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英语流行口语词典 胡 零 谷 约 编著 上海交通大学出版社 书 名:英语流行口语词典 作 者:胡零 谷约 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 出版日期:2004 ISBN:7 313 03481 4/H319 9 61 定 价:15 00� 前 言 英语学习有相当[.]

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ( En ter tainment & Sports ) ( Ma rriage & Love ) 43 ( T r avel & T nspor tation) 63 ( Food & Healt h) 103 ( Medical Car e & Insurance) 133 ( Com pu ter & In ternet ) 159 ( Mobile Phone & T elecomm unication ) 175 ( Job) 187 ( Shopping) 201 ( Real Estate ) 217 ( Com pus Life) 231 ( H olidays & Festivals ) 255 ( Cul ture Difference) 265 ( Expressions on Feelings) 281 ( Abbr eviation For ms ) 295 ( Idioms ) 309 319 movie buff tick et-box/ counte r/ tick et office A: I wan t two tickets for Titanic tonight, please H ow much are t hey ? half price for ch ildren st ud ent r ate comedy t ragedy science fiction horror film car toon romance film action movie mar tial ar t movies , ? B: 40 Yuan a piece, but sorry it s sold out H ow about tomorrow night ? 40 , , ? A: Fine Do you have students rate ? , ? B: No, I m afraid not cost ume drama a remake of an old movie two t humbs up make a h it a big box-office hit pir ated copy A: Do you have anything in the first five rows ? ? B: Yes We have a few seats available , Later s pecial effect sound effect A: Want to watch Titanic wit h me tomorrow night ? visual effect t heme song ? leading act or/ actr ess B: Sounds good You know I m a movie buff s uppor ting actor/ act ress Titanic was a big boxoffice hit I had watched st unt man the pirated copy at home producer , director , togra ph er screenwrite r dubbing r eview preview premier e A: The sound effects and visual effects in cinema will be quite different I love the theme song film festival A: What the letters G, sta nd for PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 G ( gener al a udiences) stand for ? PG ( par ental guide G, PG, PG-13 , R NC-17 s uggested) ? PG-13 ( par ent st rongly B: That s how the movies in cau tioned) the United States are rated R( rest ricted ) For instance, PG-13 means NC-17 ( no ch ildren that children under age 13 unde r 17) can t see PG-13 movies minors without being accompanied acco mpany by their parents Minors unde r a ny circumstances cannot see NC-17 movies under any circumstances violence , nudit y PG-13 13 r ated movie sex adult t heme PG-13 banned movie in appropriate NC-17 A: I see c hannel r emo te cont rol T V series commer cials A: What you usually watch at home ? ? B: Almost everyt hing I m a couch-potato live television quiz show variety show A: I love quiz shows and talk shows talk show host couch-po tato B: I think quiz shows are too much complicated for me The hosts speak too fast soap opera sitco m a r e-run s ub title/ ca ption , A: Could I switch to Channel 3, if you don t mind ? , ? B: Not at all What s Channel ? st rik er/ goal- scorer st ring st riped st roke st rong liquor st ubborn st ud ent ID st ud ent r ate st ud ent union st unt ma n st yle checke r st ylish st ylish fr ame s ublet/ sublease s ub mit s ubsidiary office s ubstitu te s ub title/ ca ption s ubway s uc h shor t no tice s uga rca ne s uit s upe rvisor s uppor ting actor/ act ress s urc harge s urf s urgeon s urgical ope ration ( 39 ) s urvey s us pend s wa y s weat s weet a nd sour s weet du mplings s weet po tatoes s wimming pool s wimsuit s witchboa rd s wollen sy mphony or chest sy mpt om synt hetic fabric syrup system fail ur e T table clo th table lam p table tablets T aic hi tailgating take a temper ature take blood pr ess ur e take lead take medication 39 take one s time T ake your marks Go take-ho me pay take-ou t talk show talkative tangerine tap dance tasteful tasteles s tat too T aurus tax-free taxi/ ca b tea set teahouse team r ace team tease tec hnical infringemen t tec hnician teetotaler teleconfe rence teleconfe rencing telephone bill telephone di rect ory assistance telephone regist ration temp 39 , temple tempo temp ting tenan t tennis ter m terrified out of one s mind terrified out of one s wits test tex t adve nt ur e game tex t mes sag e T nk goodnes s T nks bu t we ll pas s T nksgiving T t won t T t s blac kmail T t s enough t he Britis h Museum t he cashie r s t he Dra gon Boat Festival t he first day cove rs t he flowe r girl