Quyển sách tiếng anh trình bày về các phương pháp,kỹ năng và nghệ thuật trong phỏng vấn xin việc.Quyển sách rất thích hợp cho sinh viên mới ra trường cũng như những người muốn có công việc tốt hơn.
[...]... (what you are expected to take with you and whether you will have to take some sort of test); who will interview you or meet you on arrival (not always supplied); 4 / PASS THAT INTERVIEW how and when you are expected to confirm or decline attendance (by phone, email or in writing) Existing commitments on the day of the interview Right at the start you may see difficulties you need to sort out The most... have to accept that this may not be possible In the unfortunate turn of events when two interviews are set for exactly the same time, you have to be prepared to decide which job is the one which appeals to you more Most employers are not prepared to vary an interview date for the benefit of the opposition 6 / PASS THAT INTERVIEW Time may be limited, so if you want to ask for a revised date, or ask... the interview location If you have applied to join a national company, for instance, you may well be asked to attend for interview at a regional or district office a long way from home If this is the case you need to be aware of precisely what is involved Travel arrangements Check your route and work out how much time you need to allow for the journey with plenty of time to spare This 8 / PASS THAT INTERVIEW. .. who are properly qualified to administer them, either occupational psychologists or YOU ARE I N V I T E D TO A T T E N D / 13 accredited users who have reached the standards required by the British Psychological Society (EPS) Tests are often arranged at a different time and date from the interview Sometimes they are even held at a different venue, so you have to be prepared to make the necessary... concerns over how you will be accommodated, either in the workplace or during the interview, it is always better to check The last thing you want is to arrive for interview faced with unexpected and unwelcome problems which can be both unnecessary and distressing YOU ARE I N V I T E D TO A T T E N D / 11 Use the same telephone procedure suggested for rearranging the interview date If necessary - such... than good Other things you might be asked to bring with you include: a pen (not felt-tip) a calculator Regardless of the situation, it is always best to have a pen (preferably one with black ink) and paper with you You may need to use both at some stage during a test or interview, and not having either when they are needed can unsettle your concentration What if my interview involves tests? You can expect... where you are required to have accuracy, speed or an ability to use figures These are called aptitude tests Sometimes you will be expected to take a general intelligence test or one which is designed to highlight your personality traits or motivational drives, if these factors are considered important for the job These tests are sometimes called psychometric tests They have to be carried out by people... Road Chillingham CHS 9XQ Telephone: (0123 4) 70707 Fax: (0123 4) 70717 My Ref: ET(T) /ED/ 357/PE/td Your Ref: This matter is being dealt with by: Mrs P Edwards Ext: 2439 16 December 20XX Dear Maxine Appointment of Engineering Technician (Trainee) Thank you for your recent application for the above post at our Martonby engineering site You are invited to attend for interview at the Engineering Divisional... more than one person is involved); their official title; and the position held within the organisation Why is this important? It tells you how many people you can expect to meet in the interview room so you are not taken aback by the unexpected It gives you the names and official titles of your interviewers which can be memorised beforehand and used to good effect during the interview It tells you who... up-to-date information Judith Johnstone This page intentionally left blank 1 You Are Invited to Attend LOOKING AHEAD Congratulations on overcoming the first hurdle of any job search - the selection process which decides who will, and who will not, be interviewed This means you have already adopted the right approach submitting an application which measures up to the high standard expected by your potential . Copyright 2005 Judith Johnstone First published in fifth edition paperback 2005 Reprinted 2000 Reprinted 2002 Sixth edition 2005 First published in electronic. received with their application forms. Ill-prepared candidates waste everybody's time - including of course their own. xi xii / PASS THAT INTERVIEW In