MAGIC Items and 250 gp per caster level of the item must be paid to add command thought activation for arcane and divine spells For example, to create a Diadem of Defense (based on the Staff of Defense, CL 15th, in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook) the creator would use Craft Diadem instead of Craft Staff, spend ki from their ki pool at completion, and increase the cost of materials by 3,750 gp This item will not have a ki pool for spell augmentation Astral Cohort Aura Strong conjuration [metacreativity]; CL 10th Slot head; Price 30,000 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from white silk interwoven with crystalline strands of thread It allows the use of the following spell: Astral construct (1 charge per ki cost) The astral construct created is based on the level of the caster with a ki cost up to a total of ki points The diadem has ki points for spell augmentation Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, astral construct; Cost 15,000 gp Astral Legion Aura Strong conjuration [metacreativity]; CL 18th Slot head; Price 74,800 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from red silk interwoven with crystalline strands of thread It allows the use of the following spell: Astral construct (1 charge per ki cost) The astral construct created is based on the level of the caster with a ki cost up to a total of ki points The diadem has ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, astral construct; Cost 37,400 gp Beast Aura Moderate transmutation [psychometabolism]; CL 11th Slot head; Price 67,200 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from a prickly collection of bear claws and snake fangs It allows use of the following spells: Claw of energy (2 charges) Duodimensional claw (1 charge) Prevenom (1charge) Psionic lion‘s charge (1 charge) Truevenom (2 charges) The diadem has ki points for augmentation Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, claw of energy, duodimensional claw, prevenom, psionic lion‘s charge, truevenom; Cost 33,600 gp Cautious Warrior Aura Strong abjuration [psychometabolism]; CL 11th Slot head; Price 62,800 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from a shining iron alloy, similar to the material of a metallic shield It allows use of the following spells: Adapt body (2 charges) Body adjustment (1 charge) Precognition, defensive (1 charge) Inertial barrier (2 charges) The diadem has ki points for spell augmentation Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, adapt body, body adjustment, defensive precognition, inertial barrier; Cost 31,400 gp Discerning Watcher Aura Moderate divination [clairsentience]; CL 11th Slot head; Price 77,100 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from pure transparent crystal It allows use of the following spells: Aura sight (2 charges) Clairtangent hand (2 charges) Clairvoyant sense (2 charges) Darkvision* (2 charges) Scrying (2 charges) True seeing* (2 charges) The diadem has ki points for augmentation and ki costs Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, aura sight, clairtangent hand, clairvoyant sense, scrying, true seeing*; Cost 38,550 gp Dominator Aura Moderate enchantment [telepathy]; CL 9th Slot head; Price 38,800 gp; Weight – Description This diadem is made from gray iron and is shaped into an intricately fluted band It allows use of the following spells: Charm* (1 charge) Dominate* (2 charges) Suggestion* (1 charge) The diadem has ki points for spell augmentations Construction Requirements Craft Diadem, charm*, dominate*, suggestion*; Cost 19,400 gp 137