Chuyển Đổi Số - Nắm bắt Xu thế như thế nào ???
DoANH NGHripuET NAMvA cHUyEr,r odt s6: \t a \t a NAM BAT aJ ,* ^^? XUTHEDO ITHAYDE KI EIITAOTUdNG tAI t{ o wstrffiw& $wtrstr e &$sffif ffi sstrs *& SgSg&& & rc-,e,ryStr#,reS#K KifS$V"' $W& EMBRACING CHANGING TRENDS TO BUILD THE FUTURE D PGS Ts {H{}{}ru&, 62 vu MINH KHU0NG, TRU0NG cttlNtt sAcx c0ltc tY Qunne orEu, otrQc srNGApoRE I &sss('A?r pn&Frss*ri" $R" t u fdl$iil KU&l,i YfW 5(HS0," $f f}U*i.!e *}&t!(Y, t{*Tf$$;AN, t,N'yf XS'?y &f S'ffeAp0&f Lrf DoANH NGHtEp Thd gidi dang bddc vdo mqt ki nguyOn mdi vdi nhirng thay ddi phi thLtdng, d6 c6ng cu6c ' II chuydn ddi sd r6ng kh5p tr6n moi linh vUc, d6ng vai trd n6n tdng vd ld d6ng hJc cht dao d moi qu6c gia Trong k,i nguyCn vdi nhfrng thSch thfc vd cd h6i chUa trJng c6 niy, c5c qudc gia vi doanh nghi6p c6 kh5t vong l6n, tEm nhin thdi dai vd chi6n lddc thrJc thi s5c b6n c6 thd ldm n6n nhfng thinh qu6 ph5t tridn vtldt b6c, V6y d5u li c6c d5c trr-ing vi xu thd ctdi ttray ldn cta thdi dai? Nhfrng n6i dung cta n6ng t6m chi6n h/dc mA c6c doanh nghiCp Vi6t Nam cEn hJu ,i n6 luc ttridt kd vd tridn khai c6ng cu6c chuydn rtdi sd cta minh ld gi? rHdr DAr Ddr rHAy vA rrEr,r B0 BUOc NGoAr rU rn0ruc HoANG DAr DrcH covrD-lg Vdi tidn b6 vtldt b6c cta CNTT-TT chi mdy thQp ki qua, thd gidi dd li6n tuc tr6i qua nhtrng ddi thay mang tinh cdch mang, c6 6nh hUdng nhanh ch6ng vi s6u r6ng ddn moi linh vUc cia ph6t tridn kinh t6vd x5 h6i Vio tti6p ki 1970-1980, moi ngUdi ao u6c vi3 sU ddi cta mdy tinh cd nh6n vi stJ hi6n x di€n cia n6 d m6i gia dinh hay bin ldm vi6c Di6u rJdc ndy dE nhanh ch6ng thinh hi6n thUc v6i stl ddi cta Microsoft nhrJ m6t bidu trJdng Vio th6p ki 1980-1990, moi ngr-tdi Udc ao drloc li6n lac v6i vi ti6p c6n tdi kho tri thfc c0a nh6n loai d moi ndi, moi hic v6i tdc d6 tr?c thdi vd kh6ng t6n phi EiEu Udc ndy c0ng nhanh ch6ng trd thdnh hi6n thUc vdi sU ddi cta Internet vi Google trd thdnh m6t c6ng ty bidu tUdng Vio th6p ki 1990-2000, moi ngrtdi rJdc mu6n c6 c6ng d6ng ri6ng dd chia s6 th6ng tin, ki6n thrlc, vd ngubn ltlc DiEu Udc ndy cfing de trd hi6n thfc v6i cdc c6ng ty bidu trrdng nhU Facebook, Uber vi AirB&B Ngdy nay, chring ta dang nu6i uer vA cONG cuQc cHUyEN o6l s6 world is entering a new era with the extraorTh" dinaV changes in which the widespread digital II transformation in all sectors and all countries play a fundamental role and is the leading driver Governments and enterprises with high aspirations/ era vision, and high enforcement strategy can make gigan- tic development achievements in an age with unprecedented challenges and oppoftunities So what are the major characteristics and trends of change of age? What are the contents of the strategies that Vietnamese enterprises should be noted in their efforts on designing and implementing digital transformation? TIMES OF CHANGE AND LANDMARK PROGRESS FROM THE COVID-lg PANDEMIC CRISIS Thanks to the tremendous advances of the revolution of ICT, only over the past few decades, the world has constantly undergone revolutionary changes, having fast and in-depth impacts on all areas of socio-economic development In the 1970-1980 period, people wished for the personal computer's advent and its presence at every home or desk This wish quickly became true with the advent of Microsoft as a symbol In the 1980-1990 period, people wished to contact each other and access humanity's knowledge base anywhere, anytime, with instantaneous speed and no cost This wish also quickly came true with the advent of the Internet, and Google became an iconic company In the 1990-2000 period, people wished to have their own community to share information, knowledge, and resources This wish also turned into reality with iconic companies Iike Facebook, Uber and AirB&B Today, we are cultivating the desire to develop a smart society Of the figure, the rapid advance of digital technology will bring in great, comprehensive and 63 I i I -1 ! VIETNAIVI'S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITAL TRANSFORIVIATIONS dLrdng khdt vong x6y drJng m6t xE h6i th6ng minh Trong d6, tiSn b6 nhanh ch6ng vE c6ng ngh6 s6 sE dem lai nhfrng ldi fch ldn lao, todn di6n, s6u s6c hdn th6ng qua c6ng cu6c chuydn ddi sd dang vir sE di6n ngdy cdng manh mE d moi doanh nghi6p, phUdng, linh vUc kinh td - x5 h6i Dai dich covrD-1g kd ' vi ' H5n (Trung Qu6c) vio cu6i n5m 2019 de g6y tdn hai to l6n vE cu6c sdng vA hoat d6ng kinh td d hEu h6t c5c qudc gia Thd nhulng, n5 cfing la m6t chen d6ng chr/a tilng c6, tao n6n brl6c nhiy lUdng tril chuydn ddi sd, tr6n moi m5t crha cu6c s6ng x5 h6i Kh6o s6t g6n ddy cia c6ng ty ttl vdn McKinsey(1) cho th6'y chuydn ddi sd doanh nghi6p n6i chung dd dUdc ddy nhanh tU 3-4 ndm so vdi k!,vong truldc more profound benefits through the digital transformation process that is ongoing and will take place more and more strongly in all enterprises, localities, Socio - economic sectors and countries dia qudc gia tir kht bing nd d v0 xiy dai dich Trong d6, b5n hlng trrlc tuydn, phrJdng cdch giao ti6p vdi khdch hdng, vir tim hidu dEu ttJ vdo c6ng ngh6 s6 m6i nh6-t dd n6ng cao hi6u qui kinh doanh vA hi6u lUc quirn tri ld nhtng linh vUc c6 tiSn b6 nhdy vot Mdc dir ldi ich mA chuydn ddi s6 mang tai rat tii:m ting vi dai dich COVID-19 di tao m6t crj hich dic bi6t, mfc d6 s5n sing cho chuydn ddi s6 v5n vddng nhi6u rao c6n kh6ng de vuidt qua, d6, tU vi th6i quen cfi thito'ng lA cin v6 hinh c6 sftc y rdt tdn Kinh nghi6m lich sLt cho thdy nhirng trd ngai niy thrldng xudt hi6n thd gi6i dr?ng trUdc nhltng ti6n b6 vddt b6c v6 c6ng ngh6 ChEng han, vAo d6u thd ki 20, nhi6u thinh phd l6n nhU London, New York v5n lim quy hoach ddi han dlta tren gid dinh vii nhip d6 tdng nhanh cta xe ngua vd nhu c6u ngLta kdo ThSm chi, nhi6u chuy6n gia cho ring xe hdi s6 kh6ng thd tro n6n phd bidn vi t6c d6 cdra n6 qud nhanh, g6y nguy hidm chdt ngr-ldi, kh6 dl/dc xd h6i ch6'p nh6n Mdt s6 kh5c thi dUa l1i r6t kho tuydn dung dudc ldi xe bdi ngh6 niy ddi h6i mdt sd ki n5ng vi phdm ch6t d5c bi6t Ngiy niy, c6ch tr/ niy v5n thLldng thei d khSp ndi th6 gidi chuydn sang thdi dai CMCN 4.0 li The COVID-19 pandemic, first seen in Wuhan (China) in late 2019, has caused great losses to life and economic activities in most countries In addition, it has also been an unprecedented shock, creating a quantum leap in digital transformation in all aspects of social life A recent survey conducted by McKinsey shows that digital transformation in enterprises, in general, has been accelerated for about 3-4 years compared to the pre-pandemic expectatlons In particular, online sales, ways to communicate with customers, and investment in the latest digital technology to improve business efficiency and governance effectiveness are areas with significant advances Although digital transformation benefits are potential and the COViD-19 pandemic has made a special push, the readiness for digital transformation still has many barriers that are not easy to overcome, In which old thinking and old habits are often nvisrble forces that have incredible inertia Historical experience shows that these barriers often alse when there are significant