Control of, 214
OF closure, 213,215, Profile, 216-218 Tunis, 220 ‘The chock, 21 216 Systematic, 172 ‘Taping, 162-163, 169 vaporative coling, 313
Exact number, 18 Sighitean gure, 19
Unceninty of, 19
Fenlize spreader, 96 Acceptable exon, 98
Calibration, 101
Feld efcleney, 124, 135 Fixed reference, 1
Spreadsheet, Mt Flow, 74 Aig 1,88 Vent 54 Chants, 2,15 Cumeni 337 “Amperage, 382,337 Circuit protection, 345
Parallel circuit, 338 Resistance, 328
Series citeuit, 337 ‘Total, 336, Flectons 36 Gases, 52 Grwity, 95,96 Index 377
Hest, 286,303, Building toa 292
Equation 307 Poor 292 Gain or toss, 306
Per squae foot, 28 Rate, 291
Hydraulic direction, 72 Hydraulic principle, 74 Rate, 4, 75,94, 109 Purrow, 262 Hydmgraph, 238 Increase 113 Novae, 110,111, Peak, 237 Seams, 234 ‘Throughput, 126 Water, 260,262 Refrigerant, 312 Time of eonenteation, 237 Volume, 76 Water 49 Flow chat, 2,
Fores, 23,25 Brake horsepower, 30
Horsepower, 29 Man 3 On piston, 52 Posse, 26 Pressure, 4
Simple machines, 36 Bock and tackle, 43
Inclined plane, 44
Jack, 46 Livers, 36-41
Paley, 43
‘Thee pont hitch, 47 ‘Wheel and ate, 42 Torque, 28,35, Weight 34
Force aim, 37 (Class one lever, 37
Class wo lever 38 Combined machine, 46 ‘Mass and weight, 34 Wheel and axle, 42
Formulas, 4 ‘Ave, 182
Four stoke eyele, $0, 51 SIunie, 59
Fractions, 5 ‘Common denominator, 333
Division, 121
Trang 12
378 Index
Fractions (ont) Inch, 23
Pulley size, 6 Reducing 338, Section, 200,202 Poel, 49 Carbretion, 51 ceils 49, Consumption, 2, M4 347 Conversion, 50, 5,53, 56 Costs, 136 47 Eicency, 90, 119 Ignition, $4 Metering, 54 Two gle, 52
Folerum, 36 Class three lever
(Class two lever, 38,39 Wheel and ate
Function 9 Bngine 49,50, Memory, 133 Posse tains, 65 Spreadsheet, 10 ‘Charing, 12 Copying 1 tin Loạïc, l0 Sum, 10 ‘Tiigonometsic, 178 Sine, 180, 181, 184
eas 65 Direction of rutin, 66,67
Daiver, 69
‘Mechanical systems, 62 Reaueton, 42, 68 Shifing up 146 Use of, 63
Gain dil, 10 Calibetion, 100
STunis, 116
Gaph,11 3-45 method, 177
‘Mean effective cylinder pressure, 57 Piloting distribution, 98 Profile, 216,218, Program, 12 Psychometric, 293 ‘Ralnfll-itensiy-duration, 228, 230, 238 Rational method, 261 Spreadsheet, 12
Universal sol loss equation, 247
Gra Nom, 196
Reciangular system, 197 Grounding, 331,339
Hand lve, 168 '% Slepe 166,
Ditfrenil tv ma 165
‘Uses with chaining, 162
Heat lance, 308, Building, 305
Heat ow, 285 Heating 303
eight of instrument, Se instment highi,
Hen, 354 Sound, 153
Horsepower 28 thule, SẼ
Augers, 267,269 Brake, 8, 30,31
Conversion from power, 29 Conversion to wats, 91,330
Displacement, 55 Drawbar, 28 132, 135
Engine, 28 Motor name pate, 354
Paeumatie conveyors, 269, 270 PTO, 28,83
Rota 71 Sanit, 35 “Theoretical, 57,59 “Trgue and speed, 30 ‘Transmission, 71,72
Useable, 87 olumetic efficieney, 51
Hydrologic eyele, 224 ine, 208
Ignition, 51 Compression, St
Sp, 54 Derating engines, 86, 88
Inclined plane, 36,44 Force, 45
Mechanical advantage, 48
Instrument height, 206 New, 206
Subvacting foresight, 206
Insulation, 286, 287,288 Riestiel 310,341
‘Thermal, 287 vals, 288
