START AS A SOPHOMORE CREDIT CHECKLIST To determine your student’s progress toward Indiana’s Statewide Transfer General Education Core (STGEC), check off their completed courses below, add the total per competency area, and tally their completed credits in total WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Minimum of three but no more than six credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit) ENGL 111 English Composition* Credits ENGL 215 Rhetoric and Argument* Credits Advanced Placement Course & Required Score English Language and Composition (Score of 3) - ENGL 111 Credits English Language and Composition (Score of 4, 5) - ENGL 111 & ENGL 215 Credits Indiana University’s Advance College Project ENG W131 Reading, Writing, & Inquiry I - ENGL 111 English Composition Credits ENG L202 Literary Interpretation - ENGL 206 Introduction to Literature Credits University of Southern Indiana ENGL 101 Rhetoric and Composition I: Literacy and the Self - ENGL 111 English Comp Credits Vincennes University ENGL 101 English Composition I – ENGL 111 English Composition Credits LITR 100 Introduction to Literature– ENGL 206 Introduction to Literature Credits Purdue Fort Wayne ENG W 131 – ENGL 111 English Composition Credits COMPETENCY CREDITS EARNED: Page SPEAKING & LISTENING Minimum of three but no more than six credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit) COMM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking* Credits COMM 102 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication* Credits Indiana University’s Advance College Project P155/S121 Public Speaking - COMM 101 Fundamentals of Public Speaking Credits University of Southern Indiana CMST 101 Intro to Public Speaking – COMM 101 Fundamentals Public Speaking Credits Purdue Fort Wayne COM 11400 Fundamentals Speech Comm – COMM 101 Fundamentals Public Speaking Credits Ball State University COMM 210 Fundamentals Public Comm – COMM 101 Fundamentals Public Speaking Credits COMPETENCY CREDITS EARNED: SCIENTIFIC WAYS OF KNOWING Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit) BIOL 100 Human Biology* Credits CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry I* Credits SCIN 111 Physical Science* Credits BIOL 101 Introductory Biology* Credits ASTR 101 Solar System Astronomy* Credits BIOL 105 Biology I* Credits BIOL 107 Biology II* Credits CHEM 105 General Chemistry I* Credits CHEM 106 General Chemistry II* Credits PHYS 220 Mechanics* Credits PHYS 221 Heat, Electricity, & Optics* Credits PHYS 101 Physics I* Credits PHYS 102 Physics II* Credits MORE ON NEXT PAGE Page SCIENTIFIC WAYS OF KNOWING, CONTINUED Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit), CONTINUED SCIN 100 Earth Science* Credits ASTR 102 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Credits BIOL 121 General Biology Credits BIOL 122 General Biology II Credits BIOL 221 Microbiology I Credits CHEM 111 Chemistry I Credits CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I Credits CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II Credits CHEM 215 Qualitative Chemical Analysis Credits Advanced Placement Course & Required Score Biology (Score of 3) - BIOL 101 Credits Biology (Score of 4) - BIOL 105 Credits Biology (Score of 5) - BIOL 105 & BIOL 107 10 Credits Chemistry (Score 3) - CHEM 101 Credits Chemistry (Score of 4, 5) - CHEM 105 & CHEM 106 10 Credits Physics (Score of 3, 4, 5) - PHYS 101 Credits Physics (Score of 3, 4, 5) - PHYS 102 Credits Indiana University’s Advance College Project BIOL L100 Humans and the Biological World - BIOL 100 Human Biology Credits CHEM C101/121 Elementary Chem I/Elementary Chem Lab I - CHEM 101 Intro Chem I Credits GEOL G103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes - SCIN 100 Earth Science Credits PHYS P221 Physics I - PHYS 220 Mechanics/Heat Credits COMPETENCY CREDITS EARNED: Page SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit) ECON 101 Economics Fundamentals* Credits ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics* Credits ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics* Credits HIST 101 Survey of American History I* Credits HIST 102 Survey of American History II* Credits POLS 101 Intro to American Gov & Politics* Credits POLS 211 Introduction to World Politics* Credits PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology* Credits PSYC 253 Intro to Social Psychology Credits SOCI 111 Introduction to Sociology * Credits SOCI 252 Social Problems* Credits ANTH 154 Cultural Anthropology Credits HIST 111 World Civilization I Credits HIST 112 World Civilization II Credits PSYC 201 Lifespan