butterscotch The Development of Off-Flavors The flavor of good fresh milk can deteriorate in several different ways Simple contact with oxygen or exposure to strong light will cause the oxidation of phospholipids in the globule membrane and a chain of reactions that slowly generate stale cardboard, metallic, fishy, paint-like aromas If milk is kept long enough to sour, it also typically develops fruity, vinegary, malty, and more unpleasant notes Exposure to sunlight or fluorescent lights also generates a distinctive cabbage-like, burnt odor, which appears to result from a reaction between the vitamin riboflavin and the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine Clear glass and plastic containers and supermarket lighting cause this problem; opaque cartons prevent it Unfermented Dairy Products Fresh milk, cream, and butter may not be as prominent in European and American cooking as they once were, but they are still essential ingredients Milk has bubbled up to new prominence atop the coffee craze of the 1980s and ’90s Milks Milk has become the most standardized of our basic foods Once upon a time, people lucky enough to live near a farm could taste the pasture and the seasons in milk fresh from the cow City life, mass production, and stricter notions of hygiene have now put that experience out of reach Today nearly all of our milk comes from cows of one breed, the black-and-white Holstein, kept in sheds and fed year-round on a uniform diet Large dairies pool the milk of hundreds, even thousands of cows, then pasteurize it to eliminate microbes and homogenize it to ... prominence atop the coffee craze of the 1980s and ’90s Milks Milk has become the most standardized of our basic foods Once upon a time, people lucky enough to live near a farm could taste the pasture and the seasons in milk fresh from the. .. pasture and the seasons in milk fresh from the cow City life, mass production, and stricter notions of hygiene have now put that experience out of reach Today nearly all of our milk comes from cows of one breed, the black -and- white Holstein, kept in sheds and. ..Fresh milk, cream, and butter may not be as prominent in European and American cooking as they once were, but they are still essential ingredients Milk has bubbled up to new prominence atop the coffee craze of the 1980s