Uncommon Languages: Unknown Average Technology Level: Unknown TEGADA (SMALLEST ASTEROID) Asteroid Capital City: Tegada Hole Tegada has several large mining installations on it, Tegada Hole being the largest Tegada is a lawless and very rough asteroid which contains most of the smaller merchant mining houses in the Mandorian Empire Tegada has very few large Jusay deposits, but boasts several large metal veins spiraling deep into the depths of its core Almost every humanoid race can be found on Tegada all looking to score a rich vein for theirselves Tegada Hole sits on top of one of the largest veins of gold and silver in the realm Land right battles and mine claims are constantly being waged on the surface of Tegada Tegada Hole is suspected to be run by the underworld and is monitored closely by the Mandorian military Most of the crimes that have to with mining reside on Tegada Those miners that are prosecuted and convicted are sent to the prison system of Cien Little is known about the Prawnt system other than the existence of three planetary bodies and two gas giants in the system As far as any of the Mandorian scientists can tell, Prawnt is uninhabited and lifeless due to the absence of a star It is suggested that the Prawnt system is what is left over after an ancient star died However there is no evidence of a supernova and the three planetary bodies are stationary in the middle of uncharted space It is suspected that the smallest body in Prawnt known as Kutes consists mostly of pure obsidian The Mandorians had planned a research expedition to the Prawnt system until the VOID race was discovered This expedition was cancelled and the starships that were ready to go to the Prawnt system were sent towards the edges of the VOID and Mandorian borders VULL (Miniature galaxy?) Largest planetary body: Red Giant Star Other planetary bodies in system/galaxy: Estimated to be over a million Population: Unknown Notable Languages: Unknown Uncommon Languages: Unknown Average Technology Level: Unknown PRAWNT System Largest planetary body in system: Poiku Other planetary bodies in system: Deahua (Medium Body), and Kutes (Smallest Body) Population: Unknown Notable Languages: Unknown 222