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Campaign guide plight of the tuatha (1) 70

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Chapter Five: Gamemaster Options their wealth Revith would make for an excellent encounter as he attempts to relieve such a player of showy items Smuj CR7 XP 3,200 Half-Orc Barbarian CN humanoid (half-orc) Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11 Defense AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +1 Dex, –2 rage) HP 106 (8d12+48) Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +5 Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2; DR 1/— Offense Speed 40 ft Melee +2 shocking burst longspear +17/12 (1d8+8/×3) or mwk spiked gaulntlet +15/10 (1d4+6/×2) Ranged mwk composite longbow +11/+6 (1d6+5/×3) Space ft.; Reach ft (10 ft with longspear) Special Attacks rage (21 rounds/day), rage powers (clear mind, knockback, quick reflexes, scent) Statistics Str 22, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12 Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +14; CMD 25 Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon Focus (longspear), Power Attack Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +12, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +11, Profession (Merchant) +2, Survival +9, Swim +11 Languages Imperial Standard, Orc, Triufiri, Ostyr SQ fast movement, orc ferocity Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear bracers of armor (+4), masterwork composite longbow (+5 Str) with 20 arrows, masterwork spiked gauntlet, +2 shocking burst longspear, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +2, climber’s kit, cart, donkey, 50 gp Base Statistics • When not raging, the barbarian’s statistics are AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14; HP 90; Fort +10, Will+2; Melee +2 shocking burst longspear +15/+10 (1d8+6/×3) or mwk spiked gaulntlet +13/+8 (1d4+4/×2) Ranged mwk composite longbow +11/+6 (1d6+3/×3); Str 18, Con 16; CMB +12; Skills Climb +10, Swim +9 Smujyr, known as Smuj by his friends, was born of conflict Smuj does not know much of his past, only that his mother left him at the door of the Brotherhood of Mirisi in the coastal city of Mirimum He was found wrapped in a rough spun cloth with a flower forged from iron and a hurriedly scribbled blood-stained note The note told of an attack by fierce man-beasts who came down from the Stadji Mountains and the destruction of a village The story told of a leader of these brutal men that had recently returned in search of the child For months, the Brotherhood engaged in small skirmishes against the bestial orcish men, protecting the child whose strangely formed features betrayed his dark origins It was a full six months of bloodshed before the raid attempts at Mirimum ceased and the child was safe Smuj spent the first dozen years of his life at the monastery The monks found him to be a passionate child who would throw himself completely into any task set before him Unfortunately with this passion came unruliness and single-mindedness the Brotherhood had difficulty guiding At the age of twelve, the unusually large Smuj left Smujyr Stormspear 69

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:38


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