108 NORTH AMERICA/Atlantic Margin processes (e.g coastal erosion, habitat maintenance, and sediment and contaminant transport) Much of the continental margin remains an unexplored frontier area with regard to these new challenges See Also Earth: Crust Impact Structures Minerals: Carbonates Pangaea Petroleum Geology: Gas Hydrates Plate Tectonics Seamounts Sedimentary Environments: Carbonate Shorelines and Shelves; Contourites Sedimentary Processes: Glaciers; Landslides; ParticleDriven Subaqueous Gravity Processes Sedimentary Rocks: Evaporites; Limestones Tectonics: Rift Valleys Further Reading Dennison JM and Ettensohn FR (1994) Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Sedimentary Cycles Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology volume Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Tulsa: Oklahoma Ford D and Golonka J (2003) Phanerozoic paleogeo graphy, paleoenvironment, and lithofacies maps of the circum Atlantic margins Marine and Petroleum Geology 20: 249 285 Gardner JV, Field ME, and Twichell DC (eds.) (1996) Geology of the United States’ Seafloor: The View from GLORIA New York: Cambridge University Press Keen MJ and Williams GL (eds.) (1990) The Geology of North America, Volume I 1: Geology of the Continental Margin of Eastern Canada Geological Society of America Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Manspeizer W (ed.) (1988) Triassic Jurassic Rifting: Con tinental Breakup and the Origin of the Atlantic Ocean and Passive Margins New York: Elsevier Poag CW (ed.) (1985) Geologic Evolution of the United States Atlantic Margin New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Poag CW (1991) Rise and demise of the Bahama Grand Banks gigaplatform, northern margin of the Jurassic proto Atlantic seaway Marine Geology 102: 63 130 Poag CW and de Graciansky PC (eds.) (1992) Geologic Evolution of Atlantic Continental Rises New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Scrutton RA, Stoker MS, Shimmield GB, and Tudhope AW (eds.) (1995) The Tectonics, Sedimentation, and Palaeo ceanography of the North Atlantic Region Special Publication 90 London: Geological Society Sheridan RE and Grow JA (eds.) (1988) The Geology of North America, Volume I 2: The Atlantic Continental Margin: US Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America Tankard AJ and Balkwill HR (eds.) (1989) Extensional Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Margins Memoir 46 Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Vogt PR and Tucholke BE (eds.) (1986) The Geology of North America, Volume M: The Western North Atlantic Region Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America Withjack MO, Schlische RW, and Olsen PO (1998) Di achronous rifting, drifting, and inversion on the passive margin of Central Eastern North America: an analog for other passive margins American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 82: 817 835