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Following the Man of Sorrows- A Theology of Suffering for Spiritu

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Digital Commons @ George Fox University Doctor of Ministry Theses and Dissertations 1-1-2018 Following the Man of Sorrows: A Theology of Suffering for Spiritual Formation David Russell Beach dbeach15@georgefox.edu This research is a product of the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program at George Fox University Find out more about the program Recommended Citation Beach, David Russell, "Following the Man of Sorrows: A Theology of Suffering for Spiritual Formation" (2018) Doctor of Ministry 281 http://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/dmin/281 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Digital Commons @ George Fox University It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctor of Ministry by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University For more information, please contact arolfe@georgefox.edu GEORGE FOX UNIVERSITY FOLLOWING THE MAN OF SORROWS: A THEOLOGY OF SUFFERING FOR SPIRITUAL FORMATION A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF PORTLAND SEMINARY IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MINISTRY BY DAVID RUSSELL BEACH PORTLAND, OREGON MARCH 2018 Portland Seminary George Fox University Portland, Oregon CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL DMin Dissertation This is to certify that the DMin Dissertation of David Beach has been approved by the Dissertation Committee on February 16, 2018 for the degree of Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Spiritual Formation Dissertation Committee: Primary Advisor: Michael Gama, DMin Secondary Advisor: Tricia Gates Brown, PhD Lead Mentor: MaryKate Morse, PhD Biblical References: All biblical references are taken from the 2011 New International Version (NIV) unless otherwise noted At times, other translations are preferred over the 2011 NIV for more nuanced gender-inclusive language, especially passages considered by this writer to be referring to all of humanity when a masculine term/metaphor/case ending is used in the original Exceptions are made to this preference when a term or metaphor is considered part of the revelation and manifestation of the second person of the trinity, who is variously revealed as Son, Son of man, Lord, Prince, King, and so on Statement of Gender-Inclusiveness: Translation presents a complex and multi-faceted challenge for every language and culture, even those of the original languages In this paper, preference is given to a construct of humanity that hopes to include equally every culture, every tribe, every nation, and all variations of human personality, attributes, and gender Therefore, a beginning point for this paper will be that men and women, equally and together, are created in the image of God and called to spiritual formation into the image of God in the person of Jesus Christ Even when masculine terms and metaphors referring to Christ as “Son” or “Man” are retained, as in the title of the paper, they are retained for revelatory reasons and not to exclude in any way daughters or women nor to elevate in any way sons or men Some directly quoted source material may not utilize preferred gender-inclusive language Even though the original language may be retained in these quotations (e.g “man” rather than humanity, people, or person), it is the opinion of this author that the spirit and meaning of the original material is in keeping with the statements above iii Copyright © 2018 by David R Beach All rights reserved iv Dedicated to The walking wounded, comrades of the valley, who think they are alone and yet are not Those in wilderness experiences, exiles, and victims: may you all rise up, like the Man of Sorrows, as wounded healers who will comfort and care for the least of these— Christ’s living body And to God who has “reconciled [us] by Christ’s physical body through death.” May we all fill up in [our] flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of [Christ’s] body, which is the church [We] have become its servant[s] by the commission God gave [us] to present […] the word of God in its fullness—[…] the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in [us], the hope of glory […] He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ To this end [we] strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in [us] Col 1:22-29 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am most grateful to my wife, Cynthia, without whose patience and encouraging words this work would never have been attempted My appreciation also to my parents, Richard and Eileen Beach, for giving me a good foundation, a love of the Word, and for the Living Word My special thanks to my good friend, study buddy, and reader John Raymond, who so graciously and generously gave his time and affection Special thanks, too, to my Dissertation Advisor and friend, Michael Gama, whose kind and insightful feedback added to the depth and breadth of this dissertation For my friend