MAGIC Items hardness of 8, and a break DC of 18 In all other ways, a dorje is considered a wand Activation: Dorjes (as all wands) use the spell-trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a dorje is usually a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity (If the spell being cast has a casting time longer than standard action, however, it takes that long to cast the spell from a dorje.) Wands created with psionic spells, or by adding the command thought ability, can be activated using a command thought instead of a command word or motion The user must have the spell on his class list, even if he knows the command thought or word Additionally, to activate a wand, a character must hold it in hand and point it in the general direction of the target or area to be affected Wands are normally created at the minimum caster level required to cast the spell, and spell that can be augmented are not augmented when stored in a wand A wand‘s wielder cannot augment the spell contained within the wand However, wands can be created at a higher spell level to add ki points for augmentation For each spell level added, the spell is augmented by ki point The wielder of the wand determines which augment is used when casting the spell A level psionic spell created as a 4th level wand has ki points available for augmentation each time the spell is cast All wands (psionic, arcane, and divine) can be created using the Craft Wand feat Augmented arcane and divine spells can be stored in a wand provided the crafter also has the appropriate Augment Arcane Spell or Augment Divine Spell feat Command Thought Activation: you can add the command thought activation to any arcane or divine wand in place of a command word or motion Craft Psionic Item; ki Cost = 1/2 caster level of item on the last day of construction; Price +250 gp per caster level if arcane or divine spells are used, not required for psionic spells Table 9-6: Dorje (Wand) Costs Minor 01-05 06-60 61100 — — Medium — — 01-60 Major — — — 61-100 — 01-60 61100 Spell Level1 1st 2nd Psion2 375 gp 750 gp 6,000 gp Psyker2 375 gp 750 gp 6,000 gp 3rd 4th 13,500 gp 24,000 gp 15,750 gp 30,000 gp Some wands have higher caster levels than the minimum spell level, which give them commensurately higher costs Any wand that stores a spell with an ki point cost also has an ki cost in addition to that noted here Rune Stones Developer's Note: I liked the idea of power stones, but wanted them to be a little more generic and workable for divine and arcane magic They kind of fit the lore of Fermia more than traditional scrolls A rune stone stores a spell A stored spell can be used only once, ―flushing‖ the stone Using a rune stone is basically like casting a spell Rune stones are essentially psionic versions of scrolls The spells are mentally imprinted on a stone instead of scribed on a scroll Some arcane and divine spellcasters have grown to embrace rune stones for their durability Physical Description: A rune stone is a thumb-sized chunk of crystal that possesses a barely detectable interior glow if it holds a low-level spell A stone imprinted with a higher-level spell glows more brightly, but never enough to provide illumination in its own right A typical rune stone has AC 7, hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 20 When held to scrutiny, a faint runic symbol is visible illuminating the stone The symbol is the signature of the crafter and forms during the imprinting process Activation: To activate a rune stone, a caster must mentally address it, as described below Once the spell is known, the rune stone is treated as a spell completion item, except as noted below Addressing the Stone: A rune stone must be ―addressed‖ before a character can use it or know exactly what spell it contains Doing this requires a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) Once a particular rune stone has been addressed, it is not necessary to so again Addressing a rune stone in advance lets a character proceed directly to the next step when the time comes to use it Using a stone‘s stored spell after addressing the stone requires holding the stone and willing the spell‘s casting, as if casting a spell normally (a standard action) Activating a rune stone is subject to disruption just as casting a spell normally would be Additionally, the user must meet the following requirements The user must have the spell on his or her class list The user must have the requisite key ability score If the user meets these requirements and has a caster level at least equal to the spell‘s caster level, she can automatically cast the stored spell without a check If she meets both requirements but her own level is lower than the rune stone‘s caster level, she has to make a spell level check (1d20 + user‘s level), against a DC equal to the rune stone‘s caster level +1, to cast the spell successfully On a failure, the user must succeed on a DC Wisdom check to avoid brainburn (see below) A natural roll of on this check is always a failure Determine Effect: A spell successfully cast from a rune stone works exactly as if cast normally Assume the rune 135