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UONSU SCRUTINY PANEL REPORT [BRAD EWLES] [09/12/21] OBJECTIVES Lobby the university to implement an alumni discount of 10% across all postgraduate courses (minus reasonable exceptions) in line with the national standard imposed by almost all other universities by the end of the year Work with the Careers Team to assess the current careers provision and resources for postgraduate students Working with that data, aim to identify and fill gaps in order to increase postgraduate students’ engagement with the Careers Service In order to ensure that postgraduate students, particularly distance and mature students, are not left without a place to study and or work, I will lobby the university to ensure that the percentage of study spaces available specifically to postgraduate students is directly proportional to the percentage of postgraduate students Lobby the university to approve the Postgraduates Who Teach policy beyond the current pilot scheme to ensure that all postgraduate teaching staff are employed on the same contracts and afforded the same employment rights as other academic staff Ensure that the SU utilises a sub-system on SUMS, that acts as a petitioning service, to better understand the student voice: This aligns with the objectives of other Officers Include here any objectives you have set at the start of the academic year, or any you may have added, such because of suggestions or outcomes of scrutiny, or performance plans Talk about any challenges, successes or hold-ups here, and indicate progress using the traffic light system indicators in the third column Please note you have 300 words per objective progress update So, if you have objectives, you have 3x300 words, and not 300 words to discuss all of them! OBJECTIVE (List each of your objectives here, one per row) Alumni Discount UPDATE ON PROGRESS (300 words per objective in this section.) - University currently undertaking external review on Scholarships and Bursaries and Fees and Pricing - Can’t a huge amount until we have the outcome of these and they will determine how much money the university can allocate to scholarships etc - Met with Margaret Monckton (CFO) and Stephen McAuliffe (Deputy Registrar) separately about this and both gave me pointers on how to go about it - Met with Grace PattisonMik (Project Manager for Scholarships and Bursary Review and Fees and Pricing Review) Completed? (Fill Green) In Progress? (Fill Yellow) Not Started? (Fill Red) - - Careers - - Study Spaces - - Postgraduates Who Teach - - Petitions - Discussed at PGTSG so hopefully can utilise the knowledge/expertise of some members of that Group to help Have met with Head of PGT Careers and got some ideas, but she then told me to drop it as she was busy and hasn’t got back to me since Recently spoke to PGR Careers and are working with them on events in the New Year Their main problem is engagement Working with them to work around that Discussed at PGTSG In conversations with Libraries about how we can get this done in libraries Met with Joe Kearsey and Peter McCracken to get up to speed on what’s happening so far Emailed PGs who are currently on the pilot, but had no response Pilot set to be reviewed at end of year Asked Rob Henderson (Manager of SV) at the beginning of the year and he said it was going to be implemented in the subsequent two weeks, but never happened Brought up a few times since then, but he has since left and there is currently not a replacement Spoken to other Officers who have similar objectives and we’ve found systems that we would like to implement, but as I said, noone to take them to OTHER ACTIVITIES - OBJECTIVES Have you been doing any work that is still conducive to your objectives or manifesto points, or is generally for the benefit of our student membership? Write about it here Note that you’ll also have space to write about meetings you are attending, campaigns or policies you’re working on, and about your own development further down in the report WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 500 words N/A REMIT Include here anything pertaining to your remit as an Officer, whether in your specific remit in the Bye-laws, or within your general responsibilities as an elected representative As a reminder, your specific remit as outlined in our Byelaws is as follows: The Postgraduate Officer shall: - - Be politically responsible for representing students and liaising with the University of Nottingham and any external bodies on postgraduate issues Be the point of contact for students, University of Nottingham, and any external bodies in the area of Postgraduate education Defend and extend the rights of Postgraduate Students Campaign on issues of concern, interest and relevance to students within their constituency INTERNAL MEETINGS What meetings have you been attending, internally, across the Union and University, and what have you been discussing or working on? These can be anything from focus groups to panels you sit on, to network or Union-run meetings you have attended if