Deadly Gardens nourishes Verdaxag’s roots, healing it for a number of hp equal to its victim’s HD Massive (Ex) This trait acts as per the massive trait for kaiju, but Verdaxag does not treat forest as difficult terrain Plant King (Su) No plant creature will harm Verdaxag, nor can a plant creature be charmed or compelled to harm the kaiju Additionally, Verdaxag can communicate with all plant creatures possessing speech Pollen (Ex) As a full-round action, Verdaxag can release pollen in a 100-foot-radius burst For five rounds afterwards, it gains concealment (20% miss chance) against attacks from 10 feet away or further The following save DCs are Constitution-based It also chooses the pollen’s effect from the following options when it uses this ability: Poison: Pollen—contact; save Fort DC 37; frequency 1/ round for 10 rounds; effect 2d4 Dex and staggered for round, and a creature that reaches Dex transforms into a tree (as per tree shape, except the duration is permanent); cure consecutive saves Verdaxag is CL 20 for purposes of reversing this transformation Rust: If a metal item exposed to rusting pollen fails a DC 37 Reflex save (unattended, nonmagical items automatically fail), it gains the broken condition The following round, items that failed the initial saving throw must succeed at a DC 37 Fortitude save or become destroyed Against a metal creature, the rust deals 19d6 points of damage (DC 37 Reflex for half) Soporific: All creatures must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or fall asleep, as per sleep (CL 20), except it has no HD restriction Rebirth (Su) When Verdaxag dies, it explodes in a shower of spores and pollen that spread miles outward The kaiju remains dead for year before it comes back to life, as if via a true resurrection spell If called via wrath of Verdaxag, it returns in a weakened state Killing the kaiju while it is in this state destroys it permanently Vulnerable to Fire (Ex) A spell or effect that deals fire damage adds 50% to its damage before applying Verdaxag’s resistance Wildfire (Ex) If Verdaxag takes fire damage, the fire rapidly spreads throughout the kaiju and its surroundings It takes an equal amount of fire damage at the beginning of its turn All creatures within the kaiju’s reach take the same amount of fire damage (DC 37 Reflex save halves) Additionally, the kaiju’s melee attacks deal 1d6 points of fire damage until the end of its turn The wildfire extinguishes itself at the end of the kaiju’s turn The save DC is Constitution-based Wood Deflection (Ex) Against weapons with any wooden material, Verdaxag gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC Kaiju Subtype 71