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4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI Louis Fosu Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI message Aysha Bentick Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 3:46 PM To: Lindsay Berthiaume Cc: Anna Barone , Ariana Pereira , Barbara Wolfe , Benjamin Wilkie , Bobby Britto-Oliveira , Bolu Taiwo , Brenton DeBoef , Brian Matson , Britney Mensah , Caren Daou , "Cecilia Rouse (URI Trustee)" , Connor Adams , Cynthia Bonn , Daniel Graney , Diane Goldsmith , Domenic Coppola , "Dr Hunter" , "Dr Vanessa Wynder Quainoo" , E Paul Larrat , Edward Donovan , Ellen Reynolds , Enmanuel Garcia Colon , Gary Liguori , Grace Fernandez , Guy Rizzo , Imani Fleming , Isaiah Aponte , Jake Machado , Jay Rossi , Jayne Richmond , Jeannette Riley , Jody Lisberger , Joe Capuano , John Kirby , John Olerio , Jon Csisar , Jude Amoako , Justine Thiare , Karim Boughida , "KeightTucker Kennedy (Isaacson Miller)" , Liam Malloy , Liv Santos , Louis Kwame Fosu , Louis Kwame Fosu , Lynne Derbyshire , Maling Ebrahimpour , Marc Hutchison , Mary Grace Almandrez , Megan Ursini , Melissa Boyd-Colvin , Michael A'Vant , Michael Marziliano , Mike Sabitoni , Miriam Reumann , Mitchell Asante , Morgan Cody , Norbert Mundorf , Paula Bontempi , Peter Remka , "R Anthony Rolle" , Raymond Wright , Rosaria Pisa , Ryan Allen , Scott Callahan , Sean Miller , Sean Rogers , "Sheryl Ash (Isaacson Miller)" , Sue Adams , Talha Yasin , "Talik Watson (Isaacson Miller)" , "Tim McFeeley (Isaacson Miller)" , Tyler Crawson , William Green , "abasnet@uri.edu" , "agold@uri.edu" , "ajibola369@gmail.com" , "alison_burke@uri.edu" , "alucia@uri.edu" , "annierussell@uri.edu" , "aroberts@uri.edu" , "blanpied@uri.edu" , "ccandela399@uri.edu" , "cynthia_stanton@uri.edu" , "dalton@uri.edu" , "danak@uri.edu" , "david.chy.ri@gmail.com" , "dbelden@uri.edu" , "debruin@uri.edu" , "dhatfield@uri.edu" , "dmongeau@uri.edu" , "dnixon@uri.edu" , "dthoward@uri.edu" , "ebaalbaki@uri.edu" , "edward_goodkin@uri.edu" , "ggreene@uri.edu" , "guyrizz99@gmail.com" , "haibohe@uri.edu" , "harrisontuttle@blmripac.com" , "hobbs@uri.edu" , "huchida@uri.edu" , "indseyanderson09@uri.edu" , "jared_landry@uri.edu" , "jbaglama@uri.edu" , "jberardi44@uri.edu" , "jdyehouse@uri.edu" , "jpant@uri.edu" , "jpbaccari@uri.edu" , "kbovy@uri.edu" , "kerrylaplante@uri.edu" , "kgorman@uri.edu" , "kpetersson@uri.edu" , "krmcclure@uri.edu" , "ldipippo@uri.edu" , "lenkahn@uri.edu" , "leonthiem@uri.edu" , "lindaa@uri.edu" , "lindab@uri.edu" , "margocook12@gmail.com" , "markrobb@uri.edu" , "mcintyre@uri.edu" , "mcody188@gmail.com" , "mconley@uri.edu" , "mertxe@uri.edu" , "mgreaney@uri.edu" , "miller@uri.edu" , "mitkowski@uri.edu" , "mjbatlle@uri.edu" , "mnota@uri.edu" , "nseeram@uri.edu" , "plarsen@uri.edu" , "rbell@uri.edu" , "rcrhodes@uri.edu" , "rodmather@uri.edu" , "ronorato@uri.edu" , "roussce@uri.edu" , "rromanow@uri.edu" , "samadams@uri.edu" , "savage@uri.edu" , "sebrush@uri.edu" , "sigrid_berka@uri.edu" , "sile22@uri.edu" , "snbaker@uri.edu" , "tbjorn@uri.edu" https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 1/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI , "tdwilliams@uri.edu" , "tracey@uri.edu" , "vkarno@uri.edu" , "zachary_fanara@uri.edu" Hello all, As I am sure you all know, today is a significant day for the United States of America The inauguration of Joe Biden will set a foundation for significant change in the country going forward Regardless of our political views, there is little debate as to whether or not change is necessary when considering our current climate, and that itself is one of the reasons we all joined the DTT With this inauguration, we are reminded of the tremendous efforts made by the American people in order to ensure that President Trump remained a one-term president It was not easy, and it was not pretty In fact, as an international student, it was uncomfortable to observe However, the overwhelming message that stems from this process is that change is not easy Change will create tension, it will create upset, and it will make people uncomfortable - we have seen this consistently throughout the past years, specifically with the recent storming of the US Capitol Individuals are uncomfortable with change, if it was easily achieved, the issue itself would not have stood for over 100 years However, those who are committed to achieving the end goal will not crumble under the pressure, they will instead grow stronger and more focused on their mission I highlight these facts as, through reading your email, I was deeply shocked and embarrassed to read your comments towards Professor Fosu and his mission within DTT Having worked with Professor Fosu for over a year now, I have observed him to be a very fair and genuine person, who bases his opinions on facts and statistics - something that unsettles those who lack well rounded information and understanding Personally, Professor Fosu is doing something that no individual at the University has done before Not only is he having uncomfortable conversations on behalf of the student population, he is also encouraging individual departments on campus to assess their current diversity, or lack thereof He does not shy away from the confrontation and attempted intimidation that he may face, he encourages us to challenge people who fail to listen to our basic requests As an individual who has spoken to a number of departments alongside Professor Fosu, I can see the