relevant to the work you’ve been doing (such as Academic Council) Please try to include as much information as possible like dates and times or meeting outcomes, within the word limit per meeting Please note and follow the word limits in each column below: 100 words to describe each meeting’s purpose and 300 words to describe details and data about each meeting, board or group you sit on NAME OF MEETING/ BOARD/WORKING GROUP /ETC Academic Council WHO SITS IN THIS, AND WHAT IS ITS PRIMARY PURPOSE? (100 words per meeting in this section) - Education Officer - Postgraduate Officer - All Faculty Reps - All Education Reps - - Academic Representation Group - - Education Officer Postgraduate Officer Students’ Union Student Voice Co-ordinator – Academic Representation Student Representatives Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Curriculum Leadership Faculty of Arts Staff Representative Faculty of Social Sciences Staff Representative Faculty of Science Staff Representative Faculty of Engineering Staff Representative Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Staff Representative DETAILS (300 words per meeting in this section) A meeting of all Faculty and Education Reps to discuss issues arising from Faculty Forums that are relevant across the whole university - Facilitate information sharing between the University and the Students’ Union - Provide staff in both the University and the Students’ Union with the information and support they need to run a successful student representative system - Support and promote the Student Representative system - Identify improvements to academic representation practices - Present policy change suggestions - Ensure the model for academic representation at the University of - Student Services Representative A representative from the Educational Excellence team - - - Nottingham is clear and cohesive Review the purpose and effectiveness of the current student representative system and methods of student engagement Report to the Teaching and Learning Committee quarterly Report to the Academic Council quarterly Chair: Senior Digital Literacy Consultant, Barrie Edmonds Secretary: Research and Projects Officer, Libraries, Molly Fleischer Sponsor: APVC Teaching & Curriculum Leadership, Mark Bradley Academic Membership: Faculty Digital Learning Directors: Cristina De Matteis, Becca Ferrari (ML), Cecilia Goria, Luis Canhoto Neves, Richard Windle, Helen Williams, NUBS (for DLD FoSS, Nick Mount), Frederique Bouilheres, School of Psychology (Transition DEI FoS), Stephanie McDonald, School of Education, Denise Sweeney Purpose Digital Experience Insights Working Group Professional Services: Senior Communications Manager, IS: Riz Ahmed Education and Student Experience Manager, FoSS: Gemma Bancroft Strategy, Performance and Data Manager, Libraries: Matt Sneller, vice Lauren Bjorn (ML until July 22) Deputy Director, Careers and Employability: Paul Charman Student Experience Manager, Engineering: Laura Conkey Senior Programme Manager: Ian Connerton Central Short Courses Data and Training Manager: Rich Cowley The Group has responsibility for supporting the planning, promotion, implementation and reporting of Jisc’s Digital Experience Insights surveys across UNUK Researcher Training and Development Manager, RA: Elizabeth Davey Digital Research Specialist, Researcher Academy: Jasper Donelan Student Experience Manager, Faculty of Engineering Emma Fulcher Education and Student Experience Manager, FoS Jade Garratt Digital Learning Manager, Medicine Gareth Reith Hall Science Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant, CES Sally Hall Faculty Head of Education and Student Experience Lindsay Hutchinson Education Enhancement Manager Dean Lymath Senior Research Librarian, Libraries Beth Montague-Hellen Head of Digital Research Methods Stuart Moran Data Officer, Libraries Liam Murphy Student Communications Officer, ER Ryan Neal Data Analyst, Health Sciences Andrew Parkin Associate Director Partnering and Innovation, IS Chris Parry Senior Business Partner, DTS Adam Moore Associate Director, Learning Technologies Nigel Owen Management Development Manager Richard Sanderson Deputy Director, Libraries Steve Stapleton Online Learning Manager, Libraries Sarah Stubbings Head of Employment Services, HR Jamie Tennant Associate Director, Educational Excellence Carmen Tomas Student Experience and Development Officer, Life Sciences Errolinda Ward (ML until mid-March 2022) Education and Student Experience Initiatives Officer Mairead Ward Student Experience Manager Rebecca Webb Careers and Employability Consultant Hannah Woolley Faculty and School Support Team Leader, Libraries Suzanne Wright Student Representatives PG Officer, Students Union Bradley Ewles Education Officer, Students Union Chris Taylor Cultures, Languages and Area Studies Bradley Ewles Medicine Hayfa Sharif ? Law Faculty Fora - Faculty of Arts PG Board FPVC Arts and SU Officers Meeting FTOC FTO/C+E Monthly Meeting - Owen Stacey ? SU Education Officer SU Postgraduate Officer UG and PG Faculty Reps from the relevant faculty Education