The resulting solutions were tested for mutase activity in the presence of different potentially activating or inhibiting compounds, in order to characterize the type of mutase present i
Trang 1Characterization of the cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate
Histidines that coordinate the two metal ions in the active site show different
susceptibilities to irreversible chemical modification
Daniel G Guerra1, Didier Vertommen2, Linda A Fothergill-Gilmore3, Fred R Opperdoes1
and Paul A M Michels1
Research Unit for Tropical Diseases, and2Hormone and Metabolic Research Unit, Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology and Laboratory of Biochemistry, Universite´ Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium;3Structural Biochemistry Group,
Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Edinburgh, UK
Phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM) activity in promastigotes
of the protozoan parasite Leishmania mexicana is found only
in the cytosol It corresponds to a cofactor-independent
PGAM as it is not stimulated by 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
and is susceptible to EDTA and resistant to vanadate
We have cloned and sequenced the gene and developed a
convenient bacterial expression system and a high-yield
purification protocol Kinetic properties of the bacterially
produced protein have been determined
(3-phosphoglycer-ate: Km¼ 0.27 ± 0.02 mM, kcat¼ 434 ± 54 s)1;
2-phos-phoglycerate: Km¼ 0.11 ± 0.03 mM, kcat¼ 199 ± 24 s)1)
The activity is inhibited by phosphate but is resistant to Cl–
and SO42– Inactivation by EDTA is almost fully reversed by
incubation with CoCl2but not with MnCl2, FeSO4, CuSO4,
NiCl2or ZnCl2 Alkylation by diethyl pyrocarbonate
resul-ted in irreversible inhibition, but saturating concentrations of
substrate provided full protection Kinetics of the inhibitory reaction showed the modification of a new group of essential residues only after removal of metal ions by EDTA The modified residues were identified by MS analysis of peptides generated by trypsin digestion Two substrate-protected histidines in the proximity of the active site were identified (His136, His467) and, unexpectedly, also a distant one (His160), suggesting a conformational change in its envi-ronment Partial protection of His467 was observed by the addition of 25 lMCoCl2to the EDTA treated enzyme but not of 125 lM MnCl2, suggesting that the latter metal ion cannot be accommodated in the active site of LeishmaniaPGAM
Keywords: chemical modification; kinetics; Leishmania mexicana; metal dependence; phosphoglycerate mutase
The reversible isomerization of 2-phosphoglycerate (2PGA)
and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA) is an obligate step for both
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis This step is carried out
in two different ways in nature, by two different types
of evolutionarily unrelated enzymes (although both
EC The better documented enzyme is the cofac-tor-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase (d-PGAM) due to its requirement for 2,3-bisphophoglycerate It is present in some eubacteria, yeast and all vertebrates most frequently as
a dimer or tetramer of 23–30-kDa subunits [1] The second enzyme, called cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase (i-PGAM), is a monomeric protein of 60 kDa Upon comparative sequence and structure analysis, the former enzyme has been classified as a member of the phospho-histidine acid phosphatase superfamily [2] and the latter as a member of the metal-dependent alkaline phosphatase superfamily [3,4] Whereas d-PGAM is the enzyme present in all vertebrates, i-PGAM is found in all plants and archaebacteria [5] and, together with d-PGAMs,
in lower eukaryotes and eubacteria [1,6]
We have previously shown that an i-PGAM participates
in glycolysis in the protist Trypanosoma brucei [7], a human pathogen The completely distinct structures and catalytic mechanisms of trypanosomal and human PGAM offer great promise for the design of inhibitors with high selectivity for the parasite’s enzyme Therefore, this finding should aid in the search for new drugs that are needed against diseases caused by members of the trypanosomatid family (Trypanosoma, Leishmania) [8–11] for which glucose catabolism is of vital importance
Correspondence to P A M Michels, ICP-TROP 74.39, Avenue
Hippocrate 74, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium Fax: + 32 27626853,
Tel.: + 32 27647473, E-mail:
Abbreviations: GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase;
DEPC, diethyl pyrocarbonate; ENO, enolase; LDH, lactate
dehydrogenase; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; PGA, phosphoglycerate;
d-PGAM, cofactor-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase; i-PGAM,
cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase; PGK,
phospho-glycerate kinase; PYK, pyruvate kinase; TEA, triethanolamine.
Enzymes: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC;
enolase/2-phospho- D -glycerate hydrolase (EC; lactate
dehy-drogenase (EC; phosphoglycerate kinase (EC;
phos-phoglycerate mutase (EC; pyruvate kinase (EC
Note: The novel nucleotide sequence data published here have been
deposited in the EMBL-EBI/GenBank and DDBJ databases and are
available under accession number AJ544274.