Trang 13Selecting, 289 U valves, 288 Insulator, 3277 Intensity 226, Amperage, 335| ‘And dation, 227 Electromagnetic fed, 337 Hydraulic force, 73 Rainfall, 224,236, 227,234, 238,245 actor, 247 Graph, 228 Rational method, 236 aot, 246 aot eoeticient, 236 SLumits, 29 Graph, 280,248, 3,158 Storm, 223
Internal combustion, 49,50 Eilcierey, 119
Tnitve reasoning, 2,7, 4 Direction of rotation, 68
Paley speed, 63
Iniguion 253 Depth to sply, 255
Effet, 253
Seasonal need, 263
System capacity, 258 Equation, 259
‘Tunis, 264
Systems, 254 ‘Above ground, 254
“Suheudiee,255 Surface, 254
Land description, 196 Block and lot, 196, 197
“Metes and bounds, 196 Rectangular system, 197 ‘Quadrangles, 198 Sections, 196 “Towneips, 196 Level, 210 OF eto, 198,99 Boaders 254 Dumpy, 207 Hand, 162, 164,208 Or accepeablty, 103 OF accuracy, 97,113, 159, 17, 182 OF oss, 121 OF perfomance, 109,122,131 Orprecision, 160 OF sound, 153, 15¢ Index 379 Doss 155,
‘Sound meter, 154 Versus exposure, 157
OF uncertainty 18 Rod, 208,210
Sea, 88,204, 208,270, Spit 207
` Four legged 210
Lett him rte, 210 Setting up 210 ‘Thre legged, 210
Lever, 28, 36 “Axle and wheel, 4
Class one, 33.37 Che tước, 39,41
‘Thre point hitch 4 Chass 90, 38,39 Equation, 46 Prony brake, 30 Pty 3 Sere 43 Slants, 47 Torque, 35,70
Liquid wastes, 283 ‘Acrobie treatment, 284
“Anaerobie raiment, 28 Handling, 283
Sluis, 285
Loài stating bility, 351,
Loading, 320 ‘Beams, 319,320,
Force oa member, 319 Logie function, 10
mà 85, 86
Machine, 36 Inte plane, 4
Fores, 43
Mechanical advantage, 48
Lever, 36 Applied force, 36
Foree am, 37 FAlerom, 36
Mechanical advantage, 37 Resultant am, 37
Resultant force, 36
Paley, 43 Block and tackle, 43
Mechanical advantage, 43
Seren 45 Mechanical advantage, 46
Trang 14380 Index
“Machine (ont) Three pont hitch, 47
Wheel and ae 41 Applied am, 41
Mechanical advantage, $1 Rais, 41
Resultant arm, $1 Winch,
Machinery 129 Break even use, 147
Equation, 148
Coss, Pied, 137
Variable, 11
Maintenance schedule, 150
Reauce con, 146 Increasing annual use, 147
Inreasng service life, 147
Matching tractors and machines, 146 Reducing investment, 146
‘Time uization, 146 Wath utization, 146
Selection, 129 ‘Capaciy, 131
Company, 130 Design, 130
Purchase price, 130, Repaits, 130 Sive, 13
“Manufacturer, Calibration chats, 93 334
Capacities of equipment, Derating engines, 86 Horsepower ratings, 89 Levels of err, 3, 119 ‘Maintenance recommendations, 150 Motor, 347,350 Reputation, 130 Tractor, 80 Tractor testing, 90 Type of sevice, 88
Mass, 33 ‘Application rate, 98
Calibration principles, 94
Center of, 39 Instead of weight, 278
Weight 0, 34,48
Masses ‘Ait 222,
Cold, 223,
Pola continental, 223, Polar maritime, 223
Superior 228,
Tropical cominemal, 223, “Tropical mariime, 223
Warm, 23 Measuring Amperage, 335 Angles, 175 Devices, 18 Calibration, 94| Precision, 19 Distance 159 Chain, 162
Eleetonic didance measuine, I65 Pacing 160
Stadia, 169 ‘Taping, 162 Noise exposure Stunts, 192 “Triangle, 18 Volage, 336 Dnp, 396
Mechanical advantage, 37 Cassone lever, 38
(Class thro lever, 39,41
Class wo lever, 38,39 Incline plane, 44
Paes, 43 Seren, 45