Reps from the relevant faculty Course Reps from the relevant faculty Arts ESE team Arts RAFL Relevant PGT and PGR staff from the faculty Fora to highlight issues that are occurring across the faculty This Board discusses issues relating to postgraduate study within the Faculty of Arts - SU Education Officer SU Postgraduate Officer To discuss educational matters arising within the Faculty of Arts - All Full-Time Officers Sam Nichols, Director of Student Influence To receive Officer updates and discuss relevant matters - Full-Time Officers C+E team To discuss ongoing marketing projects and collaboration Copied from ToR: Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange Academic Membership: Knowledge Exchange Committee Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor APVC Research and Knowledge Exchange Faculty Associate Pro-ViceChancellors Associate Pro-ViceChancellor, Industrial Strategy, Business Engagement and Impact A Vice-Provost from each of UNNC and UNM One Global Research Theme Lead Professional Services: Director Research and Innovation The Knowledge Exchange Committee is a committee of Senate The Committee has responsibility for executive oversight of the Knowledge Exchange Strategy within the University and ensuring the University is compliant with external requirements related to Knowledge Exchange including the Research England’s Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) Student Representative, Nominated by the Students’ Union Nominated Members: One member to be chosen through the Committee Membership Selection Process Senate Members: Two members to be chosen through a Senate election process The Director of Engagement and Partnerships and the Director of Intellectual Property Commercialisation will be in attendance at the meetings but are not members of the Committee Lucy/Jane/Brad Fortnightly CatchUp - People Experience Working Group - - - PGT Strategy Group - Lucy Donaldson, APVC for the Researcher Academy and Researcher Career Development Jane Wellens, Head of the Researcher Academy Brad Ewles Susan Dosangh, Governance Assistant, P+OD - Elizabeth Yearsley, P+OD - Daryl Ormerod, SU CEO - George Sullivan, UDO - Jackie Dale, HR Manager Caroline Robertson, Student Groups - Tim Cosham - Alison Ashford Anna Simms Mark Bradley, APVC Teaching and Curriculum Development Alex Chong SU PG Officer Emma Fulcher, ESE Engineering Emma Wilson Harriet Allen Julie Blant Peter Kirwan Roger Kerry, PG Senior Tutor Matthew Watts Thanaset Chevrapatrakul Carmen Thomas Rebeca Craig Robert Cluley Kimberley Edwards - - To discuss any matters arising pertaining to the remit of the Researcher Academy To discuss ideas for collaboration with the Researcher Academy To discuss the working environment at UoNSU and discuss areas for improvement To discuss matters relating to PGT students across the university - PGR Strategy Group PGR Size and Shape, Fees, and Margins Working Group Anna Grabowska, RAFL MHS Nicole Porter, RAFL Engineering - Lucy Bradnock, RAFL Arts - Mark Bradley, APVC Teaching and Curriculum Development - Lucy Donaldson, APVC for the Researcher Academy and Researcher Career Development - Richard Graham, RAFL Science - Jane Wellens, Head of the Researcher Academy - Jessica Chilton - Maria Arruda - Rebecca Hardiman - SU PG Officer - Lucie Whitfield - Laurie Cohen, RAFL Social Sciences - Emilia Kukula - Dov Stekel, Deputy RAFL Science - Rachel Gillam - Paul Charman - Eleanora Pezzoli - Lucy Donaldson, APVC for the Researcher Academy and Researcher Career Development - Lynda Pratt - All RAFLs - Helen Pennack - Laura Clayton - Pip Peakman - Rachel Atkin - Peter McCracken - Chris Bennett - Andrew Weston - Helen Lawrenson, Deputy Director of Finance Copied from ToR: Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Planning and Resources Committee Academic Membership: - Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors - Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Knowledge Exchange Pro-Vice Chancellor, Education and Student Experience Professional Services - Registrar To discuss matters relating to PGR students across the university To discuss what we want our PGR community to look like going forward The Planning and Resources Committee is a committee of the University Executive Board Its main purposes are the conduct of the higher level planning and resource management of the University, to monitor, measure and provide challenge to Faculties and Professional Services in the progress of key performance measures and to facilitate effective risk management - Chief Financial Officer Director of Planning, Performance and Strategic Change One Human Resources representative Student Representative - Two to be nominated by the Students’ Union, Quality and Standards Committee Nominated Members: - Three Heads of School to be selected through the Committee Membership Selection Process One Faculty Operations Director to be selected through the Committee Membership Selection Process Chair: Jonathan Tallant Deputy Chair: Keith Benedict For each Faculty/Campus Representative: Arts: Sean