Deadly Gardens Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, abundant ammunition, Manticore Tail; Cost 1,858 gp DESCRIPTION Covered in moss and showing signs of decay, this small twig resembles a hollow log When the twig is laid flat on the ground and its command word is spoken (as a standard action), it instantly transforms into a large, decomposing log with a hollow interior The log occupies a 5-foot-by-10-foot space, stands 3-1/2 feet high, and weighs 250 lbs If insufficient room is available, the transformation fails and the twig remains at its original size Up to Medium or Small creatures can fit within the log’s interior, but Medium creatures must squeeze into the space Entering and exiting the log is as simple as moving in or out through one of its open ends (squeezing if necessary) Except for its open ends, which provide only partial cover, the log functions as a solid barrier, providing its occupants with total cover (and blocking line of sight and line of effect) The log’s occupants can attack targets outside of the log as long as there is line of sight to the target through the log’s open ends The log has hardness and 30 hit points, and if it is destroyed, so is the hideaway log from which it grew While in log form, speaking a hideaway log’s command word from outside the log causes it to instantly shrink back to the size of a twig Speaking its command word from inside the log causes the log to explode in a burst of spores and splinters with a 10-foot radius centered on the log The burst does not harm the log’s occupants, but other creatures within the burst are blinded for round and take 2d6 points of piercing damage A successful DC 14 Reflex save halves the damage and negates the blinded condition After detonating the log it is reduced to hit points and it may not be used again until its hit points are fully restored Every hour that a hideaway log remains in its original, small size, it regains hit point (to its maximum of 30 hit points) MOWING SCYTHE Aura moderate transmutation; CL 6th Slot none; Price 68,318 gp; Weight 10 lbs DESCRIPTION The etching on the steel blade of this +2 plant bane scythe depicts a triumphant humanoid surveying a well kept homestead A green tint along the edge of the blade resembles a grass stain The first attack the wielder of the mowing scythe makes in a round can target every plant creature she threatens The wielder makes single attack roll and compares it to the armor class of each target She can only use this function of the mowing scythe if all the wielder’s targets are plant creatures In addition, three times per day, the wielder can strike the ground with the mowing scythe, summoning a line of blades that erupt from the earth The wielder makes an attack against all creatures in a 30-foot line, making separate attack rolls against each one CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, diminish plants, summon monster I; Cost 34,318 gp NETTLE NET Aura faint conjuration, divination, and transmutation; CL 5th Slot none; Price 14,320 gp; Weight lbs DESCRIPTION This +1 distance net, crafted from entwined strands of poisonous nettles, allows any wielder with or more ranks in Knowledge (nature) to use it proficiently When the net strikes a target, it deals 1d6 points of piercing damage (1d4 for a Small net) as the poisonous nettles elongate and dig into the target’s flesh Additionally, the net poisons the target (nettle poison: Nettle net—injury; save Fortitude DC 14; frequency 1/round for rounds; initial effect sickened for 1d4 rounds; secondary effect paralyzed for 1d6 rounds; cure save) The net deals an additional 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for a Small net) for each round the target is entangled in it, but it does not subject the target to additional doses of poison A target caught in the net can attempt to escape it as per any other net, but it takes 2d6 points of damage regardless of the attempt’s success A nettle net can only poison a target once per day CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, plant growth, wood shape; Cost 700 gp MANTICORE TAIL FLAIL Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th Slot none; Price 3,358 gp; Weight lbs DESCRIPTION This wickedly spiked +1 flail has been crafted from the tail of a manticore As a standard action a manticore tail flail can fire a volley of up to four spikes, which count as thrown weapon attacks (1d6 + Str damage each, 20 foot range increment, maximum range increments) The wielder makes a separate attack roll for each spike and all targets must be within 30 feet of each other A manticore tail flail can fire a total of 24 spikes each day CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, clairaudience/clairvoyance, sickening entanglementACG, wall of thorns; Cost 7,320 gp CONSTRUCTION 34