Osho Shango Magic table: d20 Effect blink fireball lightning bolt binding earth* call lightning control weather chain lightning earthquake blade barrier 10 scorching ray *See Advanced Race Guide d20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 damage/2 levels, 10d8 maximum) damage, save for half Any ships caught within the swell are heavily damaged unless their pilots make a (DC Damage taken) Profession (navigator) check and will sink in 10 minutes if the check fails and the damage is not repaired Effect mage armor (self) magic missile dimension door fly cloudkill prismatic spray hold person charm person fear protection from energy (self) Thundercloud Wall School conjuration Level cleric/oracle 5, sorcerer/wizard Casting Time: standard action Components: V, S, M (a drum stick) Range: close (30ft +5ft/level) Effect a wall of clouds, see text Duration: Concentration, up to round+ round/level Save Fortitude (partial), see text; SR no Description You create a wall of thunderclouds and lightning on a solid surface within range You can make the wall up to 60 ft long, 20 ft high, and ft thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 ft in diameter, 20 ft high, and ft thick The wall is nearly opaque (grants partial concealment to anyone more that feet ) and lasts for the duration Destruction Osho Shango can be destroyed if pinned between two enormous boulders and struck by 100 bolts of lightning New Spells The following are new spells drawn from the 5E text Many of the spells detailed there already exist in the Pathfinder ruleset; these are the new spells which have no effective analog in the game When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Fortitude save A creature in the wall when it appears and at the end of their turn takes 3d8 sonic damage plus 2d8 electricity damage, save for half damage Frostbolt School evocation Level sorcerer/wizard Casting Time: standard action Components: V, S Range: medium (100 ft +10ft/level) Effect one bolt of ice Duration: Instantaneous Save Fortitude partial; SR yes One side of the wall, selected by you when you cast this spell, deals 3d8 force damage plus 2d8 electricity damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 ft of that side or inside the wall, save for half damage A creature takes the same damage when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there The other side of the wall deals no damage Description You summon a bolt which consists of magical ice which races at a target The bolt does 2d8 cold damage (plus 1d8/2 levels, maximum 5d8) and produces numbing cold which grants the slowed condition on a successful hit (Fortitude save negates the condition) Make a ranged attack against a target in range On a successful hit, if the target fails the first save, they must make a save the next round or gain the immobilized condition The target may make a Fortitude save at the end of each of its turns to negate both conditions Sea Swell School transmutation Level cleric/oracle 5, sorcerer/wizard Casting Time: standard action Components: V, S Range: medium (100 ft +10ft/level) Effect 100-ft burst Duration: Instantaneous Save Reflex (partial), see text; SR no Description You call upon the sea to whip up furious waves and potentially damage ships and other man-made floating objects within range Choose any point within range to create 30 ft high waves in a 100 ft radius that crash into the objects or creatures that you target Ships within the area of effect will sustain damage Each creature within the affected area that are on deck or otherwise exposed to the waves must make a Reflex save or take (1d8 bludgeoning 74 Appendix