Matthews - UG Lucie Sutherland - PG Social Sciences: David Harvey - UG Anne Emerson PG Science: Chris Hayes - UG Harriet Allen - PG Engin Chair: Jonathan Tallant Deputy Chair: Keith Benedict For each Faculty/Campus Representative: Arts: Sean Matthews - UG Lucie Sutherland - PG Social Sciences: David Harvey - UG Anne Emerson - PG Science: Chris Hayes - UG Harriet Allen - PG Engineering: Barbara Turnbull - UG Daniel Beneroso Vallejo - PG Medicine & Health Sciences: Katy Cobb - UG Kim Edwards - PG Malaysia Campus: Vengadeshvaran Sarma Jessica Price Ningbo Campus: Hing Kai Chan Philip Hall K Cohen Tan Chair of Foundation Year Committee: Mohamed Elmaghrbi Inter-Campus Quality Officer: TBC Academic Director of Degree Apprenticeships: Emma Weston Education Officers of the Students’ Union/Association: Chris Taylor (Nottingham Campus) Iffa Elyana Binti (Malaysia Campus) To assist the Teaching and Learning Committee in discharging its responsibilities for the University's academic quality and standards To oversee the application of all University regulations, policies and procedures in respect to quality and standards To keep relevant Quality Manual policies under regular review To consider Memoranda of Agreement for approval and renewal To approve all new programme specifications/revisions to existing programme specifications To approve the withdrawal of programmes upon which students are currently registered or for which applicants hold offers To have oversight of the process of approval of all new and amended modules To undertake the appointment of External Examiners To receive External Examiners’ Reports and School responses for consideration Hanlei Zhou (Ningbo Campus) Postgraduate Officer: Brad Ewles Associate Director Quality and Student Management System: Sandra Mienczakowski Head of Student Registry: Joo Pei Poh Director of Academic Services Office: Maggie Yang Senior Manager - Complaints and Conduct: Rachel Newnham Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Researcher Academy: Lucy Donaldson Associate Director Education Excellence: Alison Reeves Secretary: Hayley Robinsoneering: Barbara Turnbull - UG Daniel Beneroso Vallejo - PG Medicine & Health Sciences: Katy Cobb - UG Kim Edwards - PG Malaysia Campus: Vengadeshvaran Sarma Jessica Price Ningbo Campus: Hing Kai Chan Philip Hall K Cohen Tan Chair of Foundation Year Committee: Mohamed Elmaghrbi Inter-Campus Quality Officer: TBC Academic Director of Degree Apprenticeships: Emma Weston Education Officers of the Students’ Union/Association: Chris Taylor (Nottingham Campus) Iffa Elyana Binti (Malaysia Campus) Hanlei Zhou (Ningbo Campus) Postgraduate Officer: Brad Ewles Associate Director Quality and Student Management System: Sandra Mienczakowski Head of Student Registry: Joo Pei Poh Director of Academic Services Office: Maggie Yang Senior Manager - Complaints and Conduct: Rachel Newnham Associate Pro-ViceChancellor for the Researcher Academy: Lucy Donaldson Associate Director Education Excellence: Alison Reeves Secretary: Hayley Robinson Chair Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Knowledge Exchange Research Committee Academic Membership: Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor Faculty Associate Pro-ViceChancellors / Representatives as determined by the Faculty Pro-ViceChancellors 10 To receive schools’ monitoring reports for consideration 11 To receive reports from professional statutory and regulatory bodies with regard to accredited programmes for consideration 12 To make regular reports to Teaching & Learning Committee on its activities and plans 13 To make regular reports to Faculty meetings on its activities and plans, as well as receive Faculty concerns relating to QA matters 14 Members normally sit on the Committee for 4-5 years Research Committee is a committee of Senate The Committee has responsibility for executive oversight of the Research Strategy within the University and ensuring the University is compliant with external requirements related to research including Research Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Researcher Academy and Researcher Career Development Vice Provost from each of UNNC and UNM Global Research Theme Lead England’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) Professional Services: Deputy Director of Finance Director Research & Innovation Student Representative: Nominated by the Students’ Union Nominated Members: member to be chosen through the Committee Membership Selection Process and to be an early career researcher Senior Tutor Network SET/SEM Working Group Student Digital Capabilities Steering Group Senate Members: Senate members to be chosen through a Senate Election Process - Senior Tutors from each faculty - Personal tutors from each faculty - Katharine Reid - SU Education Officer - SU PG Officer - Cecilia Goria, DLD Arts - John Owen - Helen Cowley - Mark Griffin - Katharine Kadio - Jackie Cawkwell - Anannya Chatterjee - Lucy Cooker - Richard Windle - Molly Fleischer - Elizabeth Newell, now replaced by Barrie Edmonds - Sian Masson - Emma Whitt - Cristina de