Deadly Gardens CYCLOPS EYE SOUP Source Cyclops; Harvest Knowledge (local) DC 15 Yield serving; Price 100 gp; Weight lb A cyclops eye that is properly harvested can be prepared into a gritty broth that tastes like dirt, but grants the consumer a vision of how to seize glory that may come to be If the consumer threatens a critical hit in the next hours after eating the soup, it is automatically confirmed and the soup’s magic for that consumer is ended A skilled chef can stretch the cyclops eye to prepare multiple servings, creating if they succeed a DC 15 Profession (Cook) skill check, with an additional serving for every by which they exceed the DC The cyclops eye must be prepared into a soup and consumed within a day of the death of the cyclops DESTRACHAN HARMONIC FLASK Source Destrachan; Harvest Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 18 Yield flask + extra detector for every the harvest skill check exceeds the DC; Price 120 gp; Weight lb The vocal chords of a destrachan can be preserved in formaldehyde to prevent their screeching If the container is broken, however the chords emit one final cry before shrivelling entirely Treat a harmonic flask as a splash weapon with a 30 foot range increment that deals 4d6 points of sonic damage and points of splash damage The splash damage can be reduced to half with a DC 14 Reflex save DIRE CORBY FEMUR Source Dire Corby; Harvest Knowledge (local) DC 11 Yield femurs; Price 50 gp; Weight 0.5 lbs The femur bones of the dire corbies carry the legacy of the species hatred for all things and their prophecies of doom When a bard plays a musical instrument, typically a flute, made from the femurs of dire corbies, they add +1 to the DC for saving throws against their Distraction, Fascinate and Dirge of Doom abilities DARKMANTLE EGGS Source Darkmantle; Harvest Knowledge (arcana) DC 11 Yield 2d4 eggs; Price 50 gp; Weight – lbs Eggs can only be harvested from female darkmantles and there is a 50% chance any darkmantle is female Eating a darkmantle egg gives the consumer darkvision with 60 foot range for 30 minutes DEATH WORM BILE Source Death Worm; Harvest Knowledge (Arcana) DC 16 Yield bladder; Price 200 gp; Weight lb Death worm bile is extremely corrosive, and magically charged; death worm gall bladders must be preserved immediately upon harvesting with a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check to prevent detonation with the surrounding air These bladders make for excellent weapons when hurled, and explode in a 10-ft radius burst which deals 2d6 acid, and 2d6 electricity damage; a DC 17 Reflex save halves this damage DISENCHANTER TRUNK Source Disenchanter; Harvest Knowledge (arcana) DC 13 Yield trunk; Price 500 gp; Weight 25 lbs In life the trunk of the disenchanter was the catalyst for the magic-eating properties of this strange beast In death, the trunk slowly released the magic that the creature consumed If a magical charged item (such as a wand) is placed next to a disenchanter trunk for hours, the item has a 50% chance of getting back a charge Only one item can be charged in this manner at a time, and the trunk cannot recharge items that have been completely drained DECAPUS TENTACLE Source Decapus; Harvest Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 14 Yield tentacle; Price gp; Weight lbs The crimson tips of decapus tentacles contain a remnant of illusion magic Anytime a decapus tentacle is used in place of an octopus or squid tentacle as a material component for the black tentacles spell, the appearance of the resulting tentacles can be slightly altered The general size and shape of the tentacles cannot be changed, but they could appear as green serpents or even elephant trunks, for example While this has no mechanical effect on the spell, certain creatures may be more or less inclined to enter the area of the spell depending on how the tentacles manifest DRAGONFLY WING Source Giant Dragonfly; Harvest Knowledge (nature) DC 14 Yield wings; Price 25 gp; Weight 1/2 lb Giant dragonflies are proof that big doesn’t mean clumsy in flight If a dragonfly wing is used as an additional component in a spell or spell-like ability that grants a fly speed, the maneuverability of that flight speed is improved by one category: clumsy to poor; poor to average; average to good, good to perfect, for hour (or the duration of the magic granting the fly speed, whichever is shorter) If the creature’s maneuverability is already perfect, it gains no benefit from magic augmented by a dragonfly wing If the magic grants more than one creature a fly speed, 14