2-Oxo aciddehydrogenasecomplexesinredox regulation
Role ofthelipoateresiduesand thioredoxin
Victoria I. Bunik
A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Russia
A number of cellular systems cooperate inredox regulation,
providing metabolic responses according to changes in the
oxidation (or reduction) oftheredox active components of
a cell. Key systems of central metabolism, such as the 2-oxo
acid dehydrogenase complexes, are important participants
in redox regulation, because their function is controlled by
ratio andthe complex-bound dihydro-
lipoate/lipoate ratio. Redox state ofthe complex-bound
lipoate is an indicator ofthe availability ofthe reaction
substrates (2-oxo acid, CoA and NAD
) and thiol-disulfide
status ofthe medium. Accumulation ofthe dihydrolipoate
intermediate causes inactivation ofthe first enzyme of the
complexes. With the mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase,
the phosphorylation system is involved inthe lipoate-
dependent regulation, whereas mammalian 2-oxoglutarate
dehydrogenase exhibits a higher sensitivity to direct regula-
tion by the complex-bound dihydrolipoate/lipoate and
external SH/S-S, including mitochondrial thioredoxin.
Thioredoxin efficiently protects thecomplexes from self-
inactivation during catalysis at low NAD
. As a result,
2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex may provide succi-
nyl-CoA for phosphorylation of GDP and ADP under
conditions of restricted NAD
availability. This may be
essential upon accumulation of NADH and exhaustion of
the pyridine nucleotide pool. Concomitantly, thioredoxin
stimulates the complex-bound dihydrolipoate-dependent
production of reactive oxygen species. It is suggested that
this side-effect ofthe2-oxoacid oxidation at low NAD
in vivo would be overcome by cooperation of mitochondrial
thioredoxin andthe thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase,
Keywords: dihydrolipoate; 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase
complex; radical species; redox state; thioredoxin.
Regulation of metabolism dependent on the cellular redox
state has attracted increasing attention [1–5]. The redox
state is characterized by the degree of oxidation or reduction
of various redox-active species of a cell. Among these
species, pyridine nucleotides and thiol/disulfide compounds
are of special significance, as they interconnect many
enzymes ofthe multifaceted metabolic network. On the
one hand, the steady-state ratios of NAD(P)H/NAD(P)
and SH/S-S mediate theredoxregulation through direct
effects on proteins. Activities of many enzymes depend on
the redox state ofthe pyridine nucleotide pools, while
proteins with essential SH/S-S groups can be regulated by
post-translational modification involving cellular thiols and
disulfides [1,5–7]. On the other hand, the NAD(P)H/
and SH/S-S ratios are intimately related to the
cellular level of ROS. Reduced pyridine nucleotides and
thiols participate both in ROS formation and degradation.
The former process is effected by different NAD(P)H
oxidases [8] and upon thiol oxidation [9,10], while the
glutathione- and thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase reac-
tions use NADPH and thiols to scavenge hydrogen
peroxide and limit formation of radical species [11]. At
low concentrations, ROS are essential participants of the
cellular redoxregulation [3,11,12]. Their extremely high
reactivity allows for the fast local modification of proteins.
This can provide transient oxidative modifications against
the reducing potential ofthe medium, e.g. formation of
a protein disulfide bond inthe reducing cytoplasm [13].
However, the high reactivity also leads to cell destruction if
cellular capacity to scavenge ROS is compromised. This
happens under pathological conditions where NAD(P)H/
and SH/S-S ratios are decreased [14–17].
While experiments with intact cells enable us to assess the
net effects ofredox perturbations that reflect integrated
metabolic responses, dissecting the mechanisms of these
overall responses requires investigation ofthe separate
components ofthe metabolic network. Among cellular
systems, the2-oxoaciddehydrogenase multienzyme com-
plexes occupy key positions for redox regulation. In the
overall process (see reactions 1–5 in scheme below) involving
sequential action of2-oxoaciddehydrogenase (E1),
dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2) and dihydrolipo-
amide dehydrogenase (E3), they split a carbon-carbon
bond ofthe2-oxoacid preserving its energy in acyl-CoA
Correspondence to V. Bunik, A.N.Belozersky Institute of
Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University,
Moscow 119899, Russia.