advances in technology in the ti n6 lrrc d6u td I I i I l I I I world For example, at the beginning of the 20th cen- I tury, many big cities like London and Nelry York still did long-term planning based on the assumption of ! chariots' rapid growth and the demand for draft horses Even many experts believed that cars would be impossible to become popular because their speed was too fast, causing a fatal danger, making cars dlfficult to be accepted by society Others said it was I to recruit drivers because it requlred some special skills and qualities Today, this thinking challenging way is still commonly seen everywhere as the world moves into the 4iR age 1 lI I t I I i I I l I Digital transformation is not simply an effort to Chuydn Adi sd fn6ng ddn thubn ; invest in the application of information technology, but I l I I i i (ti McKirsey (2020) I (1) McKinsey (2020) I 64 t I I I i DoANH NGHrep u$r vA cOruc cuQc cHUyEN o6t s6 tin mi ld m6t c6ng cudc bi6n todn di6n vd s6u s5c nhim khai th5c tdi da sfc manh thdi dai vd ti6n b6 cdng ngh6, tit d6 n6ng cao hi6u qui, s[fc canh tranh vi ki6n tao n6n ting c5n r?ng dung c6ng ngh6 th6ng it is a comprehensive and profound transformation to cii exploit the power of era and technological progress fully, thereby improving efficiency, competitiveness b6n cho hdnh trinh phdt trldn l6u ddi Vi vQy, th6-u hidu todn c6u vA n6ng tEm tU chiSn [fdc d6ng vai trd dic bi6t quan trong cir c6ng vi6c thi6t k6 l5n and creatlng a basic foundation for a long-term development journey Therefore, global insight and upgraded strategic thinking play a pafticularly impoftant role in designing and implementing digital transformation tridn khai c6ng cu6c chuydn ddi sd UN DERSTAND GLOBALIZATION TREN DS THAU HIEU XU THE TOAN CAU Cuc di6n phSt tridn toin ciu dang drJdc dinh hinh bdi nhffng xu thd chi dao, d6 c6c doanh nghi6p c6n ddc bi6t thau hidu tdm xu th6'dddi d5y xem x6t m6i quy6t dinh d6u tLr cho muc ti6u ph5t tridn tUdng lai Xu th6'7: Cdc bi6n d6ng toin c6u ngiy cing dfr d6i, kh6 ludng, ddi h6i m6i qu6c gia vir doanh nghiCp ph6i h6i dt ba diEu ki6n: t6m nh)n xa, ,i chi c6i cSch manh mE vd ,i thr?c gia cttdng n6n m6ng dd vtng ving trUdc cdc cri s6c kinh td vd moi x5o d6ng vi toin cEu Eai dich COVID-19 lir m6t minh chfng hidn hi6n v6 quy m6 vi tdc hai cia nhfing bi6n khu vrJc d6ng kh6 c6 thd tudng tudng drtdc tnjdc n6 xudt hi6n vE kinh t6, dai dich CovID-19 dd g6y n6n kh0ng ho6ng kinh td toin cEu vi h6u hdt cdc nUdc rdi viro suy thodi kinh td trEm trong ndm 2020 NhrJ chi d Bdng 1, t5ng trrJdng GDP n5m 2020 dEu th6-p hdn nhiEu so vdi ndm 2019 Hdn nfra, trtt Vi6t Nam vd Trung Qu6c, niln kinh tdcSc nu6c d6u b! suy gi6m ndng nE n5m 2020, nh6't li Philippines (9,5o/o), An d6 (-8olo), vA Th5i Lan (-6,1%) K6t qu6 ld, t5ng trddng binh qu6n ndm ndm giai doan 20152020 cta ciic nrJ6c cl6u th6'p hdn so v6i giai doan 2010-2015 Vi6t Nam ld nt/6c nh6't c6 st-t suy gi6m kh6ng d5ng kd (tt 6,20/o xudng 6,10lo) ld nhd The face of global development is being shaped by main trends in which enterprises need to have special insight eight trends below when considering each investment decision for the development objective in the future Trend I; Global changes are increasingly intense and unpredictable, requiring every country and enterprise to have to meet three conditions; long vision, strong reform will and awareness of reinforced foundations to be resilient to economic shocks and all regional and global upheavals The COVID-19 pandemic is a testament to the magnitude and harms of unprecedented disruptions In terms of the eco- nomic aspect, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a global economic crisis, and most countries fell into a severe recession in 2020 As shown in Table 1, the GDP growth in 2020 was much lower than in 2019 Moreover, except for Vietnam and China, all coun- tries' economies experienced a severe decline in 2020, especially the Philippines (-9.5o/o), India (Bo/o), and Thailand (-6.1%) As a result, the annual average growth rate for the 2015-2020 period of all countries was lower than that of the previous fiveyear period, 2010-2015 Vietnam was the only country seeing an insignificant economic growth rate decrease (from 6.20/o to 6.1%) thanks to efforts to increase growth in four years,2016-2019, to approx- n6 lrrc n6ng cao mr?c tdng trrJdng bdn n5m 20L6-20L9 l6n mr?c xdp xi 7o/o trrJdc dai dich nd Klnh nghiOm niy cho thdy, tranh thrl tdi da dd tSng t6c phSt tridn thu6n tdi te m6t chi6n tUdc quan 0d c6 thd giff dUOc srlc bEn vfrng khtng ho6ng 6p tl6n imately 7o/o before the pandemic out-broke This experience shows that taking full advantage to accelerate development in case of favourable conditions is Xu thd 2: GEn k6t todn cEu vd khu vr-tc, m5c dir trii qua kh6ng it tr5c trd, sE ngiy cing s6u Trend 2,' Despite facing many difficulties, global and regional integration will be increasingly deepened cdn ph6i an important strategy to be able to maintain sustainability when there is a crisis 65 VIETNAIVI'S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS t s5c, kh6ng chi thfdng mai vi d6u tU mi cd du lich, vdn hda vi nh5n thfc xd h6i Mdt nhilng thLl6c v6 d6 h6i nhAp c0a m6t qudc gia vio n6n kinh tdtoen c6u li ty cta tdng gi6 trithUdng mai trdn GDP NhrJ chi d B6ng 1, Vi6t Nam li m6t nddc c6 d6 h6i nh6p cao vdi ty tr6n 210%, chi d[/ng sau Singapore (cd ty 319%) Di6u niy cho thai, Vi6t Nam dUdc hLrdng ldi r6t ldn nhLlng c0ng s6 chiu nhtng thilch thfc kh6 luong d6 h6i nh6p s5u in tourism, culture and social awareness/ not only in i trade and investment One of the measures of a country's integration into the global economy is its share of total trade to GDP As shown in Table 1, Vietnam is a highly integrated country with a share of over 2100/0, making Vietnam only rank after Singapore (with a share of 319ok) This shows that Vietnam enjoys great benefits but will also face unpredictable challenges due to its deep integration c[ra minh Xu th€'3: Thd ki 21 ld "thd ki tr6i day" cia ch6u Trend 3,'The 21st century is the "rising century" Especially, China and India - each with of Asia A DEc bi6t, Trung Quoc va An D6 - m6i quo-c gia c6 xdp xi L,4 t,i ddn vi tO-c d6 tdng trLrdng cao hing ddu thd gidi, sC nEm nh6m ba ni3n kinh td ldn nh61 th6 gidi c5c th6p ky t6i NhU chi d B6ng 1, c5c nddc ch6u A (kh6ng kd Nhet bdn) chi6m ty xdp xi 1/3 quy m6 kinh td toAn cbu V6i sU phSt tridn nhanh ch6ng cta m)nh, ch6u A dang li d6ng ldc ch[r largest economies in the coming decades As shown in Table 1, Asian countries (excluding Japan) account for approximately one-third of the global economic size With its rapid development, Asia is the main driver of global economic growth With a population of nearly dao thrjc ddy t5ng trUdng kinh td todn c5u D6ng Nam A, vdi sd d6n g6n 700 tri6u vi quy m6 kinh td hi6n tai xdp xi An D6 vi Nh6t B6n, drJ ki6n sC t5ng quy m6 kinh td l6n hdn b6n l6n ba th6p ki tdi Vi v6y, c5c doanh nghi6p Vi6t Nam c6n h6t sfc khai thSc sLl tr6i day cira Ch6Lr A vA su ldn manh cta n6n kinh t6 D6ng Nam A chidn lLIdc ki6n tao tuidng 700 million and a current economic size that is nearly equal