Deadly Gardens Treasure standard Selecting A Plant Companion SPECIAL ABILITIES Acidic Sunder (Ex) When making any sunder attempt, including as a result of Sundering Strike, the acid damage (and only the acid damage) of the sunder attempt bypasses the hardness of metals and stone Grasping Stalks (Ex) Creatures that stray too near a wandering sundew can be caught up by its sticky, grasping stalks At the end of the wandering sundew’s turn, make a melee touch attack (touch +25, 2d6 acid) against all creatures within the sundew’s reach Creatures at least one size category smaller than the sundew that were hit by the touch attack must succeed on a DC 27 Reflex save or become grappled by the sticky tentacles A grappled creature can escape with a successful DC 27 Combat Maneuver or Escape Artist check Creatures grappled in this manner take 2d6 acid damage for each round they remain grappled A wandering sundew can have up to four creatures grappled by its stalks in this manner and does not gain the grappled condition itself and can move unimpeded The save DC is Charisma-based Wandering Sundew are tipped with large, bulbous drops of the sundew’s sticky, acidic nectar and when they sense nearby movement they attempt to snatch up smaller prey animals Trapped creatures will eventually be completely dissolved by the nectar and digested by the sundew Wandering sundew are highly territorial and will patrol their hunting grounds looking for prey which includes almost any animal smaller than themselves but they seem to favor giant wasps and other large insects in particular These carnivorous plants appear large and bulky but can move quite quickly when on the hunt The charge of a wandering sundew is terrible to behold and deadly to experience as they gore the victim with their horny snout and spray acid as well An average wandering sundew is approximately 18 ft long and weighs 12,000 lbs The wandering sundew is a mobile plant that actually resembles a gigantic turtle or armadillo The characteristic stalks of the sundew plant grow from between the fibrous armor plating covering the creature’s back These semi-autonomous stalks 73