New races and classes present new ways to mix things up, not only by providing another template with which to craft the best representation of a character, but also by opening up more variations of options such as new feats, equipment, or methods of interaction with the world Not all of the options presented here require the use of a race or class introduced earlier In fact, while each of those mentioned receive between and different means of customization apiece, many options also exist for characters of other races and classes, and a few that aren’t tied to anything more than an idea for how to play something that doesn’t quite fit as a racial trait or a classdefining feature Feats Outside of variable class features, feats still provide the best possible way to distinguish one character of a given race or class from another The endless possibilities for new feats also make them the first place many look when combing a prospective supplement Because of this, feats require extra attention to make sure that not only they not overshadow the very features classes rely on, but that they also don’t overshadow what came before This can be difficult, but is far from impossible General Feats This section includes race and class-specific feats, including ways to gain more features, improve on their strengths, or shore up their weaknesses It also includes feats that don’t qualify for any other section and can be taken by anybody with the prerequisites and a mind to so Assassin’s Creed You won’t even see it coming Prerequisites: Dex 17 or Int 17, Stealth 16 ranks Benefit: When you score a critical hit against a creature, or you reduce a creature to or fewer hit points, you can make a Stealth check as a free action Creatures that fail to spot you treat you as invisible until the end of your next turn Call of Duty (Combat) I’m in charge here Prerequisites: Wis 17 or Cha 17, Improved Initiative, Diplomacy ranks or Perception ranks Benefit: When you roll initiative and are not flat-footed, you grant yourself and allies who can see you a morale bonus to initiative equal to the higher of your Wisdom or Charisma bonus Dark Soul You are right to fear the paths I tread Prerequisites: Con 17, Diehard, Endurance, character level 9th Benefit: When you score a critical hit against a creature, or you reduce a creature to or fewer hit points, you a gain contingent breath of life that is cast on you the next time you would die within 24 hours This effect can only occur up to once each day God of War (Combat) Rest assured, I will strike you down Prerequisites: Str 17 or Dex 17, base attack bonus +16 Benefit: When you hit a creature with an attack, you reduce the penalties to additional attacks you make against that creature this round by This reduction stacks Guitar Hero (Combat) Are you ready to rock? Prerequisites: Dex 17 or Cha 17, Perform (string instruments) ranks Benefit: When you are unarmored and unencumbered, you gain an armor bonus to your AC and touch AC equal to half your total ranks in Perform (string instruments) Hero of Might and Magic (Combat) Do not doubt my strength, for it is not only physical Prerequisites: Str 17, Int, Wis, or Cha 17, base attack bonus +13, ability to cast at least one 1st-level spell Benefit: Choose a spellcasting class Add half your base attack bonus to your caster level with that class, to a maximum of your character level Monster Hunter (Combat) This one’s mine Prerequisites: Str 17 or Int 17 Benefit: Creatures at least one size category larger than you treat you as one size category larger for the purpose of abilities and effects that rely on size You also gain a +4 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Bonus, Combat Maneuver Defense, and Escape Artist attempts against creatures at least one size category larger than you Portal Allow me to retrieve that for you Prerequisites: Int 17 or Cha 17, able to cast 8th-level spells Benefit: As long as you have at least one unused 8th-level or higher spell slot, you gain the spell-like ability to create two temporary ring gates as a standard action These gates function as the item of the same name, but they disappear after a number of rounds equal to your caster level unless you recreate them You can only have pair of ring gates created in this way at a time 105