(Received 20 January 2004, revised 25 February 2004,
accepted 19 March 2004)
Trang 2In the study reported here we measured a PGAM activity
in lysates of cultured promastigotes (representative of the
insect-infective stage) of Leishmania mexicana, identified
it as cofactor-independent and located it to the cytosol of
the parasite We have cloned the gene of this enzyme
(LmPGAM) from a genomic library, expressed it to
produce an active His-tagged protein in Escherichia coli
and purified the enzyme with a single metal affinity column
The availability of this convenient expression and
purifica-tion system allowed us to undertake high-resolupurifica-tion
crys-tallographic studies [12] We also present a detailed
biochemical characterization of the bacterially produced
enzyme and its dependency on metal ions We studied the
accessibility of different residues involved in interactions of
the enzyme with the substrate and metal ions via chemical
modification combined with MS analysis Our results on
irreversible inhibition strongly suggest that the design of a
substrate analogue as an irreversible inhibitor is feasible and
pave the way for the development of selective inhibitors that
may be used as lead compounds for trypanocidal drugs
Experimental procedures
Growth, harvesting and fractionation of parasites
Promastigotes of L mexicana mexicana strain NHOM/B2/
84/BEL46 were grown at 28C in the semidefined medium
SDM-79 [13], supplemented with 10% (v/v)
heat-inacti-vated foetal bovine serum (Gibco) After 4 days, cells in the
exponential phase of growth (8.7· 107 cellsÆmL)1) were
harvested by centrifugation, washed twice in an iso-osmotic
buffer containing 3 mM imidazole (pH 7.0) and 250 mM
sucrose, and immediately lysed by mixing to a thick paste
with silicon carbide powder previously washed with ethanol
and water, and grinding The lysate was cleared by
centrifugation at 30 g and different cell fractions were
obtained by subsequent centrifugation steps at 1500 g;
cellular extract [S3.5] and nuclear fraction [P3.5], 5000 g;
large-granular fraction [P6.5], 15 000 g, small-granular
fraction [P11] and 140 000 g, microsomal fraction [P40]
and cytosolic fraction [S40] As described previously [14], all
procedures were performed at 4C
Enzyme assays
PGAM activity was measured by following either the
increase of UV absorbance at 240 nm due to
phosphoenol-pyruvate (PEP) production (molar extinction coefficient
1310M )1Æcm)1) or the decrease of UV absorbance at 340 nm
due to NADH oxidation (molar extinction coefficient
6250M )1Æcm)1) using a Beckman DU7 spectrophotometer
NADH oxidation, forward reaction The conversion of
3PGA to 2PGA was coupled to NADH oxidation by
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) via enolase (ENO) and
pyruvate kinase (PYK), and following the concomitant
decrease of absorbance at 340 nm The assay was
per-formed at 25C in a 1-mL reaction mixture containing
0.1M triethanolamine (TEA)/HCl pH 7.6, 1 mM MgCl2,
1 mM ADP, 0.56 mM NADH, 0.1 mM CoCl2, 1.5 mM
3PGA, and the auxiliary enzymes ENO, PYK and LDH
at final activities of 0.55, 8.0 and 13.8 UÆmL)1, respectively
NADH oxidation, reverse reaction The conversion of 2PGA to 3PGA was coupled to NADH oxidation by glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) via 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) The assay was per-formed at 25C in a 1-mL reaction mixture containing 0.1MTEA/HCl pH 7.6, 5 mMMgCl2, 1 mMdithiothreitol,
1 mM ATP, 0.56 mM NADH, 0.01 mM CoCl2, 0.8 mM
2PGA, and GAPDH and PGK both at 6 UÆmL)1 The CoCl2added in the reverse reaction assay was lower in order
to avoid the formation of pink precipitates of cobalt in the presence of dithiothreitol
PEP production, forward reaction The reaction was followed upon the addition of 1.5 mM3PGA into a 1 mL quartz cuvette containing 50 mM Hepes pH 7.6, 0.55 U
of rabbit muscle ENO, 1 mMMgCl2, 0.1 mM CoCl2 and
50 mM KCl One activity unit (U) is defined as the conversion of 1 lmol substrateÆmin)1 under standard conditions
Auxiliary enzymes used were obtained from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (rabbit muscle PYK and GAPDH and yeast PGK) and Sigma (rabbit muscle ENO and bovine heart LDH)
Measuring PGAM activity in aLeishmania lysate The mutase activity was measured in 50 lL of the lysate and different subcellular fractions by following PEP production
as described above Measurements were repeated after an overnight dialysis of all fractions at 4C against 200 vols of 0.1M Hepes pH 7.6, 0.5M NaCl, 25 mM imidazole and 0.1 mM CoCl2, in order to remove potentially interfering metabolites The resulting solutions were tested for mutase activity in the presence of different potentially activating or inhibiting compounds, in order to characterize the type
of mutase present in Leishmania: 50 lM NaVO3, 0.6 mM
2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (Sigma) and after incubation with
5 mMEDTA In parallel, the bacterially produced, purified
L mexicanai-PGAM (see below) and commercially avail-able rabbit muscle d-PGAM (Roche Molecular Biochem-icals) were also assayed in the presence of these compounds Library screening, subcloning and sequencing
The T brucei i-PGAM gene [7] was used as a template to obtain a 693 bp PCR product corresponding to a generally well conserved part of i-PGAMs (corresponding to residues 71–302 in Fig 2) The amplified DNA was purified after electrophoresis through agarose, labelled with32P by nick translation and used as a hybridization probe against blots
of 10 plates of E coli infected with approximately 4000 plaque forming units per plate (approximately 15 times the genome size) of a genomic library of L m mexicana prepared in the phage vector kGEM11 [15] Double digestion of DNA purified from a positive phage k clone with SacI and HindIII restriction enzymes yielded a 6 kb fragment that hybridized with the probe The 6 kb fragment was ligated into plasmid pZErO-2 (Invitrogen) and used to transform E coli XL1-blue cells Further digestion of the plasmid with EcoRI gave a positive band of 3.7 kb which was analysed by automatic sequencing using a Beckman CEQ 2000 sequencer
Trang 3Sequence analysis
ABLASTPquery was performed with the newly determined
L mexicanaPGAM amino-acid sequence (LmPGAM) in
the EMBL-EBI site ( against
the SwissProt database All i-PGAM sequences recognized
were retrieved and stored locally Sequences corresponding
to T brucei, Bacillus stearothermophilus and Caenorhabditis
eleganswere also appended for a multiple alignment using
the program CLUSTALX (BLOSUM matrix series, default
settings) Uncorrected distances between the i-PGAM
sequences belonging to archaebacteria and all other
