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Vitamin C
Biosynthesis, recyclinganddegradationin mammals
Carole L. Linster and Emile Van Schaftingen
Catholique de Louvain, Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Brussels, Belgium
ascorbate; dehydroascorbate;
2,3-diketogulonate; glucuronate;
L-gulonolactone oxidase;
semidehydroascorbate; UDP-
glucuronosyltransferases; vitamin C;
E. Van Schaftingen, Laboratory of
Physiological Chemistry, UCL-ICP, Avenue
Hippocrate 75, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium
Fax: +32 27647598
Tel: +32 27647564
E-mail: vanschaftingen@bchm.ucl.ac.be
C. L. Linster, The Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry and the Molecular Biology
Institute, University of California, Los
Angeles, CA 90095-1569, USA
Fax: +1 310 825 1968
Tel: +1 310 825 3137
E-mail: linster@chem.ucla.edu
(Received 12 September 2006, revised
1 November 2006, accepted 21 November
Vitamin C, a reducing agent and antioxidant, is a cofactor in reactions cata-
lyzed by Cu
-dependent monooxygenases and Fe
-dependent dioxygenas-
es. It is synthesized, in vertebrates having this capacity, from d-glucuronate.
The latter is formed through direct hydrolysis of uridine diphosphate
(UDP)-glucuronate by enzyme(s) bound to the endoplasmic reticulum mem-
brane, sharing many properties with, and most likely identical to, UDP-
glucuronosyltransferases. Non-glucuronidable xenobiotics (aminopyrine,
metyrapone, chloretone and others) stimulate the enzymatic hydrolysis of
UDP-glucuronate, accounting for their effect to increase vitaminC forma-
tion in vivo. Glucuronate is converted to l-gulonate by aldehyde reductase,
an enzyme of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. l-Gulonate is converted
to l-gulonolactone by a lactonase identified as SMP30 or regucalcin, whose
absence in mice leads to vitaminC deficiency. The last step in the pathway
of vitaminC synthesis is the oxidation of l-gulonolactone to l-ascorbic acid
by l-gulonolactone oxidase, an enzyme associated with the endoplasmic ret-
iculum membrane and deficient in man, guinea pig and other species due to
mutations in its gene. Another fate of glucuronate is its conversion to
d-xylulose in a five-step pathway, the pentose pathway, involving identified
oxidoreductases and an unknown decarboxylase. Semidehydroascorbate, a
major oxidation product of vitamin C, is reconverted to ascorbate in the
cytosol by cytochrome b
reductase and thioredoxin reductase in reactions
involving NADH and NADPH, respectively. Transmembrane electron
transfer systems using ascorbate or NADH as electron donors serve to
reduce semidehydroascorbate present in neuroendocrine secretory vesicles
and in the extracellular medium. Dehydroascorbate, the fully oxidized form
of vitamin C, is reduced spontaneously by glutathione, as well as enzymati-
cally in reactions using glutathione or NADPH. The degradation of vita-
min Cinmammals is initiated by the hydrolysis of dehydroascorbate to
2,3-diketo-l-gulonate, which is spontaneously degraded to oxalate, CO
l-erythrulose. This is at variance with bacteria such as Escherichia coli,
which have enzymatic degradation pathways for ascorbate and probably
also dehydroascorbate.
L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine; DHA, dehydroascorbate; 2,3-DKG, 2,3-diketo-L-gulonate; FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; GLO,
L-gulonolactone oxidase; GSH, glutathione (reduced form); GST, glutathione S-transferase; GSTO, Omega class glutathione S-transferase;
PDI, protein disulfide isomerase; SDA, semidehydroascorbate; UDP, uridine diphosphate; UGT, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase.
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 1
Vitamin C (or l-ascorbic acid; hereafter, ‘ascorbic
acid’ and ‘ascorbate’ will always refer to ‘l-ascorbic
acid’ and ‘l-ascorbate’) is unique among vitamins for
several reasons. It is present in various foods, partic-
ularly of plant origin, in quantities (typically 10–
100 mg ⁄ 100 g [1]) that are several orders of magnitude
higher than those of other vitamins. This is certainly
related to the facts that it is formed from sugars,
which are abundant compounds, and that its biochemi-
cal synthesis is rather simple. Another unique aspect of
ascorbic acid is that it is a vitamin for only a few ver-
tebrate species, those which have lost the capacity to
synthesize it. From a structural point of view, it is also
one of the rare compounds containing a hydroxyl
group that is so acidic as to be completely dissociated
at neutral pH (carbon-3 hydroxyl pK
¼ 4.2). This is
related to the fact that ascorbic acid comprises two
conjugated double bonds and that a resonance form
can be written for the deprotonated monoanionic form
(Fig. 1). Resonance forms can also be written for the
form of vitaminC that has lost one electron (Fig. 1),
making the radical semidehydroascorbate (SDA) much
more stable, and thus much less reactive, than most
other free radicals [2]. VitaminC is therefore able to
play the role of a free-radical scavenger [3], reacting
with highly ‘aggressive’ (oxidizing) species to replace
them by a much less reactive and, moreover, enzymati-
cally recyclable one, SDA. Ascorbate is certainly the
most abundant water-soluble compound acting in
one-electron reactions, and this is most probably
why it plays the role of a cofactor in reactions cata-
lyzed by a number of metal-dependent oxygenases.