to that of India and Japan, Southeast Asia is expected more than to quadruple its economic size over the next three decades Therefore, Vietnamese enterprises need to fully exploit Asia's rise and the growth of the Southeast Asian economy in their future development strategy lai cia approximately 1.4 billion people and the world's leading high growth rate, will be among the world's three minh Trend 4: Urbanizalion will take place at a faster Xu th64: D6 thi h6a hdn V6i t'i 16 sE di6n vdi t6c d6 nhanh d6n d6 thi t5ng nhanh vir d?t mfc tr6n 213 dln sd toirn cEu ba th6p ki tdi, quy hoach vi quSn li dO thi sE d6ng vai trd c{c ki quan trong vi6c quydt dinh ndng sudt lao dQng, chdt lUdng sdng vd phSt tridn bEn virng cta m6i qudc gia V6i Vi6t Nam, quy m6 c5c thdnh phd hi6n tai dU ki6n s6 tSng til 1,5 d6n 2,5 lEn ba thap ki tdi ViCt Nam sE c6 th6m nhi6u thinh ph6 c6 tr6n tri6u ddn v6i tEng hi6n dai, Do v6y, chi6n hJdc c0a m6i c6ng ty cEn tinh d6n nhip cIQ d6 thi h5a nhanh ch6ng d Vi6t Nam thdi gian tdi 4.0 d5 vi dang di6n vdi nhip d6 ngdy cing nhanh, 6nh hUdng ngdy cdng s6u r6ng moi mdt cta nEn kinh t6 vd ddi sdng xd h6i Doanh nghiOp cEn ndm b5t cu6c CMCN 4.0 theo ba hrldng ch0 dao sau; Hddng thr? nhdt ld tdng hi6u Xu th€'5; 66 rate In the context that the urban population is growing rapidly and will account for more than 2/3 of the global population in the next three decades, urban planning and management will play an extremely important role in determining labour productivity, quality of life and sustainable development of each country For Vietnam, cities' current size is expected to increase by about t.5-2.5 times over the next three decades Vietnam will have more cities having more than million people with modern infrastructure Therefore, each company's strategy should take into account the rapid pace of urbanization in Vietnam in the coming time CuQc CMCN l i I i i I Trend 5.' The 4IR has been happening at an increasingly fast pace, having more and more impacts on every aspect of the economy and social life enterprises need to grasp the 4IR in the three main direc- I t DoANH NGHtEp uEr vA CONG cuoc cHUyEN o6l s6 qua ven hinh kd ci ph6n c[rng vd phAn m6m Trong d6, c5c c6ng cu qu6n l,i bdng phbn miim, tri tu6 nh6n tao (AI), r?ng dung di6n todn ddm m6y, tidp thi sd, ngUdi m5y, cdc c6ng cu di6u khidn td d6ng, nhi mdy th6ng minh, hi6n thitc Ao (VR) vi tions as follows: The first direction is to increase operating efficiency, including hardware and software Of the figure, management tools using software, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing applications, digital hi6n thUc marketing, robotics, automatic control tools, smart n6ng cao (AR) le nhtng c6ng nEh6 c5n dddc nghi6n cftu dd [rng dung HLrdng thf hai li khai thdc gi5 tri tLl hi6u [rng c6ng hUdng vdi d6i tdc, kh5ch hing vi c6ng d6ng x5 h6i Cdc m6 hinh gEn k6t chia se, d6ng s5ng tao, g6y quV dai ching Ii nhirng Ung dung dem lai giii tri ldn thdi gian cr-tc nhanh Hurdng thf ba Ia ndng cao chdt lrJdng quy6t dinh trl thu thAp factories, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are technologies that need to be studied for applicatlon The second direction is to exploit the value from the resonance effect with partners, customers and the social community The models of sharing, cocreating and crowdfunding are appllcations that bring great value very fast The third direction is to improve the quality of decision-making from data collection and exploitation and to make efforts to enhance the capability of analysis and learning Vietnam is one of the countries with high efforts in grasping the digital revolution As shown in Table 1, compared to other Asian developing countries, IT has rather deep penetration and makes a rather great contribution to Vietnam's economic growth (approximately l.0o/o in the 20102018 period) Moreover, investment in digital transfor- vi khai thSc hG thdng dt li6u vd n5 ltrc n6ng cao n5ng ILlc ph6n tich, hoc hoi Vi6t Nam lA m6t cdc nUdc c5 n6 ILtc cao n5m b6t cu6c cdch mang sd Nhtlchi d Bing 1, so vdi cdc nrJdc ch6u A dang ph5t tridn, CNTT c6 mftc th6m nh6p kh6 s6u vi d6ng g6p kh5 cao viro tdng trito'ng kinh td cta Vi6t Nam (xdp xi 1,0 7o giai doan 2010-2018) Hdn nita, d6u td vio chuydn ddi sd sO td d6ng tfc ch[r dao gi[p Vi6t Nam n6ng nhip dd vi tdc d6 t5ng truldng thdi gian tdi Nghia li, n6u Vi6t Nam dat mr?c tdng trddng nim tdi, dLf ki6n it nh5t 1,0-!,So/o sG l;) d6u tu vio chuydn d6i 7-8o/o 5-10 s6 mang lai Xu th6'6: D5n sd gia h6a Do ty 16 sinh de thdp ve tudi tho trung binh ngdy cing cao n€n d6n sd nhi6u ntl6c, d6 c6 Vi6t Nam, dang gid di nhanh c6c th6p k,i tdi Thrlc t6' cho thdy, st?c sdng tao vi sdng d6ng cr}a m6t d5n t6c s6 gi6m srit m[rc d6 gii h5a dat ddn mrJc i/3 d6n sd c6 tudi tr6n 65 Vi6t Nam hi6n dang d giai doan d5n sd ving, nghia la ty lao d6ng tr6n t6ng d6n sd d mfc cao Tuy nhi6n, thu6n ldi nAy sG gi6m nhanh sau khodng 20 ndm nfa Vlo n5m 2045, Vi6t Nam sG gii nht/ Nh6t Bin nim 2000 Titc tA n6u kh6ng trd thinh m6t nU6c c6 mfc thu nh6p cao vio n5m 2045, Vi6t Nam s6 d vdo tinh c6nh "gii trUdc gilu" Xu th6 niy ddi h6i Vi6t Nam phii coi tdng tdc ph6t tridn ld nhi6m vu d5c bi6t cdp b6ch Do v6y, dAu tU vio chuydn ddi sd la m6t phLrong cSch hi6u qud vi chidn lUdc nhSt cho c5c doanh nghiGp vd toAn xd h6i dd s5n sdng vdi tUong lai, ngu6n lao d6ng tre kh6ng cdn d6i ddo vi x5 hdi ddi h6i m6t ch2't tddng dich vu ngiy cdng cao to help Vietnam increase the growth pace and growth rate in the coming time It means that if Vietnam achieves a growth rate of 7-8o/a in the next 5-10 years, investment in digitai transformation will contribute at least 1.0-1.5% to mation will be the main driver such growth rate Trend 6; The population ls ageing Due to low fertility rates and increasing life expectancy, many countries, including Vietnam, are rapidly ageing in the coming decades In reality, a nation's creativity and vitality will decrease when the population aged over 65 accounts for tl3 of the population Vietnam is currently in the golden population period; that is, the share of Iabourers out of the total population is at a high level However, this advantage will decrease rapidly in about 20 years, By 2045, Vietnam will be as old as Japan in 2000 That is, if Vietnam does not become a high-income country by 2045, Vietnam will be "old before getting rich." This trend requires Vietnam to consider accelerating development as a, particularly urgent task Therefore, investing in digital transfor- mation is the most effective and strategic way for enterprises and the whole society to be ready for the future when the young labour force is no longer abun67 \ I VIETNAIV'S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS i l l I I '1 Xu th6'7: Phdt tridn bEn vfrng sE ngiry clng dtJ0c coi ve trd thenh y6u c6u "s6ng cdn" moi n6 lrrc phdt tridn Trong xu thd niy, b6o vQ m6i dant, and society requires an increasingly higher serv- truidng, d5c bi6t Id chdt h-fdng nr/dc vd khis6 drl$c coi Trend 7,'Sustainable development will be increas- hing d6u Cdc doanh nghi6p g6y nhi6m sd ingly respected and become a "vital" requirement