Matteis - Helen Williams - Luis Canhoto Neves - Frederique Bouilheres - SU Education Officer - SU PG Officer - Denise Sweeney - Duncan Young - Becca Ferrari To discuss matters relating to personal tutoring To discuss the future of the assessment of teaching by students Copied from ToR: The Student Digital Capabilities Steering Group is a sub-group of Teaching and Learning Committee The Group has responsibility for steering the work required to progress the recommendations in the Student Digital Capabilities paper endorsed by the Teaching and Learning Committee in September 2019 These recommendations address how the University should fill the gaps identified in the - Mark Bradley Carmen Tomas Paul Charman Nigel Owen Richard Windle - AJ Gooden, SU Sports Officer Chair of IMS Menaf Al nasir Max LeNoir Sharlene Kirubi Holly French Josh Wagstaff Charlie Gill SU PG Officer Emma Horne SU/Library Catch-Up - SU Education Officer SU PG Officer Precious Taylor, Libraries SU Officers Support and Coaching Session - FTOs Support Co-ordinator SUO Weekly Call - FTOs Paul Greatrix, Registrar Stephen McAuliffe, Deputy Registrar Sarah Speight, PVC ESE Sports Exec - Teaching and Learning Committee Faculty Associate Pro-ViceChancellors(APVCs) for Education and Student Experience: Chris Woodard (Arts) Stewart McWilliam (Engineering, attending in place of Phil Shipway) Michael Randall (Medicine and Health Sciences) Katharine Reid (Science) Louise Crewe (Social Sciences) University Senior Tutor: Pam Hagan Director of Libraries: Sue Ackermann Director of Registry and Academic Affairs: Chris Hulse Chair of Quality and Standards Committee: Jonathan Tallant Associate Director –Partnership and Innovation: Chris Parry Director of Careers and Employability: Nalayini Thambar Deputy Director of Student Recruitment: Emma Szembek Director of Development and Sustainability: Andy Nolan Associate Director of Education Excellence Support: Alison Reeves provision of support for students in developing their digital capabilities Following the Steering Group’s prioritisation of recommendations, it now owns the Student Digital Capabilities Delivery Plan 2021-24 (published January 2021) To discuss matters relating to sports To discuss how students are using the libraries and their systems and how we can improve the student experience in libraries To discuss our feelings To discuss things with the university executives, get their opinions on what we’re working on, update them and ask questions Copied from ToR: To identify and set priority areas in relation to the teaching and curriculum elements of the University Strategy and the Education and Student Experience Strategic Development Plan (ESE SDP), and to inform the deployment of resources to meet those strategic objectives To monitor progress with the teaching and curriculum components of the ESE SDP Action Plan 2.To oversee the development and implementation of policies necessary for the development and leadership of teaching and the curriculum, the assurance and enhancement of quality and standards, and the delivery of outstanding student experience and outcomes as measured by external benchmarks such as the Teaching Excellence Framework(TEF)and the Access and Participation Students’ Union Education Officer: Chris Taylor Quality and Enhancement Officer (Secretary): Craig Goodere Optional: Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Experience: Sarah Speight Vice Provosts for Teaching and Learning at University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM)and University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)(attending when in UK): Hazel Melanie Ramos (UNM); Cohen Tan (UNNC) Faculty Digital Learning Directors: Cecilia Goria/ Neil Hughes (Arts), Becca Ferrari/Luis Canhoto Neves (Engineering);Richard Windle (Medicine and Health Sciences); Cristina De Matteis (Science);Helen Williams(Social Sciences) Deputy Director, Libraries: Steve Stapleton Associate Director (Teaching andLearning), Libraries: Elizabeth Newall Associate Director for Learning Technology: Nigel Owen Associate Director of Educational Excellence: Carmen Tomas IT Business Partner: Adam Moore Deputy Director of Registry and Academic Affairs: Jilly Court Head of Academic Processes: Sandra Mienczakowski Associate Director for Regulatory Compliance -OfS: Lisa Stocks Director of Digital and Marketing: Nicola Anderton Professional Development Officer(Teaching and Learning): Jackie Cawkwell Students’ Union Postgraduate Officer: Brad Ewles Race Equality Charter Academic Lead: Nagamani Bora Trading Company Board SU Liberation officer, Sully Chaudhury Susan Dosangh SU PG Officer Plan(APP).To ensure that appropriate mechanisms are put in place, to ensure that Schools / Departments are supported to deliver an outstanding student experience 3.To monitor relevant internal and external developments and take account of them in the development of strategy and policies 4.To consider University responses to relevant consultation proposals from external bodies 5.To promote the student voice and work with the Students’ Union