The Cu
-dependent monooxygenases peptidylglycine
a-amidating monooxygenase and dopamine b-hydroxy-
lase convert two ascorbate molecules to two SDAs per
catalytic cycle [4]. In the case of Fe
⁄ a-ketoglutarate-
dependent dioxygenases (e.g. collagen prolyl and lysyl
hydroxylases, the two hydroxylases involved in carni-
tine biosynthesis [5], the asparaginyl hydroxylase
that modifies hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) [6]),
ascorbate most probably serves to reconvert inactive,
-containing enzyme (which results from abortive
catalytic cycles) to the active, Fe
-containing form
[5]. Because of these important roles, it is not surpri-
sing that vitaminC deficiency leads to a debilitating
disorder, scurvy, in man andin animals unable to syn-
thesize the vitamin.
Important progress has been made recently in our
understanding of the synthesis and the recycling of
vitamin C, and a novel pathway has been described
for the degradation of vitaminCin bacteria. This
forms the subject of this review. VitaminC transport,
which has also witnessed important developments
lately, is only briefly alluded to in the following para-
graph, as other recent reviews are available [7–9].
Ascorbate entry into mammalian cells is energy-
dependent, being effected by two distinct Na
ent cotransporters, SVCT1 and SVCT2, which show
distinct tissue distributions. Interestingly, targeted dele-
tion of the widely distributed SVCT2 is lethal in mice
Fig. 1. The three redox states of vitamin C
(ascorbate, fully reduced form; SDA, mono-
oxidized form; DHA, fully oxidized form),
and stabilization of the ascorbate monoanion
and SDA by electron delocalization. SDA,
semidehydroascorbate; DHA, dehydroascor-
Vitamin C metabolism andrecyclinginmammals C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen
2 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
[10], further underlining the importance of vitamin C.
Dehydroascorbate (DHA; see Fig. 1) is transported by
glucose transporters, particularly GLUT1, GLUT3
and GLUT4 [9], and is therefore not energetically dri-
ven. However, intracellular DHA is readily converted
to ascorbate (see ‘Recycling of vitamin C’) and this
highly favourable reductive step drives DHA uptake
by the cell. There are also mechanisms allowing the
efflux of ascorbate from cells [7], e.g. from enterocytes
during intestinal absorption and from liver cells, which
in many mammals produce ascorbate, but the molecu-
lar identity of the proteins involved in this process is
not yet firmly established.
Formation of vitaminCin mammals
and other vertebrates
Outline of the pathway
Ascorbate is synthesized by many vertebrates. The
occurrence of ascorbate biosynthesis in sea lamprey
[11] suggests that this trait appeared early in the evolu-
tionary history of fishes (590–500 million years ago),
i.e. prior to terrestrial vertebrate emergence [12]. The
biosynthetic capacity has, however, subsequently been
lost in a number of species, such as teleost fishes, pas-
seriform birds, bats (intriguingly, not only the fruit-
eating ones, but also others, feeding on blood or
insects [13]), guinea pigs, and primates including
humans, for whom ascorbate has thus become a vita-
min. Fish, amphibians and reptiles synthesize ascor-
bate in the kidney, whereas mammals produce it in the
liver [11,14].
Vitamin C is also formed by all plant species studied
so far [15] and yeasts produce d-erythroascorbate, a C
analogue of ascorbate [16]. Interestingly, very different
pathways have evolved for vitaminC biosynthesis in
animals, plants and fungi. In animals, d-glucuronate,
derived from UDP-glucuronate, is reduced to l-gulo-
nate, which leads to inversion of the numbering of the
carbon chain (‘inversion of configuration’) since the
aldehyde function of d-glucuronate (C1) becomes a
hydroxymethyl group in the resulting l-gulonate
(Fig. 2; see [16] for a review of the early literature). The
latter is converted to its lactone, which is oxidized to
l-ascorbate by l-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO). In
plants, the pathway starts with GDP-d-mannose, which
is converted (without change in carbon numbering) to
l-galactonolactone, the substrate for the plant homo-
logue of GLO, l-galactonolactone dehydrogenase [15].
The synthesis of d-erythroascorbate in yeasts proceeds
from d-arabinose [16], but the mechanisms of forma-
tion of the latter have not been elucidated.
Effect of xenobiotics on vitaminC formation
The regulation of vitaminC formation by xenobiotics
is described here, because it helps to understand the
mechanism of d-glucuronate formation. Other aspects
of this regulation are described in a separate section.
It was already observed in the 1940s that administra-
tion of a series of xenobiotics to animals was followed
by enhanced urinary excretion of ascorbate. The stimu-
latory effect is shared by a wide variety of structurally
unrelated substances such as barbiturates, paraldehyde,
chloretone, aminopyrine, antipyrine, 3-methylcholanth-
rene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and 1,1,1-tri-
chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) [17–19].
