377 1.5.3 Signals with a One-sided Spectrum w Figine 15.4: Signal transrnissiorr with thc Hilbert ttransformazfsor be obtairied by filtering hoth of the real signals Re{x:,(t)} and Ixri{.Yz(f)} using a c~mtplt.,:band-pass RP, with trarisfrr function ( 1.40) 21F and the sampling interval 7‘= -w2 - w1 The signals s.3(t) and x d ( t ) produced are both complex signals and their corrihiriatiori yields tlrr signal sl(l),which has a one-sided spectrum The real part Rc{zl(f)} i s the real original sigrid ~ ( t > and , x ~ ( tand ) z l ( t )m i s t be combined accordingly