resistance against change - I have heard it first hand From my perspective, the mission for the Think Tank has not changed, it has only remained resilient to the backlash and disagreement that we had already anticipated from the start I ask, how has the mission changed from its original plan? Is it no longer seeking change? Does it not seek to increase diversity amongst leadership positions? I am not asking this from a place of disrespect, I am genuinely confused Specially, in your closing paragraph, you stated, “that mission has changed and the interests of students were sidelined in the way the Think Tank operates and the strategies being used by Louis Kwame Fosu to achieve diversity at URI” As a member of the Think Tank, I again want to ask how specifically the mission has changed? Personally, they still fulfil my mission as a student, so your reference of the ‘interests of the students’ would assume you had spoken to the members of the Think Tank to gather their opinions? This is clearly impossible as I had not been spoken to, and from the other responses, it is clear that my opinions are shared Thus, I think it is inappropriate to project your opinions onto others, as this is not something we agree with The strategies that Professor Fosu has implemented have been coordinated with members of the DTT, as I specifically have spoken to particular departments on campus This was a group request on behalf of the students, Professor Fosu simply assisted us in arranging the meetings Again, a student led strategy Whilst this email is not intended to attack or offend you, it is delivered with deep concern as to whether or not your initial email was entirely accurate and thought out Personally, I would encourage you to resign from any organization that you not personally align with or support, https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 2/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI however, the words and claims you chose to use are both inaccurate and far reaching Best, Aysha Bentick On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 9:31 AM Lindsay Berthiaume wrote: Mitchell Asante, Michael A'Vant, and Ben Wilkie, Although Talha and Anna have done an exceptional job expressing the disappointment and frustration that has followed this email, I want to express my support for their writing and my own concerns As someone who has worked with Professor Fosu throughout the last semester, I have closely followed the chain of events that have transpired as DTT has taken off The motives, plan for steps of action, and core values have never wavered Just as you called out, the mission of the DTT is still to "Educate students to be dignified selfless guardians and advocates of structural diversity in academic situations," and everything that has taken place has followed that mission and are all part of advocacy Starting a conversation is one of the first steps, but DTT was based on the foundation that the conversations will progress and actions will be taken to assure actual changes will be made Professor Fosu does not dictate DTT but rather guides and educates us, even educating us on likely responses, although I could never have imagined we would be in this position The fact that Professor Fosu is not currently able to teach at the university, as Tahla mentioned, is an extreme disadvantage to the students who would greatly benefit from taking his classes Those classes, which are a perfect example of exactly what the university promotes in their professors and classes offered Professor Fosu is one of the most transparent professors I have had and is honorable in always highlighting that we are paying for him to teach us therefore we should speak our minds and assure we are getting what we desire out of his course Though I respect that you all resigned and disassociated with DTT, I not respect that you are tarnishing the name of Professor Fosu, DTT, and the work students have done to work towards change As I have stated before, these conversations are not easy and advocacy can often be messy, but the aim of DTT and the intent and values of Professor Fosu and the students involved are consistent and legitimate Although it is not surprising that these actions have been taken and Professor Fosu's name has been tarnished over again, it is very disheartening for this to be the reality of our own institution The responses and actions taken have been similar to something that you would read in a history book and as unfortunate as it is, history continues to repeat itself We will continue to advocate and work towards change, and I am sorry your opinion and perception of the DTT and those involved have so drastically changed If you want to talk further I, as I'm sure Tahla and Anna, would be more than happy to discuss concerns and address any misconceptions that you may have Thank you, Lindsay Berthiaume On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 12:48 PM Anna Barone wrote: Michael A’Vant, Mitchell Asante, and Ben Wilkie, I was very disappointed to receive your email yesterday to say the very least To read those words coming from members of our community who were so highly involved in such a great cause was truly astounding You say in your email that the issue of a lack of diversity and equality remains on our campus, yet you give such a poor excuse as to why you can no longer help rectify that issue Why not set up a meeting with the rest of us or reach out with your concerns so that we may work