sequences showed values higher than 0.85 and therefore
this group was not included in any further analysis despite
their proven i-PGAM activity [5,16] A bootstrapped
unrooted neighbour-joining tree was created with the
remaining amino acid sequences, ignoring positions with
gaps in the alignment
An automatic alignment performed by SwissPdbViewer
between the amino acid sequences of B
stearothermo-philusand L mexicana was corrected manually using the
information from theCLUSTALX multiple alignment Then
the L mexicana sequence was threaded into the structures
of the B stearothermophilus enzyme cocrystallized with
2PGA and 3PGA (PDB codes: 1EQJ and 1EJJ) The
positions of important amino acids were confirmed by
examining every residue within a 7 A˚ radius of the 3PGA
substrate bound in the active site
Construction of a bacterial expression system
The entire LmPGAM gene was amplified by PCR with the
proofreading Vent DNA polymerase (New England
Bio-labs) while adding restriction sites for NcoI and XhoI at both
of its flanks The PCR product was treated with Taq DNA
polymerase for the addition of overhanging A nucleotides to
enable insertion into the pGEM-T easy vector (Promega) by
annealing of cohesive ends Transformed E coli XL1-blue
cells were plated on Luria–Bertani agar with ampicillin as
selective antibiotic The insert with the L mexicana gene
was excised from the plasmid by double digestion with NcoI
and XhoI and ligated into a similarly treated plasmid
pET28a The resulting plasmid pET28LmPGAM was used
to transform E coli XL-1 blue and BL21 cells; kanamycin
was used as antibiotic for selection of recombinant clones
The sequence appeared to be identical to the genomic
sequence determined earlier, except for a single nucleotide
difference resulting in a SfiA substitution of the second
amino acid as a consequence of the creation of the NcoI
restriction site and the presence of a tag at the C terminus
(translated as LEHHHHHH) The C-terminally tagged
protein thus produced is called C-LmPGAM It should be
noted that a PCR fragment amplified from a genomic clone
could be used for insertion in the expression vector, because
the Leishmania i-PGAM gene does not contain any intron
The absence of introns in protein-coding genes is a general
feature of trypanosomatids
Production, purification and storage of protein
Optimal growth conditions were standardized in order to
obtain the highest amount of total soluble protein, as
assessed by the intensity of a 60 kDa band on SDS/ PAGE and by total mutase activity E coli BL21 cells harbouring the pET28aLmPGAM recombinant plasmid were grown at 37C in 50 mL Luria–Bertani medium with 30 lgÆmL)1 kanamycin for approximately 4 h until the culture reached D600 of 0.5–0.7 Production of the C-LmPGAM was then induced by adding isopropyl thio-b-D-galactoside at a final concentration of 1 mM, and the culture was transferred to a water bath at 17C After continued growth with agitation for approximately 20 h, the cells were harvested by centrifugation and stored at )20 C
Cell pellets were resuspended in 5 mL ice cold lysis– equilibration buffer containing 0.1M TEA/HCl pH 8.0, 0.5M NaCl, 10% (v/v) glycerol and a protease inhibitor mixture (Roche Molecular Biochemicals) and broken by two passages through a French pressure cell at 90 MPa Approximately 10 mg of protamine sulphate was mixed with the lysate that was subsequently centrifuged (10 000 g, 20 min, 4C) Virtually all mutase activity measured in the supernatant was vanadate resistant and therefore due to i-PGAM The supernatant was then passed through 1.5 mL of TALON (Clontech) resin packed in a column connected to a peristaltic pump Fractions of 0.9 mL were collected and the protein content was estimated by measuring absorption of UV light at 280 nm The column was washed with equilibra-tion buffer and with a stepwise gradient of imidazole using concentrations of 5, 10 and 25 mM Fractions corresponding to protein peaks were examined by SDS/ PAGE followed by Coomassie blue staining A major band of approximately 60 kDa appeared at 10 and
25 mM imidazole fractions, and were pooled separately for further assays
To determine optimal storage conditions of C-LmPGAM, its specific activity as measured shortly after TALON purification [protein in 0.1M TEA pH 8, 10% (v/v) glycerol, 0.5M NaCl, 25 mM imidazole and 0.1 mM
CoCl2] was compared with that after incubation at different conditions To that purpose, 4 mL of the purified protein was concentrated approximately fourfold using a Centricon centrifugal filter unit (Millipore) and subsequently desalted
by passing through a 5 mL Sephadex G-25 column equilibrated with 0.1MTEA pH 7.6 Fractions of 0.5 mL were taken and the absorbance at 280 nm and conductivity measured to assess their content of protein, imidazole and NaCl, respectively The protein peak fractions were collec-ted; the enzyme specific activity was checked and it appeared essentially the same as before the treatment The desalted protein was then diluted 1 : 1 into five different buffers
of the following final composition: A, 0.1MTEA pH 7.6;
B, 0.1MTEA pH 7.6, 0.5MNaCl; C, 0.1MTEA pH 7.6, 0.5M NaCl, 20% (v/v) glycerol; D, 0.1M TEA pH 7.6, 0.5M NaCl, 20% (v/v) glycerol, 0.1 mMCoCl2; E, 0.1M
TEA pH 7.6, 0.5M NaCl, 20% (v/v) glycerol, 0.1 mM
CoCl2, 25 mM imidazole; the protein concentration was 0.10 mgÆmL)1 for all five conditions The mixtures were incubated at 4C, and the stability of the protein under each condition was followed in time by regularly measuring the activity
Protein concentrations were measured by the Bradford assay [17], using BSA as standard
Trang 4Determination of kinetic parameters (Km,kcat)
and pH optima
Forward reaction To determine accurately the kinetic
constants, the concentration of 3PGA was measured
enzymatically just before the assays For Km calculation,
15 assays were performed spanning a range of different
concentrations of 3PGA from 0.09 to 4.53 mM The
resulting data were fitted by a hyperbolic curve according
to the Michaelis–Menten equation and evaluated by the
minimal-squares method Evaluation was also done by
preparing linear plots according to Lineweaver–Burk (linear
regression coefficient, r2¼ 0.9975), Hanes (r2¼ 0.9986)
and Eadie–Hofstee (r2¼ 0.9775)
Reverse reaction For Km calculation, seven assays were
performed spanning different concentrations of 2PGA
ranging from 0.03 to 0.64 mM The resulting data were
similarly fitted by a Michaelis–Menten curve and linearized
plots [Lineweaver–Burk (r2¼ 0.9965), Hanes (r2¼ 0.9995)
and Eadie–Hofstee (r2¼ 0.9896)]
Reactivation by metals
In order to determine the time and pH dependency of
the inactivation by EDTA, aliquots of stored LmPGAM
