alignment tends to be considered a rebel and generally has a hard time advancing up the Mandorian social structure Origin: Mandorians reside in the systems throughout their empire The original Mandorians came from the Mandor System Languages: Mandorians speak common and any other languages they are able to learn due to a higher Intelligence score • • later time a Mandorian runs across an arcane or divine character and wants to learn the class, this is acceptable Acceptable Pathfinder Roleplaying Game starting classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue and Monk Acceptable T20 starting classes: All VOID [Undead subtype, negative energy subtype, partial syntech](TL 12) Mandorian Racial Traits The following are the traits of the Mandorian race • Human sub-type, no darkvision or lowlight vision • Being genetically enhanced humans, Mandorians not receive the bonus feat at level one and the extra skill points that other humans receive • Mandorian lifespan has been increased due to genetics by 50-100 years Their average lifespan is between 105-180 yrs old • Medium size creatures, no racial bonus or penalties due to their size • Base land speed 30 feet • Genetically enhanced, Mandorians receive a +2 racial bonus save against poison and disease • Mandorians know common and speak any other languages from the planet they were grown on • Ability adjustments: +1 Str or Dex, +1 Con, +1 Int or Wis, and -2 Cha (Due to the technology they wield and genetics they have adapted for each member of the race) • Favored class, all, as per human, no XP penalties for multi-classing • All Mandorian characters are tech level 15 and enjoy the benefits of a higher technology • Mandorians cannot start out as a divine or arcane spellcaster Mandorians come from a technologically advanced society that is based on science not magic If at a Little is known about this violent rigid race Very few of those that have encountered the VOID live to tell about their experiences Most scientists argue the fact that this is not a living race of beings at all The VOID are a technologically advanced race of undead syntechs The VOID society exists in a state of conquest This conquest is what has caused them to expand their territory and start to invade the other systems The purpose of the VOID is to acquire technology, magic, psionics, and enhance their race to continue to improve upon their tactics in battle and way of unlife The VOID are viewed by the “good” races of Dredan as an evil spreading menace Most of the interactions with the VOID end up in violent destruction and battle The original VOID creatures originated from a distant plane that the beings from DREDAN did not even know existed, until now A powerful being named Krondemek-Dredan found a gateway to the prime material plane Dredan Upon entering the gateway with his minions, he found a rare substance the inhabitants of this realm call Jusay Noticing the powerful positive material emanations from these rare crystals, he started his research on how he could enhance his abilities and those of his minions, to exact a hold and create his new reign Dredan is his for the taking and he wants to rule the realm 30