in all development efforts In this trend, environmental pro- kh6ng dr/dc rirng h6 vi nhanh ch5ng bi diro th6i thdi gian tdi BGn canh d5, d6u trJ viro ndng hJ0ng t5i vi di6n gi6 vir c5c c6ng ngh6m6 hinh kinh doanh h6 trd n6 lu(c niy sE c5 tEm 6nh hUdng ngdy cdng l6n tao nhtl di6n m5t trdi Xu th6'8: Tr5ch nhi6m x5 h6i sd trd thdnh m6t -ldi thd canh tranh v6 hinh ngdy cing ldn Trong xu thd nAy, c5c doanh nghiCp c6 tri6t I'i kinh doanh nh6n v5n, coi d5c bi6t ldi ich c6ng dbng vir ngUdi lao d6ng tUdng dbng vdi gi5 tri dem lai cho khdch hdng vi cht d5u trl sE drJdc tUdng tht/dng "xfng d5ng Eic bi€t, c5c n6 lUc c6 hi6u qui nh5m chung tay ctrng c6ng d6ng gi6i quy6t nhtng th5ch thfc ldn c0a xE h6i s6 mang lai nhfng gi5 tri rdt l6n cho doanh nghi6p (Bdng 1) rAc oQrue cOa cuQc cAcH rfr riuc MANG rHONG TRUoNG KrNH rH vA nrfu rrN quA ice quality I ) i I tection, especially the protection of water and gas quality, will be of the utmost impoftance Enterprises causing pollution will not be suppofted and quickly eliminated in the coming time In addition, investments in renewable energy such as solar and wind power and the technologies-business models that sup- I i I i i I port this effort will be increasingly influential I Trend 8.' Social responsibility will become an increasingly great intangible competitive advantage In this trend, enterprises with humane business philosophy, attaching special importance to the benefits of the community and employees as well as the value brought to customers and investors, will be rewarded appropriately In particular, effective efforts to join hands with the community in solving major social challenges will bring great value to enterprises (Table 1) I l l i I i I l i ) ! I i KINH DOANH CUA DOANH NGHICP 'li IMPACTS OF THE INFORMATION REVOLUTION I I Cu6c cdch mang th6ng tin di6n m6'y th6p qua dd vA dang tEo n6n nhffng bi6n chuydn c5n birn ddi s6ng xd h6i DEc bi6t, n6 d5, dang vi s6 dem lai nhffng d6ng g6p l6n cho t5ng trUdng kinh td hi6u qu6 s6n xudt kinh doanh (SXKD) cria ON ECONOMIC GROWTH AND BUSINESS PER- l doanh nghi6p changes in social ki vi FORMANCE OF ENTERPRISES I The information revolution that has taken place over the past decades has been creating fundamental life It has especially brought outcontributions to the economic growth and T5c tl6ng cria chuydn aldi sdt6i tiing trddng kinh t6' i standing production, and business peformance of enterprises I ,] I t \ TrOn tdng thd n€n kinh td, cu6c c5ch mang th6ng tin 6nh hfdng t6i tdng trL/dng kinh td qua ndm k6nh chinh sau: Thil nhdt, Regarding the overall economy/ the information revolution affects economic growth through the following five main channels: n6 girip tdng hi6u qui SXKD vd hi6u ltJc quin l,i doanh nghi6p Firstly, it helps increase production and business performance and business management efficiency In hdng dEu, pafticular, it helps reduce costs, expand markets, and improve customer service quality In which the cohesion of digital ecosystem development, online commerce services, social networks, automation, artificial intelligence are top applications DAc bi6t, n6 gi[p giSm gi5 thirnh, md r6ng thi trtldng, vi tdng chdt hldng phuc vu khSch hdng Trong d6, stl g6n kdt hdp tdc phdt tridn hO sinh th6i s6, dich vu thrldng mai trUc tuydn, mang xd h6i, trJ d6ng h6a, trf tu6 nh6n tao lir cdc frng dung 6B l DoANH NGHTEn u|r Secondly, it dramatically increases the quantity and quality of information and the ability to communicate, helping to make information and transaction transparent in all areas - from environmental quality to Th(l hai, n6 ldm gia tdng manh mE kh6i lrrOng vd chdt hJdng th6ng tin, n5ng giao ti6p, li6n lac, gi(p ldm minh bach th6ng tin vd giao dich tr6n moi llnh vUc - tir chdt [ldng m6i trrldng ddn cim nh6n c0a khSch hAng, ngrtdi d6n Nhd v6y, moi hoat d6ng dUd.c giSm sdt, phdi thu6c vi xrlr hi kip thdi hdn Tr6n cd sd d6, ldng tin x5 h6i sE drfdc gia crldng vi vi tdng trrldng kinh t6 sE b6n vfrng hdn Thil ba, n6 gi(p doanh nghiGp vir moi ngddi vA cOrua cuQc cuuvEru o6r s6 customers and citizens' perception As a result, all activities are monitored, combined and handled more promptly On that basis, social trust will be strengthened, and economic growth will be more sustainable d6n Thirdly, it helps enterprises and people greatly ' Bdng r; VIt[ NAM TRONG auc rRANr-r cHAu R: TANG TRUoNG KINH TE vA DoNG Gop cuA CNTT fa&Te I,,VIETNAM IN ASI,AN PICTURE: ECONOMIC GROWTH RATE AND CONTRItsUTION OF IT TO THE GROWTH RATE Lnt so VietNam, ln${+xia: : lrietnam, TIng trutdng GDP 2019 7,017.0 2020 )o/lo Ivla-lai-xi-a,' Phi-lip-pin I Xnhgpl Trury tu&: lndsnesia,Malaysia n5m 20'19 &2020 (n/in 4,3 I 4.3 I 6,0 / 6.0 ,51 -9.5 : 1,3 I 5,41 1.3 2,3 -5.4 2.3 I -6,11 -6.1 53 5,81 4,0 I 4.A a ,f? 2,31 8,0 / -8"0 2010 2015 v;201s-2020 {10) 201 0-201 201 6,1 5-2020 3,613.6 16.1, 4,514.5 I 3,0/3.0 ,9 17.9 : 6,8 I 6.8 1,s 11.5 :1,611.6 5,1 I 5.7 3,s l1.5 100 d6n (201 -.-.' .:_ '''.'.' '''''''''''.- 5r1 dung lnternet 703 I lnternet 200110 t74.3 60,1 / Dien thoai thdng minh I 5rna* phone 71,9 I 71.9 116;1 Bing thdng cd dinh I lJ,0 r ,J.C 8,6l&.6 FixeC bandwirlth 1116.7 68,4 I | (6R q4?/qd1 _ 50.1 88,2 ,',88.2 56,8 68"4 14s;1 I 145.7 1M;1 11A4.7 95,4 195"4 37,s 131.5 25,9 125.9 13,21 13.2 28,5 3,213.2 128.5 34,5 134.5 1,3 / 1.3 0ong qdp b)nh quin vio ting ,$.qlemgel Vdn CNTT / lT cepltal V6n truydn thdng I Traditi0n 0,7 10.7 1,0 {apit*l 2,612.6 : 2,412.4 1,811.8 2,0t2.A 1,2t1.2 0,91A.9 3,813.8 3,0 / 3.C Din s6'(Tr Ngttoi) I Populalion (ifi,llion recple) GDPingudi (U5D) I (DPlpers*n (U50) T! trong GDP toin cdu (70) , ::le:,: 18,341',]8.14 6,77 16.77 35,8 1:5.E 39,6139"6 out of global GDP (%) Thuong maiiGDP (%) llradelfrDP (7c) xuiit khdu/GDP (%) I irpo*s/6DP {%) 105A, 105"4 l 20,3 I 20.3 ', 6B,t I 6B.t 26,i 126"1 177;11W.7 64,9 I 54"9 19,1 119.1 19,8 / !9"8 Ngu6n sd li6u: IMF (2021); WB (2020); UN (2020); WEF (2020); APo (2020) Ghi chi: xTlnh todn cia tdc gid dqa t€n sd li6u APO (2020) Souree"" IMr {2{}2i}; W8 {282A); U,V {:S:0} W€r QA20); APO {2020) fiiofe; xCalruletion of fh* author based or f&e dafa frorn APA {2828) 69 \ VIETNATVI'S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITAL TRANSFORIVIATIONS i i tSng vLlo't bAc kh6 nSng ti6p cAn tdi tri th[tc to]n cAu vd chia se f tUOng nhanh ch6ng, kip tho'i Tidn b6 niy th[c ddy hoc hoi vi s5ng tao, d6ng lLtc cht dao cta increase their ability to access global knowledge and share ideas quickly and promptly This progress promotes learning and creativity, a key driver of growth \ i I ! ting trddng Fourthly, it helps to create a sharing economy Tht tll, n6 girip tao n6n kinh td chia se vi c6ng d6ng Ngu6n ltIc trl moi ng6 ng5ch cta cu6c sdng xE h6i dUdc g5n kdt v6i nhu c6u x5 h6i Ca cung vi c6u d6u tdng manh vdi sd lLrOng d6i dio vi chdt lddng phong phri hdn Uber, AirBnB, Crowdfunding , ld nhtng vi du dldn hinh Theo kdnh niy, tSng trUdng drJo'c tao til vi6c khai th6c hi6u qu6 trl t5c d6ng c6ng hddng Tht ndm, nd giLlp nSng cao ch6t lUOng quy trinh quy6t dinh, d5c bi6t ph6n bd ngubn lu/c Theo k6nh niy, t5ng trUdng dfdc tao d6u tU, ph5t tridn T5c dQng cria chuydn ddi sd doanh cira