Wheel and axle 4,42 “Mechanical efficiency, 119,
Meter 31 ‘Acceleration, 33,
Contoling fo, $3, 94 Distance, 32,34
Pressure, 3435 ‘Tunis, 160 Sound measuring, 155 Torque, 35 Metering, Airseeler 107 Bulk, 95,101 Ferilizer spreader 95
¬ 100 Row crop planter 108
Variable opening, 95, ‘Metes and bounds, 196
Mixed waters, 240,261 Equation, 240
Mobile Calibaton, 94
Air scoders, 107, 108
Trang 15Principles, 93, 94 Row crop planters 106 Power 8
Sprayer 75
Moisture, 272.273, Day weigh, 273,
Wet weight, 273
Adding water.275, Dry weight equation, 275,
‘Wet weight equation 276, Auger capacity, 270
Removing water, 275, Dry weight equation 275,
‘Wet weight equation, 276 Storage.277
Moisture content, 294,296 Adding or removing water 275,276
Animal wastes, 280, Biological products, 272 Dry weight basis, 273, Sluts, 314
Soi erosion, 245 entluton, A04 Wit weight basis, 273
Motors, 347 Advantages, 348
Cassifistions, 349 ual voltage, 351
‘Load starting ability, 351
Reversibiiy, 351
Starting eureat, 351
‘Type of heatngs, 350, ‘Type of eurent, 39
‘Type of enclosure, 350,
“Type of moun, 350, Disavantages, 349
Name place data, 354 “Amperage, 355
Code eter 354 Duy eating, 354 Frame, 354 Herz, 354 Horsepower, 354 Manufactures, 354 Phase, 354 Serial number, 354 Service factor 354 Speed 354, ‘Temperature, 354 ‘oltage 355 Overoad protection, 353 ‘Types 351 Index 381 Capacitor, 382 Repuldon 352 Split phase, 351 Noise, 152 Controling 157 tect, 155 Exposure, 158 Exposure guidelines, 157 amber, 17 ‘Accuracy, 17 “Approximate, 18 Etc 18 Precision, 17 Ratio, 18 Rounding, 19,20 Scientific notation, 21 Significant ures, 19,20, Standard for, 21 Uncertainty, 17
Namerator, 5.6 Changing the sign, 21
Ratio, 37 Speed
(Odometer wheel, 161 ‘Accuracy 162
‘Oh’ aw, 335
Optical ange inde, 171 ‘Overload protection, 353,354
Pacing, 160
Parallel circuit, 332 ‘Ammneters, 338
Volimeters, 337
Pati, 2, 3,4, 5, 93,95, 146 ‘Beating, 153
Disubution, 98,100, 116 Time utilization, 146
Performance efficiency, 120 Combine, 120-123
Phase, 549-352, 334
Pins, 163 Setof, 162, 164
Temporary makers, 108
Pitch, 46 Sound frequency 153,
Plumb bob, 16 ‘Baking chain, 168
Mustation, 165
‘Used with chaining, 162
Trang 16382 Index
Pneumatic conveyors (com) [Negative pressure, 269
Positive pressure, 209 Sizing 270
Polar marie, 223
Poster, 23,25, 26, 27.29 Often, 21.31
‘Auger requirement, 269 Complex tains 68
Dering, 8 —
Basic engine, 86 Type of load, 88
Useable, $7 Displacement, $8 Drathar equation, 135 Pieiensv H9
Bleetnea, 328 ‘Cireits 331, 384
Conductor size, 63 Eneny, 399
Equation, 329| Phase, 388 Stunts, 30 gine stroke, 51,52
Fuel conversion, 50,51 Gears, 65,
Horsepower, 28,29 Lugging, 85
‘Machin size, 131 ‘Mechanical sem, 62
Moors, 348 ‘Advantages, 348
Disadvantages, 349
Overcurrent protection, 353 P70, 70
Pulley friction loss, 43 Rowan 31
STunis, 34,35 Equation, 59
Sound, 153
‘Sources of, 49 Sprayer pump, 110
Sprockets and chain, 64
Theoretical, 57 Tractor 8
Tractor etings, #2 ele, 84
Brake, 83
Converting, #4 Dabur, 83,132
Engine SẺ PTO, 83
‘Tractor testing, 89 Transmission, 61, 71,72
Two de SẼ Units coneelhdion, 7
Posse ratings Tractor, 89
