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84th University of Notre Dame Commencement

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Notre Dame Law School NDLScholarship Commencement Programs Law School History 8-6-1929 84th University of Notre Dame Commencement University of Notre Dame Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.law.nd.edu/commencement_programs Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation University of Notre Dame, "84th University of Notre Dame Commencement" (1929) Commencement Programs Paper 113 http://scholarship.law.nd.edu/commencement_programs/113 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History at NDLScholarship It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of NDLScholarship For more information, please contact lawdr@nd.edu Commencement Exercises University ofN olre Dame SummerSession, 1929 ·Washington ·Hall · , August 6, 8:00-P;iM ···.- · : .· :.:: ~·, ~ - - - "• ,- ~- '; - - - ' - ~ ' ~ l ~ ! .' : ' :· ; :_ ; College·- of rts and Letters · College of Science · College of Law I College of Engineering College of Commerce ' Overture: Youth Triumphant _. _ Gibb ORCHESTRA Conferring of Degrees Address DANIEL CHARLES O'GRADY, PH.D Song of Notre Dame March: Fellowship -1(hl01' ORCHESTRA THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS ANNOUNCES THE CONFERRING OF THE FOLLOWING DEGREES: The Deg'ree of Docto1· of Philosophy on: Lewis James Carey, Notre Dame, Indiana Major subject: Economics Franklin." Dissertation: "Econmic Views of llcnja- Sister Mary Eunice, of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Louisville, Kentucky · Major subject: Poetry." English Dissertation: "Romanticism in Medieval Rev Sidney A Raemers, ,Notre Dame, Indiana.· Major subject: Philosophy Dissertation: "A Critical Examination into the Alleged Ontologism of Orestes A Brownson." The Deg1·ee 'of Master of Arts on: Sister M Alice Theresa, of the Sistei·s, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan Major subject: of Emerson." English Dissertation: "A Critical Study of the Ethics Sister ·Mary Anna, of the Sisters of the Holy Humility of Mary, :Lo\vellville, Ohio Major subject: English Dissertation: "The Value of the Legend in Literature for Children." · Rev Robert Brennan, O.S.B., Belmont, North Carolina·; Major subject: Education Dissertation: "A Professional ·Course of Educatin in the Seniinacy·· Curriculum." Laurence H Brown, Des Moines, Iowa Major subject: Boy Guidance Dissertation: "A Consideration of the Citizens' Military Training Camps as a Factor in the Older Boys' Program." David Lawrence Campbell, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: English Dissertation: i_n the Plays ?f Shakespeare." "The Infe~iority of tho 'Vomen Sister M Chi·ysostom, of the Sisters of St Joseph, Nazareth, Michigan · Major subject: Education Dissertation: "An Evaluation of the Current Plans for the Organization of Observation and Practice Teaching Leading to the Development of Technique in Elementary Education." Brother Cuthbert, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indi~na Major subject: History Dissertation: "The · Econoniic Influence 'ot the Clipper Ship on the American Merchant ·Ma.ritie."" - : [ 3] Brother Daniel, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana Major subject: Education Dissertation: "Job Analysis of the Duties of the Principal of a Catholic High School." Rev Florian Demmer, O.S.B., Atchison, Kansas Major subject: History Dissertation: "The 'Dictatus Papac' the supposed work of Pope Gregory VII, is the true statement of the Church, on the relations of Church and State, as traced from previous new theory of legislation of popes, councils, decrees, etc., and not Pope Gregory VII." a Sister Mary Dolorosa, of the Sisters of Mercy, Dallas,· Pennsylvania Major subject: English Dissertation: "The Craftsmanship of the Short Story as Revealed by Stevenson i? his Essays." Rev Charles Dudine, O.S.B., St Meinrad, Indiana ·i 'II l\Iajor subject: Education Dissertation: "The Educational Psycho!- · ogy and the Rule ·of St Benedict-a Comparative Study." _ I Rev Gregory Eichenlaub, O.S.B., Savannah, Georgia l\Iajor subject: History Dissertation: "The Removal of the Georgia Indians to the Valley of the Arkansas." Rev Aemilian Elpers, O.S.B., Jasper, Indiana; l\Iajor subject: Education Dissertation: "The Usc of the Column· Inch ~n the High School Level." Sister Felicitas, of the Order of Kentucky st:_ Bene'dict, C~vington, ' ; '• Major subject: Education.