Turnover rate studies using radiolabelled ascorbate
indicated that the amount of ascorbate synthesized per
day was four- to eight-fold higher in chloretone- or
pentobarbital-treated rats than in untreated animals
[20]. Furthermore, chloretone and barbital were shown
to greatly stimulate the incorporation of radiolabelled
glucose into urinary glucuronate and ascorbate [21]. As
barbital was found to be neither metabolized nor
conjugated, but excreted unchanged in urine, its stimu-
latory effect on urinary glucuronate and ascorbate
excretion was proposed to be unrelated to any detoxifi-
cation mechanism. This view was further supported
by the observation that compounds such as borneol,
a-naphthol and phenolphthalein, known to be primar-
ily excreted as glucuronides, had essentially no effect
on ascorbate excretion [21]. Furthermore, the findings
that the in vivo conversion of both d-glucose and
d-galactose to glucuronate and ascorbate was increased
by xenobiotics [22], but that this was not the case for
the conversion of radiolabelled d-glucuronolactone
or l-gulonolactone to ascorbate [23], suggested that
stimulation occurs at a step between UDP-glucose
and d-glucuronolactone in the ascorbate biosynthesis
Many of the following investigations on this subject
studied the effect of agents stimulating vitaminC for-
mation on the activity levels of several enzymes
potentially implicated in ascorbate synthesis. UDP-glu-
cose dehydrogenase and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases
(UGTs) were found to be induced by some agents,
although not by all of them [18,24]. A study using
Gunn rats [25] provided highly suggestive evidence for
the involvement of UGTs in the formation of vita-
min C. Gunn rats are deficient in UGT isoforms of the
UGT1A family, but not of the UGT2 family [26,27].
3-Methylcholanthrene, an inducer of UGTs of the
UGT1A family, increased urinary excretion of ascor-
bate in normal rats (five-fold) and heterozygous Gunn
rats (two-fold), but not in homozygous Gunn rats.
C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen VitaminC metabolism andrecyclingin mammals
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 3
However, treatment with phenobarbital (an inducer of
isoforms of the UGT2 family) increased the urinary
excretion of ascorbate in normal and homozygous
Gunn rats. Taken together, these results indicate
that UGT isoforms of the UGT1A, but probably also
of the UGT2 family are involved in ascorbate bio-
synthesis, possibly by forming a glucuronidated inter-
mediate that would be hydrolyzed by microsomal
b-glucuronidase or, as suggested below, by catalyzing
the hydrolysis of UDP-glucuronate to UDP and
Fig. 2. VitaminC synthesis pathway and pentose pathway in animals. The reactions are catalyzed by the following enzymes: 1, UDP-glucose
pyrophosphorylase; 2, UDP-glucose dehydrogenase; 3, nucleotide pyrophosphatase; 4, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase; 5, UDP-glucuronidase;
6, phosphatase; 7, b-glucuronidase; 8, glucuronate reductase; 9, gulonolactonase; 10,
L-gulonolactone oxidase; 11, L-gulonate 3-dehydroge-
nase; 12, decarboxylase; 13,
L-xylulose reductase; 14, xylitol dehydrogenase; 15, D-xylulokinase. Three possible mechanisms for glucuronate
formation (a, b and c) are shown (see text). For the sake of clarity, the linear form of glucuronate is represented. SMP30 KO mice, senes-
cence marker protein 30 knockout mice; ODS rats, osteogenic disorder Shionogi rats; od ⁄ od pigs, mutant pigs deficient in
oxidase; GLO KO mice,
L-gulonolactone oxidase knockout mice.
Vitamin C metabolism andrecyclinginmammals C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen
4 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
glucuronate (mechanisms b andc described in the next
These effects on enzyme levels require increased gene
transcription and new protein synthesis, which implies
that the effect of xenobiotics on vitaminC formation
is a long-term effect. However, recent work on isolated
hepatocytes demonstrated that the effect of xenobiotics
(e.g. aminopyrine, metyrapone, chloretone) on the for-
mation of vitaminCand of its precursor, free glucuro-
nate, occurs in a matter of minutes [28]. The increase
in free glucuronate formation, which was best observed
in the presence of an inhibitor of the downstream
enzyme, glucuronate reductase, was already apparent
after 5 min and reached up to 15-fold. It was accom-
panied by a decrease in the UDP-glucuronate level,
but little if any change in the concentration of UDP-
glucose, indicating that the effect of xenobiotics on
vitamin C formation consists in a short-term effect
involving an increase of the conversion of UDP-glu-
curonate to glucuronate (Fig. 2) and not an increase in
the concentration of upstream precursors of glucuro-
nate (‘push-effect’). Most of the stimulating agents did
not give rise to detectable amounts of b-glucuronides,
arguing against the involvement of a glucuronidation-
deglucuronidation cycle in the stimulation of ascorbate
formation (see below). It may be interesting to notice
that up to 100 nmol hexose unitsÆmin
liver are
channelled towards glucuronate formation in the pres-
ence of saturating concentrations of stimulating xeno-
biotics [28].
Formation of glucuronate from UDP-glucuronate
The formation of glucuronate from UDP-glucuronate
could hypothetically involve (a) the cleavage of UDP-
glucuronate to glucuronate 1-phosphate, followed by
dephosphorylation of the latter by a glucuronate-1-
phosphatase [29,30]; (b) the formation of a glucuroni-
dated intermediate, on an exogenous or endogenous
acceptor, followed by its hydrolysis by b-glucuronidase
[31] or esterases (which could hydrolyze acyl-glucuro-
nides); or (c) direct hydrolysis of UDP-glucuronate to
UDP and glucuronate (Fig. 2). As explained below,
recent work performed on liver microsomes supports
the third mechanism.