to enhance the education and student experience of all undergraduate and postgraduate taught students across the institution To make regular reports to the Education and Student Experience Committee (ESEC) on its activities and plans 7.To inform and be advised by stakeholders in Registry and Academic Affairs, Careers, Libraries, Learning Technology, Campus Life and Welfare, Estates, External Relations, Digital and Technology Services (DTS), and Widening Participation (WP) on matters related to education and student experience 8.To consult with the Student Experience Committee (SEC)on matters relevant to both committees 9.To receive reports from, and commission work from, Quality and Standards Committee (QSC)with regards to quality assurance 10.To consider the above in respect of the University’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion On behalf of the Trustee Board, Company (Trading) Board has devolved responsibility for ensuring the affairs of the Company are solvent, well run and delivering its University Research and Ethics Committee University Senate Phil Smith, SU Director of Commercial Enterprise Jessica Salisbury Emma Birkinshaw, SU Head of Finance Daryl Ormerod, SU CEO SU UDO Will Bowling, Student Trustee Jennifer Brazier Dave Ellis, Trustee Helen Butcher Marie Reynolds Hamza Nouman, SU Environment and Social Justice Officer Ali Ashkury, Head of Research Integrity and Ethics Penny Gowland Pip Peakman Jane Wellens, Head of Researcher Academy Jennifer Birks Kate Millar Angela Shone Steve Stewart-Williams Peter McCracken Joanna Huang SU PG Officer John Williams Paul Greatrix, Registrar Caroline Bergmann More than 100 members financial objectives Company (Trading) Board is also responsible for monitoring activities, and ensuring the Company operates within its legal obligations, and ensures the University of NottinghamStudents’ Union furthers its values in managing and developing performance and finance To oversee the university’s research and ensure that it aligns with our ethics and integrity agenda Also regularly reviews the research integrity and ethics agenda to ensure that it is fit for purpose The Senate shall oversee education, teaching and research, and be responsible for the academic quality and standards of the University EXTERNAL MEETINGS In a similar vein as internal meetings – are there any meetings you attend that are external to the University but still pertinent to your role as a Full-Time Officer? These might be neighbourhood groups, city Council meetings, national boards or otherwise NAME OF MEETING/ BOARD/WORKING GROUP /ETC PG Discussions WHO SITS IN THIS, AND WHAT IS ITS PRIMARY PURPOSE? (100 words per meeting in this section) This is a forum which I set up for representatives of postgraduate students or other sabbatical offices under whose remit postgraduate students sit It allows us to discuss issues facing postgraduate students on a national level as well as sharing ideas for new ideas and campaigns DETAILS (300 words per meeting in this section) At the time of writing, we have had two meetings The first gave us an opportunity to discuss our manifestos and how we can work together throughout the year We also spoke about our attitudes to strikes within different SUs and our concerns around economic barriers to postgraduate education In our second meeting, which fell the week after the UCU vote to strike, we discussed how different SUs were supporting students during the strikes and the pros and cons of supporting the strikes We also had further discussion around a means-tested postgraduate loan and have agreed to take further steps in this campaign, including involving the NUS KEY WORK IN YOUR SPECIFIC REMIT Is there any key work you’re undertaking that relates to your remit, specifically, or your responsibilities within your role? Any major projects or events? Anything you would like to particularly highlight to the panel and student members? WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 500 words PGR Representation Review - Currently, academic representation amongst PGRs is done largely outside the SU’s Education Network Each Faculty and School has their own ways of recruiting reps and running their academic representation systems I am undertaking a review to see whether this is effective, or if individual Schools would benefit from incorporating their academic representation systems into the Education Network This involves talking to the PGR reps from each School across the university I am working through the Schools on a faculty-by-faculty basis, starting with the Faculty of Science So far I have interviewed reps from Mathematical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Physics and Astronomy While this is only three out of twenty-seven schools, it is not on the top of my priority list and I am not aiming to get through all the Schools by the end of the year Instead, I am intending to create a PGR Academic Representation structure that sits between the SU and the Schools in order to ensure that feedback from PGRs is still heard by the Postgraduate