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A Historical Narrative On The Formative Years And Organizational

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W&M ScholarWorks Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects 2021 A Historical Narrative On The Formative Years And Organizational Culture Of Ave Maria University: 2003 To 2011 Patricia Lourdes Moran William & Mary - School of Education, patricialmoran@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd Part of the Other Education Commons Recommended Citation Moran, Patricia Lourdes, "A Historical Narrative On The Formative Years And Organizational Culture Of Ave Maria University: 2003 To 2011" (2021) Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects Paper 1616444269 http://dx.doi.org/10.25774/w4-et8e-4h62 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects at W&M ScholarWorks It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects by an authorized administrator of W&M ScholarWorks For more information, please contact scholarworks@wm.edu A HISTORICAL NARRATIVE ON THE FORMATIVE YEARS AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF AVE MARIA UNIVERSITY: 2003 TO 2011 A Dissertation Presented to the The Faculty of the School of Education The College of William and Mary in Virginia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Education By Patricia Lourdes Moran November 2020 A HISTORICAL NARRATIVE ON THE FORMATIVE YEARS AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF AVE MARIA UNIVERSITY: 2003 TO 2011 By Patricia Lourdes Moran Approved November 16, 2020 by PAMELA L EDDY, PH.D Committee Member LESLIE W GRANT, PH.D Committee Member JAMES P BARBER, PH.D Chairperson of Doctoral Committee Dedication I dedicate this journey to my parents for their support and guidance as I navigate many paths in my life I always choose the one less traveled and that has made all the difference Acknowledgments I would like to thank my family and friends for all your support and for providing me a sounding board during this journey Your listening ear and patience was invaluable I would like to thank all the individuals who participated in my interviews Your openness and willingness to participate made this study possible I would also like to thank my committee, Leslie and Pam, for your guidance and drive to make this paper worth reading Finally, I would like to thank my chair, Jim, as your belief in me to complete this arduous journey kept me going, even when I threatened to quit! I truly would not have completed this program without all of you iii Table of Contents List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Chapter 1: Introduction History of Ave Maria University .3 Organizational Culture Framework Research Question 11 Significance of the Study 12 Definition of Terms 13 Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature .15 Origins of Roman Catholic Higher Education 15 Roman Catholic Higher Education in the United States 17 Culture and Integration of Faith and Learning 20 Private Funding Growth in Higher Education 22 Societal Factors at the Turn of the 21st Century 23 Schein’s Framework .27 Management of Institutional Change 30 Chapter 3: Methods 33 Historical Narrative Research 34 Research Question 35 Site 36 Participants 36 iv Data Collection Methods 39 Data Analysis Techniques 43 Coding 44 Subjectivity .46 Member Checking 48 Peer Debriefer 48 Trustworthiness/Authenticity- Researcher as Instrument 48 Chapter 4: Findings .51 Timeline of Ave Maria 53 Schein’s Framework for Analysis 71 Chapter 5: Artifacts 74 Financial Resources 75 Temporary Campus 82 Permanent Campus 87 Important Documents .92 Chapter 6: Espoused Values 99 Close Campus Community 100 Faith and Reason 102 Legitimacy Through Athletics and Accreditation 104 Trust and Respect Among Administrative Leaders .110 Chapter 7: Basic Underlying Assumptions 115 Catholic and Conservative Culture 116 v The “Call” of Ave Maria 123 Divine Intervention 126 Chapter 8: Recommendations 130 Implications of Organizational Culture 133 Contribution to Higher Education Literature 135 Looking Ahead 140 Appendices 145 Appendix A: Informed Consent Form 145 Appendix B: Interview Protocol 146 Appendix C: Coding Process Protocol 148 Appendix D: Ave Maria Town Diagrams .149 References 152 Vita .166 vi List of Tables Table Enrollment Data of Ave Maria University: 1998 to 2019….…… …………….9 Table Interview Participants, Title(s), and Years Worked at Ave Maria 37  Table Artifacts 75  Table Espoused Values 100  Table Basic Underlying Assumptions 116  vii List of Figures Figure Timeline of Ave Maria University history in comparison to the history of higher education and my experience at AMU from 2003-2011 26 Figure Based on Schein’s (1999) levels for understanding organization culture 28 Figure Sites and Raoul carrying SACSCOC application materials to be shipped .63 Figure Architectural model of the interim campus .83 Figure Aerial view from campus side of Oratory, surrounding shops and restaurants 90 Figure Photograph of me shaking hands with Pope Benedict XVI 95 Figure AMU Women’s Basketball Team 106 viii REFERENCES Abadeer, A S (2009) Seeking redemption diversity in Christian institutions of higher education: Challenges and hopes from within Christian Higher Education, 8(3), 187– 202 https://doi.org/10.1080/15363750902782373 Akin, J (2009, July) Fr Fessio no longer at Ave Maria University [Blog post] Retrieved from https://jimmyakin.com/2009/07/fr-fessio-no-longer-at-ave-maria-universityagain.html Altheide, D L (1987) Reflections: Ethnographic content analysis Qualitative Sociology, 10(1), 65-77 https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00988269 Amaral, A., & Meek, V L (2003) The higher education managerial revolution? 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Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 03:30