Converting 84 ‘Tractor testing, 89
Posse tain, 1 Electra 61
Hydraulic 61,72 Flow, Ts Force, 73 Presse, 75 Mechanical 61 Comples 68 Direction of rotation, 66 Gea, 68 Paley, 62 Speed, 65 Sprocket 64 ‘Torque, 70 Peumti, 61,72
Pression, Level of, 160
Measuring devies, 18,19 OF measurement, 23 Signitiant gues, 19
Pressure, 23, ‘Ae conditioning, 312
Clamping 46
‘Common sound levels, 154 Derating engines, 88 Electwon ow 326
Engine operation, 50,52 Engine power, 83
‘iydraule principle, 72-78 Intake stroke, 1
Pneumatic conveyor, 269 ayehromettic chart, 24 Row crop planter, 104, STunis, 34,59 Sound measurement, 153 Sound waves, 152 Sprayers, 109-113, ‘Testing principles, 90 ‘Theoretical power, 57 ‘Two stroke, 52 Weather, 21 Highs, 221,222 Lows, 221, 2
Trang 17Diagram,2
Bquatons 24.5.8 Formulas, $
Pattern 2.34.5
‘Sketch, 2 Units conversion, Š
Profile leveling 216, Data, 218
Error contro, 218,
Ps)chomeric chân, 203 Dew point 294,296
Dry buh 294,295 Moisture content, 294,296 Reading, 294, 296
Relative humidity 284, 295 Specitie volume, 294, 296
“Tal heat, 24, 296 Wir bulb, 394,395
PTO, 31,83 Power 8I, B3
6% rule, Cowvering pe, 8b Fuel consemption, 142,14 Pump dive, 110 Speed rato, 65| ‘Tractor testing, 89,90 Paley 3, 62 Balt, 99
Block and tackle, 43, Direction of rotation, 66 Driven, 63, 70,71, 76 Driver, 63, 7, Equation, 63 “Mechanical advantage, 43 “Mechanical sytem, 62 Modihed lefen 43 Poster tain, 62,63, 64 Reversing dvetion, 6,67 SHunits, 76 Speed ato, 65| Speeds, 6 “Torque, 70 “` East boundary, 199 North boundary, 199
R valu, 288 hhomogencous material, 289
[Non homogeneous materials, 289 STunits,292
Rainfall factor, 247 Erosion contol, 251
Index 383
Rainfall intensity, 224,227,234, 238 Char, 228
‘ST unis, 230,243
ration and reoccurrence intra 226
Runotf, 246
Runoff coefficient, 236
Range poles, 164 Iasrtion, 164
Use with chaining, 162
Ratio, 18 (Cassone lever, 37
(Cass to lever 38,39 Compression, 49, $6 Equation $6 Decibel, 153 Daivetesin, 98,104, 107 Peieney, 19 Geyc 69 Humility, 312 Inte plane, 4 Moisture content, 273,275 Pulley diameter, 64 Relative humility, 294 Runoff, 236 Seren; 46 Sides of wiangle, 178 Sine, 190 Spray min, 15 Sprocket, 65 Torque, 72 Two shafts, 66 Water sored, 257
Rational method, 236 ‘Mixed watershed, 240,
Rainfall intensity, 236 Runoff cosficient, 236 Time of eoncenteation, 237
Rectangular system, 196-199 Recurtence interval, 226,227
Char, 228
Dam construction, 237 Rainfall intensity, 236 Varying, 240
Relational ference, 11
Relative humidity, 294, 296 ‘Airconditioning 311
Trang 18384 Index
Reps (cont) Over ilizaton, 118
vettoad prceetion, 353 Repulsion motor 352
Resistance, 327 lectrcal, 327,328
CCatulating, 333, Caleulating amperage, 338,
Caleulating voltage, 335, iret protection, 345
Grounding 339 Parallel crits, 931,382
Series cireuis, 331
Series parallel eres, 334 Sizing conductors, 340,342 Voltage drop, 340 Load starting, 351 Ot mate, 33 Overt protection, 353 Pipe, 271 STi, 345 Skin, 155
‘Thermal, 286,287 Heat flow, 297
Measurement of, 288 ‘Tous, 289, 202
Resultant arm, 37 ‘Class one lever, 37, 38