t he Forbidden Cit y t he G rea t Wall t he Im perial Palace t he IOC E valua tion Commission t he KFC t he Lan tern Festival 39 , t he McDonald s t he Mid- Aut um n Festival t he Na tural H istory Museum t he Potala Palace t he power of t he le nses t he Pure Br igh tn ess Festival t he r ing-beare r t he server gets t he point t he Summe r Palace t he T em ple of Heaven t he T erracotta Warriors t he T owe r of L ondon t he usual place t he vault t he World Cup t heme song T he re she goes again t hesis t hin T his is com plimenta ry T his is no th ing/ no big deal T his is on me T his is on t he house t hree red lights t hree steps t hree white ligh ts t hree-poin ter line t hrill 39 t hrow up/ ba rf/ vomit Tib et tick et boot h tick et confi rm tick et counte r tick et inspect or tick et stud tick et-box/ counte r/ ticket office tie the knot tigh t schedule tigh t time display/ world time time ou t timek eepe r timid Tin Wedding tinnit us tip tipsy title index title to be crazy abou t to be in fantastic for m to be in favor of to be in good sha pe to be in heaven/ wal k on air to be left on t he bench to be on a tie 40 / 10 to be out of love to be troubled by injury problems T oday s my lucky day today s specialt y toilet token tone-deaf too good to be true tooth ach e tooth-brush tooth-paste toothpick toppings top-seeded torch r elay torn book to tal touch screen touch th e wall tough tower t rack even ts t rack t raditional customs T r afalga r Squa re t raffic ligh ts t raffic rules t ragedy 40 t ramca r t ranquil t ranscrip t t ransfer t ransit loung e t ransit p assenger t ravel a gency t ravel e xpenses t ravel insura nce t ravel t rial jum p t riat hlon t rick-or- t rea t t rim t rimester t ripod t rolleybus t rophy t rue or false t ry on T ube t uition t une-up t urkey t urn around t urn on t he meter t urn so meone on t utorial 40 t uxedo T V series twin two full-day tour two of a k ind two t humbs up U ulce r ult rasound um pire unb elievable unbu tton uncompleted house unde r a ny circumstances unde r budget unde rgra dua te unde rground unde rlin ed unde r-loaded unde rpas s unde rstudy unde rweigh t undo unique unit unive rsit y of libe ral ar ts unive rsit y of science 40 unive rsit y of t he r unless unseeded player up and running upda te upgra de upp er-ber t h upp ercu t upset st omach upside down urine sam ple used books user ID ushe r usual price u tensils u tilities , V vacancy vacation Valentine s Day valid vanilla variety show vault vee r veil , 40 vending machine Ve rsailles vetera n playe r vibration-aler t system video cam video phone view finde r view villa vinegar violate t raffic rules violence violet violin virgin Virgo virus Visa ca rd vision center/ optical visiting hour visiting professor visual effect vitamins voca tional school volley volu me volunta ry work volunteer 40 vomit/ throw up W wages wake-up call walk a rm in ar m walk someon e ho me walk-in closet walking race wallp aper waltz ward wardrobe Warez war m iron war m-up exercise warr ant y cer tificate warr ant y watch tongue water melon water-proof Wax M useum weave Web website wedding a nniversary wedding gown wedding rece ption 40 wedding ring weekend excursion weekly magazine weigh t-lif ter weigh t-loss tea welfa re Well done well don e well-matched well-paid welterweight Westminster Abbey Wha t a pit y/ shame Wha t is it t his time ? Wha t n erve ! Wha t s good he re ? w heel alignment w hen is th e baby due w hen is th e bles sed even t w het one s appetite w hite coffee w hite-colla r worker w holesale store wide wild ca rd will power win one s h ea rt window 67 , ? ! ? 40 window sea t window-shopping windsh ield wine winner wisdom teeth withdrawal of one s driving license within budget witness wont ons Wood Wedding woodca rving woolen word coun t word limit work over time workaholic world r ankings worm worsen would-be wife/ husba nd Wow ! w restling w rinkles w rite a tick et X X-r ay 40 Y Yahoo ! yellow pag es yield seats to the elderly and handica pped Yoga You can t have everyth ing your own way you can t mis s it You have a point he re You m ust be joking You re being too greedy You re mista ken a bout You ve done t he righ t thing Z zebra cros sing zip disks zippe r 40

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 13:22
