Knowledge (arcana, local, the planes) all at +23, Intimidate +21, Perception +24, Stealth +20, Spellcraft +26, Use Magic Device +21 Gear +1 silken ceremonial armor Ecology Environment any (extraplanar) Organization always solitary Treasure standard Special Abilities Arcane Assessment (SU) The Arcadex can attempt a DC 15 Perception check against a single target as a full round action If this check is successful, the Arcadex learns whether the target can cast arcane spells, and if so, the target’s caster level If the Arcadex critically succeeds on this Perception check, the Arcadex is aware of the most powerful spell the caster currently has prepared Spell Mockery (Sp) Once per encounter, when the Arcadex is subject to an arcane spell, it may immediately duplicate the spell Doing so is a swift action, as if the spell had been quickened The duplicated spell is always cast at the Arcadex’ caster level If the Arcadex includes the spell’s caster in the duplicated spell’s area of effect or chooses the caster as a target, the original caster does not apply their Spell Resistance (if any) to the duplicated spell, but may attempt a save normally This ability functions whether or not the Arcadex successfully saves against the effect or the spell is nullified by the Arcadex’s Spell Resistance Nature Arcadex are fiercely competitive mage-hunters from behind and beyond conventional reality Arcadex seemingly exist only to duel and slaughter arcane spellcasters, taking their eyes, tongues and spellbooks as trophies They hunt wizards purely for the thrill, unconcerned with politics or morality, instead choosing wizards who will be a good (but never overwhelming) challenge Arcadex are extremely well-informed about famous magic users across a dozen dimensions, possessing a keen understanding of their targets’ capabilities and most famous acts of arcane excellence They have a kill-list in their heads, which they check off, one defeated magic user at a time