Campaign Guide their own Taking the skills of language, natural magic, and metalworking taught to them by their guardians, they built a strong and successful civilization in their own right That was until the year 11973 AE when the Avitian Empire made great enough advances in seafaring to be able to cross the Tulmolic Ocean in safety Once the Avitians landed they began claiming great swaths of Tir Ydrail as their own For the last nearly 200 years, the invaders conquered or killed many of the tribes of Triufir Though well trained in battle, the Avatians came in such great numbers and with professional soldiers If the Triufir would have banded together it is possible that the Avitians would have determined the land too difficult to take and given up, but as the clans and cantreavs of the Triufir fought amongst each other weakening themselves as the Avitian legions marched forward For 130 years the Avitians slowly took over more and more of Triufiri land till even the great numbers of Avitians could not take anymore In the year 12142AE, the Avitians began construction on the massive Pliniusi Wall, completing it in 12157AE This wall was to mark the edge of Avitian influence in the land The Triufir now reside mainly beyond the wall, occupying only a quarter of the land that was once theirs The Ostmen Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Oracle, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer Common Races: Dwarf, Fomoire, Human Common Human Languages: Avitian Standard, Fomoire, Ostyr The Islands of the Ostmen are cold and rough, much like the people who call them home These seafaring people have carved a life upon the rocky shores and frigid oceans of the far north of the world Some live honestly by farming what they can in what poor soil that is available, herding cattle upon the few grass plains, or fishing the dark waters, but many supplement these honest labors by gathering on large ships and raiding villages and towns to the south It is said that the god Volsung Who Is Balar chose these islands for his home and his people will what is necessary in order to live near their god Three races (dwarves, fomoire, and humans) live on these islands which have devoted themselves to one of the two paths set forth by the dual god Volsung/Balar Additional Class Details Barbarian: Triufir who are drawn towards a martial calling tend towards the role of a barbarian As the Triufir believe that single combat is the most preferable form of fighting, and due to the limited amount of heavy armor to be found in the land of Tir Ydrail, the high hit points that come with this class helps them become a formidable combatant Bard: Bards are seen as some of the most important individuals in the land of Tir Ydrail As keepers of the lore of the Triufir, bards are often deferred to in the dispensing of justice as well as sought after for advice Bards are given free room and board by any of Triufir decent, though they are expected to make rulings on local issues Most people, including clan leaders, will try to stay on a bard’s good side Druid: Druids are the priests within Triufir society They are responsible for conducting rituals, give spiritual advice, and pass judgments in local legal matters for any village they pass through Their position is considered equal to any major clan and above the heads of most population centers of village or smaller in size Many druids claim an area of land overseeing several villages or cities which they regularly visit 20 Ostmen Islands