As a follow-up of the work showing that a series of
nonglucuronidable xenobiotics rapidly stimulate the
formation of glucuronate in isolated hepatocytes [28],
it was found that the same xenobiotics also stimulated
the formation of glucuronate from UDP-glucuronate
in liver cell-free extracts enriched with ATP or in liver
microsomes supplemented with ATP and a heat-stable
cofactor identified as coenzyme A [32]. Quantitatively,
the formation of glucuronate observed under these
conditions accounted for the formation of glucuronate
observed in intact cells, indicating that glucuronate is
formed from UDP-glucuronate by a microsomal
enzyme. This enzyme is most probably present in the
endoplasmic reticulum as, similarly to UGTs, it is sti-
mulated by UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, which enhances
the transport of UDP-glucuronate into vesicles derived
from the endoplasmic reticulum [33].
Although rat liver microsomal preparations hydro-
lyze UDP-glucuronate to glucuronate 1-phosphate
(presumably because they are contaminated with
plasma membrane fragments, which contain a highly
active nucleotide pyrophosphatase [34,35]), their glu-
curonate 1-phosphate phosphatase activity is insuffi-
cient to account for the formation of free glucuronate
by this preparation [32]. Furthermore, the formation
and hydrolysis of glucuronate 1-phosphate are unaffec-
ted by the nonglucuronidable xenobiotics under condi-
tions under which glucuronate formation is stimulated
approximately three-fold. These and other arguments
[32] exclude mechanism (a).
Mechanism (b), which is supported by the observa-
tions made on Gunn rats [25], is ruled out by the fact
that glucuronate formation from UDP-glucuronate
occurs in rat liver microsomes in the absence of UGT
substrates and is actually inhibited by such substrates
(see below). Furthermore, inhibitors of b-glucuronidase
and esterases do not affect the formation of glucuro-
nate from UDP-glucuronate by microsomal prepara-
tions [32], ruling out also the involvement of an
endogenous glucuronide acceptor that would still be
present in washed liver microsomes.
Taken together, these observations lead to the con-
clusion that glucuronate is formed by direct hydro-
lysis of UDP-glucuronate by a UDP-glucuronidase
(mechanism c). The findings that UDP-glucuronidase
is similarly sensitive to various detergents as UGTs
and that it is inhibited by UGT substrates suggest
that it is a side-activity of these transferases (repre-
senting 5% of the transferase activity) [32]. The
identification of UGTs as the UDP-glucuronidase also
allows one to reconcile mechanism (c) with the obser-
vations made on Gunn rats [25]. In the only study
that focuses on the UDP-glucuronate hydrolase activ-
ity of a purified UGT, Hochman and Zakim [36]
found that GT
had a minor UDP-glucuronidase
activity, which could be stimulated by phenylethers
and lysophosphatidylcholines up to 0.03% of the
transferase activity. When transfected into human
embryonic kidney cells, human UGT1A6 displayed a
hydrolase to transferase activity ratio of 0.4% under
certain conditions [32], which is still about one order
C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen VitaminC metabolism andrecyclingin mammals
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 5
of magnitude lower than the ratio observed in liver
microsomes. It is likely that the ability of UGTs to
hydrolyze UDP-glucuronate varies among isoforms
and depends on the phospholipidic environment. This
last point may explain the observation that UDP-
glucuronidase is inhibited in rat liver microsomes by
the addition of ATP and coenzyme A [32], as the lat-
ter combination of cofactors could allow the reesteri-
fication of lipids in a subcellular fraction known to
contain free fatty acids, acyl-CoA synthetase and
acyltransferases. Further work is obviously needed to
establish which UGT isoforms are involved in the
formation of free glucuronate and the conditions
under which they are able to do so.
Glucuronate reductase (aldehyde reductase)
The reduction of d-glucuronate to l-gulonate is cata-
lyzed by an NADPH-dependent reductase, with broad
specificity, known as aldehyde reductase or TPN
l-hexonate dehydrogenase in the older literature [37]
and now referred to as aldo-keto reductase 1A1
(AKR1A1) for the human enzyme [38]. K
values of
0.33 and 0.69 mm were obtained for d-glucuronate
and d-glucuronolactone, respectively, and these com-
pounds are converted by aldehyde reductase to l-gulo-
nate and l-gulonolactone, respectively [37].
Aldehyde reductase belongs to the large group
of monomeric NADPH-dependent oxidoreductases,
known as aldo-keto reductases, which comprise many
members in the human genome, including aldose
reductases (the closest homologues of human aldehyde
reductase, sharing 65% sequence identity [39]) and
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases [38]. These enzymes
display broad substrate specificities and it would there-
fore not be surprising that, besides aldehyde reductase,
other members of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily
participate in the reduction of d-glucuronate. Aldose
reductase appears to be much less efficient than alde-
hyde reductase in this respect [40]. Furthermore, as it
is barely expressed in liver [41], it is unlikely that it con-
tributes significantly to vitaminC formation. Aldose
reductase inhibitors, which have been developed in
the hope of preventing diabetic complications by
blocking the enhanced formation of sorbitol from glu-
cose in hyperglycaemic states, usually cross-react with
aldehyde reductase [42,43]. Thus, sorbinil, an inhibitor
of both aldehyde reductase and aldose reductase
[42,43], was shown to block the conversion of glucuro-
nate to downstream metabolites (Fig. 2) and inhibit
the formation of vitaminCin isolated rat hepatocytes
[28], supporting the involvement of aldehyde reductase
in ascorbate synthesis.
Urono- and gulonolactonase
As discussed in the next paragraph, the enzyme that
forms vitaminC acts on the lactone form of l-gulonate.