were diluted 1 : 1 at a protein concentration of 0.2–
0.35 mgÆmL)1in an appropriate buffer (Mes or Hepes) to
reach pH 6.2, 7.0 or 8.0, as confirmed by indicator paper,
and incubated overnight at 4C Specific activity was then
measured and found similar for each sample Subsequently,
EDTA was added to a final concentration of 1 mMand the
incubation continued for different periods of time The
incubation was stopped by diluting an aliquot 25 times in
Hepes pH 7.6, 1 mMdithiothreitol, 0.1 mgÆmL)1BSA and
measuring its activity The reactivation of the
EDTA-treated protein was tested by adding metal ions to the final
sample taken (pH 8.0, 6h 15 min) This was done by
addition of 100 lMof either MnCl2, FeSO4, CoCl2, NiCl2,
CuSO4or ZnCl2
Reactivation by cobalt or manganese was further assayed
by incubating the EDTA-inactivated enzyme with different
concentrations of CoCl2or MnCl2for 15–30 min at room
temperature and then measuring the activity for the forward
reaction via the NADH oxidation-based assay as described
above, except that no CoCl2 was added to the reaction
mixture To determine if reactivation is immediate, another
set of reactions was performed, in which each assay was
started by the addition of the EDTA-treated enzyme to
several cuvettes each containing the complete reaction
mixture and the metal at different concentrations
Effect of anions
The assay based on PEP production was the preferred
method for these measurements, because the use of a single
linking enzyme (ENO) resulted in a system that was easier
to interpret, especially since anions such as Cl–and SO42–
are known to strongly affect the kinetics of rabbit muscle
PYK [18] When examining the effect of KCl, this salt was
not added at 50 mM as described above for the standard
assay mixture but at variable concentrations For the effect
of (NH4)2SO4, the auxiliary enzyme enolase [purchased as a suspension in 2.8M(NH4)2SO4] was partially desalted by removing the supernatant after a brief centrifugation prior
to the assay In all cases the assay was started by the addition of the C-LmPGAM
Chemical modification of histidines Diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC, Sigma) was diluted 1 : 10
in acetonitrile and stored as 1 mL aliquots at 4C Its concentration was measured by the production of N-carbethoxyimidazole after the reaction of an aliquot with
10 mM imidazole and the consequent change at A240 (3200M )1Æcm)1)
C-LmPGAM was purified and desalted as described above; in a 1 mL reaction, 180 lg of protein (2.9 lM) were allowed to react for 60 min with 0.1 mM DEPC (35-fold molar excess) After different periods of time, 10-lL aliquots were taken from the reaction mixture and diluted 200-fold
in ice-cold 0.1MHepes (pH 7.6), 0.1 mMCoCl2and 25 mM
imidazole to stop the reaction A 0.12 mL sample of each diluted aliquot was used to determine the remaining PGAM activity by the ENO–PYK–LDH coupled assay Two reactions were performed by the addition of DEPC after a
5 min preincubation of the mixture at room temperature with either 0.1 mMEDTA or 0.1 mMCoCl2 Only aceto-nitrile without DEPC was added to the control samples Another set of reactions was performed with 8 lM of purified and desalted protein and 50 lM DEPC (sixfold molar excess) in a total volume of 0.1 mL containing 50 mM
Hepes pH 7.6 and 250 mMNaCl, and PGAM inactivation was followed for 30 min Prior to the addition of DEPC, these mixtures were incubated either with no addition or
in the presence of 0.1 mM EDTA, or 1.5 mM 3PGA, or 0.5 mMCoCl2, or 2 mMMgCl2, or 2 mMMnCl2for 5 min
at room temperature
Identification of modified residues Desalted enzyme was incubated with only acetonitrile or allowed to react with DEPC in the presence or absence of
9 mM3PGA A second set of samples was first inactivated with EDTA which was removed by centrifugation of the protein solution through Sephadex G-50 packed in 1 mL syringes as described [19] The resulting desalted, EDTA-treated enzyme was incubated for 45–60 min at 4C with either no addition or with 25 lMof CoCl2, or 125 lM of MnCl2and then treated with DEPC at room temperature for 12 min Specific activities were checked before and after the filtration, EDTA treatment, CoCl2 reactivation and acetonitrile or DEPC treatment
All samples were subsequently denatured by adding
1 vol 8M urea and incubating for 30 min; the urea concentration was then decreased to 2Mby dilution with 0.2MNH4HCO3and the proteins were digested overnight with 1 lg sequencing grade trypsin at 30C The digestion was stopped by adding trifluoroacetic acid to a final concentration of 0.1% (v/v) The peptides were analysed using fully automated capillary LC-MS/MS Peptides were captured and desalted on a peptide trap (1 mm· 8 mm, Michrom Bioresources) under high flow rate conditions (57 lLÆmin)1) with 1% (v/v) acetonitrile in 0.05% (v/v)
Trang 5formic acid Separation was performed on a reversed-phase
BioBasic C18 capillary column (0.180 mm· 150 mm,
Thermo Hypersil-Keystone, Runcorn, UK) A linear
10–60% acetonitrile gradient in 0.05% aqueous formic acid
over 100 min was used at a flow rate of 3 lLÆmin)1after
MS data were acquired using a LCQ Deca XP Plus ion
trap mass spectrometer (ThermoFinnigan) in
data-depend-ent MS/MS mode [20] Dynamic exclusion enabled
acqui-sition of MS/MS spectra of peptides present at low
concentration even when they had coeluted with more
abundant peptides Peptides were identified from the MS/
MS data usingTURBOSEQUEST(ThermoFinnigan) database
search engine or manually with the help of XCALIBUR
software (ThermoFinnigan) Search parameters
incorpor-ated a mass difference of 72.00 atomic mass units for
N-carbethoxyhistidine vs nonmodified histidine
Abun-dance of each peptide species was estimated by their relative
signal intensity and by their peak area after integration
PGAM activity inL mexicana
An initial attempt to measure the mutase activity in
Leishmania lysates was performed with the ENO–PYK–
LDH coupled assay With this method a high background
of NADH oxidation was detected in all fractions, and the
PEP production assay was therefore preferred for locating
the mutase activity Figure 1A shows the activity upon the
addition of 3PGA in the presence of 0.55 U of ENO and a
sample of each cell fraction Under these conditions, the
main reaction monitored should be the PGAM-and
ENO-coupled PEP production These experiments located the
PGAM activity in the cytosol of Leishmania, similar to
previous findings in T brucei [7,21]
In order to attribute the activity to either a
cofactor-dependent or -incofactor-dependent mutase, 5 mL of cytosolic
fraction (high-speed supernatant fraction, S40) were
dia-lyzed A 10 kDa cut-off membrane was used to remove any