Fax: + 7 095 939 31 81, Tel.: + 7 095 939 14 56,
Abbreviations: E1, 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase; E2, dihydrolipoamide
acyltransferase; E3, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; EPR,
electron paramagnetic resonance; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
(Received 23 July 2002, revised 10 December 2002,
accepted 11 December 2002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 1036–1042 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03470.x
and NADH, where R defines pyruvate, 2-oxoglutarate or
the 2-oxo acids with branched carbon chain:
Thus, the catalytic action ofthe2-oxoacid dehydro-
genase complexes directly influences the NADH/NAD
ratio and involves the important biological SH/S-S com-
pounds, lipoic acidand CoA, with one of them (lipoate)
being covalently bound to the complexes.
Sensitivity ofthe2-oxoaciddehydrogenasecomplexes to
has long been recognized as a mechanism
of feedback control [18,19]. Being operative in vivo [20], it
increases fluxes through pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
under more oxidizing conditions [2]. However, the SH/S-S-
dependent regulationofthe complexes, in particular, by the
complex-bound lipoate/dihydrolipoate ratio, has received
little attention, although some experiments suggested the
interaction ofthe complex-bound dihydrolipoate with
numerous studies ofthe antioxidant properties of free
lipoate [23–25]. Free dihydrolipoate efficiently reduces
transcription factors [26] andthioredoxin [27], which are
well-known components oftheredoxregulation [5,11,28].
Because cellular lipoate/dihydrolipoate is mostly localized
to the2-oxoaciddehydrogenase complexes, the interplay
between thecomplexesand other participants of redox
signaling is of great interest.
An essential feature ofthe complex-bound lipoate/
dihydrolipoate couple is that its redox state is linked to the
irreversible reaction ofthe2-oxoacid oxidation. Because
of this, thelipoateredox state in vivo is defined by the
steady-state concentrations ofthe overall reaction sub-
strates (2-oxo acid, CoA and NAD
) rather than
thermodynamic equilibrium with cellular thiols. Another
essential feature ofthelipoateresidues within the 2-oxo
acid dehydrogenasecomplexes arises from the ÔcrowdingÕ
effect. Confinement ofthe complex-bound lipoate within
the volume ofthe enzyme complexes may result in unusual
properties ofthe compound, when compared to the same
quantity ofthelipoate molecules distributed in bulk
solution. In particular, neighbouring sulfur greatly increa-
ses the stability ofthe thiyl radical in dithiols compared to
monothiols [29]. Additional stabilization ofthe lipoate
thiyl radicals may be expected within the network of the
interacting complex-bound lipoate residues. Thus, the
complexes provide an excellent opportunity to study in vitro
the consequences of cellular compartmentalization of
biologically active SH/S-S.