doanh nghiQp til tdng t6i hiQu hi6u qu6 qui kinh h5a ti6p thi vd k6nh ph6n ph6i (Digitization of market- ing and distribution); (iii) 56 h6a hG sinh th6i (Digitization of ecosystems); (iv) Sd h6a quy trinh s6n xu6i (Digitization of processes); vi (v) Sd h6a chu6i cung [rng (Digitization of supply chains) C6ng ty TrJ v6'n McKinsey (McKlnsey, 2021), chuydn ddi sd mang lai hing nghin ty d6 Ia ldi lch nhd t5ng hi6u qu;i qu6n lf, tdng sdn lt/dng vi gi5 tri, va giim chi phi vat tLt Bdng tdng hdp U6c tinh c0a McKinsey vi3 lo'i ich ndy cho m6t sd nginh mi kh6i ASEAN thu dtJdc ttl chuydn ddl sd vio trL/dc ndm 2025 DUa tr6n sd li6u nAy, ta c6 tfrd L/6c tinh ldi ich ma chuydn ddt sd c6 thd mang lai cho Vi6t Nam lA 1/10 so vdi tdng tdi ich ma ASEAN thu dtJdc, C5ch ddc tinh nAy li th6n vi Vi6t Nam c5 ty GDP ldn hdn 1/10 so vdi ASEAN vi dang d nhip d6 ti6n tridn nhanh hdn mtJc trung binh cta ASEAN ci v6 tEng trLtdng GDP vi d6u 70 and community Resources from every corner of social I life are linked to social needs Both supply and demand increase sharply with more abundant quanti- ty and richer quality Uber, Airbnb, Crowdfunding, etc., are typical exarnples Accordlng to this channel, growth is generated from effectively harnessing the r I I l i i resonance effect I I Fifthly, it helps to improve the quality of the decision-making process, especially in resource allocation Accor(ing to this channel, growth is generated from increased efficiency in investment and development Impacts of digital transformation on business performance of enterprises ) l ; I I : i i l cu6c chuydn ddi sd theo n5m htI6ng chi dao (McKinsey, 2017) D6le (i) Sd h6a cdc s6n phdm vd dich vu (Digitization of products and services); (ii) 56 cia ; i Chuydn ddi s6 c6 t6c d6ng quan t6i n6ng cao hi6u qu6 SXKD, C6c doanh nghi6p b5t tay vio c6ng Theo LI6c tlnh mdi nhdt Digltal transformation has a meaningful impact on improving production and business performance Enterprises conduct digital transformation in five major directions (McKinsey, 2017) These are (i) Digitalization of products and services; (ii) Drgitization of marketing and distribution; (iii) Digitization of ecosystems); (iv) Digitization Digitization of supply chains According to of processes; and (v) McKinsey's latest estimate (McKinsey 2021), digital transformation brings in beneflts worth trillions of dollars through increased management efficiency, increased output and value, and redLrced material costs Table summarizes McKinsey's estimates on this benefit for a number of industries that the ASEAN has gained from digital transformation before 2025 Based on the data, we can estimate the benefit that digital transformation could bring to Vietnam is 1/10 of the total benefit brought to the ASEAN The estimated figure is conservative as Vietnam's GDP out of ASEAN's GDP is more than 1/10, and Vietnam is experiencing higher growth in both GDP and investment in digital trans- formation compared to the ASEAN average According to the estimate, Vietnam can gain about l I DOANH NGHIEP uer va cOruc ttJ cho chuydn ddi s6 Theo rl6c tinh niy, ldi ich ^* CHUYEN cu 9C USD 22-62.5 billion from digital transformation by 2025 (Table 2) me Vi6t Nam c6 tnd thu drJdc tir chuydn ddi sd trtrdc ndm 2025 sE d mfc tit 22-62,5 t'i USD (Bdng 2) VIETNAMESE ENTERPRISES AND THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION JOURN EY AH EAD DOANH NGHICP VIET NAM vA nenn rnirur| cHUYEh odr s6 pnin rnrj6c Vietnam's success in controlling the COVID-l9 pandemic has helped increase the country's position in Vi6.t Nam kidm sodt dai dich the international community It also initially created COVID-l9 dd gifp tSng vi thg det nut6c c6ng dbng qudc t6 N6 cfing bd6c d6u tao n6n niEm tin r5ng Vi6t Nam dang manh hdn kh6i dai dich vd c6 kh6 n5ng dat dLl-d c nhfrng ti6n bg vrr-d t b6c phSt tridn kinh td vdo c6c ndm tdi, Chuydn Odi s5, h6i nh6p the belief that Vietnam is stronger when it gets rid of the pandemic and is capable of making signiflcant progress in economic development in the coming Thinh c6ng cta years Digital transformation, international integration, qudc t5, vd ddy manh ciri cdch li ba dQng [tc c5n b6n dd ViCt Nam c6 thd lem n6n nhtng k!' tich m6i Trong and accelerating reform are the three fundamental drivers for Vietnam to new miracles In all of these efforts, upgrading strategic thinking plays a very toin b6 c5c n6 luc niy, n6ng t6m trJ chi6n lfdc c6 vai trd rdt ldn vi ,i nghia quydt dinh, d5c bi6t impoftant and decisive role, especially in digital transformation c6ng cu6c chuydn ddi sd For business leaders, upgrading strategic thinking Vdi lSnh dAo c5c doanh nghi6p, nSng tEm trJ requires special attention to the following seven contents Bdng 2; LoI icH tjoc rfruH MA cHUyEN odr sd MANG LAr cHo MOT s6 rnu vuc KrNH rE cnu yEu cun rn6r ASEAN TRTJOC NAM 202s (DON ri Vr; USO; 3; ESTIMATED ET;\TTITs BROUGI-IT BY DIGITAL TR.ANJS{:O'{M,qTION TO SOMI MA]OR ECOI\OMIC SrCIOR.5 XA&fE Or TidE ASEAN BY 2025 {U|\IT: BiLuOt\ Linh vuc i USD) &en*fits Viat Namr., ASEAN Idi thidu N6ng hi0u qud quin N6ng hi_6u qu6 lf didu hinh sdn xudt / lmprove pr*durtian manaEem_ent effirienry tl' b1g_ / improve equipmenr malntenanre efficienry 9udnS N6ng hi6u quii sdn xuiit ndng nghidp 1,mpro,;e the erf:cierry oIagr111 Tdi uu hria qudn l! tdn Ndng hi6u qui Quin l1i proclurticil vdn hlnh b0nh vi6n toin i 3,813.8 1,0 / 1.0 55 1,7 11.7 I 45 74 4,5 I I lrnprove health and safely for employees 12 38 22 65 220 62s effirien(y khiiclOthers Tdng sdlTotal 91 24,5 124.5 17 lmpreve hospital operdticn management cho ngrroi lao ddng 245 10 kho / Cptrmize invent0ry managernent N6ng cao sric khde vir an Loi ich 16ya1 76 3B : 4.5 9,1 t9.1 E1ll1 ),) / ).) 7,4 t7.4 1,211"2 3,8 i ))i';') 6,5 15.5 22 62,5 3.8 / 62,5 Ngu6n: McKinsey (2021) Ghi chi: xLQi ich tldc tfnh cho Vi6t Nam dtdc tinh m6t c6ch cdn treng d mtc bdng 1/10 cia ASEAN Source; ${cKlnsey {202 i } A/ofe"' xViefna,ryl's esfi,xafed &enefif rs ralcr/afed c*nservatively at a lev*l eq*a/ing ta L117 &ene$f of 456llAl 71 : l 'l { VIETNAIVI S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITAL TRANSFORTVIATIONS ll I I chi6n ludc ddi h6i sU ch( d5c biQt tdi dung dddi d6y biy n6i Firstly, it is necessary to clearty define a vision and strategic position for enterprises in the development journey ahead, tridn phia trddc Srlc canh tranh vir phdt tridn c0a mQt doanh nghi6p phu thu6c kh6ng chi vdo ngu6n lUc mi, quan hdn, vio khd n5ng huy dQng vi tridn khai n6 m6t c6ch hi6u qu6 dd bi6n chring thdnh tht-tc h-rc phdt tridn Sfc manh cia doanh nghiGp v6y phu thu6c ^ ,rdt nhiEu sr; hidu bidt thdu d5o cta ngr/di lSnh dao vE hi6n gid ho dang d d6u, mudn di ddn d6u, dQng hJc nio girip ho di nhanh nhet, thdch thfc nio ld cdt tir tr6n hdnh trinh tidn l6n, vir dinh vi chiSn kJdc niro sE dem lai cho doanh nghiGp sffc manh n6i sinh ti6m tdng Sr?c manh niy c6 thd t5ng l6n g6'p b6i vd bEn vlfng hdn nhiEu ndu tEm nhin c6 srlc th6i thfic cao vi dinh vi chiSn lfdc thd hi6n sU kdt hdp th6ng tu6 gifra n5ng ltlc cdt l6i vdi xu thd thdi dai ' Tht hai, ki6n tao gi6 tr! cin ld mqc ti€u c6t l6i chi dao vd ti6u chi Gi6 tri md