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Mazurs machinations adventurers addendum 16

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Improved Healing Balm: As a standard action, the warden can heal an ally within close range (25 ft + ft/2 levels) for 1d6 hit points per warden level, and 1d4 ability damage from each ability score This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to + the warden’s wisdom modifier Lycanthropic Hide: The warden gains damage reduction X/silver, where X is equal to their wisdom modifier Inspiring Roar: As a move action, the warden can inspire their allies to fight harder All allies within close range (25 feet + ft/2 levels) gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to the warden’s level The warden may use this ability a number of times per day equal to + the warden’s wisdom modifier Poisonous Fangs: The warden’s natural weapons exude a dangerous poison Once per round, after inflicting damage, a warden can choose to have a creature damaged by its maul attack make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 warden level + warden’s wisdom modifier) or suffer 1d4 strength and dexterity damage Lightning Strike: As a full round action, the warden can cause lightning to burst out of thin air, shocking a target within medium range (100 ft + 10 ft/ level) This attack deals 1d6 electric damage per the warden’s level Lightning Strike can be used a number of times per day equal to + the warden’s wisdom modifier Pouncing Legs: When the warden charges, they may make a full attack with their maul attack Shifting Winds: As a standard action, the warden can cause the air around creatures to be disrupted, causing flying creatures to fall from the sky All creatures in a line up to long range (100 ft + 10 ft/level) must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 warden’s level + warden’s wisdom modifier) or lose the ability to fly for a number of rounds equal to the warden’s wisdom modifier Affected creatures float to the ground as if under the effect of a feather fall spell This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to + the warden’s wisdom modifier Magical Hide: The warden gains spell resistance equal to their wisdom modifier plus their warden level, or + their warden level, whichever is higher Tunneling Claws: The warden gains a 30 ft burrow speed They may tunnel through dirt, but not rocks, and cannot charge or run while burrowing When burrowing, the warden may choose to leave behind a tunnel other creatures can use Wings: The warden gains wings with a Fly speed equal to their base movement speed with average maneuverability Advanced Forms: At level 9, the warden gains an additional four forms known Behemoth Form: When in Behemoth Form, the warden’s base size increases by up to one step, to a maximum of huge size They not gain any ability score changes associated with monsters changing size, although their face and reach change appropriately, Thunderous Roar: As a move action, the warden can and they gain the standard size bonus to rolls In adlet out a roar so powerful that creatures are swept off dition, the warden gains a +4 bonus to constitution their feet All creatures within a 30 foot cone must and a +4 bonus to natural armor Behemoth form is make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 the warden’s commonly manifested as a massive bear level + the warden’s wisdom modifier) or be knocked Feral Form: When in Feral Form, a warden gains a prone This ability can be used a number of times per +6 bonus to their Strength score, a +2 bonus to will day equal to + the warden’s wisdom modifier saves, and the base critical damage of their maul atChimeric Aspect: Starting at 8th level, a warden can tacks increases to x3 Feral form is commonly manichoose one of the following Chimeric Aspects in place fested as a wolf or boar of a Basic Aspect Breath Weapon: The warden can exhale a cone of energy as a standard action When the warden selects the breath weapon power, they must choose between acid, cold, electricity, or fire The breath weapon is a 60 ft cone that deals 1d6 damage per warden level of the chosen energy type, and allows a Reflex save for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 the warden’s level + the warden’s wis modifier) After using the breath weapon, the warden cannot use it again until 1d4 rounds have passed Predator Form: When in Predator Form, a warden gains a +2 bonus to their strength, a +4 bonus to their Dexterity, a +4 bonus to stealth and perception checks, 1d6 dice of sneak attack as per the rogue class feature, and a +10 bonus to each base movement speed Predator form is commonly manifested as a wolf or predatory cat Stealth Form: When in Stealth form, the warden’s base size decreases by up to two steps, to a minimum of diminutive size They not gain any ability score changes associated with monsters changing

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:10


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