potentially interfering metabolites while preserving all
enzymes originally present in the cytosol The specific activity
was not lowered by this deprival of any
2,3-bisphosphogly-cerate that might have been present in the parasite’s cytosol;
on the contrary it was significantly increased, from
780 ± 6 nmolÆmin)1Æmg protein)1 to 1250 ± 75 nmolÆ
min)1Æmg protein)1(Fig 1B) This activity did not increase
when 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate was added to the assay, in
contrast to that of the mammalian d-PGAM that was
enhanced 300% by the addition of its cofactor The increase
of the mutase activity of the Leishmania fraction might be
explained by the presence of 0.1 mMCoCl2in the dialysis
buffer, in line with the fact that i-PGAMs are
metallo-enzymes (see section Requirement for metal ions below)
Further support for the parasite enzyme’s nature as a
metalloprotein is provided by the observation that its activity
is highly sensitive to EDTA, similar to that of purified,
bacterially produced C-LmPGAM (production described
below) The cytosolic mutase activity showed resistance to
Na2VO3, as has been reported previously for i-PGAMs
[22,23], whereas, under similar conditions, the mammalian
enzyme was inhibited by > 90% These data together
confirm the existence of an i-PGAM in Leishmania, present only in the cytosol, and the absence of any detectable d-PGAM activity in this organism
Cloning and sequence ofLmPGAM Two phage k clones of a L mexicana genomic library hybridized with our T brucei i-PGAM probe and yielded identical Southern blot results After shortening the kDNA
by three restriction digestions, the sequencing of the resulting 3.7-kb fragment of L mexicana DNA that was still recognized by the heterologous probe revealed an ORF
of 553 codons with homology to the T brucei enzyme (73.6% identity, Fig 2) The predicted encoded protein possessed a calculated molecular mass of 60 723.38 Da and
an isoelectric point of 5.26 A phylogenetic analysis clustered the new amino acid sequence together with the T brucei i-PGAM and next to the enzymes of vegetal origin, while
Fig 1 PGAM activity in L mexicana (A) PGAM activity in different subcellular fractions of L mexicana promastigotes Activities are expressed as total units in each fraction divided by total protein content
of the lysate S0.5, cell extract (supernatant after removal of silicon carbide); S3.5, cellular extract; P3.5, nuclear fraction; P6.5, large-granular fraction; P11, small-large-granular fraction; P40, microsomal fraction; S40, cytosolic fraction (B) Effect of various treatments (for a detailed description see Experimental procedures) on the PGAM activity in, respectively, the cytosolic (S40) fraction of L mexicana promastigotes, purified bacterially produced C-LmPGAM and com-mercially available rabbit muscle d-PGAM Dotted columns show results before treatment and grey columns, after treatment To assay the effect of EDTA, the mutase was preincubated with 5 m M of this compound and then diluted in the reaction mixture to a final con-centration of 0.25 m M EDTA and 1 m M MgCl 2 in order to avoid EDTA interfering with the (Mg2+-dependent) ENO activity.
Trang 6having a larger distance to the bacterial ones (not shown
here, but see [7,24] and the URL quoted in the latter
Bacterial production and purification ofLm PGAM
The LmPGAM gene was fused with a sequence coding for a
short His-tag at the protein’s C terminus using plasmid
pET28 for its expression in E coli Lysates of transformed
E coli BL21 cells showed, upon induction of protein
production, a strong band by SDS/PAGE with the expected
molecular mass of 60 kDa that is not seen in control cells
Approximately half of the protein appeared to be insoluble,
presumably in inclusion bodies, after conditions were
established for its optimal production in soluble form The
soluble cell fraction was taken A single passage through a
metal affinity column resulted in a highly pure (as assessed by
SDS/PAGE; data not shown) and active protein In a typical
expression and purification round, a 50 mL culture yielded
14–20 mg of total soluble protein with a PGAM activity of
22 UÆmg protein)1 This was purified approximately 20-fold
for a final recovery of 0.9–1.2 mg of pure LmPGAM In this
way, approximately 5–9% of all protein found in the soluble
fraction of bacterial lysates corresponded to the Leishmania
enzyme The purified protein had a specific activity of
419 ± 4 UÆmg protein)1for the conversion of 3PGA to 2PGA, as measured by the NADH oxidation method Protein stability
NaCl, imidazole and glycerol were removed from the purified enzyme by gel filtration to determine subsequently the effect of different additives on its stability during storage
at 4C (Fig 3A) In spite of the fact that desalting showed
no effect on LmPGAM activity when measured immedi-ately after the elution, the activity decreased rapidly when
no stabilizer was added The highest stabilizing effect was observed in the presence of NaCl, CoCl2, imidazole or glycerol By comparison of the curves in Fig 3A, we concluded that glycerol, when present together with NaCl, exerted some destabilizing effect Therefore, the preferred storage conditions included only NaCl, CoCl2and imida-zole and the protein retained 80–100% of its original activity after 1 month (data not shown)
Kinetic parameters Kinetic constants were determined using freshly purified and stably stored, bacterially produced protein The meas-urement of NADH oxidation by coupling the reaction to
Fig 2 Multiple alignment of representative i-PGAM sequences Residue numbering is according to the LmPGAM sequence Annotation of secondary structure elements is according to the B stearothermophilus i-PGAM structure (1EJJ.pdb) and is depicted berneath the alignment: cylinders, a-helices; arrows, b-strands Boxes indicate amino acids conserved in all enzymes analysed (these included all the i-PGAMs annotated in SwissProt except for the archaebacterial ones; see text) Bold, amino acids within 5 A˚ of 3-PGA according to 1EJJ.pdb; 7 indicates amino acids within a 7 A˚ radius, where two substitutions are observed: B.s.A461fiL.m.S494 and B.s.E334fiL.m.Q355 Underlining indicates insertion typical
of plant and trypanosomatid i-PGAMs The amino acids involved in chelation of metal ions are indicated with a circle d: 1, corresponding to Mn1 and 2, to Mn2 in 1EJJ.pdb ., serine presumably involved in the phosphoenzyme intermediate Between arrows (above the alignment, at residues Met395, Pro501), metal-chelating motif recognized in the metalloenzyme superfamily (PFAM01676); shadowed, consensus amino acids of this motif according to the Pfam database (including archaebacterial enzymes).