doanh nghiGp dem lai trr m6i nA hJc ph5t tridn cta minh dUdc ki6n tao til vi6c n6ng cao hi6u qui v6n hAnh, nSng c6'p hi6u [tc chidn lUdc vd thfc ddy hi6u r?ng c6ng hUdng N6ng cao hi6u qu6 v6n hdnh t5ng ldi nhu6n vd giim gi5 thdnh N6ng c6'p hi6u [fc chi6n lUd.c gia cr]dng srlc canh tranh hi6n tai vi tUdng lai, d{c biQt dEu trt vio nEn tdng phSt tridn I6u dii Thric ddy higu rlng c6ng hUdng ldm sdu s5c mr?c d6 g5n kdt vdi khSch hdng, d6i tdc vA c6ng dbng xd hOi N6 lUc niy kh6ng chi tqo gi5 tri hfiu hinh md c6 9i5 tri v6 hinh, girip doanh nghi6p c6 mQt vi thd x5 h6i dr/dc tr6n trgng v5 ky vong hdn Tht ba, hidu rd trd ngqi chlnh ydu n6 tgc di tdi thm nhin chi€n ltSc vd phrtdng cdch vtQt qua n6 The competitiveness and growth of an enterprise depend not only on resources but, more impoftantly, on its ability to mobilize and deploy resources effectively to turn them into a development force The strength of the enterprise, therefore, depends a lot on the deep understanding of the leaders about where they are now, where they want to go, what driver helps them go the fastest, which challenge is the core, and which strategy will bring potential endogenous strength to the enterprlse This strength can be multiplied and much more sustainable if the vision is highly motivating, and strategic positioning demonstrates the smart combination of core competencies with the trends of the times, Secondly, value creation should be the core goal and key criterion The value brought to enterprises from each of their development efforts is created by improvlng operational efficiency, upgrading strategic effectiveness and promoting a resonance effect Improving operational efficiency increases profits and reduces costs Upgrading strategic effectiveness reinforces current and future competitiveness, especially in lnvestments in long-term development platforms Promoting a resonance effect deepens the level of engagement with customers, partners and social communities This effort creates both tangible and intangible values, helping enterprises have a more respected and expected social position Thirdly, it is recommended to in-depth understand the main challenge in trying to come to a strategic vision and how to overcome it, It is difficult for an enterprise, no matter how suc- cessful it is, to continue to grow strongly in the long run M6t doanh nghi6p, dil d5 thinh c6ng ddn ddu, cUng kh6 ti6p tuc ph6t tridn manh mE l6u ddi n6u kh6ng thdu hidu th5ch thr?c chlnh y6u mir doanh nghi6p ph6i vU-{t qua tr6n hlnh trlnh'ph[a trr.tdc Han 72 i I t! Thir nhiiq xdc dinh rd thm nhin vd dlnh v! chi6n Itl.c cho doanh nghiQp hdnh trinh ph6t \t without understanding the main challenges that the enterprise must overcome in the journey ahead Many enterprises' weakness with a great aspiration is to rely on resources and experiences that have made success I { t l I 1 DoANH NGHtEp vr$r vA cOrrrc cuQc cHUyEN chd cr}a nhiEu doanh nghi6p c6 khSt vong t6n ngubn lUc ti 'i vdo v) kinh nghi6m ldm n6n thinh c6ng qu5 khr? dd n6m b6t cd h6i m6i, xem nhe nhfrng th5ch thfc ho s6 ph6i dUdng dEu vd vr-fd.t qua N6ng t6m chi6n [Jdc ddi h6i lSnh dao doanh nghiGp cEn coi thSch thfc lA trung t6m dd huy tl6ng sfc manh tdng hdp tir ngubn ldc hi6n c6 vi thdi cd mdi xu6t hi6n nh5m vuot qua n6 Cdch tidp c6n ndy girip doanh nghiOp di d6n tr/dng lai m6t c5ch vitng ch5c vir manh mE hdn ' Thir tq coi trgng hgc hdi, ttdng tdc vd phdt tridn hG sinh thdi ThAnh c6ng l6u ddi cta m6t doanh nghi6p tiry thu6c rdt nhiEu vio n5ng h-tc vd n6 tuc hoc h6i cta c6 td chr?c Hdn thd nffa, tSng mr?c dQ tudng t6c vd phdt o6l s6 in the past to seize new oppoftunities while underestimating the challenges they will face and overcome Upgrading strategy requires business leaders to see challenges as a focus to mobilize the total strength from existing resources and emerging oppoftunities to overcome them This approach helps enterprises go to the future in a more solid and powerful way Fourthly, it is recommended to attach importance to learning, interacting and developing ecosystems, The long-term success of an enterprise heavily depends on the capability and efforts to learn of the organization Moreover, increasing the level of interaction and developing an ecosystem make it easier for enterprises to overcome challenges and seize opportunities tridn h6 sinh th5i gifp doanh nghi6p thu6n tdi hdn dd vUdt qua thdch thfc vd n5m b6t cd h6i Three questions that should be asked when enterprises face a complex problem are as follows: Is it pos- Ba c6u h6i n6n dLrdc d5t doanh nghiCp dfng trUdc m6t kh6 khdn nan gi6i ti: Li6u c6 thd gi6i bdi todn ndy bing n5 trc chuydn ddi sd? Thd gidi c6 bii hoc hay kinh nghi6m gi gi6i quy6t bdi todn nAy? D6u li ldi gi6i hay vi vtng b6n nhdt n6u cQng tt6ng doanh nghiCp cirng chinh quy6n dia phUdng vi Chinh pht dbng ldng chung srlc tim phr/dng k6? sible to solve this problem by trying to implement digital transformation? What lesson or experience does M6t vi du ddn gi6n iA vi6c tra, kidm tra cta c5c cd quan c6ng quy6n thUdng drlQc nh5c ddn nhrJ m6t vdn nan kh6 vddt qua, cho dir Chinh ph0 dE c6 nhfng chi thi nh5m han ch6 tinh trang ndy Vdi cdch ti6p c6n tdng hdp n6u tr6n, c6ng CI6ng doanh nghiOp cirng chfnh quyEn dia phrJdng vd Ch[nh pht c6 thd gi6i bii to5n ndy theo cSch sau: Chinh phrl l6p m6t trang web d5ng lci vd giSm s5t vi6c tra, kidm tra tr6n toin qudc, Vj vi6c tra, kidm tra li cEn thi6t n6u n6i dung d6 ld quan trong, minh bach n6n m6i cu6c tra cEn drldc ddng ki 16 danh sdch dodn tra vd ngtldi drlng tlEu doin, ddn vi dltdc tra, chrl d6, ngiy gid lim vi€c Sau budi tra, bi6n b6n lim vi6c cEn dUdc lrJu gift tr6n trang mang ndy Ngodi ra, thdng k6 vE c6c cu6c tra c6 tfrd drfOc tdng hdp hdng ngiy dd b5o vE cdc cd quan ti6n quan, d{c bi6t Id VEn phdng Chinh pht vd VEn phdng UBND tinh Cdc dia phrtdng c6 nhiEu tra dem tai k6t the world have in solving this problem? What is the best and most sustainable solutlon if the business community, local authorities and the Government work together to find an answer? A simple example is the inspection and examination of relevant agencies, often mentioned as a complex problem even though the Government has had instructions to limit this situation, With the above-integrated approach, the business community, local authorities, and the Government can solve this problem in the following way: The Government should set up a website to register and monitor the inspection and examination across the country Since the assessment is necessary if the content is essential and transparent, each check should be clearly registered with a list of the inspection team and the head of the group, the inspected unit, subject, working days, time, etc After the inspection, the working minutes should be kept on the website In addition, statistics on reviews can be compiled daily to report to relevant agencies, especially the Government Office and Provincial People's Committee Office Localities having many inspectors with good results should be praised, while 73 I \ VIETNAIVI'S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITAL TRANSFORIVATIONS qua tdt cbn