ABILITIES ability score ability modifier temp adjustment SPELLS spells known temp modifier dr DEX wounds/current CON INT WIS bonus spells spells known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th total HP STR spell save level spells per dc day th nonlethal spell save level spells per dc day th bonus spells 6th 7th 8th 9th conditional modifiers CHA armor bonus total AC =10 + shield bonus + natural deflection mod armor size mod dex mod + + saving throws base save total ability modifier = + + + + REFLEX = + + + + WILL = + + + + = base + + + + modifiers + size modifier + 6TH + 10 total with armor SPEED INITIATIVE swim climb burrow 1ST misc temporary modifier modifier size modifier base attack strength dexterity bonus modifier modifier total CMD + 4TH 5TH SPELL RESISTANCE base attack strength bonus modifier = Domains/Specialty Schools 0TH modifiers BASE ATTACK BONUS total other modifiers misc temporary modifier modifier magic modifier FORTITUDE CMB misc mod + modifiers FLAT-FOOTED TOUCH fly + + dex mod = misc mod + 2ND temp modifiers 7TH temp modifiers COMBAT FEATS & ITEMS 8TH 3RD 9TH p.2 ©2014 William Moomaw | Imperiums Campaign Setting is a trademark of William Moomaw Permission granted to make copies for personal use only | www.imperiumscs.com p.7