Trang 7ENO, PYK and LDH was the preferred method for the
characterization of the forward (glycolytic) reaction,
because of the essentially irreversible nature of this assay
(–DG 60 kJÆmol)1); consequently, no or little product
inhibition was observed and the maximal (initial) velocity
was maintained for a long time (2–5 min, with
SD ± 0.001) For both the forward and reverse reaction,
determination of Kmand Vmaxby direct fitting of the data
by the Michaelis–Menten equation gave virtually identical
results to those obtained from Hanes, Lineweaver–Burk or
Eadie–Hofstee plots With regard to the forward reaction,
the enzyme has a K ¼ 0.27 ± 0.02 mMfor 3PGA and a
kcat¼ 434 ± 54 s)1 For the reverse reaction, the Km¼ 0.11 ± 0.03 mMfor 2PGA and the kcat¼ 199 ± 24 s)1 The enzyme showed a similar pH optimum for both directions, located between pH 7.5 and 8.2 (data not shown) The pH–activity profile is broader for the forward reaction with > 75% of maximal activity between pH 6.75 and 8.75 A strong sensitivity of B megaterium i-PGAM to low pH was reported before and shown to be related to its interaction with essential Mn2+ions [25] This was inter-preted as a physiologically important pH-sensing mechan-ism of the enzyme associated with its role in triggering spore formation and germination [25,26] The pH–activity profile
of L mexicana i-PGAM shows effectively a very steep slope in the range between pH 6.0 and 7.4 for the reverse reaction The notably higher tolerance for low pH values observed in the forward reaction might be due to the higher concentration of CoCl2used in this assay In order to avoid the formation of a cobalt precipitate under the reducing conditions of the reverse reaction assay, the concentration
of this metal was kept at only 10 lMwhich is 10 times lower than in the forward one
Effect of anions The effect of salts on LmPGAM activity was determined for the forward reaction (Fig 3B) Only a minor effect of the concentration of salts (ammonium sulphate, KCl) on the activity was observed Solely PO43–was able to inhibit the reaction significantly at relatively low concentrations When, in a single assay in the presence of 100 mMpotassium phosphate, five times more substrate (25 times the Kminstead
of five) was used, the activity was restored to 80% of the maximum velocity (instead of 65%), reinforcing the likeli-hood that PO43–exerts competitive inhibition The relatively low effect of the anions is a major difference compared to what was observed for cofactor-dependent PGAMs, where all ions had a considerable effect For example, the apparent Michaelis constants for the substrates were reported to increase about 10-fold in the presence of 400 mMKCl [27–29] Requirement for metal ions
Figure 4A shows the change of LmPGAM activity when the enzyme is incubated at 4C with 1 mM EDTA for different periods of time Treatment with this metal chelator inactivated the enzyme by > 90% only at pH 8.0, and the presence of the substrate 3PGA at concentrations up to
10 mM showed no significant influence on this loss of activity The fully inactivated samples were diluted 25-fold and incubated with different divalent metal salts Only CoCl2 was able to reactivate the enzyme A similar experiment showed the concentration dependency of this reactivation by cobalt and the inability of manganese to induce the recovery of LmPGAM activity even at higher concentrations (Fig 4B) Notably, 1 mM MgCl2 was pre-sent in each assay, and therefore this metal ion appeared on its own also unable to restore the mutase activity after incubation with EDTA The results shown in Fig 4 were reproduced by similar experiments where the EDTA and EDTA–metal complexes were removed by passage through
a desalting column prior to the reactivation assays both with
Co2+and Mn2+ Also a combination of both metal ions
Fig 3 Biochemical properties of C-LmPGAM (A) Stability: the
activity of the enzyme was assayed after storage at 4 C for different
periods of time in the presence of different agents The protein
con-centration was 0.10 mgÆmL)1in 0.1 M TEA pH 7.6 Additions: m,
none; h, 0.5 M NaCl; s, 0.5 M NaCl and 20% (v/v) glycerol; ·, 0.5 M
NaCl, 20% glycerol and 0.1 m M CoCl 2 ; +, 0.5 M NaCl, 20% glycerol,
0.1 m M CoCl 2 and 25 m M imidazole (B) Effect of anions: m,
(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ; ·, KCl; s, potassium phosphate; d, potassium phosphate
plus 6.5 m M 3PGA (instead of 1.5 m M as in the standard assay).