drJdc bidu drJdng, c5c dla phUdng vA ngdnh c6 nhiEu tra kh6ng mang lai kdt qui c6 ,i nghia cEn gi6i trinh hdng th5ng M6t nhfrng every month Once this information is transparent and will decrease substantially Th(l ndm, coi trgng tinh minh bqch, stl trung thtlc vd ldng tin cfia xd hdi Fifthly, it is necessary to attach importance to transparency, honesty and social trust, ytSi doanh nghiGp cEn gin gifr vd ndng cao tinh minh bach, sLf trung thrJc vir ldng tin c0a xd h6i vdi Every enterprise needs to preserve and mprove the transparency, honesty and social trust with its n6, doanh nghiGp s6m mu6n cUng sa ItJc ' localities and sectors with many inspections that not produce meaningful results need to be explained th6ng tin ndy trd n6n minh bach vi drl{c giSm sdt, tim hidu th6'u d5o, chdt h-fdng tra, kidm tra sE t5ng vd sd lUOng sC gi6m cin b6n ^ doanh nghiOp cta minh Nhfrng tii s6n v6 hinh niy vE -l6u dii c6 gi5 tri hdn moi loai tii s6n khSc vi m6't vi tii n5ng dbi dio ddn ddu sft dil c6 ngubn C5c doanh nghiCp Vi6t Nam cEn coi cl6y lir m6t ldi thg canh tranh ddc trUng cEn drld c hdt sfc ch5m lo, phdt tridn n5 [lc ldm cht thi trUdng n6i dia cUng nhUth6m nh6p thi truldng khu vtJc vd thd gi6i ' :I monitored, studied thoroughly, the quality of assessment and examination will increase, and the quantity enterprlse These intangible assets are more valuable in the long run than any other asset because when enterprises lose them, they will sooner or later deciine, no matter how abundant the resources and ta ents are Vietnamese enterprises need to conslder thls as a distlnct competitive advantage that needs to be taken care of and developed in thelr efforts to master the domestic market as well as penetrate the reg onai and international markets I 't : i Thil sdu, trdnh cdc cqm bdy chidin ltqc.Sirthly, it is necessary to avoid strategic pitfalls, cii c5ch vila qua, nhi6u dd ldm n6n nhffng k!'tich phSt : Trong hdn ba th6p lci doanh nghiGp Vi6t Nam tridn d5ng khSm phuc Nhfrng thinh qu6 niy sE trd thdnh nEn tdng vi dQng lrrc dd c5c doanh nghi6p tiSp tUc ldm n6n nhlfng ki tich m6i, ldn lao hdn ndu vrt-d.t qua drlQc ba loai cam b6y chi6n ludc: cam b5y ngubn vi cam b6y thd hJc Nhffng cam cam b5y chi6n lUdc vi ndu m6c ph6i n6, doanh nghi6p sE ket vio c6c didm mir chi6n hldc vi trd n6n thi6u sSng sudt, th6m chi mir qu5ng, c5c quydt dinh chiSn hldc h-lc, cam b6y ndng IUc b5y niy drldc aoi li Cam b6y ngubn h,/c li6n quan ddn srJ ,i lai vio ngubn fulc cld tao danh ti6ng coi nhe n6 luc ki6h tao giii tri thr/c srJ, c6 tinh chiSn lUdc phSt tridn l6u dii Cam b5y n5ng hJc li srt cht quan, cho rdng n5ng ldc xudt s5c minh dE c6 drfOc sE vCrng bEn tUdng lai mi kh6ng thdy h6t sfc hriry di6t - sdng tao gh6 g6m c0a su ddi thay C6ng ty sin xudt gi6y inh Kodak li m6t vi dU didn hinh Cho ddn dEu th6p hi 1990, ho v5n dtlng tlEu vE cdc phdt kidn sdng tao li6n quan d6n gi6'y inh vd rdi vio didm mt chi6n [t-d.c li inh ki thu6t sd sE kh6ng thd thay thd ho Cam b5y Over the past three decades of reform, many Vietnamese enterprises have made remarkable devel- opment achievements These achievements r'/tll become the foundation and driver for enterprises to continue to make new and more significant successes if they overcome three types of strategic pitfalls: resource pitfall, capacity pitfall and power pitfall : i : I i : These pitfalls are known as strategic pitfalls because if they are caught, enterprises will get stuck in strategic : l i : blind spots and become unconscious, even indiscriminate, in strategic decisions i i ,l Resource pitfall involves relying on resources for reputation while underestimating enterprises' strategic, real value-developing efforts in i i long-term develop- ment The power pitfall is the subjectivity, claiming that the excellent capability that enterprises have acquired will be sustainable in the future without seeing the extremely creative destruction of change Photo paper maker Kodak is a typical example, Until the early 1990s, Kodak remained at the forefront in photo paperrelated innovations and fell into the strateqic blind spot I I I I l l I I 74 i DoANH NGHtEp th6 lrrc li6n quan ddn danh ti6ng vd vi thd thi trurdng doanh nghiGp dE c6 duoc tiI thAnh c6ng qud khf Cam b5y ndy thrldng drta ddn ba hidm hoa lir: sa vio nhfrng dU 6n ndng vE danh ti6ng nhdng t6n thi6u thrJc t6; thich nghe ldi khen ngdi, gh6t b6 ngUdi c6,f ki6n trung thr.(c nhrJng trSi chiEu; vd mdt dEn kh6 ndng rrng ddp chi6n lUdc v6i sU ddi thay nhanh ch6ng cta thi trrtdng vi c6ng ngh6 lEy vi k6m ufr vA cONG cuQc cHUyEN o6t s6 that digital photography would not replace them The power pitfall involves the reputation and market position of enterprises acquired from past successes This pitfall often results in three dangers: enterprises will be bogged down in reputable projects that are expensive and impractical; they like to hear praise, hate people who have an honest but contrary opinion; gradually lost the ability to respond to strategy due to the rapidly changing market and technology Thit bdy, cin c6 cdch tidp cQn tdng hep vd todn diQn tri6n khai thrlc hi6n luc chuydn Odi sd cHn c6 cdi nhin toAn di6n vE c5c thdnh td quydt dinh hi6u ldc cta todn b6 qud trinh Seventhly, it is necessary to have an integrated and comprehensive approach in implementation trt5 - ' niy C6ng thfc drr6i d6y cho hO sd hi6u sd Q li lrrc chuydn ddi m6t cdch ti6p cdn: ^_(PxVxC *-E xE) Digital transformation effofts need a comprehensive view of the key elements that determine this entire process's effectiveness The formula below for the Q digital transformation validity coefficient is an approach: "-E ^_(PxVxC Trong d6: a P (Pressure) chi 5p trUdng canh tranh, lt/c cta tinh thd ddi thay, m6i ky vong cia x5 h6i Thinh xE) In which: vi td ndy cing ldn ti6n b6 ky thuat clng nhanh, m6i trudng canh tranh cing g6t, vd k!,vong c0a xd h6i (ddc bi6t lA khdch hing tr6) cdng cao o V (Vision) ld ffim nhin o C (Capability) Id ndng lt/c vi ,f chicria d6i ngfi o P (Pressure) is the pressure from changing circumstances, competitive environment, and social expectations The higher this element is when the technical progress is faster, the more severe the competitive environment is, and the lSnh dao higher social expectations (especially young cta td chrlc, d5c bi6t ti customers) are kh6 n5ng cr}a d6i ngfi chiu trdch nhi6m hoach dinh vi thrJc thi chi6n lrt-o c chuydn ddi sd Trong thinh o tnic td chfc vi cd ch6 bd nhi6m, khen thr/dng cUng Cl6ng vai trd quan t6 niy, a cd'u E (Enablers) Ii ship team o c5c ydu td khuydn tEo C (Capability) is the organization's capability, (chEng especially the capability of the team responsible han, chdt lUdng tEng th6ng tin, cd ch6chinh for planning and implementing a digital transformation strategy In this element, the organiza- s5ch, n5ng ldc crla d6i t5c, ngubn cung tli chfnh vA c6ng ngh6 ) o V (Vision) is the vision and will of the leader- L (Legary) li di sdn cira cd chd cfi, d5c bi6l tional structure and the appointment and reward mechanism also play an impoftant role td nh0trg c6n trd g6y n6n bdi trf duy, hO thdng phSp l,f vd tQp qu5n d5 trd n6n tac h6u