A11: SUTTON HOSPITAL, COTSWOLD ROAD, BELMONT Site Description: The site forms part of large hospital complex to the south of Sutton Town Centre Area A comprises the main Sutton Hospital site Area B comprises the Chiltern Wing and is currently used by the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust Area C is an area that may be acquired by Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust A number of the site buildings have heritage value as they were built in the mid 1880s as part of the South Metropolitan School for Girls There is distinctive suburban development to the north, open land to the east, the Royal Marsden Hospital to the south and Cotswold Road with housing and allotments to the east Site Area: Area A: 5.0ha Area B: 1.8ha Area C: 0.8ha Current Land Use: Health Ownership: Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust Public Transport: Levels 1b and Proposals Map: Site Allocation Relevant Planning History: None Site Development Policies – Proposed Submission 102 A11: SUTTON HOSPITAL, COTSWOLD ROAD, BELMONT The site is allocated for MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL and HEALTH The redevelopment of Area A is subject to ensuring sufficient land is available to meet the healthcare needs of the Borough The redevelopment of Area B is subject to the satisfactory relocation of in-patients from the Chiltern Wing The redevelopment of Area C is subject to the Royal Marsden Hospital not requiring land for expansion Any development scheme should pay particular regard to: ● Providing a health facility (health centre or GPs’ practice) which is easily accessible for the local community ● Respecting the heritage assets on site and retaining any buildings of architectural or historical importance as well as the existing tree planting on site ● Providing a high proportion of family-sized units ● Improving access arrangements and permeability through the site ● Allowing for public transport improvements and bus terminus/driver facilities ● Ensuring the redevelopment does not harm the amenity or the functioning of neighbouring uses ● Improving pedestrian and cycle linkages and possible bus linkages to the adjoining Royal Marsden Hospital site Relevant Core Planning Strategy Policies Making provision for residential development in the remainder of the Borough (PMP1) Improving access to housing and social facilities in a Community Regeneration Area (PMP3) Supporting health facilities in the south of the Borough (BP5) Steering site allocations and development towards the lowest flood risk (BP7) Flood Risk Zone – Flood Risk Assessment required The site is in Groundwater Source Protection Zone so any future use must be non-water polluting Indicative Phasing April 2020-March 2025 Indicative Housing Capacity 330 units Assuming the whole site is developed for housing and allowing for 1ha for a health facility Capacity is based on the London Plan Density Matrix setting of Suburban 3.8-4.6hr/u Site Development Policies – Proposed Submission 103 Delivery Mechanism The NHS Strategy document for Sutton and Merton, Better Healthcare Closer to Home, indicates that Sutton Hospital is no longer fit for purpose and local acute services are intended to be transferred to St Helier Hospital (Ref: Better Helathcare Closer to Home, Programme of Investment Overview, Annex S) In addition, the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust has indicated to the Council that it wishes to concentrate its in-patient operations on fewer sites across the sub-region Consequently, the Chiltern Wing of Sutton Hospital (Area B), which currently houses in-patients for the Mental Health Trust and which is an ageing facility, is also likely to close The Council, however, will seek assurances that those in-patients currently in the Chiltern Wing will be accommodated in facilities that are suitable for them and suitable for visitors and friends who wish to visit them Finally, the Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has indicated that it may wish to expand and utilise the south-western part of the Sutton Hospital site (Area C) Site Development Policies – Proposed Submission 104 ... wishes to concentrate its in-patient operations on fewer sites across the sub-region Consequently, the Chiltern Wing of Sutton Hospital (Area B), which currently houses in-patients for the Mental... Protection Zone so any future use must be non-water polluting Indicative Phasing April 2020-March 2025 Indicative Housing Capacity 330 units Assuming the whole site is developed for housing and allowing... heritage assets on site and retaining any buildings of architectural or historical importance as well as the existing tree planting on site ● Providing a high proportion of family-sized units ● Improving