The conversion of d-glucuronate to l-gulonolactone
requires the action of two enzymes, a reductase and a
lactonase, proceeding either via d-glucuronolactone if
the lactonization is the first step, or via l-gulonate if the
first reaction is the reduction. Three different types of
lactonases acting on sugar derivatives have been charac-
terized in mammalian tissues: 6-phosphogluconolacto-
nase, uronolactonase and aldonolactonase. The first one
is an enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway, which
belongs, in mammals, to the same family of proteins as
glucosamine 6-phosphate isomerase [44] and has no
(direct) role to play in the formation of vitamin C.
Uronolactonase, a microsomal enzyme, hydrolyzes
d-glucurono-3,6-lactone (K
8mm), but is inactive
against aldonolactones [45]. It is a metal-dependent
enzyme, but its sequence is presently unknown.
Aldonolactonase (gulonolactonase) is also a metal-
dependent enzyme, acting best with Mn
, which is pre-
sent in the cytosol and hydrolyzes a number of c- and
d-lactones of a variety of 5-, 6-, and 7-carbon aldonates,
including l-gulono-1,4-lactone and d-glucono-1,5-
lactone [45]. It also catalyzes the lactonization of aldo-
nates, e.g. of l-gulonate, and can therefore participate in
the formation of vitaminC [46]. It has recently been
identified as SMP30 (senescence marker protein 30) [47],
also known as regucalcin, a protein homologous to bac-
terial gluconolactonases [48], and which was initially
thought to regulate liver cell functions related to Ca
[49] and to be possibly involved in senescence because of
its decreased expression with age in liver, kidney and
lung [50,51]. The finding that targeted inactivation of
the SMP30 gene leads to vitaminC deficiency [47]
strongly argues in favour of the involvement of gulono-
lactonase in the ascorbate synthesis pathway in mam-
mals. This conclusion is in line with earlier findings
indicating that l-gulonate rather than d-glucuronolac-
tone is an intermediate in this pathway, such as the fact
that ascorbate is more readily formed from d-glucuro-
nate than from d-glucuronolactone in liver extracts [52],
and with the lower K
of glucuronate reductase for
d-glucuronate than for d-glucuronolactone (see above).
L-Gulonolactone oxidase
Characterization of the enzyme and of the catalyzed
GLO, a microsomal enzyme, catalyzes aerobically the
conversion of l-gulonolactone to l-ascorbate with pro-
duction of H
[53,54]. The immediate oxidation
Vitamin C metabolism andrecyclinginmammals C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen
6 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
product of GLO is 2-keto-l-gulonolactone, an interme-
diate that spontaneously isomerizes to l-ascorbate [54].
The preferred substrate of the enzyme is l-gulono-
1,4-lactone, but it also acts on l-galactono-, d-man-
nono- and d-altrono-1,4-lactone [55]. Other c-lactones,
including l-idono- and d-gluconolactone, were not
oxidized by the enzyme, indicating its configurational
specificity for the hydroxyl group at C2. K
values for
l-gulonolactone ranging from 0.007 to 0.15 mm have
been reported [55,56]. The enzyme transfers electrons
not only to O
, but also to artificial electron acceptors
such as phenazine methosulfate and ferricyanide,
although not to cytochrome b
and cytochrome c [57].
The production of H
is unusual for an enzyme of
the endoplasmic reticulum, and one may wonder if this
membrane-bound oxidoreductase does not transfer its
electrons to another acceptor in intact cells, most par-
ticularly because its plant homologues do so. The
latter share 30% sequence identity with mammalian
GLO and differ from this enzyme in three main
aspects: (1) they act specifically on l-galactono-1,4-lac-
tone [58,59], which is their physiological substrate; (2)
they are bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane
[60]; and (3) they do not transfer electrons directly to
, but to cytochrome c [59].
GLO is a 50.6 kDa protein [61], which, as indicated
by sequence comparisons, is related to plant l-galacton-
olactone dehydrogenase and fungal d-arabinonolactone
oxidase, and more distantly to 6-hydroxynicotine oxid-
ase, d-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase and 24-dehy-
drocholesterol reductase, all flavin adenine dinucleotide
(FAD)-linked enzymes. Each monomer of GLO binds
one molecule of FAD, which is covalently linked to a
histidyl residue [55,62]. This residue is presumably
His54, which aligns with the histidine (His72) that cov-
alently links FAD in Arthrobacter nicotinovorans 6-hyd-
roxy-d-nicotine oxidase, as indicated by inspection of
the structure (pdb file 2BVH) of this bacterial enzyme.
The requirement of detergents for the solubilization
of GLO from the microsomal fraction [55–57] strongly
suggests its membrane localization. Accordingly, the
amino acid sequence of the protein contains several
strongly hydrophobic regions, which are thus possibly
associated with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane
[61]. These regions are predicted to form b-sheets rather
than the typical transmembrane helical structure. The
orientation of the catalytic site towards the lumen of
the endoplasmic reticulum is indicated by the intralumi-
nal accumulation of ascorbate and the preferential
intraluminal glutathione oxidation (presumably by
hydrogen peroxide) in rat liver microsomes incubated
with gulonolactone [63]. It should be noted that the
GLO sequence is apparently devoid of targeting motifs
for the endoplasmic reticulum, as indicated by analysis
of the sequence with the TargetP program [64].
