legged vehicle is destroyed, then the pilot has to purchase any additional equipment and or a new two-legged vehicle Auto Destruct: At 1st level when the pilot receives his VOID Hunter two-legged vehicle, his Spinal Node implant is scribed with a unique encrypted auto destruct code The auto destruct sequence can be only activated by the specific Spinal Node implant that matches the code implanted in the twolegged vehicle's computer system Upon activating the sequence (Pilot check DC 15), the VOID Hunter’s vehicle explodes in a 100’ radius dealing 1d6 damage per hit die of the two-legged vehicle Half of this energy is positive energy from the exploding crystals; the other half can be considered raw energy The pilot can set up the auto destruct sequence to delay equal to the number of rounds equal to + his Int modifier (Minimum of 1) Vehicle Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level the VOID Hunter receives the Vehicle Evasion feat for free Once per round a VOID Hunter can make a Drive, Pilot, or Acrobatics check to lessen the damage dealt by a successful attack against his two-legged vehicle If the check result exceeds the damage roll, the damage is reduced by half (Round fractions down, minimum of point of damage) Skill Focus (Drive): At 4th level the VOID Hunter receives the Skill Focus (Drive/Pilot) feat for free Skill Focus (Jump): At 6th level the VOID Hunter receives the Skill Focus (Acrobatics) feat for free This tactic is used often by the two-legged vehicles to land on their targets, including other vehicles Skill Focus (Gunnery): At 8th level the VOID Hunter receives the Skill Focus (Gunnery) feat for free Ranged Targeting: At 3rd level and every two levels after, the VOID Hunter receives a +1 bonus to hit with any ranged weapon (3rd level +1, 5th level +2, 7th level +3 and 9th level +4) This bonus applies to vehicle weapons only Improved Vehicle Evasion (Ex): At 10th level, the VOID Hunter Evasion ability improves A successful Drive, Pilot or Acrobatics check negates all damage dealt by the attack This feat can be used only to negate one attack per round VOID Creature Reaver The VOID Creature Reaver was developed by Krondemek-Dredan out of necessity once he came to the Dredan realm After destroying all of the life on VOID I, Krondemek began expanding his control to the neighboring systems On one of the larger planets in a system close to VOID I, Krondemek found a highly rich jungle environment that was exploding with life forms Expeditions were sent to the planet to explore the surface and many of his scout teams never returned One of these expeditions included a scout team with one of his Crommandant lieutenants Surprised by the power of the mundane animals that infested this planet, Krondemek developed a few specific VOID lieutenants to capture and adapt these dangerous animals to his service The lieutenants were highly successful in their endeavors creating animal syntechs that would follow their reaver masters Krondemek decided to include at least one Creature Reaver in each of his scout teams on future planetary conquests Creature Reavers are considered a bane to nature because they pervert the true animal form and corrupt those forms into undead monstrosities commanding them serve their own dark wills Many reavers have abandoned their standard forms of armored travel for a more mundane form of transportation, riding their creatures as mounts All Creature Reavers are specially picked by Dredan-Knights or Krondemek himself, and are tasked with the operation of the remote Bio-Cycle research facilities 60