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P SIONIC s t RANSCENDE d the power of ki 48

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Psionics Transcended: The Power of Ki Trace Teleport: Learn destination of subject‘s teleport Wall of Ectoplasm: You create a protective barrier Divert Teleport: Choose destination for another‘s teleport Energy Conversion: Offensively channel energy you‘ve absorbed Energy Wave: Deal 1d6/power level energy damage in 120-ft cone Evade Burst: You take no damage from a burst on a successful Reflex save Insanity*: Subject is permanently confused Instant Summons*: Prepared object appears in your hand Mind Blank, Personal: You are immune to scrying and mental effects Oak Body: Your body becomes as hard as oak Phase Door*: Invisible passage through wood or stone Sequester*: Subject invisible to sight and scrying; renders subject comatose Ultrablast: Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft radius 5TH-Level Psion Spells Adapt Body: Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments Catapsi: Psychic static inhibits spell casting Ectoplasmic Shambler: Foglike predator deals point of damage/two levels each round to an area Incarnate: Make some spells permanent Leech Field: Leech power points each time you make a saving throw Major Creation*: As psionic minor creation, plus stone and metal Plane Shift*: Travel to other planes Spell Resistance: Grant SR equal to 12 + level Psychic Crush: Brutally crush subject‘s mental essence, reducing subject to –1 hit points Shatter Mind Blank: Cancels target‘s mind blank effect Telekinesis*: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature Telepathic Bond*: Link lets allies communicate Tower of Iron Will: Grant PR 19 against mind-affecting powers to all creatures within 10 ft until your next turn True Seeing*: See all things as they really are 8TH-Level Psion Spells 6TH-Level Psion Spells Acid Fog*: Fog deals acid damage Aura Alteration: Repairs psyche or makes subject seem to be something it is not Breath of the Dragon: Belch out dragon breath for 1d6/power level energy damage Cloud Mind, Mass: Erase knowledge of your presence from the minds of one creature/level Contingency*: Sets trigger condition for another power Co-opt Concentration: Take control of foe‘s concentration power Disintegrate*: Turn one creature or object to dust Energy Burst, Delayed: Deal 1d6/power level energy damage in 40-ft burst after up to round Fuse Flesh: Fuse subject‘s flesh, creating a helpless mass Overland Flight*: You fly at a speed of 40 ft and can hustle over long distances Scrying Trap: Deal 8d6 points electricity damage to those who seek to view you at a distance Retrieve: Teleport to your hand an item you can see Suspend Life: Put yourself in a state akin to suspended animation Temporal Acceleration: Your time frame accelerates for round 7TH-Level Psion Spells Decerebrate: Remove portion of subject‘s brain stem Antipathy*: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures Bend Reality: Alters reality within power limits Dimensional Lock*: Teleportation and intraplanar travel is blocked for day/level Iron Body*: Your body becomes living iron Matter Manipulation: Increase or decrease an object‘s base hardness by Maze*: Traps subject in an extradimentional maze Mind Blank*: Subject immune to mental/emotional effects and scrying Moment of Prescience*: You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save Recall Death: Subject dies or takes 5d6 damage Shadow Body: You become a living shadow (not the creature) Sympathy*: Object or location attracts certain creatures Temporal Stasis*: Place subject in suspended animation True Metabolism: You regenerate 10 hit points/round 9TH-Level Psion Spells Affinity Field: Effects that affect you also affect others Apopsi: You delete spells from the target‘s mind Assimilate: Incorporate creature into your own body Astral Imprisonment*: Entombs the subject in the astral plane Etherealness*: Become ethereal for min./level Foresight*: ―Sixth sense‖ warns of impending dange Freedom*: Releases a creature from imprisonment or temporal stasis Gate*: Connecgts two planes for travel or summoning Microcosm: creature or creature lives forevermore in world of his own imagination Reality Revision: As bend reality, but fewer limits 48

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 08:58


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