and reader, Tom Zook, I am glad and grateful, mostly for being able to call you friend I am grateful for Nicholas Wolterstorff, my consultant par excellence, who graciously agreed to meet and discuss a theology of suffering Thank you, Nick, for freeing me to pursue what is necessary, while leaving aside the non-essentials Much gratitude also to MaryKate Morse, a wise and kind Mentor and Spiritual Director for a great group of people who make up LSF1—you are the best For my editor, Rochelle Deans, bless you and thank you for your attention to the details and the larger picture For Impact Church of Lowell, Michigan, who so generously gave resources, time, and facilities to explore ideas—thank you A special remembrance goes out to Sharon Sabados whose words 25 years ago became a doorway to spiritual formation And finally, to Elmer Graham, whose prophetic words thirty-some years ago planted a dream in my heart of doctoral studies: may the Man of Sorrows continue to be your comfort as you now enjoy Christ’s presence face to face vi “Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand… I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape.” —Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Pietà (after Delacroix), Vincent van Gogh, 1889 Source: Van Gogh Museum, accessed November 26, 2017, https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/collection/s0168V1962 vii Contents Figures xi Abstract xii CHAPTER 1: GETTING ACQUAINTED Introduction: Toward a Theology of Suffering for Spiritual Formation The Intersection of Via Dolorosa and Imago Preliminary Questions 10 Toward a Blueprint for a Construct .12 A Theology of Suffering: A Review of Three Approaches 19 Impassibility, Theodicy, and Suffering 24 Suffering and Spiritual Formation 26 Suffering: Toward a Definition 26 Spiritual: Toward a Definition 27 Spiritual Formation: Toward a Definition 28 Suffering: A Filtering Question for Discipleship 31 A Brief Introduction to Remaining Chapters 35 CHAPTER 2: EXPLORING THE TEXTS 37 Introduction: Toward a Theology of Suffering for Spiritual Formation .38 Part I: A Theology of Suffering .38 Part II: The Role of Suffering in the Bible 41 The OT and Suffering 41 Suffering in the NT .50 Suffering and the Disciples 52 Conclusion .55 CHAPTER 3: MULTIPLICITY 56 Introduction: Toward a Theology of Suffering for Spiritual Formation 56 Part I: The Incarnation and its Implications 58 Part II: Toward a Framework for Understanding: A Five-Type Taxonomy of Relational Postures Toward Suffering 59 Introduction 59 Type 1: The Christian Life Against Suffering 60 Type 2: The Christian Life Equals Suffering .65 Type 3: The Christian Life Transforms Suffering 69 Type 4: The Christian Life as Above Suffering 74 Type 5: The Christian Life and Suffering in Paradox 78 Another Possible Relational Posture in Search of a Taxonomy: The Christian Life as a Causal Agent of Suffering .81 Part III: Spiritual Formation and Suffering 83 Conclusion .84 CHAPTER 4: THROUGH A LOOKING GLASS 86 Introduction: Toward a Formational Theology of Suffering 86 Continuing the Dialogue: The Crucifixion, the Resurrection, and Their Implications 88 viii Part I: Suffering and Trajectories of Change – Toward a Framework for Understanding 89 Preliminary Considerations .89 Views of Suffering: Literature, Religion, Art, and Psychology 90 Part II: Understanding Suffering and Change: Trauma and Recovery as a Paradigm 93 Toward a Paradigm for Suffering: The Psychology of Trauma 94 Understanding the Effects of Suffering: Symptoms of Trauma 98 Trauma and Trajectories of Change: Toward Healing for the Suffering 99 Possibilities for Growth after Suffering: Personalities and Principles 100 Suffering in the Life of the Individual: Biblical Case Studies in Trauma 101 Conclusion 104 CHAPTER 5: LANGUAGE, CULTURE, AND THE ARTS 105 Introduction: Toward a Formational Theology of Suffering for Specific Cultures .105 Suffering: The Universal Challenges of Local Communities 105 The Roles of Language, Culture, and the Arts 107 Part I: Suffering and the Role of Language 109 Preliminary Considerations .109 Suffering and Language 110 Part II: Suffering and the Role of Culture 116 Preliminary Considerations .116 Suffering and the Health and Human Services Culture 117 Suffering and the Culture of Law and Justice 121 “Ableist” Hermeneutics, “Normate” Cultures, and Post-Resurrection Wounds 124 Part III: Suffering and the Role of the Arts 127 Conclusion 131 CHAPTER 6: COMRADES IN THE VALLEYS 132 Introduction: Toward a Conclusion .132 Review of Chapters through 133 Part I: Implications for Caregiving in the Twenty-first Century 135 Preliminary Considerations .135 Toward a Framework for Caring Professionals 137 Part II: Harnessing Others’ Metaphors and Co-creating a New Assumptive World 148 Biblical Parallels for Spiritual Formation 152 Shatterings, Wounded Healers, and the Straits of Messina .154 Part III: Implications for a Formational Theology of Suffering 160 Conclusion 161 APPENDIX 1: WAAIJMAN’S PROGRESSIVE PROCESS DESCRIPTION OF ESTABLISHED SCHOOLS OF 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