Class three lever, ‘Mass and weight, 34 “The poin htch 47,48 Wheel and axle, 41,42
Resultant force, 36 (Cass three lever, 41
(Class 1wo lever, 38,39 Pressurized ligid, 73, Seren; 46
Rocking the rod, 208
Rod, 70 “Amber, 326
Connecting, 0
Differential leveling, 212 English length, 160
Profile leveling, 216 Intermediate foresighs, 218,
Surveying, 170 Backsght, 205, 213 Foresight 206,213 Phildphi, 170 Reading, 208, Rocking, 208, Sources of exo, 210 ‘Stadia, 169,170,
“Traciional, 208 Turning point 207,213,
Rounding, 19 Leaving a ze, 98
Row crop planter 94, 108 Mobile calibration, 106
Stationary calibration, 108
Rows, 8 - Grain dri, 108
Ieigation, 262
Mobile eairation, 108
Rectangular system, 199 Row crop planter, 104
Sprayer 14 Vineyard tractor 81
Rumolf eeficen, 236 Mixed watersheds, 240,
Slits, 241 Scientific notation, 21 Sere 43 Auger, 267 Capacity, 268 Mechanical advantage, 46 Pitch, 46 Section, 196 ‘Area 202 Cros, Area, 76 Fraction of, 198, 200
Fraction of toasip, 198 denifeuion, 200
Modtlie 330: 333
Sector, 186 Equation, 186, 187
Series circuit, 331 ‘Ammeters 337
Amperage, 335 Volimetes, 336 Series parallel eiveuit, 334
Significant igure, 17,19 ‘Adding and sueractig, 20
Ambiguous, 37,98
‘Approximate numbers, 18,19
Exact numbers, 18,19 Multiplication and division, 20
Rounding, 20,47 Sketch,
Sketching, 171
Trang 19Engaging tots, 107 Erosion, 223,245 Water 285 Wind, 246
Estimating loss, 246 USLE, 247
ur, 104 Imporance of, 244
Inflation rate, 224, 254,255 Root zone depth, 256
Runoff coeficien, 236 Table, 237
Texture factor, 133 ‘Toni, 150
‘Teaton, 8 Waste application, 280
amily, 281
Limits, 282 Nulconal content, 281
Tunis, 285 Water storage, 256
Soll oss, 246 Univer soil loss equation, 246
‘Cropping and management factor, 20
Rainfall fete, 247 Soil eo, 247 ‘Toposraphie factor, 247 Solid waste, 280, SLs, 285 Sound, 152 Comparing, 154 Measurement, 153 ‘Specific volume, 294,296
Speed, 25, ‘Ag machinery, 27
‘And torque, 30, 70,71 Application rate, ILL ‘Auger, 267 Disanceline, 37 Engine, 57,83 Factor, 132,135, Fld efficiency, 125,133, 135 Fluid fw, 74 In formulas, 4 Lever, 38, 39,41 Linear 63 Motor data, 354 OF rtation, 61 Of dan, 6% Plowing, 150 PTO power, 83 Paley 62, 64 Index 385 Ratio, 64.65, 66, 68, 104, 69 Rota 30 Sprayer 109,112 System pressure, 113, Travel, 110, 113, 124 Wind, 222 Wind erosion, 246
Speed aio, 4, 5,66, 69 enilizer spreader 95
Row crop planter, 104 Torque, 72
Split phase motor, 351
Sprayer 109 Calibration, 111
Equation, 111 Mines, 114,115
Spreadshect, 7 Daa entry 8
Data processing 9 Features, 8 Graphing 1 Logie functions, 10 What if, 218 Sprocket, 64 Driven, 65 Diiver 65 Bguation, 63 ‘Mechanical systems, 62 14 P10, 65 Reversing diection, 67 Sizes, 6 Spectro, 65 stadia, 169 Equation, 170 Hand level, 208 Rod reading, 170
Standaed frm, 21,23, “Addition and subtraction, 2
Division, 2
Stationary Calibation, 94
Airseeler, IUT Fenlizer spreader,
Gain di, 108 Row crop planter, 105
Engine, 80 Bake power, 83
Derating, 86
Horsepower cuve, 85
PTO 81, 83 Rated power 88
Useable porter, 88 ans, motor, 347 348
Trang 20
386 Index
Stonns, 23 Cod front, 24 ‘Theoretical capacity, 124,125 Equation 124