Taking into account multiple pharmacological effects of
free lipoate [23–25], we suggested that thelipoate clustering
within the2-oxoaciddehydrogenasecomplexes may be
significant not only for the typical enzymatic catalysis, but
also for cellular redox regulation, including cellular protec-
tion against oxidative damage. Our idea that the complex-
bound lipoate possesses a function beyond its role as
a catalytic intermediate inthe oxidative decarboxylation is
in good agreement with certain data about the complexes,
which have not previously been given an adequate explan-
ation. Even a limited number of organisms from which the
2-oxo aciddehydrogenasecomplexes have been isolated
have revealed structural variations of these systems that go
beyond those essential for catalytic performance. The
variations are linked to different lipoate content in the
complexes, including different degrees of oligomerization,
different stoichiometries of catalytic components (in parti-
cular, lipoyl moieties) and different localization of the
lipoate residues. They may be incorporated not only in the
established lipoate holder, E2, but also in other components
[30,31]. Depending on the source and presence of substrates,
the mostly investigated ÔclassicÕ complexes (i.e. those
containing lipoateresiduesin E2 only) are built around
oligomeric cores of 3, 24 or 60 E2 subunits. Different types
of E2 may bear up to three lipoate residues, which is
genetically determined [30,32,33]. Surprisingly, more than
half ofthe lipoyl moieties ofthe E2 oligomer [34–36], or two
of the three lipoyl-bearing domains of E2 [37,38], may be
removed without significant change inthe overall activity
in vitro. Yet microorganisms possessing pyruvate dehydro-
genase complex with a decreased number of lipoyl domains
are at a physiological disadvantage. They exhibit decreased
growth rates and are eventually Ôwashed-outÕ from the
mixed population containing the mutant and wild type cells
[38,39]. The physiological behaviour, however, is main-
tained even with a reduced number of lipoyl groups as long
as the ÔreachÕ ofthe lipoyl moieties is not decreased. That is,
the mutant strain possessing E2 bearing the three lipoyl
domains with only the outermost one lipoylated (the two
inner lipoyl domains in this case do not contain the lipoyl
group) behaved identically to the wild type under the
conditions employed [38]. Because such a mutant complex
catalyzes pyruvate oxidation even 25% less efficiently than
the complexes which are unable to provide the normal
growth rates (with E2 containing one or two fully lipoylated
domains) [38], the physiological advantage ofthe E2 with
the three lipoyl domains cannot be ascribed entirely to the
catalytic roleof these domains. Rather, the advantage
appears to depend on the ability ofthe lipoyl group to
protrude from the inner core ofthe complex, indicative of
the biological significance ofthe complex-bound lipoate
interaction with the surrounding medium.
This paper reviews experimental evidence for the involve-
ment ofthe complex-bound lipoatein such ÔparacatalyticÕ
reactions, i.e. those where the complex-bound lipoate
escapes the catalytic route (reactions 1–5). The reactions
underlie the SH/S-S-dependent regulationofthe2-oxo acid
dehydrogenase complexes on different levels. The basic level
corresponds to self-regulation ofthecomplexes by the
complex-bound lipoate/dihydrolipoate ratio. Involvement
Ó FEBS 2003 Redoxregulationof2-oxoacid dehydrogenation (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1037
of external components inthe lipoate-dependent reactions
extends this regulation to a higher level. For instance,
production of ROS by thecomplexesand interchange of the
complex-bound dihydrolipoate/lipoate with external thiols
and disulfides, including thioredoxin, may be important for
ROS-dependent signaling. Thus, theredox state of the
complex-bound lipoate creates a sensitive link between
the 2-oxoaciddehydrogenase reaction and surrounding
Self-regulation ofthe complexes
by theredox state ofthelipoate residues
As follows from the scheme ofthe overall 2-oxo acid
dehydrogenase reaction (reactions 1–5), the steady-state
ratio ofthe complex-bound lipoate/dihydrolipoate is a func-
tion of (a) concentrations ofthe reaction substrates and
products, (b) kinetic properties ofthe component enzymes,
E1, E2 and E3, and (c) their stoichiometry and interactions
within the complex. During catalysis inthe physiological
direction, the complex-bound lipoate is reduced to dihydro-
lipoate by the2-oxoacidand CoA (reactions 1–3) and the
dihydrolipoate is reoxidized by NAD
in a FAD-dependent
process (reactions 4,5). Thelipoate may be also reduced in
the backward reactions (5 and 4), upon preincubation with
NADH. Inthe mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase
complex, this induces strong cooperativity among the active
sites of its first component, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase,
upon 2-oxoglutarate binding, and complicates the kinetic
dependence ofthe reaction rate on 2-oxoglutarate [40].