Trang 8was tested but this did not lead to higher specific activities
than obtained with cobalt ions alone
Chemical modification of histidines
DEPC within the pH range 5.5–7.5 is reasonably specific
for reaction with histidine residues [30] Therefore, the
irreversible carboethoxylation by DEPC has been used for the identification of essential His residues in many different enzymes [31,32] among which is castor plant i-PGAM [33]
It has also been used for the characterization of histidine-containing metal-binding sites [34] As DEPC also hydro-lyses spontaneously in water, some enzyme activity may be retained when such residues are not easily accessible for the compound An initial assay with a 35· molar excess of DEPC over protein and in the presence of 0.1 mMEDTA resulted in 95% irreversible inhibition of the LmPGAM activity, with 75% being lost in the first 5 min of incubation (Fig 5A) In contrast, if no EDTA was added, the
Fig 4 Metal dependency of C-LmPGAM activity (A) Effect of 1 m M
EDTA with time: m, pH 6.2; j, pH 7.0; d, pH 8.0; r pH 8.0, 9.3 m M
3PGA The inset bar diagram shows the relative values of activity
before EDTA treatment (Ctrl), after 6h 15 min at pH 8, 1 m M EDTA
(EDTA), and after 15 min of incubation of the EDTA treated enzyme
in the presence of 100 l M of MnCl 2 (Mn), FeSO 4 (Fe), CoCl 2 (Co),
NiCl 2 (Ni), CuSO 4 (Cu) or ZnCl 2 (Zn) The horizontal line indicates the
background activity without enzyme (B) Effect of MnCl 2 and CoCl 2 :
h, EDTA-treated enzyme after preincubation with MnCl 2 at the
indicated concentrations for 15–30 min at room temperature; r,
reactivation by CoCl 2 either by adding it, at different concentrations,
directly to the assay mixture without preincubation (grey line) or after
preincubating the enzyme with the metal for 15–30 min at the
con-centrations indicated (black line) All assays were performed for the
forward reaction, using the NADH oxidation method All points are
means of replicate experiments For incubation with CoCl 2 , four
dif-ferent experiments were performed at different enzyme concentrations.
Fig 5 Irreversible inhibition by diethyl pyrocarbonate (A) Rates of enzyme inhibition at DEPC : protein molar ratio equal to 35 (fast condition) j, Control with only acetonitrile; d, DEPC alone; s, DEPC plus 0.1 m M EDTA (B) Rate of inhibition at a DEPC : protein molar ratio equal to 6 : 1 (slow condition) d, DEPC alone, a simple exponential curve fits the 5 first min of irreversible inhibition;
s, DEPC plus 0.1 m M EDTA, a double exponential fits best the first
5 min and also predicts the result at 10 min; ·, DEPC plus 1.5 m M
3PGA; +, DEPC plus 1.5 m M PGA and 0.1 m M CoCl 2 The essential residues are protected by 3PGA (whether additional Co2+is present or not); the data corresponding to both incubation with substrate and with substrate plus cobalt were fit together by an equation for a straight line.
Trang 9inhibitory reaction was halted after 20 min of incubation
and 40% of the original activity remained even after 1 h
In order to compare the protective effects of different
ligands, assays were performed with a smaller excess of
DEPC to slow down the inactivation For examining the
kinetics of the inhibition, only the first 5 min of the reaction
were taken into account, since the DEPC concentration
cannot be considered constant for longer time periods
Irreversible inhibition of the desalted enzyme followed a
simple exponential decay for the initial 5 min of incubation
with DEPC (Fig 5B) An attempt to fit these points by a
double-exponential curve gave an equation with two
virtually identical negative components indicating that a
simple exponential equation describes these results properly
When the enzyme activity was monitored over periods of
10 min or longer, an arrest of the inhibitory reaction was
evident This can be attributed to the rapid decrease of
DEPC concentration, via spontaneous hydrolysis as well as
its reaction with essential and nonessential residues In three
more experiments that were performed in the presence of
either an excess of cobalt, magnesium, or manganese ions,
similar curves were observed with no quantitatively
signi-ficant differences (data not shown) In contrast, chelation of
divalent metal ions by incubation with EDTA made the
enzyme more susceptible to the inhibition by DEPC In this
case, the observed results were best fitted by a
double-exponential decay curve Both equation parameters were
negative, indicating the occurrence of two (groups of)
inhibitory reactions The presence of 3PGA at a
concentra-tion equal to approximately five times the Kmrendered the
enzyme virtually refractory to inactivation by DEPC This
indicates that the residues whose modification led to
inhibition when substrate was absent are most likely
localized in the active site
Identification of modified residues
In order to identify the active-site residues which are
susceptible to chemical modification but protected in the
presence of substrate and metal ions, we complemented the
DEPC experiments with trypsin digestion of the samples,
followed by analysis of the peptides by LC-MS/MS The
average protein coverage was 60% and 14 histidine residues
out of 18 present in the enzyme could unambiguously be
identified by MS/MS fragmentation of their corresponding
peptides First, a control sample (acetonitrile) was analysed
in order to identify the His-containing peptides In a second
experiment, a DEPC-treated sample was analysed and the
corresponding peptides with DEPC-dependent modification
were identified taking into account a mass increase of
72.00 Da per modified residue A total of 10 His residues
were found to be modified (Table 1), although none of them
was stoichiometrically labelled as the corresponding
unmodified peptides were still present It should be noted
that the enzyme was fully active just before DEPC treatment
and remained stable in the presence of only acetonitrile
during the time of incubation (12 min, room temperature),
thus indicating that the observed irreversible inhibition was
entirely caused by the reaction with DEPC In addition, two
samples were treated in the presence of a substrate (3PGA)
concentration which in earlier experiments, where PGAM
activity was assayed, showed significant protection
(100 ± 16% and 82 ± 3% of original activity) The results are summarized in Table 1, where all histidines present in native LmPGAM are listed It is indicated in the table which
of these residues were modified or protected in the experiments with DEPC and substrate + DEPC The location of the residues with respect to the active site or the surface was identified by sequence alignment with the
B stearothermophilusenzyme, of which the crystal structure
is known [35,36] and by examining a recently solved, unpublished structure of LmPGAM (B Poonperm, M Walkinshaw and L A Fothergill-Gilmore, unpublished data) Figure 6 shows the spatial distribution of all conserved histidines, together with two important active-site residues, Lys357 and Ser75 All surface histidines were modified with the sole exception of His37 In the active site, two histidines, His136 and His467, were modified by DEPC but protected from this reaction by the presence of substrate, while two others, His360 and His429, were not accessible under any condition Interestingly, His160 was apparently protected by the binding of 3PGA in spite of being located far away from the active site In the inhibited sample, two modifications were found in the peptide comprising both His60 and His79, whereas with substrate present only indications for modification of a single His were obtained However, it was not possible to distinguish which of these His residues was protected in the latter case
Table 1 Modification of LmPGAM residues by DEPCand protection
by the substrate 3PGA Histidines located closer than 10 A˚ from the substrate are considered as part of the active site and those with accessibilities higher than 10% as belonging to the protein surface Results of site-directed mutagenesis in castor plant i-PGAM [33] are noted aside; percentages indicate the remaining activity after HisfiAla mutations Histidines 53, 231 and 233 are not included since their corresponding tryptic peptides were too small to be seen and/or retained by the C 18 column.
