accompanying burst of flavor? That’s why I keep kosher salt next to my stove and cutting board and a large-crystal sea salt on my dining-room table * To be fair, “cook” is a pretty generous term Spatulawielding monkey is more like it † McGee was not actually the first to debunk this theory, but it was the first time anybody took real notice ‡ Alright, Smarty-Pants Yes, at high enough temper-atures, metals will melt into very dense liquids, and yes, Even Smartier-Pants, mercury is a very dense metal that is liquid even at room temperature Got that out of your system? OK, lets move on Đ I just made this fact up ả Fuzzy logic is an obscure branch of logic used in control theory, artificial intelligence, and rice cookersthe only thing that these three have in common # Yepits totally safe to use metal bowls in a modern microwave Just dont throw any foil, fork or other sharp objects in there: pointed objects can cause electrical arcing ** Remember levers from fourth grade? Class 3 is when the fulcrum is at one end (that’d be the hinge in the tongs), the load is at the other (yep, that’s the food), and the effort is applied in the center (where you grip the tongs) It’s a much better design than scissor-like class-1 lever tongs, which have very limited gripping power and don’t open wide enough †† The fridge, not the underwear ...wide enough †† The fridge, not the underwear