on something as a community if you truly felt you were being sidelined? Working with Professor Fosu over these last few months I have had nothing but a positive experience He is very welcoming, supportive, and is ALWAYS making sure students feel heard and respected In fact, he tells us often how much he appreciates his students and the work that we To paint Professor Fosu in a light that makes him seem as some sort of tyrant is outrageous The issue of racism on our campus needs to be solved and Professor Fosu has been diligent in trying to make the campus a more inclusive place, so not put the blame on him for your lack of commitment and courage to such an important matter I can’t help but to agree with my friend Talha Yasin in that it seems your goal was more to slander Professor Fosu even though the goal and our plans for the DTT hasn’t changed a bit Also, I too find the timing of your email a bit unsettling To receive such a thing on MLK day, you think he would be proud of your efforts? However, as Talha also stated, this changes nothing The Diversity Think Tank and its mission will go on unscathed by your upsetting resignation Best of Luck, https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 3/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI Anna Barone Board Co-Chair Diversity Think Tank On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 12:01 PM Talha Yasin wrote: Hello all, I hope everyone is having a safe and joyous winter vacation! I truly was, until I was disheartened by this email Not because of the resignations, this is a free country in which you may choose to as you please, but by what followed As in my previous email, I would not be writing this if I did not feel the need to defend a man whose only goal has always been to advance equality for the entire Rhody community as a whole Those who are the face of change for equality are most readily attacked, as Professor Fosu has been once again, just as the revered Dr Martin Luther King Jr was Interesting the timing of this email, as I cannot help but be hurt to have seen it on a day that is meant to celebrate Dr King and the sacrifices he made, to include his life for equality His name is inscribed in history for enduring adversity through long hard fought battles for justice He lived in a time where what appeared as insurmountable forces were against him, where he went against the status quo, but never wavered in his conviction for freedom and equality for all Persistence and strength despite consistent attacks both physical and verbal are what aided them to make the world a better place We all know that Doctor King had a dream, a dream that WE are still trying to make a reality Forgive me if I come off as rude, as that is not my intention It is evident to me however after careful thought that it was your intention to for some reason slander Professor Fosu and his "interests" (which have always gone hand in hand with the Think Tank and us members including what used to be you) Do you for some reason think he has personal gain to benefit from by advocating for a more equitable campus/institution? Is he making money through this, or perhaps gaining inequivocabile power somehow? The answer is "simply" no, he is interested in only equality and social justice It is what he does, what his moral compass is fine tuned towards, and his interests are selfless and evidently aimed towards our institution/community I cannot comprehend how the mission has ever changed for the Think Tank, it has been the same mission since its inception You may believe that since you are all in leadership positions, perhaps you are the only ones who know what is going on, or are most qualified to make such baseless claims You are not, the Think Tank is a place where all voices and decisions being made are made readily and openly available to everyone Decisions on how to proceed (with accordance with proper advocacy) and strategies used are discussed openly with all who wish to be a part of it I know this because although admittedly not always, I myself have been there many times, finding the Think Tank to be just as inclusive and equal as we hope our campus/community to one day be https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 4/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI This is what confused myself as well as other students (yes, I am not alone once again) so heavily Professor Fosu prides himself and everything he's done/been involved in on being 100% open and transparent I know this because I have heard him say it and seen him live by it, as I am sure you have as well I found myself wondering as to what you are speaking to Michael? As I have stated before (in my prior email), everything Professor Fosu has stated and brought to light are not uncorroborated claims, but facts backed by evidence Those are still the same facts essential to our struggle for equality/diversity They are evidence of wrongdoing, evidence things need to change How long have things like this been going on? No one knows, no one would have known if we were not lucky enough to have someone willing to speak up to power You cannot have equality and diversity for some and not others, it does not work nor is it fair, let alone goes against what equality means to begin with! Everyone is equal and that is why the issues with the CDO and the hiring process among other issues at URI must be addressed Equality and diversity is either for all or none To state that "Our goals, personal