the crystal Due to the energy output of Class A crystals, personal weapons cannot be fitted with class A crystals Only power plants are able to harness the energy of a class A Jusay Crystal A weapon with a setting of would need times the power requirements in crystals to be able to fire the weapon on a setting of once per round TL: This is the minimum technology level required to manufacture or purchase such an item Cost: Price in gp/cr to purchase these weapons This price does not include the Jusay crystals ROF: Rate of fire The number of rounds that may be fired during a standard attack action in the following format; Single shot/burst fire/automatic fire Setting: Each weapon has a power setting This setting uses more power to increase the damage or saving throw of the specific type of weapon These specific weapons cannot run on battery or conventional power packs due to the nature of the weapon’s effects These weapons (except for Stunners and Arc) must use Dark Jusay crystals If a weapon’s EP requirement equals the Jusay power output, that weapon can fire once per round without draining the crystal A setting of on the pistol takes times the EP power output If the crystal’s maximum EP can only support a setting level of 1, then a setting of would drain the crystal The next time you fire, the crystal would have to make a saving throw or be destroyed due to burn up See Chapter 4: Utilization of Jusay Power, for detailed descriptions of how much power each crystal has and the details on how this process works Weight: Weight in grams (g) or kilograms (kg) Range: The range increment for this weapon Most technology weapons have a range increment of 10 bands, Jusay powered weapons have a maximum range of bands extinction The weapons listed in this section are mainly used by the VOID to assist in the harvesting of the recipients for the BioCycles to increase their army The Mandorians and BLU have copied this technology and created the Stunner and Arc Weapons that utilize Jusay crystals instead of the Dark Jusay Anyone caught with a Dark Jusay weapon in Mandorian controlled space is considered an enemy of the Mandorian Empire If this person is apprehended with no resistance, a lighter sentence of life on a maximum security planet is enforced Any resistance during the arrest process is punishable by death Other races might have obtained these weapons, but only because they have encountered the VOID and have discovered their true purpose, not to destroy, but to debilitate and harvest Most of these weapons, except for the Arc Weapons, if used on the VOID will not work, just because of the nature of the VOID race Being undead makes them almost immune to all of their weapon’s effects All of the following weapons not need to hit the Armor Class of a character These weapons, except for the arc weapons, fire using a ranged touch attack The AR of armor can still reduce the dice of damage dealt, but the effective AC of a character against these weapons is a touch AC The following pages have tables listing the different types of weapons developed by the VOID and use the following format: Type: The type of weapon is described here as well as the power requirements in Jusay crystals required to fire the weapon once per round on a setting of Jusay crystals give unlimited shots at a rate of 1/round, if you increase the setting on a shot, depending on your crystal EP output, you have the possibility of draining the crystal Please refer to Chapter for details on draining crystals The larger the crystal you put in the weapon, the less chance you have of draining 139