Ikki’s surface is misleading if you are viewing it from orbit The entire surface has a red haze to it due to the caustic atmosphere and environment Ikki is wracked with acid and static storms, and its surface is extremely cold The atmosphere of Ikki is not made of air, but of several toxic gases that constantly react with each other Even the VOID have trouble existing on this planet for too long due to the atmosphere’s corrosive nature to metal There is however, a distinct race of humanoids that dwell on the surface of this harsh planet Quinteps are known only to live on this one planet and have existed without outside interference until now Quinteps have five long legs and a hard carapace of body plates covering their entire exoskeleton Quinteps are immune to all forms of acid and need to breathe the acidic gases to maintain their highly corrosive body systems The VOID have failed in their experiments so far to convert the Quinteps over to their race, primarily because their blood corrodes and destroys any syntenetic attachment they try to install on their exoskeleton Quinteps can use their blood and mix it with the soil of Ikki to create a strong resilient substance that they use to create almost anything they need to support their day-to-day life Quinteps are purely cannibalistic in nature and eat the weak of their race for sustenance For this reason the Quinteps never grow in numbers more than a few million on the surface of Ikki The VOID continue to research a syntenetic material mixed with Dark Jusay, using the soil and blood of the Quinteps to create a successful Bio-Cycle process for this race mines and plants used to process the precious Jusay they retrieve from the depths of the caves The VOID use Skulskel as a rendezvous point for their forces to stage attacks on the other planets of the system The Felonians have saved a few smaller clans of humanoids from VOID control enough to mount a small resistance on the planet in hopes of saving it from becoming another one of the dead worlds known throughout the VOID Empire CURRAUNTION Distance from sun: 400,000,000 km Planetary Capital City: Askern This cold planet has a very slow revolution about its axis and orbit around its sun This slow revolution brings violent meltdowns of the ice in the summer and hard freezing winters The summers on Currauntion bring an abundance of life for about months out of its 24 month cycle around the sun The other 20 month cycle is blasted by freezing cold winter storms These storms are so inclement that during some cold seasons they encompass the entire planet with enough cloud cover that a month warming season is skipped Almost the entire population of Currauntion consists of cold-based creatures or barbarian humanoid tribes that wander its surface following the summer as it moves across the planet There are large mountain ranges that exist all over Currauntion with gigantic valleys inbetween In these mountain ranges live many clans of giants and large monstrous humanoids The VOID use this planet to harvest the more powerful Synpiots they want to train MULTVA System Capital Planet in system: MulDaath Other planets in system: None, single planet system Population: Estimated 20,000,000,000 (mixed population) IKKI Distance from sun: 500,000,000 km Planetary Capital City: Quintepian 210