Psionics Transcended: The Power of Ki Evader Aura Moderate enchantment [psychoporation]; CL 8th Slot head; Price 51,600 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from silk, usually dyed emerald green, with an emerald crystal affixed to the material It allows use of the following spells: Catfall (1 charge) Hustle (1 charge) Fly* (2 charges) Freedom of movement* (2 charges) Wall walker (1 charge) The diadem has ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, catfall, hustle, fly, freedom of movement, wall walker; Cost 25,800 gp Fiery Ruin Aura Strong evocation [psychokinesis]; CL 11th Slot head; Price 51,600 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from reddish iron and is shaped into a twisted circlet studded with reddish crystals It allows use of the following spells: Energy blast (2 charges) Energy cone (1 charge) Energy missile (1 charge) Energy stun (1 charge) Fiery discorporation (2 charges) The diadem has ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, energy blast, energy cone, fly, energy missile, energy stun, fiery discorporation; Cost 25,800 gp Great Dominator Aura Moderate enchantment [telepathy]; CL 15th Slot head; Price 58,000 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from gray iron and is shaped into an intricately fluted crown It allows use of the following spells: Charm* (1 charge) Dominate* (2 charges) Suggestion* (1 charge) The diadem has ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, charm*, dominate*, suggestion*; Cost 29,000 gp Temporal Juggler Aura Strong transmutation [psychoportation]; CL 18th Slot head; Price 128,800 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from silk, usually dyed in several colors, with a clear crystal affixed to the material It allows use of the following spells: Temporal acceleration (2 charges) Time hop (1 charge) Timeless body (2 charges) The diadem has ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, temporal acceleration, charm*, time hop, timeless body; Cost 64,400 gp Traveler Aura Strong conjuration [psychoporation]; CL 8th Slot head; Price 83,800 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from silk, usually dyed emerald green, with an emerald crystal affixed to the material It allows use of the following spells: Astral traveler (1 charge) Dimension door* (1 charge) Teleport, greater* (2 charges) Teleport* (1 charge) The diadem has 25 ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, astral traveler, dimension door*, teleport, greater*, teleport*; Cost 41,900 gp Psionic Tattoos Developer's Note: With Fermia being a hunter/gatherer land, tribal tattoos fit right in better than potions Psionic tattoos are designs scribed on the skin that casts spells on their wearers and work essentially like potions The wearer does not get to make any decisions about the tattoo‘s effect (just like potions)—the spellcaster who scribed it has already done so Psionic tattoos can vary in size, but a creature can wear only a total of twenty tattoos at one time— attempting to add one more than this maximum causes all previously scribed tattoos to simultaneously activate An Psionic tattoo fades away after use Physical Description: A typical psionic tattoo is a colorful pattern of tiny, interlacing lines within a larger design This design can be as simple as a circle or a star, or as complex as an artist wishes to make it Once it is scribed, a tattoo‘s design does not change An psionic tattoo usually covers an area of skin no more than inches in diameter (larger ones could be designed, but would have no added effect) Scribing and Transferring Tattoos: The caster level of a psionic tattoo is the minimum level required to cast the scribed spell A tattoo can contain only spells of 3rd level or lower A psionic tattoo containing a spell inscribed on a wearer is potentially more mobile than a mundane tattoo 138