Isolated from the complex, the 2-oxoglutarate dehydro-
genase component did not show such changes in response
to NADH. However, the changes were observed after the
enzyme reduction with dihydrolipoate. Similar concentra-
tion of other cellular thiols, such as glutathione, cysteine or
CoA, were ineffective [40]. Thus, thelipoateresiduesof the
complex mediate theregulationof its first component by the
last product ofthe overall reaction, NADH.
Reduction ofthelipoateresiduesofthecomplexes in
the forward direction, i.e. by 2-oxoacidand CoA
(reactions 1–3), when the following reoxidation by
(reaction 5) is restricted, is accompanied by an
irreversible inactivation of E1 [41]. The inactivation is
observed both inthe presence and absence of O
the complex-bound lipoate was reduced under anaerobic
conditions, the complex-bound thyil radical and a radical
fragment of2-oxoacid were detected in spin trapping
experiments with a-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone and 5,5¢-
dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide, respectively [42]. Thus, the
E1 inactivation occurs upon 1e
reduction ofthe thiyl
radical ofthe complex-bound dihydrolipoate by the E1
catalytic intermediate (E1*S):
The resulting substrate-derived radical fragment (S
likely causes the observed E1 inactivation due to a site-
directed modification. Efficiency of reaction 6 is provided by
the protein–protein interactions evolved to enable the
catalytic 2e
reduction ofthelipoate by E1*S (reaction 2).
In the absence of O
, the dihydrolipoate thiyl radical is
transiently formed upon equilibration ofthe complex
redox centers. Inthe presence of O
, the E3-bound FAD
catalyzes 1e
oxidation ofthe complex-bound dihydrolipo-
ate by oxygen, resulting in superoxide anion radical
production [42]. The thiyl radical ofthe complex-bound
dihydrolipoate is an intermediate of this side reaction
(Fig. 1). The superoxide production by thecomplexes is
competitive with the NAD
reduction. Under conditions
where less NAD
is available, more superoxide is
produced, and this leads to a higher steady-state concen-
tration of complex-bound thiyl radicals and a concomi-
tantly greater extent of enzyme inactivation by the 2-oxo
acid plus CoA. Saturation by NAD
protects from the
oxidation ofthe dihydrolipoate intermediate by oxygen
and prevents inactivation [41]. Resistance ofthe overall
activity to the superoxide anion radical produced is
documented by the fact that superoxide dismutase does
not prevent the inactivation. This is in good accord with
the independence ofthe inactivation on the presence of
The dihydrolipoate-mediated inactivation of E1 at low
concentrations is more pronounced in mammalian
than bacterial complexes [43]. In contrast, inhibition of E3
by over-reduction with NADH is less efficient in mamma-
lian complexes [44]. Thus, the E3 inhibition seems to be the
main response of bacterial complexes to NADH accumu-
lation. The mammalian complexes develop the E1-directed
mechanisms of NADH- and dihydrolipoate-dependent
regulation. It is the initial stage ofthe substrate transfor-
mation which is then affected.
The 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex is more
sensitive to the2-oxo acid, CoA-induced inactivation than
the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex [43]. This agrees with
the difference intheregulationofthe two complexes by
Fig. 1. Production of superoxide anion radical by the2-oxoacid dehy-
drogenase complexes. Oxidation ofthe complex-bound dihydrolipoate
by oxygen is catalyzed by the E3-bound FAD. Superoxide anion
radical is detected inthe reaction medium by appearance ofthe EPR
signal corresponding to its reaction with the spin trap a-phenyl-N-tert-
butylnitrone. Appearance ofthe EPR signal is blocked either by the
modification ofthe complex-bound FAD or by addition of superoxide
1038 V. I. Bunik (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. The latter mechanism
controls the function of eukaryotic pyruvate dehydro-
genase, whereas 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase is not phos-
phorylated. Remarkably, the efficiency ofthe pyruvate
dehydrogenase phosphorylation depends on the state of the
complex-bound dihydrolipoate. Thus, theredox regulation
of the eukaryotic pyruvate dehydrogenase is mediated by
the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation system, which thus
becomes the main transducer of multiple metabolic signals.
