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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 371

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The Third Stage: Outer Spawn What You See This mass of flesh the size of an elephant has numerous tentacles, insect-like legs, and a sucking proboscis intermixed with humanoid eyes, mouths, and noses stretched across its upper body CR 17 XP 102,400 CE Huge aberration Init +9; Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +31 DEFENSE AC 32, touch 14, flat-footed 26 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +18 natural, –2 size) hp 270 (20d8+180); regenerate 15 (see below) Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +20 Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 20/—; Immune disease, fire, mind-affecting effects, poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30; SR 28 Weaknesses susceptible to dimensional lock OFFENSE Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft Melee bite +24 (1d8+10 plus grab), slams +24 (1d4+10/19–20), claws +23 (2d6+10) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft Special Attacks feed, trample (4d6+15, DC 30) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +21) Constant—greater invisibility At will—bestow curse (DC 19), confusion (DC 19), death knell (DC 17), dread curse (DC 20), fear (DC 19), greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self only), hold person (DC 17), summon monster III 3/day—black tentacles, feeblemind (DC 20), fly, phantasmal killer (DC 19), summon monster V 1/day—heal, greater shout (DC 23), insanity (DC 22), power word blind, power word stun, summon monster VIII S TAT I S T I C S Str 30, Dex 21, Con 26, Int 19, Wis 26, Cha 21 Base Atk +15; CMB +27; CMD 43 364 Feats Combat Casting, Critical Focus, Dodge, Great FortitudeB, Improved Critical (slams), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (slams), Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Climb +41, Fly +24, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (any one) +27, Perception +31, Sense Motive +28, Stealth +20, Swim +33 Languages Aklo, Common SQ apotheosis ECO LO GY Environment any Organization solitary, pair, or doom (3–6) Treasure standard SPECIAL ABILITIES Apotheosis (Su) When an outer spawn reaches 100 growth points, it undergoes apotheosis If this occurs during a proper ritual performed by a cult or spellcaster that focuses the energies, the outer spawn transforms into a unique and powerful avatar of its parent Outer God Such creatures are equal in power to a Great Old One and are unique and varied in their abilities If an outer spawn achieves apotheosis when not under the effects of this eldritch ritual, it instead splits apart into dozens (1d20+40) of human-sized outer mutants equal in shape and power to the mutant the original began its life as Dread Curse (Sp) Three times per day, an outer spawn can call down the dread curse, causing coils of rippling, foaming magic to descend from above to strike foes This spell-like ability functions as unholy blight, but it affects creatures of any alignment and treats them all as good outsiders for the purpose of the spell effect The dread curse inflicts 10d6 points of damage to all creatures in the area of effect and causes them to be permanently sickened A successful DC 20 Will save halves the damage and reduces the duration of the sickened effect to 1d4 rounds This is a curse effect, and the spell-like ability functions as a 5th-level spell Feed (Ex) An outer spawn drains blood and spiritual essence via its bite At the end of its turn, if it is grappling a foe, it inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage (via the draining of blood from the victim) and 1d6 points of Wisdom damage (via siphoning spiritual energy and damaging the victim’s sanity) Whenever an outer spawn kills a creature with its feed attack, it absorbs enough nutrients and soul energy to gain a growth point Once an outer spawn earns 100 growth points, it undergoes apotheosis (see above) An outer spawn loses growth point per day, so if it doesn’t constantly feed, it will never reach apotheosis A creature killed in this way cannot be brought back to life via raise dead, but more powerful effects like resurrection still work normally

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 19:48

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