Officer This will allow the Postgraduate Officer to identify issues that are appearing across the university and take necessary action OTHER ACTIVITIES – REMIT AND WORK AS AN FTO Is there anything you feel is applicable to your work as a Full-Time Officer of the Union that doesn’t fit in any other area, regarding your remit and job responsibilities? Write about it here Note that you’ll also have space to write about campaigns or policies you’re working on, and about your own development further down in the report WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 500 words Officers’ podcast - - We have put together an Officers’ podcast, Officers Online, which so far has had two episodes The podcast is intended to bridge the gap between Officers and students, giving us a personality and making us seem more human in the hopes that they will feel more comfortable coming to us The first episode focused on the amazing work done around Black History Month Sully gave us a rundown of some of the headline events and went into detail about the moving nature of a film screening he went to In the second episode, which has been recorded, but is yet to be released, Alice focuses on the mental health and wellbeing events that have been happening and that are planned for the future She also talks through the welfare services available for students at the university George, Sully and I also took a few minutes at the end of this podcast to highlight the importance of mens’ mental health Next, we are going to record an episode with AJ, highlighting the Rainbow Lace Campaign POLICY This section covers policies, campaigns and research Include here any policies, campaigns and research you have been working on, or intend to work on imminently Be sure to include details of what you have been doing in specific relation to policy – both locally within the University and Union, and if you’ve been working on anything nationally or with any other Unions or Sabbatical Officers POLICIES YOU’RE WORKING ON Include here any policies you’re working on, whether it’s internal or external, local or national These could be new policies you’re writing or planning for the new term; policies you have assigned to you that you’ve been doing project work towards; or policies you’re renewing as a part of your role, to name a few examples NAME OF POLICY INTENDED OUTCOMES FOR MEMBERS (100 words per policy in this section) DETAILS (300 words per policy in this section) Postgraduates who teach at Nottingham have been subject to poor employment conditions due to the university outsourcing their contracts to Unitemps This has left PGs who teach unable to receive the usual benefits of employment within the university while also expending the same amount of time and effort as if they were employed in the usual manner PGs Who Teach To ensure fair and equitable employment for our postgraduate students who teach Last year, my predecessor and the working group of which he was a part successfully lobbied the university to pilot the GTA contracts (fair and equitable contracts) in the School of Politics and International Relations This pilot will be reviewed at the end of the academic year What have I done? I have reached out to Joe Kearsey and Peter McCracken, both of whom sat on the working group, to gain a better understanding of the reasons behind the policy existing and of the journey to the success of the working group I have also emailed some of the postgraduates who are part of the pilot, but I received no response Alumni Discount Policy Students who studied their undergraduate degree at the University of Nottingham will receive a 10% discount on their course fees for postgraduate courses This aligns with my manifesto pledge to bring the 10% alumni discount to Nottingham CAMPAIGNS YOU’RE WORKING ON Include here any campaigns you’re working on, whether it’s internal or external, local or national, and especially if they are influenced by policies you’re responsible for, or as an outcome of them These could be brand new campaigns you’ve come up with yourself or ones you’ve picked up as a part of your role as an officer, or ones operating at a national level such as via the NUS Conference NAME OF CAMPAIGN PG Mental Health Awareness Week PRIMARY PURPOSE/INTENDED OUTCOMES FOR MEMBERS (100 words per campaign in this section) - To promote positive mental health and wellbeing in the postgraduate community - To highlight the university’s and SU’s mental health and wellbeing services to postgraduate students - To assure postgraduate students that the mental health and wellbeing services aren’t solely aimed at undergraduates Increasing access to Postgraduate Education for black and black-mixed students (no official name yet) - Means-tested Masters’ Loan More black and black-mixed PhD candidates at UoN Ideally, more black and black-mixed PGRs in general at UoN Lobby the government to change the current Master’s loan from a fixed loan to a means-tested loan DETAILS (300 words per campaign in this section) - - Putting on 10 events throughout the week per day All