appendix Artifacts, Items & Spells The following are special items associated with some members of this text They might be discovered, lent, or recovered by the characters Excalibur (Artifact) Aura strong abjuration and transmutation; CL 20th; Slot none; Weight lbs Destruction The Feather of Dominance can be destroyed if plunged into the heart of a dying advanced phoenix dominated by the Feather Description A legendary +5 holy vorpal bastard sword with a cerulean scabbard, it usually remains protected by Vivienne Excalibur ignores all resistance to damage reduction, its blade has a faint blue glow and its fittings are simple steel and wire Life Feather Aura strong conjuration; CL 20th; Slot none; Weight none Description A sacred eagle feather, one of two, that Nayenezgani has blessed with divine energy Three times per day, the possessor may choose to cast from the following spells as standard actions which not provoke attacks of opportunity: greater restoration, heal, lesser restoration, and true resurrection No material components are necessary for these effects The possessor of the sword is the constant center of a zone of truth effect This effect has an effective caster level of 20, ignores spell resistance, and has a Will DC of 32 If the zone is somehow suppressed or dispelled, it resumes one hour later Excalibur's possessor is immune to all slashing and bludgeoning damage except from deific or deific avatar sources Excalibur grants a +4 competence bonus to Charisma and to Leadership, and a +8 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks Destruction The Life Feather can be destroyed by using its power to cast true resurrection on a demon prince of undead, a deific avatar of the underworld, and a murdered king, all in one day Destruction Excalibur rusts away to nothing if it is used to behead the living King of Camelot Osho Shango (Artifact) Aura strong universal; CL 20th; Slot none; Weight lbs Ramifications Excalibur is the symbol of Camelot and its prosperity Possessing the sword entitles the bearer to be king The nation itself would rise up to recover it if stolen If taken in rightful combat, they would recognize the new bearer as king Description Osho Shango is the semi-sentient magic staff carried by Shango, possessing wild and unpredictable magic It is a +5/+5 quarterstaff if used as a weapon It casts spells randomly once per round on its initiative Osho Shango's spellcasting cannot be disrupted Roll on the table below to determine which spell it will cast It also stands as a symbol of courtly love, and slowly reshapes its bearer to those ideals Anyone wielding the sword for more than a month finds their alignment shifting to Lawful Good; first on the Good axis, then on the Lawful axis This change is permanent Osho Shango’s effective caster level is 20, and its save DC is (20+spell level) Osho Shango’s AC is 22, hardness 20, and 165 hit points It is immune to all spells 4th level or lower as well as bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from nonmagical weapons If it needs to make an unattended saving throw, it has a +10 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Willpower saves It has the evasion special ability and is immune to mind-affecting effects Feather of Dominance Aura strong enchantment; CL 20th; Slot none; Weight none Description One of the magic feathers which Nayenezgani blessed, this item has the power to control monsters and destroy undead Three times per day, the feather can be used to cast dominate monster at a target within sight (Caster Level 20, DC 30) Additionally, it may be used to immobilize undead monsters Twice per day, the possessor may choose an undead creature within sight The target must succeed on a DC 30 Fortitude save or gain the Paralyzed condition for one hour Any spell cast requiring a saving throw affects or is centered on the closest hostile enemy to Shango If Osho Shango is released, it hovers within ft of the owner It has a movement speed of 10 ft If the owner moves away from the space, Osho Shago follows The staff must be within ft of the owner to cast spells If the owner is incapacitated or dies, the staff falls to the ground When reduced to zero HP, Osho Shango dissipates into a fine mist and disappears, and cannot take form again for day At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Fortitude save On a success, the effect ends on the target Appendix 73