ethics and plan of action for the organization is in direct conflict with the Director of the Think Tank Louis Kwame Fosu" gives no detail to what you are speaking to, and makes no sense whatsoever Especially since nothing has changed so drastically at the Think Tank since your leadership role (initiated at the very beginning I believe) to prompt this email I see ZERO changes in the Think Tank's goals/actions and ZERO changes in our plans of action towards advocacy This not only baseless but evident to myself and others as an attempt to undermine and discredit Professor Fosu's good name and what he is trying to As the goals and plans of action evidently have not changed, this unfortunately only leaves personal ethics (as cited) to have changed Finally we have a professor who is willing to raise his voice and promote real change on our campus, not just lip service How can you consciously/freely state that his advocacy/leadership for equality goes against your personal ethics? Do your personal ethics support elements of administration that colluded in various instances to obstruct competent and successful candidates such as Dr Alston and Dr Sylvia, both of whom would undoubtedly provide the real change needed and sought by the DTT (Diversity Think Tank)? Do they support the evidently illegal vote that was held to silence and shut Professor Fosu out of FSAAD? What personal ethics of yours are in direct conflict with Professor Fosu's? Please be specific Again how have goals or plans of action changed in any way shape or form? I will not lie, I was surprised by the resignations, especially because again not much has changed, and since the inspiration for action despite powerful opposition was one I thought we all shared I'm sorry but it simply does not add up to me If you wish to shed some more light, this is an open form of discussion, and I encourage such If not, this again has evidently (to myself and other concerned students I have spoken to) been an attempt to demonize and discredit Professor Fosu Whether from yourselves or other influences is yet to be determined, but I find this email to be absolutely ludicrous (again not for the resignations which is your right, but the evident attempts towards discredit) What I know? I am a free actor, no one has forced me nor aided me in writing this or standing up for what I find to be evidently right That is what frustrates me most, what are we arguing about here! In today's world I hope that everyone's moral compass can find equality and fair play/opportunity to be right The issues brought up in the very Declaration of Diversity you aided in forming are real These issues go against equality for all, and they have never been anything but the center of focus for Professor Fosu and the DTT https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 5/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI Never have I met a more honest and ethical advocate One who is not just a shell of advocacy (something I have seen many times at URI unfortunately), but a man of action, much like Dr King With the resume and experience to know the steps to proper advocacy, I cannot see in any way which Professor Fosu has acted unethically or without the best interest of the URI Community at heart The second half of the mission statement you left out stated that along with being educated advocates and guardians of diversity, we achieve this through "coaching students to become sensitive and enlightened deliberate participants in society, teaching them to think and navigate throughout life as transformative leaders with an ethical and moral compass on the darkest lonely paths where no just laws exist for racial equity." This to me echos being an advocate in all aspects of your life, not just here at URI To stand for what is right despite how lonely it may feel, despite oppressive pressures from power Professor Fosu, along with many of us, are on this lonely path I suppose I can only directly speak for myself, but I believe you will find that the overwhelming majority of students including myself disagree with you Our interests have never been sidelined Inversely they are and have never been anything but Professor Fosu's main interest with the DTT and his actions here at URI His methods of advocacy are backed by years of experience, and are proven ethical and normative methods of operation He has done nothing wrong but stand up for what is right, something many of us at URI and the DTT are trying to What I find wrong is that Professor Fosu, as a result of speaking up and creating change, will no longer be allowed to teach this upcoming semester What I find wrong is how it appears that many Professor Fosu has publically leaned on have suspiciously turned on him, often out of nowhere It frustrates me to see this email and consistent efforts to undermine the change we are promoting It is evidently an attempt to turn perception against Professor Fosu and the truth he has uncovered Never have his courses ever enforced these views (about the DTT, nor other diversity/equality issues on campus) on students, but rather stuck to the course material and objective truth, to which I find there are no grounds to not allow him to teach It disheartens me that the administration finds it necessary to not allow one of the most valuable and enlightened professors they have to continue to provide students with an educational experience that is second to none One rooted in objective truth and critical