sorts of things from stall sessions with SU Advice to art therapy, therapy dogs and a pizza, ice cream and film night Finalising on the Friday night with a comedy event delivered by Dave Chawner Research has shown us that the research sector isn’t nearly representative and diverse enough We also know that there is not enough being done to tackle this Because of this, I am trying to lobby DTPs and CDTs who work alongside our Researcher Academy to institute more attractive offers for black and black-mixed students Exactly what form this will take is not yet decided We are currently sending out emails asking for black and black-mixed final year UG and Masters’ students to participate in focus groups so we can work with them to figure out the best course of action There are currently a number of barriers to entry to postgraduate study One of these is the financial barrier Many courses cost more than the fixed loan costs and this means some courses are financially out of reach for prospective students even if they work alongside their studies In line with the government’s Levelling Up agenda, we want the government to remove this barrier to education by ensuring the Masters’ loan better reflects the needs of the population and opens doors for people who want to upskill themselves OTHER ACTIVTIES - POLICY Is there anything you feel is applicable to your work as a Full-Time Officer of the Union that doesn’t fit in any other area, regarding policy, campaigns and research? Write about it here Note that you’ll also have space to write about own development further down in the report WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 500 words DEVELOPMENT This section is for self-reflection, including discussing any ways the Scrutiny Panel or Officer Training Team can assist with your future development, or ways you are already undertaking self-development There is also a section here to talk about how you are working with your team specifically This area specifically is a space for you to talk about improvements and successes, but please bear in mind the panel may wish to ask you questions based on this content if it is felt appropriate or necessary to so PROS What has been going well and what you think you well? Is there anything you are particularly proud of? Has there been anything you would really like to mention, whether an individual victory, a team victory, or a Union victory? Have any projects, objectives, or policies stood out to you so far for positive reasons? WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 300 words Personally, I feel that we’ve really been able to work together very effectively as a team We have had some very tricky discussions especially surrounding spiking incidents, bouncers at Rock City and Tony Sewell amongst other things However, when the going gets tough, we pull together and act as one which is incredibly reassuring and makes me proud to be part of this wonderful team Throughout the year, we have all worked extremely hard, both as individuals and as a team, collating many wins and always being sure to congratulate each other and recognise each other’s hard work CONS Is there anything that you feel you could be doing better as an Officer? Are there any projects that you can honestly reflect on: that could be going better, or have not happened at all, and why you think this might be? Are there any areas you would like constructive help with, development, or advice on? WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 300 words This year, I have struggled to achieve many big tangible wins While have had a number of small wins and I feel that on the whole, I haven’t done a terrible job this year, I don’t have many headline successes to shout about This is no-one’s fault but my own and I take full responsibility for it, but I understand that it is something that I need to work on going forward I have also lacked frequent and substantive communication with my constituents Again, this is my fault, although it would be helped by my position being more integrated into PGR students’ lives and also by PGR Reps and feedback channels being more integrated into the SU This is something that I’m working on in order to increase communication TEAMWORK What you well as an Officer team? How you feel you fit into the Officer team? How you work with your fellow Full-Time Officers? Part-Time Officers? The wider student membership and other groups across the Union? Do you have any intersectional or team projects to highlight? Is there anything you’d like to better on or anything you think is hindering team development? WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 300 words - Officers’ Podcast, as detailed above PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING Please mention here any personal development and training you’ve undertaken in relation to your role – or if there is anything you’d like to consider doing in the future for your own development, or has been done to improve on what you deliver for your student constituents WORD LIMIT FOR THIS SECTION: 300 words