Regarding the mammalian 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase
complex, the2-oxo acid, CoA-dependent inactivation
through the complex-bound dihydrolipoate intermediate
appears to be the biologically relevant mechanism of redox
regulation. The concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate and CoA
determined in mitochondria [45] are saturating for the
complex, while NADH/NAD
ratio varies depending on
the metabolic state. Moreover, NAD
is a substrate of
many mitochondrial enzymes, with the competition between
them further reducing the effective NAD
available for 2-oxoglutarate oxidation. Hence, estimation of
the substrate ratio existing in vivo shows that it is in the
range where the self-inactivation ofthe 2-oxoglutarate
dehydrogenase complex upon accumulation ofthe dihydro-
lipoate intermediate may occur.
As a result, the complex-bound lipoate allows the starting
component ofthe complexes, E1, to respond to the state of
the mitochondrial NAD
and NADH pool. The E1
activity is regulated both upon accumulation of NADH
and decrease of NAD
. The E1 inactivation at low NAD
concentration prevents the side production of dihydrolipo-
ate-dependent reactive oxygen species (Fig. 1) at the expense
of the2-oxoacid oxidation. Because a decrease in
concentration of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides induces
antioxidant defense mechanisms [15,16], inactivation of the
2-oxo acid dehydrogenases under these conditions may be a
part ofthe integrated response. It also may explain the
reduction ofthe 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
activity observed under different pathological states [46].
Thiol-disulfide exchange between
the complex-bound lipoateand external
In studies of mitochondria, disulfides inhibited mitochond-
rial respiration at the level ofthe 2-oxoglutarate dehydro-
genase reaction [21,22]. Investigation ofthe purified
2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex confirmed the inhi-
bition ofthe overall reaction by the low molecular mass
disulfides [41]. The data pointed to the exchange of redox
equivalents between thecomplexesandthe medium,
involving the dihydrolipoate intermediate. Such an
exchange also enabled thiols or disulfides to protect the
complexes from the inactivation at low levels of NAD
[43,47]. With free disulfides which are substrates for E3
(R-lipoate), the flow of reducing equivalents from 2-oxo
acids to the disulfides was catalyzed by E3 [48,49]. Because
dihydrolipoate is an efficient reductant ofthioredoxin [27]
which may further direct reducing equivalents to different
processes [28], the2-oxoaciddehydrogenase reaction
coupled to free lipoate reduction inthe presence of thio-
redoxin may be a source of reducing equivalents for not
only NADH-dependent, but also thioredoxin-dependent
pathways. For instance, the reaction provides reduction of
disulfides in proteins such as insulin and thioredoxin
reductase [48,49]. Recently, an antioxidant defense system
in mycobacteria was discovered where the 2-oxoglutarate
dehydrogenase complex provides reducing equivalents to
the peroxiredoxin alkyl hydroperoxide reductase through
a thioredoxin-like protein [50].
Discovery of a specific mitochondrial thioredoxin with
unknown protein targets [51] stimulated our interest in the
potential interplay between the2-oxoacid dehydrogenase
complexes andthioredoxin via the complex-bound lipoate.
Unraveling an in vivo function of a thioredoxin species is
complicated by the high chemical reactivity of its dithiol/
disulfide group, as it allows thioredoxin to participate in
a number ofredox processes in vitro. Study of cross-
reactivity of thioredoxins and potential target proteins
from different species helps to solve this problem through
revealing specific protein–protein interactions promoting
chemical reactions. In particular, mitochondrial thio-
redoxin rather inefficiently regulates the enzymes which
are known to depend on thethioredoxin action [52]. In
contrast, it efficiently protects the2-oxoacid dehydro-
genase complexes from the2-oxo acid, CoA-dependent
inactivation [47,52]. Studies using four types ofthe 2-oxo
acid dehydrogenasecomplexesand 11 thioredoxin species
support the biological relevance of this protection [43,47].