thinking, two elements that help create big thinkers our university prides itself on creating However, I am unfortunately not surprised, as history and the present proves that time and time again these are the courses of action taken to oppress those who wish to create ethical and lasting change I saw URI social media using Dr King's visit to URI in 1966 as evidence that this big thinker had "profoundly" impacted our community What would he think about the issues being brought up, you think he would not find them unjust? Do you think he would not be disgusted at attempts to silence and discredit a man and organization that have always and will always stand for inclusion and equality? Lip service and public facades of equality are easy to put on in today's world Lasting change and impact and Dr King provided requires going against the grain, against power and oppression despite the obstacles put in our way Doing so not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because it feels like the right thing to morally and ethically Although it is sad to see you go, this does not change anything at the DTT, we will continue to move forward As you made it seem, we not operate with a monarch who makes all the decisions Rather we operate with inspiring and inclusive leadership and mentorship that works with us students/members as an equal in order to achieve our mission, which has never https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 6/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI and will never change You may think your statements only discredit and harm Professor Fosu, but you are undermining the good work your fellow students are actively engaged in by making such claims, as we are evidently one harmonious unit working to promote real lasting change With hope for the future, -Talha Yasin Board Co-Chair Diversity Think Tank On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:33 PM Michael A'Vant wrote: To Louis Kwame Fosu, Fellow Staff Members, Board of Trustees and the University, We hereby resign from the Diversity Think Tank and all related efforts effective immediately We ask that our name and likeness be removed from all current and future materials produced by this organization, including the website, any statements, the Declaration of Diversity, etc We will be stepping down from the following three positions: Board CoChair- Mitchell Asante, Board Co-Chair- Mike Avant, Director of Outreach & Advocacy- Ben Wilkie We enjoyed working with other students on this project and appreciate the support provided to us by people from the university community on the issues we raised which still remain a problem on our campus We however believe that the mission of the Diversity Think Tank has completely changed since it was formed Our goals, personal ethics and plan of action for the organization is in direct conflict with the Director of the Think Tank Louis Kwame Fosu The mission of the Think Tank originally was to “Educate students to be dignified selfless guardians and advocates of structural diversity in academic institutions” To put the problem in the simplest terms, that mission has changed and the interests of students were https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 7/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI sidelined in the way the Think Tank operates and the strategies being used by Louis Kwame Fosu to achieve diversity at URI We wish all the university students involved in the Diversity Think Tank the best of success in the future Sincerely, Mitchell Asante Mike Avant Ben Wilkie On Monday, November 30, 2020, Louis Kwame Fosu wrote: Dear Department Chairs/Directors, and Deans: Request for Mee ngs I hope you had an enjoyable long weekend My name is Prof Louis Kwame Fosu, and throughout this week I shall request mee ngs on behalf of my students as part of the advocacy phase of our course, PSC 312 Topics in Poli cal Science: Examining Ins tu onal Power, Checks & Balances, and Advocacy for a More Equitable Society URI Students affiliated with the Diversity Think Tank may also join mee ngs We shall also request mee ngs with President Dooley, Provost DeHayes, Board of Trustee Chair Margo Cook, as well as Sheryl Ash and Talik Watson of the recruitment firm Isaacson Miller At the end of this advocacy project to end 128 years of systemic racism at URI, every URI stakeholder would be informed and knowledgeable about corrup on, discriminatory employment prac ces and the normalized, offensively prejudicial treatment of highly intelligent African-Americans at URI Our mee ngs will be based on our students’ Declara on of Diversity (download at: h ps://diversitythinktank.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/ 10/Declara on-of-Diversity.pdf ) The list of complaints and demands in the Declara on of Diversity were compiled, edited, suggested or wri en by: Ajibola Olatunji, Ashley Heaven Diaz, Austyn Ramsay, Benjamin Wilkie, Des ney Palacios, Flora Silva, Jude Amoako, Leila Cox, Louis Kwame Fosu, Michael A’vant, Mitchell Asante, Nadia Tate-Maloney, Sean Miller and others For the record, you can choose to refuse to meet with students (copied) The students’ Declara on of Diversity was emailed to President David Dooley and the en re URI leadership on October 26, 2020 in a le er via email (download at: h ps://diversitythinktank.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Le er-to-President-Dooley-Dr.-Harry-Alston-and-Dr.