· Dissertation: "The Relation· of Mental Age to Change in Certain Specific Types of Reading Ability over the Summer Vacation." Sister M Florence, of the· Sisters of St Jo'sep4,· Nazai·eth, Michigan · · Major subject: English Dissertation: "The Dramatization of Novels." Sister· Francis Joseph, of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan i I r Major subject: Sociology Dissertation: "A Comparative Study of Feministic Tendencies as Manifest in the Ancient and Modern Woman." Sister Mary Francis Regis, of the Sisters of Charity_ of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque, Iowa · Major subject: Education Dissertation: "The Educational Ideals of the Right Reverend· John England." Sister Mary Gilbert, of the Sisters of ·charity, Mt St.· Joseph, Ohio Major subject: History Dissertation:· ''The Imp~rtancc of the ~tate of Oblo in the Election of 1860." · [ 4] I I i I Sister M Gonzaga, of the Order of St Dominic, Grand Rapids, Michigan Major subject: Fiction." English Dissertation: "The Ethical Element in Sister Mary Inez, of the Sisters of Mercy, Dubuque, Iowa Major subject: English Dissertation: "The Failure of Stephen Phillips as Poetic Dramatist." Sister M John Frederick, of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana · Major subject: English ican Free Verse." Dissertation: "The Present Status of Amer- Sister M Kevin, of the Sisters of St Joseph, Nazareth, Michigan Major subject: English Dissertation: "Deirdrn as Symbol of Ireland." Sister Loretta Clare, of the Sisters of Charity, Mt St Joseph, Ohio Major subject: History Dissertation: "The Bulla Aurea of Hungary as Compared with the Magna Charta of England." · Sister Mary Louise, of the Sisters of St Joseph, Cleveland, Ohio Major subject: Education Dissertation: "The ·Junior High School in ·Cleveland and Its Feasibility in the Catholic School System." Sister Louis Irene, of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana Majo~· subject: Education ·Dissertation: "A Survey ·or the Courses in Education offered at University of Notre Dame." Sister Lucia, of the Sisters of Charity of P1·ovidence, Missoula, Montana Major subject: Education Dissertation: the Literature of the Old Testament." "Curriculum Possib.ilities of Sister M Lucien, of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan Major subject: Economics Dissertation: "Wage-Earning ·women with Special Studies Concerning the 'Velfare of the Families of Married Women 'Vage-Earners in Battle Creek, Michigan." Grace Lushbaugh, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Education Dissertation: "An Analysis of Junior High School Literary Anthologies." Sister Margaret Mary, of the Order of St U1·sula, Cleveland, Ohio Major subject: History Dissertation: of the Protestant Revolt in Germany." [ 5] ''The Undemocratic Influence Sister Marie des Victoires, of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana Major subject: History in Utah." Dissertation: "History of Catholic Education Rev Norbert McGowan, O.S.B., Belmont, N o~th Carolina Major subject: Education Dissertation: "The Benedictine Fathers of the American Cassinese Congregation as a Factor· in the Educational Life of the United States from 1846 to 1928." Sister N oi·berta, of the ·Order of St Dominic, Springfield, Illinois Major subject: Education Dissertation: "A Comparative Study of the Medieval Apprenticeship System and the Modern Trade School System in the United States." Rev Maurus Ohligslager, O.S.B., St Meinrad, Indiana Major subject: Education Dissertation: "Ari 'Investigation of the Teaching of Liturgy in Catholic High Schools." Sister Mary Patricia, of the Sisters of Mercy, Grand Rapids, Michigan Majot: subj2ct: Latin Dissertation: "Nature in Horace's Poetry." Sister Mary Placida, of the Orderof.St Benedict,-Ferdinand, Indiana.· Major subject: History Dissertation: "The Conversion of Germany -Part Taken by the Benedictine Nuns." Rev James H Reed, O.S.B., Jasper, I.ndiana Major subject: Education Dissertation: "Some Practical Projects in the Liturgical Method of Religious Education." · Sister Mary Rita, of the Order of St Ursula, Springfield, Illinois Major subject: Spanish Dissertation: "The Moral and Social ·Principles in the Dramas ~f Manuel Tamayoy Baus." Sister Rose Anthony, of the Sisters of Charity, Mt St J oseph, Ohio · Major subject: Room." Latin Dissertation: "The :Breviary in the Class Sister Rose Mary, of the Order of St Ursula, , Cleveland, Ohio Major subject: Latin Dissertation: "Cicero's Idea of Poetry as Expt·essed in the Oratio Pro Archia and De Oratore." Rev Norbert Spitzmesser, O.S.B., Jasper, Indiana Major· subject: Modern Ills." Education Dissertation: "The Bcncdictin·c Ideal [ 6] 1.'