2 Time~-DonisinXlodt:ls of Continuous LTI-Systcun~ 24 times Irit erchanging ilic ordcr of iiilegrai ion and summation yidtls T h e labt s w n ove re(-ognise as T as in ( , ) >hcmx>t h c intcgial equation (2.4) is satisfied This sliom that the input and output signals of R ;ystcm in tli I1 indccct hdtisfy the tliffwcmtirtl equatiori (2.3) as wc lrad 1iol)ed xam Me will coiibtmict a block tliitgrHit1 for the eqiiiit ion 4.u- J j i - a y = - r { %I tte thc direct form 11 ltlocli cliagrani shown in Pigurc 2.4 dirt Pigure iiitcgrat ioii ( 12)