H6 thdng thidt bi qud cfi kh6ng tLrdng thich vdi c5c c6ng ngh6 sd mdi cfing ld m6t cin trd kh6ng nh6 o E (Enablers) is encouragement factors (for example, the quality of information infrastructure, poliry mechanisms, capability of partners, financial and technology supply, etc.) 75 i VIETNAIVI'S ENTERPRISES ON THE ROAD OF DIGITALTRANSFORIVIATIONS I ! o S (Selfishness) ld tinh fch ki c5 nh6n, ldi ich nh6m, vi tQ nqn tham nh0ng N6 lim mdt di kh6 n5ng drJa nhfrng d6nh gid kh6ch quan dd lua chon gi6i phdp tdt nhdt qud trinh o i L (Legacy) is a legacy of the old mechanism, especially the barriers caused by thinking, the legal system and customs that have become t I ! out of date, The equipment system that is too old and incompatible with new digital technolo- chuydn Odi sd i I i gies is also a significant barrier Dd c6ng cuQc chuydn ddi sd thAnh c6ng, doanh nghi6p cEn n5 ldc t5ng h6 sd hi6u ltrc Q v6i hai thfc chrl ydu: ting tr? s6 vir gidm m5u s6 Vi6c tdng tr? sd c6 thd dat dudc ndu t6ng m6i tnenn t6 b6n thinh t5: 5p hJc (P), tEm nhin (V), nSng [Ic phrldng (C) vA diEu ki6n khuydn tao (E) Vi6c gi6m m6u s6 c6 ^ thd dat drldc ndu gi6m m6i thlnh td hai thinh [6: di san cfi (L) vd tham nhUng (S) D'rEu c6n nhdn 'manh Id, n5 tuc tSng c5c thirnh td d t[r sd vi gi6m c6c thlnh td d m5u s6 cEn drJdc phdi thu6c thrlc hi6n v6i ' m6t chi6n hJ-d c nhdt qudn vi toln di6n cirng vi6c n6ng thlnh td trung t5m M6t t6m nhin ldn vd th6i th(c hdn sE t5ng 5p h"tc, n6ng cao n5ng hJc nhd sfc manh tdng [Ic vd khai th5c t6t hdn cao t'6m nhin d6ng vai trd c5c diEu ki6n khuydn tao; loai b6 nhanh vA quydt do6n hdn nhilng di sin cU vd kiEm ch6 ciic hinh vi tham nhfing, fch lci Trong qud trinh chuydn ddi s6, m5i Or/ 5n tridn khai c6 thd d6nh gi5 dda tr6n chi sd SMART sau d5y: S (Strategic Objectives) ddnh gi5 vE tfnh hi6u [Ic c0a cdc muc ti6u chi6n ltldc drldc lr,fa chon; M (Monitoring) chi srl tfdng minh cta chi s6 gi5m s6t kdt qu6 vir ti6n b0 dat drl$c; A (Accountability) chi c5 nh6n vA ddn vi chiu tr5ch nhiQm vE ti6n b0 c0a dr/ 5n; R (Rethinking) dSnh gi5'mrlc ddi mdi tt/ - c5ch nghi vA tinh d6t ph6 ifra dd 5n; T (Trust) ddnh gi5 o S (Selfishness) is personal selfishness, group interests, and corruption It takes away the ability to make objective assessments to validity coefficient Q with two main methods: increasing the numerator and reducing the denominator, The increase in the numerator can be achieved by increasing each of the four elements: Pressure (P), Vision (V), Capability (C) and Enablers (E) The decrease in the denominator can be achieved by reducing each of the two elements: Legacy (L) and Selfishness (S) it should be emphasized that the efforts to increase the numerator elements and decrease the denominator elements should be coordinated with a consistent and comprehensive strategy and the enhancement of vision as a critical factor A more comprehensive and more motivatlng vision will increase pressure, improve capability through total strength and better exploit enablers while eliminating more quickly and decisively old legacy and curbing selflshness i I I i II I l i I \ I l i l i : i l l i' I i l i I In the digital transformation process/ each implementation project can be assessed based on the SMART indicators as follows: S (Strategic Objectives) of the 76 ! In order to have a successful digital transformation, enterprises need to make efforts to increase the cl6nh gi6 cho didm trl/ (thdp nhdt) ddn (cao nh6-t) N6u dtI 5n c6 chi s6 SMART trung binh cao hdn 4,0, Chuydn ddi s6 ld m6t c6ng cu6c ndng cdp toin di6n kh6ng chi n5ng IUc sirn xudt kinh doanh mi c6 chi6n hJdc thich rlng vdi ddi thay cia thdi dai, dd t5ng srlc canh tranh vi phdt tridn cta doanh nghi6p i i assesses d6 li m6t drJ 6n rdt tdt vi cEn dtJdc rlu ti6n ddc bi6t tridn khai thrJc hi6n TrSi lai, ndu chi sd SMART dU6i 3,0, dt.r 5n cEn dddc thi6t kd lai, th6m chi li loai b6 ndu cEn thi6t I choose the best digital transformation solution vio t5ng cUdng ldng tin c0a nh6n vi6n vdi tUdng lai c6ng ty tr6n m6i ti6u chi, ngUdi cl6ng g6p cr}a dd 5n i J the effectiveness of the selected strategic objectives; M (Monitoring) indicates the transparenry index of monitoring results and progress achieved; A (Accountability) refers to the individual and entity responsible for the progress of the project; R (Rethinking) assesses the level of thinking innovation - the way of thinking and the breakthrough of the project; T (Trust) assesses the project's contribution to enhancing employees' confidence in their company's future On each criterion, the evaluators mark with points, ranging from a dead point of (the lowest) to (the highest) If the project has an average SMART score of higher than 4.0, it is an excellent proj- l I l DoANH NGHrep vrfr vA cOruc cuQc cHUyEN p6r s6 ca tru6c m5t vi l6u dii Vi vQy, n5 h1c chuydn ddi s6 cEn n6t dEu bing nhtng nh6n thfc thdu d5o vE xu thd ph6t tridn vd n6ng cdp todn di6n trr chi6n lUdc c6c n6i dung trinh bdy d tr6n.l Tdi liQu tham khdo - ect and should be given special priority in implementation In contrast, if the SMART score is below 3.0, the project needs to be redesigned and even eliminated if necessary.r APO (2020) "APO Produdivity Databook 2420" Digital transformation is a comprehensive upgrade of strategy to adapt to the changing times in order to McQnsey (2017) "The case for digital reinvention" (Tdc giit: Jacques Bughin, Laura LaBerge, enterprises both in the short term and in the long run, and Anette Mellbye) McKnsey (2020) "How COVID-L9 has pushed companies aver the technology tipping pointand transformed business forever" McKinsey (2021) "Industry 4.a: Reinvigorating ASEAN Manufacturing for the Future" (Tdc giit: Imanol Arbulu Vivek Lath Matteo Mancini Alpesh Patel Oliver Tonby) increase the competitiveness and development of not only production and business capacity Therefore, digital transformation efforts should staft with a thorough understanding of the development trend and comprehensively upgraded strategic thinking in the contents presented above h^a^-^^^^- - Ar0 {202{}) "APA Praductivity - t4cKinsey - Databoak 2424" (2017) Mcl(insey "Ihe case foidigital reinvention" {Autkor: Jacques Sughin, Laura La3erge, andAnetfe Mellbye) {ZAZ\ "tlaw CC\/ID-L9 has pushed cornpanr"es aver the technolagy tipping paint-and transfarmed business far*v*r" ff'cKfnsey {2821} "Indwstry 4.A: Reinvigcrating ,4SfA,iV Manufactt;ring f*r the Future" {Authar: trn"tano! Arbulu Vivek Latk Matters Mancini Alpesfi Fafel Oliver T*n by) 77 ... 7,017.0 2020 )o/lo Ivla-lai-xi-a,' Phi-lip-pin I Xnhgpl Trury tu&: lndsnesia,Malaysia n5m 20'19 &2020 (n/in 4,3 I 4.3 I 6,0 / 6.0 ,51 -9 .5 : 1,3 I 5,41 1.3 2,3 -5 .4 2.3 I -6 ,11 -6 .1 53 5,81 4,0 I... / -8 "0 2010 2015 v;201s-2020 {10) 201 0-2 01 201 6,1 5-2 020 3,613.6 16.1, 4,514.5 I 3,0/3.0 ,9 17.9 : 6,8 I 6.8 1,s 11.5 :1,611.6 5,1 I 5.7 3,s l1.5 100 d6n (201 -. -. ' .:_ '''.'.' ''''''''''' .-. .. comprehensively upgraded strategic thinking in the contents presented above h^a ^-^ ^^ ^- - Ar0 {202{}) "APA Praductivity - t4cKinsey - Databoak 2424" (2017) Mcl(insey "Ihe case foidigital reinvention" {Autkor: