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Re-envisioning Theological Education and Formation for Mission I

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Digital Commons @ George Fox University Doctor of Ministry Theses and Dissertations 1-1-2006 Re-envisioning Theological Education and Formation for Mission, In-Context, Using Distance Education David Wollenburg djwoll@charter.net This research is a product of the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program at George Fox University Find out more about the program Recommended Citation Wollenburg, David, "Re-envisioning Theological Education and Formation for Mission, In-Context, Using Distance Education" (2006) Doctor of Ministry Paper 157 http://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/dmin/157 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses and Dissertations at Digital Commons @ George Fox University It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctor of Ministry by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University For more information, please contact arolfe@georgefox.edu GEORGE FOX UNIVERSITY RE-ENVISIONING THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND FORMATION FOR MISSION, IN-CONTEXT, USING DISTANCE EDUCATION A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GEORGE FOX EVANGELICAL SEMINARY IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MINISTRY BY DAVID W WOLLENBURG PORTLAND, OREGON MARCH I, 2006 All Scripture references are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers Copyright 2006 by David Wollenburg All Rights Reserved DISSERTATION ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE DAVID WOLLENBURG PRESENTED: MARCH 14, 2006 TITLE: RE·ENVISIONING THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND FORMATION FOR MISSION IN CONTEXT USING DISTANCE EDUCATION WE THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFY THAT WE HA VE READ THIS PROJECT AND APPROVE IT AS ADEQUATE IN SCOPE AND QUALITY TO COMPLETE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DOCTOR OF MINISTRY IN LEADERSHIP IN THE EMERGING CULTURE DEGREE GFoRGEFox FVA'IGFl.ICAI SF.\tINAR\ CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi ABSTRACT viii Chapter I NARRATIVE AND UTLINE I Table I: Vacancies in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Ablaze! Becoming and LCMS Pastor A Brief Description of DELTO What DELTO is Not A Brief Background of the Present Project The Purpose of this Dissertation Frequent Objections to DELTO The Framework of the Discussion PASTORAL FORMATION: PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL 19 What the Terms "Practical" and "Theoretical" Represent The Beginnings of the LCMS and the "Theoretical" Seminary The Beginnings of the Practical Seminary The Formation of the LCMS and its Break with Loehe Geographical and Educational Moves: The Two Seminaries Joined Another Move and More Changes: The Two Seminaries Separated What the "System" Meant for Theological Education Some of the Differences between the Seminaries The System is Upgraded From B.D to M Div.: Another Upgrade Final Changes: Synod "Blows Up" Final Changes: Educational Restructuring An Observation about Practical Training and Outreach Table 2: LCMS Membership Change by Component Pastoral Fonnation: A Changed and Changing Enterprise THE INFLUENCE OF THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION ON THE LCMS 51 Theological Education by Extension (TEE) The Changing Scene in Theological Education The Influence ofMission(s) and Church Growth A Brief Review of Lay Ministry, TEE, and the Beginnings ofDELTO DELTO in St Louis Some Conclusions THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY IN DELT0 77 Setting the Stage Some Definitions of "Community" in Education Community in the Scriptures and Theology God's Presence Constitutes Community Building Community in the Electronic Environment Figure I : Theological Education Community Concluding Notes DELTO STUDENT ASSESSMENT 99 Certification Defined Student Assessment Performance Assessment by Portfolio Reliability and Validity of Portfolio Assessment Content of the DELTO Portfolio Assessment Criteria for the DELTO Portfolio Implementation A VISION FOR PRACTICAL-CONTEXTUAL THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION 120 The Argument The Future Appendix DELTO: STATE OF THE PROJECT 130 GOALS FOR DELTO CURRICULUM 135 THE DEL TO STUDENT PORTFOLIO 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY 140 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The number of people who need to be acknowledged because of their help and encouragement in the completion of this project is almost unfathomable It begins and ends with my wife, Jerry, who encouraged me to enter this program, and then encouraged and supported me throughout many busy and seemingly impossible times She has, as always, built me up in the faith and the comfort of God's Holy Spirit while also serving as helpmeet, mother, and grandmother to a wonderful family On the campus of Concordia Seminary, St Louis, Missouri where I work and study the thanks begins with Dr Andy Bartelt, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, whose encouragement and counsel have been invaluable I must also include the many fellow faculty members who have lent their counsel and aid throughout this process For research assistance special thanks go to Eric Stancliff, Public Services Librarian, who helped me to find materials and resources that I would otherwise have missed; Dr Martin R Noland, Director of Concordia Historical Institute, located on the St Louis campus who helped to find historical materials I would otherwise have missed; and John Palka, Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology Curriculum Developer, who shares my interest in Distance Education and with whom I had many helpful conversations - his counsel and aid helped me many times to move off of a dead center orientation into fruitful work Aaron J (AJ) Neugebauer read this work and provided helpful editing Vl Vll I am also thankful to God for those who have walked with me these last three years, as we learned from each other, fed each other, and held each other up; for Leonard Sweet and Chuck Conniry, who had the courage to create this program in Leadership in Emerging Culture; for my advisor, Gary Railsback, and my "second reader" Dan Brunner who have been very patient and very helpful in this process But the list of those who have walked with me hardly ends there, for many others have also been with me through out this process: the DELTO students with whom I shared many of the concepts developed in this dissertation and who served as the ''guinea pigs" for DEL TO as we experimented with them Particularly I wish to acknowledge the students of the "old" Dispersed DELTO cohort: Jenina Gatnoor, Ed Gross, Kurt Hering, OneChanh Keoothai, Michael Meyer, Max Phillips, David Prentice, Jerome Terry, and Simon Yiech; and those current "new" DELTO students who began the true distance education model ofDELTO in 2004 and 2005: William Baker, Dwight Dickinson, Daniel Doran, Daniel Flynn, Douglas Francik, Dana Hallenbeck, Eugene Krueger, Tom Lackey, Ralph Lanphar, Willie Little, William Mattfeld, Larry Oetting, Jim Riley, Dennis Rockett, Edward Rosser, Andrew Safarik, Jason Scheler, Steven Schneider, Garry Seefeldt, David Shrum, Elmer Smith, Scott Snyder, Willie Stallworth, James Stogdill, Terry Wiechman, William Vogt, and Kenneth Welsh Administratively, I could not have done this work without Hannah Machado, Administrative Assistant for Distance Education at Concordia Seminary, who has helped to shape the DELTO program in addition to assisting me with the formatting not only of individual portions of this work, but the entire piece as a whole To almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be all honor and all glory Amen ABSTRACT Distance Education Leading To Ordination (DELTO) is a program of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) designed to prepare individuals for pastoral ministry It is non-residential, and it is contextual, as those in the program are already engaged in ministry Three concerns about DELTO are addressed in this work: the first is that it is a "dumbing-down" of pastoral formation; the second is that it is not possible to form a spiritual commWlity of support on-line; and the third is the need for the seminary faculty to have enough information to be able to confidently certify DELTO graduates for ordination This paper demonstrates the validity of DELTO for the formation of non-degreed pastors so that Seminary faculty can confidently certify them for ordination, and so that the Church will receive them as recognized pastors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod I believe that sound distance education methods, using contextual pastor-mentors, can effectively meet the needs of the church as well as the expectations of the seminary DELTO was developed in response to the need in the Church for more pastors Chapter One introduces the questions and the needs The history of pastoral training and formation in the LCMS, including the move toward the use of distance education methods, is traced in Chapters Two and Three Formation of community in the DEL TO program is demonstrated in Chapter Four; 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UNIVERSITY RE-ENVISIONING THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND FORMATION FOR MISSION, IN-CONTEXT, USING DISTANCE EDUCATION A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GEORGE FOX EVANGELICAL SEMINARY IN CANDIDACY... RE·ENVISIONING THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND FORMATION FOR MISSION IN CONTEXT USING DISTANCE EDUCATION WE THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFY THAT WE HA VE READ THIS PROJECT AND APPROVE IT AS ADEQUATE IN SCOPE AND. .. Reformation; and WHEREAS, A united effort by individuals, congregations, schools, Districts, colleges, universities, seminaries, auxiliaries, RSOs, Synodical boards, corporate entities, mission

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    Re-envisioning Theological Education and Formation for Mission, In-Context, Using Distance Education