Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 350

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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 350

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IX Mythos Bestiary Death Touch (Su) Once per day as a swift action, a gnophkeh can deliver a death touch This requires a successful touch attack against a creature, who must then make a successful DC 25 Fortitude save or take 150 points of negative energy damage On a successful save, the creature instead takes 3d6+15 points of negative energy damage This negative energy cannot heal undead The save DC is Charisma-based Engrossing (Su) After a gnoph-keh successfully attracts a creature’s attention, that creature becomes subject to the gnoph-keh’s engrossing aura The effects of the aura depend on the distance between the victim and the gnoph-keh All effects of the aura require that the gnophkeh be within the victim’s field of vision, other than the 240+ ft effect 240+ ft: The victim is sickened and must make a DC 25 Fortitude save every hour or take 1d6 Constitution and 1d6 Wisdom drain 30–240 ft.: On each turn the victim spends in this zone, the victim must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or take Constitution and Wisdom drain and become sickened for turn If the victim is already sickened, the victim instead becomes nauseated If the victim is already nauseated, the victim instead becomes staggered If already staggered, the victim becomes unconscious Once a victim is knocked unconscious by this aura, the gnoph-keh typically swoops in and absconds with the victim or devours the victim, if it is hungry enough 10–30 ft.: The victim must make a DC 25 Will save on each turn spent in this area or suffer from confusion for that turn Roll twice and take the worse of the two possible results for the character For example, if one result was attack the nearest creature and the other was nothing, the victim does nothing Adjacent: The victim must make a Fortitude save on each turn spent in this zone or be nauseated and sickened for that turn Far Sight (Ex) A gnoph-keh never suffers penalties to Perception checks as a result of distance Snow Vision (Ex) A gnoph-keh can see perfectly well in snowy or blizzard conditions, and never suffers penalties to Perception checks while in snow Thoughtsense (Su) A gnoph-keh can see thoughts as a shimmering aura It gains blindsight 120 feet against creatures with an Intelligence score of or higher Unobservable Movement (Su) When a gnoph-keh moves it cannot be observed save by those whose attention it has attracted It gains the benefits of greater invisibility, silence, and pass without trace when it moves What You See This tall, white-furred entity looms in the snow like an eerie statue A pall of fear and unrest awakens in you as its small eyes seem to pierce into your soul A gnoph-keh stands between 10 and 18 feet tall and weighs up to tons When it moves, it can so on two to six limbs, depending on its need for speed or action However, it rarely allows itself to be seen moving if it can help it It prefers to simply appear suddenly A gnoph-keh psychically ensnares the mind, making it hard to look away or concentrate Observers develop worsening symptoms of illness the longer they perceive it, suffering chills, coldness, weakness, lethargy, and a desire to sleep and to stop moving Even if the victim escapes from the gnoph-keh, the creature will forever be on each observer's mind—lurking and watching, even if it is too far to be seen At great distances and over long periods, this illness can be fatal A gnophkeh seems to move closer to anyone thinking about it, although the movement is almost impossible to notice As a victim draws closer to it, the illness weakens However, a different magical attack begins to affect the victim—that of confusion The mind becomes prone to forgetting things, including who is friend and foe, but not the gnoph-keh (except at extreme close range, when the mental fog prevents most action altogether) 343

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 15:10

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