Deadly Gardens Source Wyvern; Harvest Knowledge (arcana) DC 16 Yield glands; Price 240 gp; Weight 1/4 lbs Wyvern adrenal glands degrade quickly upon harvest, and must be preserved to maintain potency Snorting the adrenaline in a gland as a standard action grants the imbiber a +4 alchemical bonus to Fortitude saving throws against sleep and paralysis effects, and a +2 alchemical bonus to their Str and Con scores for minute gnarled and crooked, but a sharp-eyed harvester can usually find a few sticks that are suitable as shafts for ammunition such as arrows or bolts Anytime such a piece of ammunition strikes a target (dealing damage as normal), the shaft immediately shatters in a barrage of splinters, dealing 1d4 points of piercing damage to adjacent creatures A successful DC 13 Reflex save halves this damage VIPER VINE ESSENCE Source Viper vine; Harvest Knowledge (nature) Yield stamen; Price 250 gp; Weight lbs Viper vine essence quickly degrades after death, and must be alchemically preserved to ensure full potency When rubbed over a creature’s body, viper vine essence causes animals which bite, or otherwise ingest that creature to become captivated by them unless they succeed on a DC 24 Will save Once so captivated, a creature takes no actions for 1d4 rounds as though dazed; this is a mind-affecting effect One application of viper vine essence remains potent for hours, or until it is washed away XACARBA RUNE Source Xacarba; Harvest Knowledge (planes) DC 25 Yield rune; Price 7,500 gp; Weight lbs When used to cover a spellbook, a runed patch of xacarba skin can imbue a spellbook with special properties Harvesting a single xacarba rune requires a delicate touch, and once skinned, all other runes on the corpse lose their magic A non-good, non-lawful spellcaster that prepares spells from a spellbook bound with a xacarba rune gains the benefit of the Bouncing Spell metamagic feat WANDERING SUNDEW SEEDPOD Source Wandering Sundew; Harvest Knowledge (nature) DC 28 Yield seedpod; Price 1,000; Weight lbs A wandering sundew seedpod that is planted and carefully nurtured will grow into a immature wandering sundew Nurturing the seedpod requires a successful DC 28 Knowledge (nature) check each week for six weeks When the seedpod sprouts, any character with the ability to have a plant companion may take the immature wandering sundew as their companion XTABAY SPORES Source Xtabay; Harvest Knowledge (nature) DC 10 Yield pods; Price 20 gp; Weight lb Since untreated xtabay spores will grow into a new xtabay within whatever container they are placed in, they should be alchemically preserved in a sealed jar to prevent any unfortunate accidents Xtabay pods function as splash weapons with a range increment of 20 feet, which explode in a cloud of soporific pollen upon use, causing all creatures within a 10-ft radius burst to fall asleep for 1d3 minutes unless they succeed on a DC 14 Will save This is a mind-affecting sleep effect WOLF-IN-SHEEP’S-CLOTHING TENDRILS Source Wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing; Harvest Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 18 Yield bundle; Price 100 gp; Weight 1lb Wolves-in-sheep’s-clothing’s tendrils are used to create a semblance of life in a corpse, a trait that it carries on in death When the tendrils of a Wolf-in-sheep’sclothing are used as a material component in spells to create undead, the undead become stronger and faster An undead created with animate dead using a bundle of tendrils gains a permanent +1 circumstance bonus to Initiative and an extra hit dice Further, any zombies raised using tendrils are no longer affected by the staggered quality Using the Wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing’s Tendrils as part of an animate dead spell increases the casting time to a full-round action YETH HOUND FANGS Source Yeth Hound; Harvest Knowledge (planes) DC 13 Yield fangs; Price 100 gp; Weight – Once extracted, yeth hound fangs can be used in place of normal spikes on weapons such as spiked gauntlets or flails The resulting weapons can be a frightening and sinister sight Any spiked weapon crafted with or more yeth hound fangs grants the wielder a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks made to demoralize Furthermore, such weapons also grant a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against foes suffering from fear effects YRTHAK TEARS Source Yrthak; Harvest Knowledge (arcana) DC 19 Yield vial; Price 2000 gp; Weight — Yrthak tears contain traces of the potent chemical WYVERN ADRENAL GLAND 26