Mitochondrial complexes are much more sensitive to the
thioredoxin regulation than their bacterial counterparts.
This is due to a greater sensitivity ofthe mitochondrial
complexes to the2-oxo acid, CoA-induced inactivation, as
the thioredoxin effect is related to alleviation of this
inactivation. On the other hand, among 11 thioredoxin
species with comparable activity inthe nonspecific insulin
reduction test, mitochondrial thioredoxin is by far the
most effective in protecting the complexes. While some of
thioredoxins are inactive or even decrease the complex
activity, mitochondrial thioredoxin is protective down to
concentrations. Correlation ofthe thioredoxin
effects and protein structures revealed the following
structural determinants ofthe specific action of mito-
chondrial thioredoxin on thecomplexes [47]: (a) active site
disulfide/dithiol group andtheresidues modulating its
properties, (b) the interaction between the a3/3
and a1
helices andthe length ofthe a1 helix and (c) the three
charged residues on thethioredoxin surface opposite to
the active site, which significantly influence polarization of
the molecule. Experimentally observed effects of different
thioredoxins on thecomplexes (increase or decrease in the
complex activity, or none) correlate with the dipole
direction, while the effective thioredoxin concentrations
correlate with the dipole magnitude. It is known that
steering effects ofthe long-range interactions between the
electrostatic dipoles increase the number of effective
collisions, i.e. collisions which may be stabilized by
short-range interactions [53]. The observed correlation
between polarization ofthethioredoxin molecule and
efficiency of its protection ofthe2-oxoacid dehydroge-
nase complexes points to long-range interactions as
the basis for the effect ofthioredoxin on the activity of
the complex. This relationship suggests coevolution of the
interacting proteins, which would not be possible if the
interactions were not relevant in vivo.
Ó FEBS 2003 Redoxregulationof2-oxoacid dehydrogenation (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1039
Thioredoxin protection from the2-oxo acid, CoA-
induced inactivation ofthedehydrogenase complexes, and
the recently published data on the high stability of the
thioredoxin thyil radical, which allows thioredoxin to
prevent the pro-oxidant action ofthe radical [54], support
the proposed mechanism ofthe inactivation (reaction 6).
Catalysing the dismutation ofthe dihydrolipoate thyil
radicals (Fig. 2), thioredoxin prevents their adverse action
upon E1. The main component of cellular thiol buffer,
glutathione, also protects thecomplexesin vitro [41].
However, unlike thioredoxin, low molecular mass thiols
do not specifically bind to thecomplexesand their thiyl
radicals are known to possess pro-oxidant action [10,55,56].
Hence, regarding the overall mitochondrial metabolism,
glutathione cannot be an efficient scavenger ofthe complex-
bound thiyl radicals of dihydrolipoate.
Protected by thioredoxin, the 2-oxoglutarate dehydro-
genase complex can produce energy at low NAD
not only
in the form of NADH, but also inthe form of a macroergic
compound, succinyl-CoA. The latter supports the only
reaction of substrate phosphorylation inthe Krebs cycle,
catalyzed by succinyl thiokinase. This may be especially
important in cases where leakage of pyridine nucleotides or
accumulation of NADH occurs due to disturbances in the
respiratory chain. However, switching off the self-regulation
of thecomplexes by the dihydrolipoate thiyl radical,
thioredoxin also stimulates the side reaction ofthe super-
oxide anion radical production by thecomplexes (Fig. 1). In
this regard, it is worth noting that mitochondrial thiore-
doxin is a substrate of mitochondrial thioredoxin peroxi-
dase, SP-22 [57]. Reduced by the complex-bound
dihydrolipoate and coupled to SP-22, thioredoxin would
be able to scavenge hydrogen peroxide, which is formed
after dismutation ofthe superoxide anion radical produced
by thecomplexes as shown below:
Thus, thioredoxin interaction with the2-oxoacid dehy-
drogenase complexes under conditions of an increased
steady-state concentration of dihydrolipoate may provide
a dual positive effect: relief ofthe pro-oxidant action of
dihydrolipoate on E1 and scavenging of ROS produced by
E3. As a result, cooperation ofthe2-oxoacid dehydro-
genase complexes, thioredoxinand SP-22 (reaction 7)
enables oxidation of2-oxo acids under increased concen-
tration ofthe dihydrolipoate intermediate without accumu-
lation of ROS.
