Campaign Guide Skill Used: This is the skill the speaker will roll to determine the effectiveness of the tactic Difficulty: This is the number which the speaker will need to meet with their skill roll in order to successfully use that tactic The target’s defense bonus is determined by the tactic the speaker’s opponent chose in this bout This is added to the opponent’s indicated skill and a base of 10 • Defense Bonus: This number is added to the difficulty that the opponent will have to meet or exceed with their skill roll Damage: If the tactic is successful, this is the amount of damage done to the opponent’s Resolve Point total Speech: This is a guide to the type of roleplaying the tactic simulates • War of Words Tactics • Dialectics Skill Used: Interrogate Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Bluff bonus Defense Bonus: + Damage: 1d4 Speech: The speaking player begins asking questions which try to show the target that the opposite of what they are asking for is better for them than what they actually asked for • Dismiss Skill Used: Intimidate Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Interrogate bonus Defense Bonus: +6 Damage: 1d3 Speech: The speaking player states the uselessness of the target or their argument with satire and insult is mixed in • Fallacy Skill Used: Bluff Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Sense Motive bonus Defense Bonus: +4 Damage: 1d6 Speech: The speaking player uses faulty logic to lead their target into a verbal trap • Incite Skill Used: Intimidate Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Diplomacy bonus Defense Bonus: -2 60 • • • Damage: 1d8 Speech: The speaking player states inflammatory remarks in order to unsettle their target with the goal that they will make a mistake in the heat of the moment Point Skill Used: Diplomacy Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Interrogate bonus Defense Bonus: +6 Damage: 1d4 Speech: The speaking player states a reason for their argument Rebuttal Skill Used: Diplomacy Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Diplomacy bonus Defense Bonus: +8 Damage: 1d3 Speech: The speaking player states a reason against their opponent’s argument Recitation Skill Used: Any applicable Knowledge Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Intimidate bonus Defense Bonus: +10 Damage: 1d2 Speech: The speaking player begins to list off a series of facts in order to confuse their opponent or get them off topic Rhetoric Skill Used: Diplomacy Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s applicable Knowledge bonus Defense Bonus: +1 Damage: 1d6 Speech: The speaking player begins an impassioned speech appealing to the emotions of the target instead of their argument Sophistry Skill Used: Bluff Difficulty: 10 + target’s defense bonus + target’s Interrogation bonus Defense Bonus: +10 Damage: 1d2 Speech: The speaking player tries to take control of the argument by asking the target a chain of leading questions