Duration, 226 Intensity 226 Theoretical power, ST Slunis, 127
Recurrence intra, 227 ‘Tractor testing, 89
‘Worm font, 223 ‘Taree point ch, 47
Strctral members, 319 Beam sizing 323 “TheshoM of pin, 153 General purpose tract
Cantilever beam, 320, Throughput capacity 124, 136
Dimension lumber, 321 ‘Time, 23,28
Simple beams 319 Loading, 320 Capacity, 125 Brake horsepower, 31
Superior 228, Converting units, 27
Surveying, 204 Drawbar power, 83
"PquipmenL 207 TLevelinstrament, 210, aration, 225 Duiy eye, 385
Reading aro 208 Rocking ro, 208 Blctiel energy 329 Electronic distance measuring,
Bros, 210, Field notes, 211 Field eticiency, 124 m™
Terms, 204 Backsight, 205 OF concentration, 237, 249 Horsepower, 29
Bench mat, 208 Foresight, 206 Peak use, 258 ‘Optimum machine sie, 131
Instrument height, 206 Per day, 259
“Turing point, 206 Power equation, 26
Symbols 16 low char, 15 Pumping, 259| Tunis, 314
System capacity, 258 Equation, 259 Sound exposure, 156 Spreadsheet, 9
Tunis, 264 ‘Throughput, 126 Utilization, 146
Value of money, 137
“Tape sine metho, 178, 179 ‘Time of concentation, 237
“Tapes, 162 34S method, 17 Rational method, 238,239 Slunits,241
Graduations, 168 Huaraien, 163, 164 ‘Torque, 23,25, 28, 30,31 (Capacitor motor, 352
Rough measurements, 163 Engine, 30
“Taping, 162 Chai, 162 Hydaule system, 72 ‘Load stating, 351
Hand level, 164 Look up 353
Pins, 163 Mechanical power tain, 62, 70
Plumb bob, 164 Procedure, 165 PTO poster, 83 Pulley, 62
Range poles, 164 Tapes, 163 SI.35 ‘Speed selationship, 70,
“Temperature, 23,24 ‘OF compression, 50 “Type of service, 88 ‘Transmission, 71
Converting units, 32 Dentin engines, ‘Tal heat, 294, 296 Heat balance, 308,
Engin, 50 “Tal flow, 292
Trang 21Index 387
Division of 198,200, New unit,7
entitcation of, 199 Poser, 30
Size, 199 Resistance, 42
Tractor, 80 Categories, 80 Seed spacing 106 Sure, 76
Ganlen, 32 “Theoretical capacity, 124
General purpose, 81 Inlusril, SỐ “Throughput capacity 127 Time required, 126
Orchard, 81 Velocity, 114
Row crop 81 Vineyard, 81 Conversion, S| Volume, 281, 288
CConvering power ratings, 88 Brake Honseposer, 30
Derating 86 Converting units 6,132,260
Lagging abi, 85 Drawhar horsepower, KỲ
Poster ratings, 82 Brake, 8 Field capacity, 124 Inigation system capacity, 259
Devan 83 Sprayer 117
Engine, 83 Velocity, 27
P10, 83 Weight to volume, 305
‘Testing, 89 Units of measure, 23,
‘Trapezoid, 187 Equation, 188,190, Customary ‘Area, 23, 24
“Trapezoidal, 175 Equations, 190 Distance, 23, 24,27 Fore, 23,25
Summation equations, 191 ‘Tunis, 195 Horsepower, 28 Power, 23,25, 26,27, 29
“Triangle, 183 Base and eight, 183 Speed, 25, Pressure, 23,25
One angle two sides, 184 ‘Temperature, 23,24 ‘Time, 23,25
“Torge, 23, 25,28, 30,31 Velocity, 28, 25,26
‘Tropical continental, 223, Volume, 23,24|
‘Tropical maritime, 223, ‘Weight, 23,24
“Turning point, 206, Asbencha, 207 shat ‘Acceleration, 34
Chord method, 176 ‘ea, 32
Extending line, 208, Distance, 32
‘Two stoke cycle, 50,52, 53 Horsepoher 35 Max 3ã
U value, 288 Move, 31,32
— Exact umber, 19 Power, 34 Proixes, 32
Level of, 18 Pressure, 34