Molecular defects in man and other species
Early enzymological studies identified GLO deficiency
as the reason for the inability of some species such as
man and guinea pig to synthesize their own vitamin C
[65]. Man [66] and guinea pig [67] both have a gene
homologous to the rat GLO gene, but they are highly
mutated. Compared with the rat gene, which comprises
12 exons, two coding exons (I and V) are missing in its
guinea pig homologue [67].
Nucleotide sequence alignment of one exon of the
GLO gene from rat with the corresponding exon in the
highly mutated, nonfunctional GLO gene of several
primates revealed that nucleotide substitutions have
occurred at random throughout the primate sequence,
as expected for the exon of a gene that ceased to be
active during evolution and subsequently evolved with-
out functional constraint [68]. From these two exam-
ples, and the finding that ascorbate-deficient species
are also observed in several other lineages, it appears
that inactivation of the GLO gene occurred several
times during evolution, suggesting that the loss of this
gene may be advantageous to some species. It has been
proposed that the formation of hydrogen peroxide by
GLO and the glutathione depletion that ensues are
detrimental [69] and that the selective pressure to keep
the ability of forming vitaminC is lost in species with
ample dietary supply of ascorbic acid.
Rat, pig and mouse models of vitaminC deficiency
are known. The osteogenic disorder Shionogi rat is a
mutant rat of the Wistar strain deficient in GLO activ-
ity and thus unable to synthesize ascorbate. The GLO
cDNA of this mutant was found to contain a single
base mutation leading to a Cys fi Tyr substitution at
position 61 in the amino acid sequence [70]. Overex-
pression experiments in COS-1 cells suggested that this
mutation leads to instability of the mutant GLO pro-
tein and is responsible for the enzymatic defect in the
osteogenic disorder Shionogi rat. The latter manifests
deformity, shortening of the legs, multiple fractures,
osteoporosis, growth retardation and haemorrhagic
tendency when it is fed an ascorbate-deficient diet;
these symptoms are largely prevented by providing
vitamin Cin the food [71]. A similar symptomatology
is found in the od⁄ od pig, in which the GLO gene is
inactivated due to an intragenic deletion removing
exon 8 [72].
GLO knockout mice have also been generated
through homologous recombination and the effects of
vitamin C deficiency in these mice have been studied
C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen VitaminC metabolism andrecyclingin mammals
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 7
[73]. The mutant mice depend on dietary vitamin C
supplementation for survival. The most striking effects
of a low vitaminC diet on the knockout mice were
alterations in their aortic walls (for instance fragmenta-
tion of elastic lamina), which were proposed to be
caused by defects in the crosslinking of collagen and
An alternative fate for glucuronate: the
pentose pathway
As described above, d-glucuronate can be metabolized
to ascorbate in most vertebrates, well known excep-
tions being primates and the guinea pig. By contrast,
in all animal species examined, glucuronate can be
converted to the pentose l-xylulose in a pathway
known as the pentose pathway or the glucuronic acid
oxidation pathway [74]. The reactions involved in this
pathway are represented in Fig. 2. The reduction step
catalyzed by glucuronate reductase (see previous sec-
tion) is shared by the ascorbate synthesis pathway and
the pentose pathway.
In the latter, l-gulonate is then oxidized to 3-keto-
l-gulonate by an NAD-dependent dehydrogenase [75].
The cDNA encoding rabbit liver l-gulonate 3-dehy-
drogenase has recently been cloned [76]. The enzyme,
shown to be identical to lens k-crystallin, displays a
of 0.2 mm for l-gulonate. 3-Keto-l-gulonate is
decarboxylated to l-xylulose by a poorly characterized
decarboxylase [77] whose molecular identity is
unknown. l-Xylulose is then converted to xylitol by an
NADPH-dependent l-xylulose reductase. A cDNA
encoding a dicarbonyl ⁄ l-xylulose reductase has been
cloned from a mouse kidney cDNA library [78]. This
reductase displays a marked preference for NADPH
over NADH and is ubiquitously expressed in several
mammalian species. A K
value of 0.21 mm for l-xy-
lulose has been reported for the human recombinant
Xylitol is oxidized to d-xylulose by an NAD-
dependent enzyme identical to sorbitol dehydrogenase
[79]. Finally, d-xylulose can enter the pentose phos-
phate pathway after its phosphorylation by d-xylulo-
kinase. The latter has been purified to homogeneity
from bovine liver and was shown to be a monomeric
enzyme of 51 kDa [80]. The pure enzyme acted on
d-xylulose and d-ribulose with respective K
of 0.14 and 0.27 mm. A human cDNA encoding a
‘xylulokinase-like’ protein of 528 amino acids has been
isolated [81]. The predicted gene product bears 22%
identity to the xylulokinase of Haemophilus influenzae.
The occurrence of the pentose pathway in humans is
indicated by the fact that rare individuals excrete
abnormal quantities of l-xylulose (1–4 gÆday
) in the
urine. This benign condition, known as essential pen-
tosuria [74], was recognized by Garrod, almost a cen-
tury ago, as an inborn error of metabolism. In 1929,
Margolis [82] noted that ingestion of aminopyrine
leads to a marked increase in pentose excretion in
pentosuric subjects and some years later it was shown
that this effect could be mimicked by the administra-
tion, not only of a series of other drugs, but also of
glucuronic acid [74]. This effect, which is very reminis-
cent of the stimulation exerted by nonglucuronidable
hydrophobic drugs on vitaminC formation in animals
[28], is most probably also due to a stimulation of the
UDP-glucuronidase activity of UGTs.