Residue Inhibiteda Protecteda Active site HfiA
His429 (M1) – – Yes Insoluble His496 (M1) n.d n.d Yes 0%
His467 (M2) + (–) Yes Insoluble His9 + + No, surface n.a.
His37 – – No, surface 100% His47 + n.d No, surface Not conserved His60 + or 79 No, surface 72%
His114 + n.d No, surface Not conserved
His148 + + No, surface Not conserved
His377 + n.d No, surface Not conserved
a Positive signs indicate that the modified peptide was present and its sequence confirmed by LC-MS/MS; negative signs indicate that only the unmodified peptide was detected Parentheses indicate that His467 was detected as modified but in a very low amount n.d., A peptide of the corresponding mass was not detected or, if detected, its sequence was not confirmed by MS/MS analysis n.a., Nonassayed mutations; insoluble, cases where the mutated protein was insoluble.
Trang 10Another set of experiments was performed in which
LmPGAM was incubated with EDTA followed by
desalt-ing through Sephadex G-50 columns and subsequent
addition of Co2+and Mn2+salts in order to determine
the influence of the presence of metal ions on the
accessi-bility of the active-site histidines Table 2 shows the results
for the different EDTA-treated enzyme samples Clearly,
the histidines corresponding to the first metal ion-binding
site (namely His429 and His496) were not modified under
any condition His467 corresponds to the second metal
ion-binding site and it was modified to the same extent in
both samples either with no addition or with MnCl2
In contrast, the sample that was partially reactivated
(54 ± 2% of original activity) by incubation with CoCl2
showed a significant protection of His467, evidenced by a
significantly lower chromatographic peak for the
corres-ponding peptide mass
As shown previously for T brucei [7], L mexicana also
contains an i-PGAM gene Furthermore, aBLASTsearch in
the genome database of L major strain Friedlin (http:// identified on chromosome 36 an ORF
encoding an amino acid sequence with 92% identity with
that of the LmPGAM reported in this paper A similar
search using the yeast d-PGAM sequence did not yield a
significant match in the trypanosomatid databases
The PGAM activity in cultured L mexicana promasti-gotes is essentially localized in the cytosolic fraction and corresponds exclusively to a cofactor-independent enzyme,
as shown by the effects of cobalt, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate, EDTA and vanadate We have developed a bacterial expression system and purification protocol for a LmPGAM with an eight-residue long C-terminal tag (containing six His residues) that resulted in a yield of
1 mg of pure protein per 50 mL of culture Conditions for stable storage and optimal activity assays of the enzyme were established The experimentally determined data were excellently fitted by Michaelis–Menten equations, allowing accurate calculation of the kinetic constants
Stability assays showed that without an excess of CoCl2
in solution, the activity of LmPGAM decreased within days
It is important to note that passage of the enzyme through a desalting column equilibrated with only TEA buffer did not affect its specific activity when measured immediately afterwards in an assay buffer containing CoCl2 (see Experimental procedures) However, overnight incubation
at 4C (or few hours at room temperature) in the presence
of EDTA led to irreversible inactivation of a major proportion of the enzyme preparation (not shown) These observations indicate that the enzyme contains at least one essential metal ion that is in equilibrium between its protein-bound and solute form, and that the metal-deprived enzyme slowly denatures The Co2+ions are, most likely, involved
in the catalytic activity (see below) but their presence seems also important for the correct conformation of the LmPGAM active site and consequently the stabilization
of the enzyme’s overall structure
The stabilizing effect of imidazole, being synergistic with the effect of CoCl2, underlines the importance of a soluble cobalt reservoir Imidazole as a metal ligand favours the desirable 2+valency and hampers the irreversible formation
of Co(OH)2 precipitates, always observable as pink dust after a few days even at concentrations as low as 100 lM
when no imidazole was added It has been reported
Fig 6 Spatial distribution of the conserved histidines in LmPGAM.
The LmPGAM sequence was threaded in the B stearothermophilus
structure (PDB code EQJ) as described in Experimental procedures.
The substrate (product) 2PGA is displayed in thin balls-and-sticks
format, while amino acids are depicted with thick sticks Lys357 and
Ser75 were also included in the picture because of their relevance to our
study Spheres M1 and M2 correspond, respectively, to Mn1 and Mn2
in the EJJ structure By analogy with the B stearothermophilus
structure, M1 is proposed to be coordinated by His429 and His496,
while His467 interacts with M2 His160 is located approximately 25 A˚
from M1 and 20 A˚ from the bound 2PGA.
Table 2 Activity of LmPGAM and modification of His residues in-volved in metal binding after EDTA treatment and subsequent incubation with Co 2+ or Mn 2+ and DEPCtreatment EDTA, remaining activities correspond to activities after incubation with EDTA, passage through Sephadex G-50 and, when indicated, incubation with cobalt or man-ganese chloride; DEPC, remaining activity was measured for the co-balt reactivated sample Brackets indicate that His467 was found modified in a significantly lower amount ND, Not determined.
EDTA + CoCl 2
EDTA + MnCl 2
Activity (%) EDTA – Remaining activity
10 ± 0% 54 ± 2% 7 ± 2% DEPC – Remaining
DEPC Modification