Reducing, l8 Speed, 3
Units, 5 Cancellation, 2, 5,6 ‘Temperature, 32 “Torgue, 35
‘Application rte, 112 Bushels per are, 120, Velocity, 34 Volume, 32
Capacity, 132,259,264 Weight, 33
Cost, 330 Universal Soil Loss equation (USLE}, 246
Days, 13 ‘Cropping and management factor, 249
Trang 22388 Index
Universal Soil Loss equation (USLE} (cont) Rainfall factor, 247
Soil eoaibiity 247 Topographic factor 247
Velocity, 23, 28.26 Drawbar horsepower 83
Blecionie distance measoring, 171 SIunje, 34
Weight and mass 33 'entlqUon ate, 303
Vohage, 327,328 Determining amperage 332
Drop, 340, 41 ‘Case, M2
‘Conductor sizing Prtection, MS
Blecrcal poser, 328 Measuring 386, 337
Molor 349 Name plate inf, 358
Series sn pra eitcuits, 331,332, 3
Voltmeter, 336
Volume, 23,24 ‘Aerobie teatent, 284
Calibstion, 94-112 Clearance, 56,57, 60, Compression ratio, $6 indica, 5S Field eticieney, 128
Hydeaule, 74 Machine cost, 145
_ SIAnjt, 32 Specific at), 294, 296,300, 304 ‘olumetic efficiency, 51 Weight 1,305 Wind erosion, 246 ‘Volumetric efficiency, Wann font, 24
Wisse management, 279 Disposal, 280 |
Handling, 280 Liguid, 283
Solid, 280
Trenmen, 219 Aenoie, 381
Anaerobic, 284
Water 245 ‘Ar conditioning, 311
Boiling point, 32
Erosion, 245,246,247 Equation, 251 Prevention, 251 Evaporative cooling, 314
Ground, 280 Hong capacity 24
Horsepower 28 Irregular boundary 190
riguion, 253 Application, 254
Application time, 260,262 ‘Available, 254
Capacity 258,259 Cont, 264 Depth to apy 255 Effet, 253 Peak use, 256 Plant productivity, 253
Seasonal demand, 268 Sluts, 264
Moisture content, 204
Moisture management, 272 [Adding water, 275,
Day weight, 273
Dry weight equation, 275 Removing wate, 275, Wet weight, 273
‘Wet weight equition, 276 Psyeometic chart, 300
Relative humidity, 298 Source of power, 49
Spray mix, 114 Surface, 280 ‘Table, 280
“Thermal sistance, 287 Vapor, 293,204
Way, 245, Wet bulb 204
Water uot, 234 Peak rte, 234
Rational method, 234 Mixed watershed, 240
Rainfall intensity, 236
Runoff coefficient, 236 ‘Time of concentration, 237
Wants, 35,328 ‘Appliance rating, 343
ietiedlenegy, 399
lecrcal power equation, 328 PTO power, 83 |
Weather, 21 ‘Aiemasses, 22
Trang 23Polar maritime, 223 Superior 223
“Tropical continental, 223, Tropical maritime, 223
High pressure, 221 Low pressure, 221
Storms, 223 (Cold font, 224
Duration, 226 Intensity 226,
Recurrence intra ‘Wan front,
Weight.23,24 ‘Animal waste, 281
[Asa foree, 25 Beam, 320
“Machine elation, 93 Grin dil, 101, 102
Row crop planter 10% Spray mines, 11 Spreaders, 96-101 Mass, 33 Moisture management, 273-278, Poser, 26 Precision of numbers, 17-20
Runoff coefficient, 240, 241 Simple machines, 26-8
Index 389
Throughput capacity, 126 To volume, 305
Wer bub, 294, 295, ‘Airconditioning 314
Relative humidity, 296 Total est, 296
Wee weight 273 ‘Ang water,278,276,
ass, 273,
quations 273 ‘Slits, 278
Removing water, 278,275
Wheel and ante, 41,42 Applied ann, 41
Mechanical advantage, 4
Radi, a1 Resin arm, 4
Winch, 82 Wineh, a2
Wind, 246 Brosion, 248,246
‘Control, 251 Estimating, 246
Trang 24
8 9
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