Pentosuria, an autosomal recessive trait, is due to
l-xylulose reductase deficiency [83]. Lane [84] reported
the separation of a major and a minor isozyme for
l-xylulose reductase in human erythrocytes. In pentos-
uric subjects, only the minor isozyme, which displayed
a K
for l-xylulose of 100 mm, was detected upon
electrophoresis and ion-exchange chromatography.
This suggests that homozygosity for the pentosuria
allele results in deficiency of the major isozyme, which
most probably corresponds to the recently cloned
dicarbonyl ⁄ l-xylulose reductase (see above). The gen-
etic defect underlying pentosuria has not yet been
The benign nature of this condition (the only symp-
tom is the elevated urinary pentose excretion) shows
that the pentose pathway does not play an indispens-
able role in human metabolism. While in most mam-
malian species, this pathway produces a precursor for
the formation of ascorbate (l-gulonate), in humans
and some other species it probably essentially allows
the return of a portion of glucuronate carbon to main-
stream carbohydrate metabolism.
Control of vitaminC synthesis
Outline on the regulation of vitaminC synthesis
The main control is apparently exerted at the level of
the formation of glucuronate from UDP-glucuronate,
as enhancement of this conversion is accompanied by
an increase in the formation of vitaminC [28]. How-
ever, the pathway is branched at the level of l-gulo-
nate and the proportion of l-gulonate that is
converted to vitaminC or l-xylulose must depend on
the relative activities of the rate-limiting enzymes
downstream in the pathways. In the case of vitamin C
formation, the rate-limiting step downstream is cata-
lyzed by l-gulonolactone oxidase, as indicated by the
observation that heterozygous (OD ⁄ od) pigs for GLO
Vitamin C metabolism andrecyclinginmammals C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen
8 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
deficiency have (when fed an ascorbate-free diet) a
plasma ascorbic acid level amounting to 50% of that
found in control (OD ⁄ OD) pigs [72]. A comparison
between the amount of d-glucuronate that accumulates
in isolated rat hepatocytes incubated with various
xenobiotics in the presence of the glucuronate reduc-
tase inhibitor sorbinil (vitamin C formation is then
blocked!) and the amount of ascorbate that is formed
under similar conditions but in the absence of sorbinil
indicates that 30% of l-gulonate is directed towards
ascorbate formation [28].
Effect of xenobiotics
As mentioned above, the stimulatory effect of xenobio-
tics has been ascribed, at least partially, to a short-term
effect on UDP-glucuronidase, i.e. most likely UGTs.
How the various (always nonglucuronidable) xenobio-
tics act is still unknown. Their important structural
diversity and their hydrophobic character suggest that
they could act by perturbing locally the phospholipidic
environment of UGTs and by thus inducing a conform-
ational change favouring a hydrolase activity of these
transferases. Alternatively, these compounds, which are
hydrophobic but lack a suitable glucuronosyl acceptor
function, could stimulate the hydrolase activity through
a pseudosubstrate mechanism. Besides this short-term
action, the effect of some xenobiotics to stimulate the
expression of UGTs [18,24,25] or GLO [85] is also con-
ducive to a stimulated formation of ascorbic acid.
One may wonder what advantage organisms may
derive from the stimulation of vitaminC biosynthesis
caused by nonglucuronidable xenobiotics. There is
no answer at present to this question, but an inter-
esting possibility would be that the stimulatory xeno-
biotics are membrane-perturbing agents which could
favour the generation of reactive oxygen species
when inserted in membranes with active electron
transport, the increased vitaminC availability playing
then a protective role.
Effect of glutathione
From a quantitative point of view, glutathione and
vitamin C are the most abundant reducing agents in
cells. Furthermore, GSH is implicated invitamin C
recycling from DHA (see next section). It would there-
fore make sense for glutathione to exert a control on
vitamin C synthesis. Several experiments performed
with glutathione-depleting agents indicate that gluta-
thione depletion favours vitaminC synthesis. Adminis-
tration to adult mice of buthionine sulfoximine, an
inhibitor of glutathione synthesis, led to a two-fold
increase in the amount of vitaminCin liver within 4 h
[86]. Similarly, incubation of rat hepatocytes with
1-bromoheptane or phorone, which are conjugated
with GSH, caused a more than two-fold increase in
vitamin C content after 2 h of incubation [87]. On the
basis of the observation that a series of glutathione-
depleting agents including, surprisingly, dibutyryl
cyclic AMP, enhanced vitaminC formation and also
glycogenolysis in murine hepatocytes, it was proposed
that increased ascorbate synthesis is the result of a
‘push effect’ involving an increase in the concentration
of UDP-glucose [88]. However, no measurements of
UDP-glucose or UDP-glucuronate were made to sub-
stantiate this hypothesis. Furthermore, the potent
glycogenolytic agent glucagon does not stimulate glu-
curonate [28] or vitaminC [87] formation in rat
hepatocytes, and the effects of some of the compounds
that were tested by Braun et al. [88] could not be
reproduced by other authors [28,87].
The mechanism of the effect of glutathione-depleting
agents is therefore presently not understood. One may
wonder to what extent some of the agents used to
deplete glutathione do not act like xenobiotics, by
stimulating the formation of glucuronate from UDP-
glucuronate through a direct action on UDP-glucu-
ronidase. A more exciting possibility would be that the
control is exerted downstream on GLO. If this were
the case, glutathione depletion should enhance the con-
version of l-gulonolactone to vitamin C. Finally, one
has also to consider the theoretical possibility that the
glutathione-depleting agents might act by slowing
down vitaminC degradation.