-SylviaSpears-Title-VII-viola ons.pdf) A decision was made to begin this mee ng phase of our advocacy a er 30 days to sa sfy any reasonable no ce requirements of due process Therefore, we now advance to the next stage with an intent to nego ate in good faith to end 128 years of systemic racism https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 8/12 4/8/2021 University of Rhode Island Mail - Re: Request for Meetings PSC312 / Ending 128 years of Systemic Racism at URI No ce to URI Board of Trustees, Isaacson Miller et al African American Scholars are Not ‘Rare Creatures’ This email also serves as a second no ce to: URI Board of Trustees Margo Cook, Chair URI Board of Trustees and Cecilia Rouse (copied); also copied is recruitment firm Isaacson Miller, which has never recruited an acceptable AfricanAmerican candidate that URI was bound to respect and hire in a senior leadership posi on Only a systemically racist recrui ng process, which begins with a flawed Search Commi ee, perpetually results in only White candidates hired in senior leadership posi ons at URI Other appointed and elected officials and Members of Congress are blind copied here because they are responsible for ensuring that civil rights laws, which African Americans were murdered for to ensure fair and equitable employment and our dignified treatment as whole human beings in America, are not construc vely abrogated and contravened to the detriment of our Rhode Island community and injuring the future and brand of our flagship public university Grossly Incompetent Diversity Leadership at URI We cannot expect to heal the metastasized disease of racism by hiring grossly incompetent, marginal and unqualified professionals who not have significant subject ma er exper se or by simply reading a bestseller by Ibram X Kendi For example, when my mother found out in Ghana that she had stage breast cancer and flew to the U.S from Accra for treatment, I did not ask my kid’s very competent pediatrician at Georgetown University Hospital in DC to treat her cancer, nor did I ask my very competent internist at Howard University Hospital in DC who treats my HBP to help heal my Mom’s breast cancer Yes they are well educated doctors, but breast cancer is not their subject ma er exper se Therefore, before my Mom arrived I conducted a search of all the top cancer hospitals for doctors who were: 1) breast cancer experts; 2) African Americans; and 3) Females In 2004, I found oncologists who fit my criteria and selected Dr Diana Lake as my Mom’s physician because she had a dis nguished background at Sloan Ke ering Memorial Hospital in Manha an I conducted a serious search and selec on process looking for someone with specific subject ma er exper se because it was important that my Mother: 1) heal from her disease of breast cancer; 2) remain alive because I knew firsthand from my reproduc ve rights advocacy, that African American women experience pervasive racism and discrimina on in healthcare —a phenomenon suffered especially by Black women; who also have the highest mortality rates from breast cancer And, 3) my Mom had to be treated with dignity and respect during her cancer treatment She was cured and remained cancer free for the rest of her life Likewise, to help cure the disease of metastasized racism on URI’s campus, we need to select highly intelligent and knowledgeable subject ma er experts such as Dr Sylvia Spears and Dr Harry Alston Both had excellent interviews at URI but their outstanding level of performance threatened our leadership’s way of life (see pages 12 and 13) The calm and erudite Dr Harry Alston who answered all difficult ques ons we deliberately hit him with, reminded me of my Georgetown Law Professor Charles Lawrence III Similarly rejected by URI was Dr Sylvia Spears, a Na ve American who interviewed for the CDO job and was equally brilliant, clearly ar cula ng her policy and vision for diversity change at URI When Dr Alston was not hired, I knew immediately something was deeply wrong with this university’s employment process I concluded a er examining a totality of the circumstances that URI is a deeply racist ins tu on that has a disdain for highly intelligent African-Americans because if Dr Alston with his very high professorial intellect, gravitas and broad civil rights connec ons was rejected, then URI evidently had no inten on of hiring qualified experts to help cure the widespread disease of racism at URI That was the final straw that broke the camel’s back and I sent my first le er to Mary Grace Almandrez and URI’s leadership with a detailed analysis of her incompetence, the discriminatory hiring process, and overall systemic racism at URI However, I decided to withdraw my ac on a er an unexpected conversa on with President Dooley in which he agreed that changes need to be made As URI’s leadership rejects highly knowledgeable subject ma er race/diversity experts, they se le for the cream of mediocrity and a patchwork of acolytes who pose as experts on race diversity policy A er Mary Grace Almandrez (copied) was pushed out of Brown University, she arrived at URI in the bloom of full mediocrity and it is plainly observable that in nearly two years she has done absolutely nothing to advance policy except talk https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=cb4025fc07&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-3532093617302886589%7Cmsg-f%3A1689440083525020123&simpl=msg-f%3A168944008352502012… 9/12

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 00:20