The antioxidant action of mitochondrial thioredoxin
upon the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase may be involved in
the thioredoxin antiapoptotic action when cells are treated
with tert-butyl hydroperoxide [58]. Selective targeting of the
2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex under oxidative
stress [59] and inactivation ofthe 2-oxoglutarate dehydro-
genase by tert-butyl hydroperoxide [60] favour this inter-
Concluding remarks
in redoxregulation is summarized in Fig. 3. The interac-
tion ofthecomplexes with the surrounding medium may
be realized through the lipoate-dependent ÔparacatalyticÕ
reactions. Such reactions allow the2-oxoacid dehydro-
genase complexes to transform a signal inthe form of
metabolite concentrations into chemical reactions such as
ROS production, thioredoxin reduction and E1 modifi-
cation. This network of reactions provides not only self-
regulation ofthecomplexes (Fig. 3, boxed region), but
also their interaction with the surrounding medium, which
may be used in different signaling pathways. Our data on
the interplay between the mitochondrial complexes and
thioredoxin favors participation ofthecomplexesin the
redox-dependent signaling through thethioredoxin sys-
tem. Other forms of such participation are known. For
example, the E1 subunit ofthe pyruvate dehydrogenase
Fig. 3. Participation ofthe2-oxoaciddehydrogenasecomplexesin the
redox regulationof metabolism. Theredox state ofthe surrounding
medium is sensed by thecomplexes through the concentrations of
2-oxo acid, CoA, NAD(H) and oxygen. This external signal is trans-
formed into the ratio ofthe complex-bound lipoate/dihydrolipoate.
Dependent on the input, this redox couple may regulate the activity of
the starting component E1 (a), produce output to surrounding medium
in the form of ROS (b) and reduce thioredoxinand disulfides (c).
Thioredoxin interferes with the self-regulation ofthecomplexes (a),
concomitantly stimulating ROS production (b). The latter may be
overcome inthe presence of SP-22.
Fig. 2. Thioredoxin catalysis ofthe dismutation ofthe thiyl radicals of
the complex-bound dihydrolipoate intermediate.
1040 V. I. Bunik (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
complex from Azotobacter vinelandii wasshowntobindto
the fpr promoter region DNA, which is activated upon
cellular response to oxidative stress [61]. In Escheri-
chia coli, this promoter is activated by the redox-depend-
ent transcription factor SoxS. In view ofthe redox-sensing
function ofthe lipoate/dihydrolipoate couple of the
complex (Fig. 3) andthe intimate link between this
couple and E1, the E1 dissociation from the complex to
bind DNA may represent another form ofthe lipoate-
dependent response under conditions of oxidative stress.
This work was supported by grants from DFG (438 17-159-92),
Volkswagen (I/69766) and Alexander von Humboldt (IV RUS 1003594
STP) Foundations. Critical reading ofthe manuscript by Prof J. J.
Mieyal (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA) is greatly
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1042 V. I. Bunik (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
2-Oxo acid dehydrogenase complexes in redox regulation
Role of the lipoate residues and thioredoxin
Victoria I. Bunik
A.N.Belozersky Institute. from the 2-oxo acid, CoA-
induced inactivation of the dehydrogenase complexes, and
the recently published data on the high stability of the
thioredoxin thyil