Recycling of vitamin C
As described in the introduction, ascorbate plays
major roles as a water-soluble antioxidant and as a
cofactor of several enzymes, which lead to its one-
electron oxidation to SDA. Disproportionation of
SDA (2 SDA fi ascorbate + DHA), in turn, results
in the formation of DHA. Both SDA and DHA are
reduced back to ascorbate by several enzymatic sys-
tems that are briefly reviewed below and schematized
in Fig. 3.
Reduction of semidehydroascorbate
The reduction of SDA in the cytosol has been assigned
to enzymes using NADH (NADH-cytochrome b
reductase) or NADPH (thioredoxin reductase). SDA
can also be reduced in the lumen of neuroendocrine
secretory vesicles or in the external medium by trans-
membrane electron transfer systems.
C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen VitaminC metabolism andrecyclingin mammals
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 9
NADH-cytochrome b
Early studies showed that oxidation of NADH by liver
microsomes was stimulated in the presence of SDA,
and microsomal NADH-cytochrome b
reductase was
proposed to participate in the electron transfer system,
since the purified enzyme itself was able to reduce
SDA in the presence of NADH [89]. Ito et al. [90]
showed that, in rat liver, most of the NADH-depend-
ent SDA reductase activity is localized in the outer
mitochondrial membrane. Some activity could be
detected in the nuclear and microsomal fractions. Inhi-
bition of the mitochondrial SDA reductase activity
with specific antibodies suggested participation of
NADH-cytochrome b
reductase and of a cyto-
chrome b
-like protein of the outer mitochondrial
membrane [90].
NADH-cytochrome b
reductase is an FAD-con-
taining enzyme [91,92], which exists as a 300 amino
acid membrane-bound form and a 275 amino acid
soluble form [93]. The membrane-bound protein is
located mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum and the
outer mitochondrial membranes, but a small fraction
of the enzyme is apparently also associated with
the plasma membrane [94]. Its C-terminal catalytic
domain (275 amino acid residues) is oriented
towards the cytosol [95]. The soluble form (identical
to the catalytic domain of the membrane-bound form)
of the protein is found mainly in erythrocytes, where
it is involved in the reduction of methaemoglobin
[95]. Fibroblasts of a patient with methaemoglobinae-
mia due to a mutation in the NADH-cytochrome
reductase gene were shown to be deficient in
NADH-dependent SDA reductase activity [96], which
confirms the involvement of this enzyme in SDA
An NADH-linked soluble SDA reductase was also
purified from rabbit lens, but the N-terminal sequence
of a peptide fragment prepared from this protein
did not show significant similarity with any known pro-
tein sequence [97]. This suggests that, besides NADH-
cytochrome b
reductase, additional NADH-dependent
enzymes may participate in SDA reduction.
Thioredoxin reductase
Purified rat liver thioredoxin reductase, a selenopro-
tein, was shown to catalyze the NADPH-dependent
reduction of SDA with a K
value (in the presence
of thioredoxin, which acts as an activator) of 3 lm
for this radical [98]. NADPH-dependent reduction of
SDA was also demonstrated in dialyzed cytosolic
Fig. 3. Recycling of vitamin C. VitaminC is transported into the cell under its reduced (ascorbate) and oxidized (DHA) forms by active and
facilitative transport systems (shown in blue), respectively. The utilization of ascorbate as an antioxidant or enzyme cofactor leads to the for-
mation of SDA in the cytosol, neuroendocrine secretory vesicles and the extracellular medium. Various enzymatic systems (represented in
green) reconvert SDA to ascorbate. Intracellular DHA, arising through disproportionation of SDA or import from external sources, can also be
reduced back to ascorbate by several enzymes (shown in red) or through spontaneous reaction with GSH (not shown). DHA, dehydroascor-
bate; GSTO, Omega class glutathione S-transferase; 3a-hydroxysteroid DH, 3a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; PDI, protein disulfide iso-
merase; SDA, semidehydroascorbate.
Vitamin C metabolism andrecyclinginmammals C. L. Linster and E. Van Schaftingen
10 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 1–22 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
[...]... (2006) Senescence marker protein 30 functions as gluconolactonase in l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis,and its knockout mice are prone to scurvy Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 57235728 48 Kanagasundaram V & Scopes R (1992) Isolation and characterization of the gene encoding gluconolactonase from Zymomonas mobilis Biochim Biophys Acta 1171, 198200 49 Yamaguchi M (2005) Role of regucalcin in maintaining cell homeostasis... transiently formed in the presence of H2O2 [140], indicating that the reaction proceeds by successive cleavage of the bonds between C1 and C2 , and C2 and C3 It was speculated that the highly reactive ketose, l-erythrulose, if formed in vivo, could play a role in ascorbate-dependent modications of protein observed in vitro and proposed to occur in vivo in human lens during diabetic and age-onset cataract formation... selenium-decient rats, which have low ( . ARTICLE
Vitamin C
Biosynthesis, recycling and degradation in mammals
Carole L. Linster and Emile Van Schaftingen
Catholique de Louvain, Christian. deficient in
oxidase; GLO KO mice,
L-gulonolactone oxidase knockout mice.
Vitamin C metabolism and recycling in mammals C. L. Linster and