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DREDAN realm of metal and myth campaign 195

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imploded to 1/100th its original size This implosion broke off several chunks of landmasses that began orbiting the dense core The atmosphere stayed intact and the air is breathable The gravity of Koradin is average and is as typical planets, always pulling towards the core Storms form and water rains towards the center core running in waterfalls down each of the floating landmasses until it reaches the core where it is evaporated A Felonian artist once said, “Only in this place can one witness true beauty that only nature can create Rainstorms create waterfalls that cascade from one floating landmass to the next, which seem as endless ribbons of liquid light.” Bardu is the current system capital according to the Mandorians because they hold the major percentage of offered contracts for the Oaud system Bardu is the largest floating landmass in Koradin and is populated with nearly every humanoid race This population of over 10 million humanoids is lead by a Noble Djinni by the name of Sheik Barduair Ahlakoradin Barduair is fascinated by the BLU race, employs them as his personal staff, and is often found experimenting and researching with them on all aspects of their technology The more technology the Sheik acquires from the Mandorians and BLU, the more Jusay crystals he gives up, and there is plenty to spare It is rumored that one of the landmasses floating around the core is nothing more than a ripped out chunk of Jusay the size of an “Armadan” class battlecruiser No one has ever seen this mass…yet Oaud system is barely regulated as far as Mandorian law is concerned The Oaud system consists of two governments, one on each of its two planets Both governments have contracts with the Mandorian Empire and mine Jusay crystals for the Mandorians The Oaud system is on the brink of a system civil war for the complete control of the Jusay contracts and shipping rights to the Kai system The Mandorian government does not involve themselves in the civil politics of the system unless the shipments of Jusay not reach Kai As long as the shipments are received the Mandorians ignore the heated politics between these two planets KORADIN (THE AIR PLANET) Distance from sun: Inner system orbit, 100,000,000 km Planetary Capital City: Bardu The makeup of Koradin is similar to the Elemental Plane of Air Koradin does not have one large land mass, but consists more of large floating landmasses Much evaluation and study has gone into the makeup of Koradin and scientists cannot conclude why the pieces of land and the atmosphere stays intact and continues to orbit Oaud’s sun Most of the population of Koradin is either a descendant of an air elemental or has air elemental traits Most of the pure Koradin natives have the supernatural ability of flight Mandorians have studied this race of humanoids for centuries and still cannot comprehend how this flight is achieved Many of the major cities that house the population of Koradin reside on the large landmasses that spin around a dense rock core in the center of this “planet” The core’s mass is the size of a large asteroid, however the density of the rock if expanded would be the size of the entire planet One theory of the creation of this planet is that the land mass KUIDU (THE EARTH PLANET) Distance from sun: Inner system orbit, 100,000,000 km Planetary Capital City: Tolu 194

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:57

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