the Felonians watch with their aquatic friends and carefully plan the fall of the VOID race on Dutwin Due to the hatred of the VOID that the Felonians and the Mandorians share, several Felonian and aquatic elf ambassadors have been dispatched to the Mandor system in hopes of alerting them to the growing VOID presence in Dutwin gravitational pull tugs on the planet equally keeping it stationary The surface of Dutwin is almost completely a desert The only reason it supports life is due to the massive underground lakes and rivers that flow beneath its surface keeping the planet’s surface temperature hospitable The VOID have conquered the many races that roamed the vast deserts, including a large sand elf civilization What the VOID have not conquered is the complex water system beneath the surface of Dutwin Just like Dutwin’s two suns, it also has two major civilizations The sand elves live in the deserts on the surface and the aquatic elves live in the lakes and rivers beneath the surface The aquatic elves currently remain hidden from the infestation of the planet’s surface, but they continually capture and study the new race of monsters that fall from the sky Piestu was once the capital city of the sand elf civilization and has a vast network of multi-storied buildings made out of a hardened sand clay mixture The center of Piestu is filled with a massive oasis that has large lakes of bubbling water Unknown to the VOID, these bubbling springs are the gateways to the aquatic elf empire From these springs the aquatic elves watch the surface in horror The elves of Dutwin have existed for thousands of years and have an alliance with the Felonians From the springs, HEMAFRUST System Capital Planet in system: Hemafrust Other planets in system: None Population: Unknown Notable Languages: Common and Infernal (Programmed language of the VOID) Uncommon Languages: Any Average Technology Level: 12 The Hemafrust system is so remote that even some of the VOID not know of its existence Hemafrust does however have a gas giant located within HEMAFRUST Distance from the sun: None Planetary Capital City: DroKac Hemafrust is the only planet in the Hemafrust system and boasts very little population It is suspected that there are large Jusay mines in operation by the VOID, but this has not been confirmed Hemafrust has no gravity and atmosphere and does not 214