Development Credits PSYC 205 Abnormal Psychology Credits PSYC 240 Human Sexuality Credits SOCI 164 Multicultural Studies Credits SOCI 245 Social Problems Credits Advanced Placement Course & Required Score Comparative Government & Politics (Score of 3, 4, 5) - POLS 211 Credits Macroeconomics (Score of 3, 4, 5) - ECON 201 Credits Microeconomics (Score of 3, 4, 5) - ECON 202 Credits Psychology (Score of 3, 4, 5) - PSYC 101 Credits U.S Government and Politics (Score of 3, 4, 5) - POLS 101 Credits Indiana University’s Advance College Project ECON E201/E103 — Intro to Microecon - ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics Credits ECON E202/E104 — Intro to Macroecon - ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics Credits POLS Y103 Intro to American Politics - POLS 101 Intro to American Govt and Politics Credits PSY P101 Introductory Psychology I - PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology Credits PSY P102 Introductory Psychology II - PSYC 101 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY Credits MORE ON NEXT PAGE Page SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING, CONTINUED Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Purdue Fort Wayne Y 103 Intro to American Politics – POLS 101 Intro to American Government and Politics Credits H 10501 American History I – HIST 101 American History I Credits H 10601 American History II – HIST 102 American History II Credits Vincennes University ECON 100 Elements of Economics – ECON 101 Economics Fundamentals Credits COMPETENCY CREDITS EARNED: HUMANISTIC WAYS OF KNOWING Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit) ARTH 101 Survey of Art and Culture I* Credits ARTH 102 Survey of Art and Culture II* Credits ARTH 110 Art Appreciation* Credits ENGL 202 Creative Writing* Credits ENGL 206 Introduction to Literature* Credits ENGL 220 Intro to World Lit through the Renaissance* Credits ENGL 221 Intro to World Lit after the Renaissance* Credits ENGL 222 American Literature to 1865* Credits ENGL 223 American Literature after 1865* Credits FREN 101 French Level I* Credits FREN 102 French Level II* Credits FREN 201 French Level III* Credits FREN 202 French Level IV* Credits GERM 101 German Level I* Credits GERM 102 German Level II* Credits GERM 201 German Level III* Credits GERM 202 German Level IV* Credits HUMA 100 Theatre Appreciation* Credits HUMA 118 Music Appreciation* Credits MORE ON NEXT PAGE Page HUMANISTIC WAYS OF KNOWING, CONTINUED Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit), CONTINUED PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy* Credits PHIL 102 Introduction to Ethics* Credits PHIL 220 Philosophy of Religion* Credits SPAN 101 Spanish Level I* Credits SPAN 102 Spanish Level II* Credits SPAN 201 Spanish Level III* Credits SPAN 202 Spanish Level IV* Credits ENGL 214 Introduction to Poetry Credits Advanced Placement Course & Required Score Art History (Score of 3) - ARTH 101 Credits Art History (Score of or 5) - ARTH 101 & ARTH 102 Credits English Literature and Composition (Score of 3, 4, 5) - ENGL 206 Credits French Language (Score of 3, 4, 5) - FREN 201 & FREN 202 Credits Spanish Language (Score of 3, 4, 5) - SPAN 201 & SPAN 202 Credits United States History (Score of 3, 4, 5) - HIST 101 & HIST 102 Credits World History (Score of 3, 4, 5) - HIST 111 & HIST 112 Credits Indiana University’s Advance College Project FRIT F200 & F250 Second-Year French I & II - FREN 201/202 French Level III and IV Credits GER G150 Beginning German II - GERM 102 German Level II Credits GER G200 Intermediate German I - GERM 201 German Level III Credits GER G250 Intermediate German II - GERM 202 German Level IV Credits HIST H105 & H106 American History I & II - HIST 101/102 American History I and II Credits HISP S150 Elementary Spanish II - SPAN 102 Spanish Level II Credits HISP S200/203 Second-Year Spanish I - SPAN 201 Spanish Level III Credits HISP S250/204 Second-Year Spanish II - SPAN 202 Spanish Level IV Credits COMPETENCY CREDITS EARNED: TOTAL CREDITS EARNED: Page ... Second-Year Spanish I - SPAN 201 Spanish Level III Credits HISP S250/204 Second-Year Spanish II - SPAN 202 Spanish Level IV Credits COMPETENCY CREDITS EARNED: TOTAL CREDITS EARNED: Page... SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING Minimum of three but no more than 12 credits Ivy Tech Community College Course (May have taken via dual credit) ECON 101 Economics Fundamentals* Credits... 100 Earth Science* Credits ASTR 102 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Credits BIOL 121 General Biology Credits BIOL 122 General Biology II Credits