!1, j J Sister Symphorosa, of the Sisters of Charity, Mt St Joseph, Ohio Major subject: biography." English Dissertation: "The Divine Comedy as Auto- Rev Flavian Voet, of Atchison, Kansas Major subject: Statehood." History Dissertation: "The Contest of Kansas for The Degree of Master of Music on: Sister Mary Clare of the Eucharist, of the Sisters of the Holy Name, Albany, New York Major subject: Piano Dissertation: "Vincent d'lndy and his Art Theories as Revealed in Cours de Composition Musicale.'' Sister Regina Dolores, of the Sisters of St Joseph, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.· :Major subject: Composition trina." Dissertation: "The Polyphony oC Palis- The Degree of Bachelor of A1·ts on: Sister M Augustine, of the Sisters of Mercy, Grand Rapids, · Michigan Laura Irene Beaulieu, Manchester, New Hampshire George A Brautigam, Chicago, Illinois Sara Ann Buetenbach, South Bend, Indiana John Thomas Francis Burke, Clinton, Massachusetts Charles Henry Buschemeyer, Louisville, Kentucky Rev Raymond J Clancy, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana Charles Francis Colton, Boston, Massachusetts Carl Benton Compton, South Bend, Indiana John Nixon de Roulet, Chicago, Illinois Frances Donnelly, Michigan City, Indiana Sister M Elise, of the Sisters of the Holy.Humility of Mary, Lowellville, Ohio Francis M Flynn, Weehawkin, New York Esther M Fuller, Trenton, Michigan Joseph Max Gallant, New Bedford, Massachusetts Frances Katharine Haile, Chattanooga, Tennessee Sister M Hildegardis, of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana · Donovan L Hogan, Ashtabula, Ohio · John Ramon Hoover, Oak Park, Illinois Sister Mm·y Immaculate, of the Sisters of Mercy, Grand Rapids, Michigan [7] · Sister Mary Inez, o£ the Sisters of Mercy, Grand Rapids, Michigan Brother Jacob, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana Sister Mary John, of the Sisters of Mercy, Grand Rapids, Michigan Jean Francis LaBoule, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sister Mary Lucille, of the Order of St Dominic, Racine, Wisconsin Sister Marie Claire, ·of the Sisters of the Presentation, Grafton, North Dakota Joseph Rudolph Martin, Stamford, Connecticut Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart, of the· Order of St Ursula, Cleveland, Ohio Sister Mary Maurice, of the Sisters of Mercy, Manchester, New Hampshire Sister Mary Michael, of the Order of St Dominic, Springfield, Kentucky Francis Joseph Miller, Gallitzin, Pennsylvania Gabriel William Morsches, Rochester, New York Sister Mary Naomi; of the Sisters of the ·Holy Humility of Mary, Lowellville, Ohio Richard Novak, Clifton, New Jersey William S O'Connor, Indianapolis, Indiana Sister Mary Perpetua, of the Sisters of Mercy, Grand Rapids, Michigan Sister M Presentation, of the Sisters· of the Holy Humility· of Mary, Lqwellville, Ohio James Matthew Ragen, Jr., Chicago, Illinois Basil Rauch, Dubuque, Iowa Sister M Regina, of the Sisters of the Holy Humility of Mary, Lowellville, Ohio John Stephan Riordan, Lemont, Illinois Sister Mary Rosella, of the Sisters ·of Notre Dame,· Toledo, Ohio Joseph Reitz Rudd, Evansville, Indiana Fayetta Frances Ruff, South Bend, Indiana James Kenneth Russell, Charleroi, Pennsylvania · · Sister Mary Severina, of the Sisters of the Holy· Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana Eileen Elizabeth Sheehan, Manchester, New Hampshire John Michael Stackpoole, Detroit,· Michigan Sister M Sylvester, of the Order of St Ursula, Louisville, Kentucky [81 Sister M Teresa Clare, of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana · · · · · Sister Therese Marie, of 'the Sisters of Charity of St Augustine, Lakewood, Ohio Paul John Vath, Sidney, Nebraska Daniel M Verrilli, Morristown, New Jersey Andrew C Worland, Jasper, Indiana · The Degree of Bachlor of il:lusic on: Sister M Adelaide, of the Sisters of St Joseph, N azarcth, · Michigan; Sister Agnes Marie, of the Sisters· of St Joseph, Cleveland, Ohio Sister M Celine, of the Order of St Ursula, Cleveland, Ohio Sister Dolores, of the Sisters of St Joseph, Erie, Pennsylvania THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE ·oF SCIENCE ANNOUNCES THE CONFERRING OF THE FOLLOWING DEGREES: The Deg1·ee of Master of Science on: Andrew Joseph Boyle, Hazleton, Pennsylvania 1\Iajor subject: Chemistry Dissertation: Bonding of Babitt Bearings to· Steel Backs." "Factors ·Influencing the Sister Mary Edith, of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Cleveland, Ohio Major subject: Chemistry Dissertation: Group ~f the Rare Elements." Richard H Greene, Major subject: Formulae." Joliet~ Mathematics "Analysis of the Tungsten Illinois Diss

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 08:12


